October 1995 (Vol. VIII, No. 9)

BLESSINGS be with you, friends! As we become friends with the Silence, we will begin to hear as loudly as any outer voice our own spirit calling us to soul-making, to that deep inner space seeking to be in complete harmony with the universe.

No one really knows what the soul is, but tremble forth it does and, just as mysteriously, shudders away again...The soul is the name for the unifying principle, power, or energy that is at the center of our being. To be in touch with soul means going back to the sacred source, the site of life-releasing energy, the activating force of life; to venture forth and confront the world in all its marvelous and terrifying forces, to make sacred our hours here; to learn to pay such supreme attention to the world that eternity blazes into time with our holy longing. Soul-making, this.

~ from THE SOUL OF THE WORLD, edited by Phil Cousineau
Phil Cousineau The Soul Of The World soul Buy on Amazon

Call the world if you please, "The Vale of Soul Making." Then you will find out the use of the world.

~ John Keats
John Keats soul Buy on Amazon

Fold your wings, my soul,
those wings you had spread wide
to soar to the terrestrial peaks
where the light is most ardent:
it is for you simply to wait
the descent of the Fire --
supposing it to be willing
to take possession of you.

~ from HYMN TO THE UNIVERSE by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Hymn To The Universe soul

When the energy of the soul is recognized, acknowledged, and valued, it begins to infuse the life of the personality. When the personality comes fully to serve the energy of its soul, that is authentic empowerment. This is the goal of the evolutionary process in which we are involved and the reason for our being. Every experience that you have and will have upon the Earth encourages the alignment of your personality with your soul. Every circumstance and situation gives you the opportunity to choose this path, to allow your soul to shine through you, to bring into the physical world through you its unending and unfathomable reverence for and love of life.

~ Francois Fenelon
Francois Fenelon soul Buy on Amazon

The contemplation of Eternity, maketh the Soul immortal.

~ Thomas Traherne
Thomas Traherne soul Buy on Amazon

Rather than a soul in a body, become a body in a soul.

~ Gary Zukav
Gary Zukav soul Buy on Amazon

Whoever opens their soul to the "influx of the divine" receives the revivifying experience of a higher world order. A "spiracle of eternal life" or "window on eternity" opens up and frees the soul of too narrow a view of reality.

Carl Jung Mysterium Coniuntionis soul Buy on Amazon

I call the high and light aspects of my being SPIRIT and the dark and heavy aspects SOUL. Soul is at home in the deep, shaded valleys. Heavy torpid flowers saturated with black grow there.

The rivers flow like warm syrup. They empty into huge oceans of soul. Spirit is a land of high, white peaks and glittering jewel-like lakes and flowers.

Life is sparse and sounds travel great distances. There is soul music, soul food, and soul love.

People need to climb the mountain not simply because it is there, but because the soulful divinity needs to be mated with the spirit.

~ Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
14th Dalai Lama soul Buy on Amazon

There is a force at work in the universe that guides all things. To imitate this force is called "falling in line with the Way of Heaven." It is the way of this force to yield. It is the way of this force to endure. Holding fast to the "Way," all things are accomplished by this force. The force does not strive, yet all things obey it. Mystery of mysteries, this force is the Mother of all things; mystery of mysteries, those who know it know the Eternal.

~ Laotse, found in THE SPIRITUAL ATHLETE edited by Ray Berry
Laotse The Spiritual Athlete soul Buy on Amazon

The Great Mystery is within ourselves!

Many are avidly seeking, but they alone find who remain in silence... Those who delight in a multitude of words, even though they say admirable things, are empty within. If you love truth, be a lover of silence. Silence like the sunlight will illuminate you in God and will deliver you from the phantoms of ignorance. Silence will unite your soul to God.

~ Isaac of Nineveh
Isaac of Nineveh soul Buy on Amazon

Our soul is here to perceive past the limitations of our five senses, past the limitation of the world around us.

~ Chris Griscom
Chris Griscom soul Buy on Amazon

Kay and I went to Walpi, maybe the oldest continuous inhabited village on the continent... Near a stole altar lives an ancient great-grandmother, over a hundred years old, some say. She asked us to come in. Her hands are arthritic but she is a working potter. She not only throws the pots, but paints them afterward. I asked her how she manages to do it, since her knuckles are knotted by arthritis and she is nearly blind with cataracts.

She said, "It's not my hands that make the pot, it's my spirit. My hands are broken by my potteries hold my soul, and that's whole."

~ from THE THEFT OF THE SPIRIT by Carl A. Hammerschlag
Carl A. Hammerschlag The Theft Of The Spirit soul Buy on Amazon
May the Silence in your life bring forth bountiful fruits of love, peace and beauty...
~ Unknown
Unknown soul

September 1995 (Vol. VIII, No. 8)

BLESSED BE, friends! In our expression of "Labor Day" this season, may we go into the silence and reflect on the balance and priorities of our lives in these increasingly complex times. May we allow the embracing gift of Silence to bless us with inner peace and wise counsel ... to renew our aspirations that all our Work be in the service of Love.

"Life work" means that to which one will devote one's energies. It is the world of the soul, as well as the material work done in the visible world. These categories of tasks are not separate: they are not inimical to one another any more than sweeping the temple, washing the vestments, or cleaning and arranging the altar are inimical to the act of prayer. On the contrary, these tasks are prayer. They are the work of the soul in that they provide a suitable atmosphere for the cultivation of a contemplative and receptive attitude.

June Singer Seeing Through The Visible World work Buy on Amazon

Learning how to put your gifts and your power to work in the most positive manner is what it is all about right now. Many people are just existing, until one day they wake up and find out who they are... We are here on Earth because this is where people have all the possibilities for growing to their fullest potential. As you awaken to another level of consciousness, you will be able to reach out and be a beneficial presence to other people.

~ from BLACK DAWN, BRIGHT DAY by Sun Bear
Sun Bear Black Dawn, Bright Day work Buy on Amazon

It is within my power either to serve God, or not to serve. Serving, I add to my own good and the good of the whole world. Not serving, I forfeit my own good and deprive the world of that good, which was in my power to create.

~ Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy work Buy on Amazon

This is the secret. You must step back, separate yourself from your everyday thoughts and habitual gestures: look at them. It is patient work, like the work of the watchmaker who observes the spirals and gears under the lens, cleans and calibrates. The secret is to retreat deep into oneself until one encounters an almost imperceptible vibration, which then becomes more and more evident, a silent, separate, calm vibration. Those who anchor themselves in this possess serenity all day long.

~ from THE ENTRONAUTS by Piero Scanziani
Piero Scanziani Entronauts work Buy on Amazon

The more we receive in silent prayer, the more we can give in our active life.

~ Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa work Buy on Amazon

In an Indian village everything is related to the sacred and nothing is done without some sacrifice... If we are building a house, a hermitage or any other building, the craftsmen will come along and the first thing they will do is choose an auspicious day and hour. When the time comes for work to begin, they are all there for the blessing, ready to consecrate their work. They will not begin any work without that. When the work is coming to its fulfillment, ... there is another blessing because we can neither begin nor complete our work without God... The builder also relates to the cosmos. Building is a total act and therefore, it is totally consecrated.

~ from RIVER OF COMPASSION by Bede Griffiths
Bede Griffiths River Of Compassion work Buy on Amazon

There are some things that require no work... You don't have to work to achieve a silent mind; you don't have to work to find the old wounds. All these things are a given, once they are uncovered. The uncovering begins wherever you are now, but its goal is always the same -- the revelation of wholeness that unites body, mind and Spirit as one.

~ from JOURNEY INTO HEALING by Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra Journey Into Healing work Buy on Amazon
Our work is the love of God. Our satisfaction lies in submission to the Divine Embrace.
~ Ruysbroeck
Ruysbroeck work Buy on Amazon

Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art.

~ Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci work Buy on Amazon

We must begin where we are. For many people the heavy responsibilities of home and family and earning a living absorb all their time and strength. Yet such a home -- where love is -- may be a light shining in a dark place, a silent witness to the reality and the love of God. We must begin where we are, but once we have put ourselves and our lives into God's hands to be used when and where God wills, we must be on the alert, peacefully busy, but inwardly watching for signs of the will of God in the ordinary setting of our lives. To ears which have been trained to wait upon God in silence, and in the quietness of meditation and prayer, a very small incident, or a word, may prove to be a turning-point in our lives, and a new opening for God's love to enter our world, to create and redeem.

~ from PRAYER by Olive Wyon
Olive Wyon Prayer work Buy on Amazon

The source of loving service for others is a heart that is aware, sensitive and conscious of one's own feelings and the feelings of others -- this is the goal of meditation.

~ from CHANGING THE WORLD WITHIN by Joseph A. Grassi
Joseph A. Grassi Changing The World Within work Buy on Amazon

My mind is still; my ego has been set at rest. The peace in my heart matches the peace at the heart of nature... No longer am I a feverish fragment of life; I am indivisible from the Whole. I live completely in the present, released from the prison of the past with its haunting memories and vain regrets; released from the prison of the future with its tantalizing hopes and tormenting fears. All the enormous capacities formerly trapped in past and future flow to me here and now, concentrated in the hollow of my palm. No longer driven by the desire for personal pleasure or profit, I am free to use all these capacities to alleviate the suffering of those around me. In living for others I come to life.

~ from CLIMBING THE BLUE MOUNTAIN by Eknath Easwaran
Eknath Easwaran Climbing The Blue Mountain work Buy on Amazon

Unless we are rooted in God, and rooted in the only sure way of listening to God -- namely, silence -- then we are doomed to spend our lives standing at the window of life and watching the world go by... It strikes me that most of the first part of our lives is spent filling our heads with information. The last part -- and the most important part -- is spent emptying our heads of all the trivia so that our hearts may be free to learn wisdom -- in silence.

Kieran M. Kay Common Bushes Afire With God work Buy on Amazon
Better a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after wind.
~ Unknown
Unknown work

It came as no great revelation or dramatic insight. Just a simple reminder that I chose my responsibilities and that behind each of them is love. They are not burdens or chores; they are expressions of love. When I am not caught up in anxiety, I enjoy the activities they require. And of all my chosen tasks and commitments, those that bring the greatest challenges, frustrations, joy and satisfaction are those that are born of my deepest love, my love for those who depend on my labor.

~ from FLAT ROCK JOURNAL by Ken Carey
Ken Carey Flat Rock Journal work Buy on Amazon

July-August 1995 (Vol. VIII, No. 7)

BLESSINGS, beloved friends! May you find time these summer days to dive within your own heart, and there, to discover the Mystery and to listen for the Voice of the Silence. For, you are the sanctuaries of the Living Spirit!

This is called the Temple of Silence, the Place of Power; for when we reach the place of silence in mind, we have reached the place of power -- the place where all is one, the one power -- God... Only as we turn from the without to the silence of the within can we hope to make conscious union with God... God does not speak so much in the fire, the earthquake, or the great wind, as in the still, small voice -- the still, small voice deep in our own souls.

Baird T. Spalding Life And Teaching Of The Masters Of The East self Buy on Amazon

I found my inner silence, the silence that emanates from the center of the self. I felt it for the first time as something perceptible and real... I felt all shining like a mirror. I had the sense of eternity in space and time. I felt "washed" and clean, whole and at the same time without boundaries, as if universal life had entered me and my heart was beating in unison with its rhythm. But most of all I knew that this was more than just a state of mind. It was a way of living and being and of relating to others.

~ from IN WHAT WE MAY BE by Piero Ferrucci
Piero Ferrucci In What We May Be self Buy on Amazon

What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.

~ Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau, Jean Valjean Buy on Amazon

To realize that we are one with the Creator, as Beethoven did, is a wonderful and awe-inspiring experience. Very few human beings ever come into that realization and that is why there are so few great composers or creative geniuses in any line of human endeavor. I always contemplate all this before commencing to compose... Spirit is the creative energy of the Cosmos. Our soul is not conscious of its power until it is enlightened by the Spirit. Therefore, to evolve and grow, we must learn how to use and develop our own soul forces... The real genius draws on the Infinite Source of Wisdom and Power.

~ from TALKS WITH GREAT COMPOSERS by Arthur M. Abell with thanks to Ray Berry
Arthur M. Abell Talks With Great Composers self Buy on Amazon

The shift to spiritual dependency is a gradual one... With each day we become more true to ourselves, more open to the positive. To our surprise, this seems to be working in our human relationships. We find we are able to tell more of our truth, hear more of other people's truth, and encompass a far more kindly attitude toward both... Dependence on the creator within is really freedom from all other dependencies.

~ from THE ARTIST'S WAY by Julia Cameron
Julia Cameron The Artist's Way self Buy on Amazon

Each day, I remind myself that we are not here to control the environment, but to learn the lessons of humility and surrender. When I am capable of that, my life takes on a wholly different meaning. I no longer feel so small and separate. It is as though I am being held by a power that is both infinitely great and infinitely tender. My love does not exist in isolation; rather it is supported and enriched by my love for this world. This kind of trust is not something of our own creation; it comes to us in a moment of extraordinary grace.

~ from A PASSION FOR THIS EARTH by Valerie Andrews
Valerie Andrews A Passion For This Earth self Buy on Amazon

We come to a clear, shallow river in the forest. It is quiet here except for singing birds and the sound of the moving water. Don Adrian speaks:

For many sons you have walked across the lands of my ancestors, and in all your experiences, you have seen how everything has two sides, just like this river. To see life in terms of good and bad limits our ability to create and be whole. Embracing polarity is necessary to bring about creation. Like the river, we could not exist without polarity. Were it not for darkness, would we still seek the light? Were is not for shade, would we not get burned? Find the gift that each side has to offer. Let those gifts be married within you. Free yourself of judgment. Become like the river.

Jim Berenholtz, Jean Valjean Journey To The Four Directions Buy on Amazon

Have you ever, as a small child, wandered farther from home than you meant to or were aware of until you found yourself in a place where you had never been before? All at once you realize that YOU are in this strange place. Stock still, not breathing so you can listen, you stare at grey rocks with whorls of lichen on them like faces, tree-roots like snakes, the tress themselves heavy with leaves and silent. Your heart comes into your throat. Quietly, very quietly, you get back onto the path, then you take to your toes for all you are worth. This may have been the first experience of panic fear ... but you met someone there: you met yourself.

~ from "Landscape Inside" by Neil Gunn in A CELEBRATION OF THE LIGHT by John Burns
Neil Gunn, Jean Valjean A Celebration Of The Light Buy on Amazon

Along the way I stop to see
If I can find the why of me
The "who am I" that's deep inside
The real me that tries to hide
But out I peek so you can glimpse
Now and again, just by chance
The curtain slips, defenses down
And for a moment, there I am
The who, the how, the why of me
To all but God, a mystery.

~ Ronna Herman
Ronna Herman, Jean Valjean Buy on Amazon

The more deeply one studies the inner workings of life, the more wonderful and expansive they become.

~ Benjamin Franklin
Jean Valjean, Benjamin Franklin self Buy on Amazon

Source of All, act within my being that I may act in accordance with Thine.

~ Unknown
Unknown self

June 1995 (Vol. VIII, No. 6)

BLESSED BE, friends! May Beauty ever radiate through your lives!

I carry the remembrance of the vibrant Life that breaks through the veil of this global village unexpectedly from time to time. And in those moments that joyful wound, that "terrible Beauty", is a balm for my soul. I remember and am assured of my sanity. I know again that all life is sacred and vibrates in shimmering Beauty. Only my density -- those concrete walls that were slowly and carefully constructed -- keeps me prisoner and in ferment. Ah, sweet Spirit, touch my wound of illusory separation that I might pour forth its joy to our broken, alienated world! Let me not be traitor to your hidden Presence within me by hiding the Light and Love in buildings constructed by hands or in a heart of stone.

If there is a light in the soul,
There will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person,
There will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house,
There will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.

~ Chinese proverb
Chinese Proverb beauty

Purity is the power to see the beautiful in all things and in all functions of life, and to glorify all actions by the spirit of unselfishness.

~ Justin Moreward Haig
Justin Moreward Haig beauty Buy on Amazon

I was looking at the peach tree in blossom, and then I suddenly felt that it was not just the tree that was beautiful, but LIVING BEAUTY seemed to be coming through it, and it was in touch with me. It was an intensely personal contact, and it was like some BEING was communicating with me in a wordless way. It was like meeting some very special person who had an extraordinary effect on me. This eternity, I felt, was seeking itself through the activity of innumerable forms of life -- through nature, as with a flower or spider weaving a web, or through a human being creating a work of art, so that the same life would express itself through me... I was flooded by an overwhelming sense of harmony. In a flash countless aspects of beauty were revealed to me which I had never realized before.

~ from WHAT WE MAY BE by Piero Ferrucci
Piero Ferrucci What We May Be beauty Buy on Amazon

Free the mind from the domination of time and everything takes on a curious beauty. Experience then seems to exist for its own sake with a flavor and a color and a fragrance it had not before. The scene is no longer blurred and streaming away from us, broken by an anxious heart.

~ from the diary of James Fitzgerald
James Fitzgerald beauty Buy on Amazon

BEAUTY can be found in birth and also in dying. If we know how to live, we will also know how to die. Living in beauty means dying in beauty. The deepest way to be alive and the deepest way to die are the same -- doing so in harmony with everyone and everything, in the true spirit of interbeing. The moment we do this, ideas of self and nonself, life and death, vanish, and we experience joy, equanimity and non-fear.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh beauty Buy on Amazon

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.

~ Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein beauty Buy on Amazon
Beauty in things exist in the mind which contemplates them.
~ David Hume
David Hume beauty Buy on Amazon

I found myself wondering how far she could ultimately journey in her art if she remained self-centered and not God-centered. To be centered entirely on the self is inevitably to be limited in one's range; to be centered on God, aligning one's own self with the power of the Creator is to be open to the spiritual range of all humanity, to be in touch with the eternal, not merely the ephemeral. She was a fine artist, but with her narrowed vision she risked failing to reach her full potential -- or was she, in her preoccupation with beauty and truth, not so far from being God-centered as I in my arrogance supposed?

~ from ABSOLUTE TRUTHS by Susan Howatch
Susan Howatch Absolute Truths beauty Buy on Amazon

Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise
From outward things, what'ere you may believe.
There is an inmost centre in us all,
Where truth abides in fulness; and around,
Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in,
This perfect, clear perception -- which is truth ...
and to KNOW,
Rather consists in opening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape,
Than in effecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without.

~ from "Paracelsus" by Robert Browning with thanks to John Bryan
Robert Browning Paracelsus beauty Buy on Amazon

Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise
From outward things, what'ere you may believe.
There is an inmost centre in us all,
Where truth abides in fulness; and around,
Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in,
This perfect, clear perception -- which is truth ...
and to KNOW,
Rather consists in opening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape,
Than in effecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without.

~ from "Paracelsus" by Robert Browning with thanks to John Bryan
Robert Browning Paracelsus beauty Buy on Amazon

The principles of tea Rikyu (the most revered Japanese master, 16th century) set forth are harmony, respect, purity and tranquility. Harmony is the oneness of host and guest with the flowing rhythms of nature ... Respect is the sincerity of heart that allows one to have an open relationship with the other participants, humbly recognizing their dignity ... Purity is removing the dust of the world from one's heart and mind ... Tranquility comes with the constant practice of harmony, respect, and purity in everyday life. In this state of mind, having found peace and beauty within oneself, a bowl of tea can truly be shared with another.

~ Soshiten Sen
Soshiten Sen beauty

BEAUTY is love's contemplation of itself.

~ Unknown
Unknown beauty

Now Talking God,
With your feet I walk,
I walk with your limbs,
I carry forth your body,
For me your mind thinks,
Your voice speaks for me.
Beauty is before me
And beauty behind me,
Above and below me hovers the beautiful,
I am surrounded by it,
I am immersed in it.
In my youth I am aware of it,
And in old age
I shall walk quietly
the beautiful trail.

~ a Navajo benedictory chant
Navajo Benedictory Chant beauty

Forget the world for a time and
Come into the Beauty and Silence of God ...

~ Unknown
Unknown beauty

May 1995 (Vol. VIII, No. 5)

GREETINGS, dear friends, and BLESSINGS be yours. A CALL to silence, a meditation network for peace and healing of our world, invites people of all traditions, cultures and religions to participate in a week of reverencing the Silence -- May 7-11th. For, at the heart of silence there is peace, there is our essential being, there is the Holy One. This silence of love, trust, friendship and mutual respect bonds us together. Friends, in the Silence, may we offer ourselves as bearers of peace.

God longs for God
and uses us,
rises in us ...
becomes in us.
Let us rise simply.
a quiet dough.

~ from "The Second Rising" by Gunella Norris
Gunella Norris The Second Rising silence Buy on Amazon

God is the friend of silence. See how Nature -- trees, flowers, and grass -- grow in stillness; how stars, moon, and sun run their course in silence. The more we receive through quiet prayer, the more we can give in the activity of our daily lives. In essence, it is not what WE say, but what GOD says in us and through us. All our words are useless if they do not come from within.

~ Mother Theresa
Mother Theresa silence Buy on Amazon

What a strange power there is in silence. How many resolutions are formed, how many sublime conquests effected, during that pause when lips are closed and the soul secretly feels the eye of her Maker upon her.

Ralph Waldo Emerson silence Buy on Amazon

At the heart of ministry is the Silence... Contemplating words or images or imaginings is at least one step removed from the direct experience of God. For as Alan Watts liked to say, "If you find a thousand names for God you will not have God, you will only have a list of names." To contemplate God rather than images about God one can only go humbly, empty of thought and self, into the presence of God -- into the Silence. It is out of the Silence that we love, act, speak if we do so with true spiritual integrity.

~ Paul W. Mikels
Paul W. Mikels silence

Silence is the sea which best bears up our prayers. Silence creates possibility -- the possibility of hearing. What we learn to do in silence is to create within ourselves silence, to create within ourselves emptiness, to brush aside all words, all concepts, all feelings, all fantasies, all anxieties, all ambition -- gently to brush away all these things that seem so important -- to let them go and to empty ourselves so that if the word is spoken we may hear it, and if the song is sung, we may attend.

In silence we do not try to be anything or anyone ... we give up trying to be, and simply are -- we become being -- or, to put it another way, we must become nothing in order that we may once again become that which we truly are.

~ Carl Scovel with thanks to William Krusell
Carl Scovel silence Buy on Amazon

Corbett sat there, looking up at me. His tears had dried and his quiet smile said everything words could not. Words? We had come for his gift of words. There was so much we wanted to hear, so much he could tell us. But words were something irrelevant now. A deeper communication was taking place. He had given us the blessing of his presence, and no greater gift can be imagined.

~ from WISDOMKEEPERS by Leon Shenandoah
Leon Shenandoah Wisdomkeepers silence Buy on Amazon

There is a powerful stage of spiritual growth where longing for the Friend, the Beloved, is a consuming passion, a burning. And there is another place where personal longing for God gets pushed over into a vast Silence.

~ Coleman Barks
Coleman Barks silence Buy on Amazon

The power of silence should not be underestimated. Nor should the power of words. Language shapes silence; it give silence rhythm, pitch and texture. When words become embodied in beings, they become the ornaments and reminders of silence. Silence is the ground. Language and words bring "things" into "being" out of the emptiness. What carries the Word is breath. Words are Spirit transmuted into substance... Without holy speech, the boundaries of the world shrink, and humans are left in a wasteland outside the web of great nature. Without silence, we cannot hear the voices of all beings.

~ from THE FRUITFUL DARKNESS by Joan Halifax
Joan Halifax The Fruitful Darkness silence Buy on Amazon

Many are avidly seeking but they alone find who remain in continual silence... Those who delight in a multitude of words, even though they say admirable things, are empty within. If you love truth, be a lover of silence. Silence like the sunlight will illuminate you in God and will deliver you from the phantoms of ignorance. Silence will unite you to God... More than all things, love silence; it brings you a fruit that tongue cannot describe. In the beginning we have to force ourselves to be silent. But then there is born something that draws us to silence... If you only practice this, untold light will dawn on you in consequence. After a while a certain sweetness is born in the heart of this exercise and the body is drawn almost by force to remain in silence.

~ Isaac of Ninevah
Isaac of Ninevah silence Buy on Amazon

Genuine silence may proclaim that truth is not in the last analysis an idea or a proposition but a reality greater than any argument or matter of speech.

It was said that Abba Agathon lived for three years carrying a stone in his mouth until he had learned to keep silence.

Listen to the silence, for the silence is alive. It speaks through the darkness with a whisper.

~ Unknown
Unknown silence

Close your eyes and you will see clearly
Cease to listen and you will hear truth
Be silent and your heart will sing
Seek no contact and you will find union
Be still and you will move forward
on the tide of spirit.
Be gentle and you will need no strength
Be patient and you will achieve all things
Be humble and you will remain entire.

~ from THE BOOK OF RUNES with thanks to Anne Strader
The Book Of Runes silence Buy on Amazon

Silence which is accompanied by interior peace is indeed at the heart of some of our deepest encounters.

~ Unknown
Unknown silence

April 1995 (Vol. VIII, No. 4)

BLESSINGS, friends, in this new season! Spring invites us to renewal, to be born anew into the wholeness of our potential. Spring calls us to touch the Earth ... to awaken to Nature's budding grandeur ... to become silent enough to hear seeds bursting, bird symphony and our own inner aspirations.

Grandfather continued, "Beyond the island of ego, the prison, lies the world of the spirit-that-moves-in-all-things, the force that is found in all things. It is a world that communicates to all entities of Creation and touches the Creator ... a world that expands our universe and helps us fuse ourselves to the earth... There is a bridge, which I call the 'Sacred Silence', that not only brings one to the ultimate purity of the spiritual mind and opens a clear communication, but also transports one to those worlds beyond the island of flesh... The pure mind is a common truth to all philosophies and religions, so the Sacred Silence, is found in all philosophies, though it is called by another name. That name is meditation.

~ from AWAKENING SPIRITS by Tom Brown Jr.
Tom Brown Jr. Awakening Spirits nature Buy on Amazon

What struck me most was the silence. It was a great silence, unlike any I have ever encountered on Earth, so vast and deep that I began to hear my own body... There were more stars in the sky than I expected. The sky was deep black, yet at the same time bright with sunlight. The Earth was small, light blue, and so touchingly alone, our home that must be defended like a holy relic.

~ Cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov
Aleksei Leonov nature

It is time to touch the Silence, to become one with nature and other people. When we go into the Silence, we learn to hear the rhythm of the great Mystery, the heartbeat of Earth. Going into the Silence, we learn to be alone with our thoughts:

To hear the Silence
To listen and to see the Silence
To listen and to taste the Silence
And, with closed eyes, to feel the Silence.

It is in quiet moments that we find our heartbeats. When we let go and search the dark warmth of our silence, we feel the rhythmic beat of the Earth vibrating, flowing toward us.

Eclipse The Moon In Hand nature Buy on Amazon

My heart leaps out of my mouth at the sound of the winds in the woods. I, whose life was but yesterday so desultory and shallow, suddenly recover my spirits, my spirituality, through my hearing... Ah! if I could so live that there would be no desultory moments ... I would walk, I would sit and sleep, with natural piety. What if I could pray aloud, or to myself, as I went along by the brookside, a cheerful prayer, like the birds! And then, to think of those I love, who will know that I love them, though I tell them not ... I thank you, God. I do not deserve anything ... and yet the world is gilded for my delight ... my path is strewn with flowers... O keep my senses pure!

~ Thoreau, in THE SPIRITUAL ATHLETE edited by Ray Berry
Ray Berry The Spiritual Athlete nature Buy on Amazon
May the music of nature sing to you

softly in the whispering of the wind ...
sweetly in the melodies of the songbird ...
peacefully in the rustling of the leaves ... and,
lovingly in ways that touch your heart.

In the country it seems as if every tree said to me "Holy! Holy!"
Who can give complete expression to the ecstasy of the woods!
O, the sweet stillness of the woods!
~ Beethoven
Beethoven nature Buy on Amazon

A chief must never forget the Creator, never forget to ask for help. The Creator will guide our thoughts and strengthen us as we work to be faithful to our sacred trust and restore harmony among all peoples, all living creatures, and Mother Earth. We were instructed to carry a love for one another and to show great respect for all the beings of this earth. In our ways, spiritual consciousness is the highest form of politics. When people cease to respect and express gratitude for these many things, then all life will be destroyed... These are our times and our responsibilities. Every human being has a sacred duty to protect the welfare of our Mother Earth, from whom all life comes. In order to do this, we must recognize the enemy -- the one within us. We must begin with ourselves.

~ Leon Shenandoah, in WISDOM KEEPERS by Steve Wall and Harvey Arden
Harvey Arden, Leon Shenandoah, Steve Wall Wisdom Keepers nature Buy on Amazon

I walked out onto a dock in the Gulf of Mexico. I ceased to exist. I experienced being a part of the sea breeze, the movement of the water and the fish, the light rays cast by the sun, the colors of the palms and tropical flowers. I had no sense of past or future. It was not a particularly blissful experience; it was terrifying. It was the kind of ecstatic experience I'd invested a lot of energy in avoiding. I did not experience myself as the SAME as the water, the wind, and the light, but as participating with them in the SAME SYSTEM of movement. We were all dancing together.

~ from THE PROTEAN BODY by Don Johnson
Don Johnson The Protean Body nature Buy on Amazon

I part the out thrusting branches
and come in beneath
the blessed and the blessing trees.
Though I am silent
there is singing around me.
Though I am dark
there is vision around me.
Though I am heavy
there is flight around me.

~ "Woods" by Wendell Berry
Wendell Berry Woods nature Buy on Amazon
~ Unknown
Unknown nature

In the point of rest at the center of our being, we encounter a world where all things are at rest in the same way. Then a tree becomes a mystery, a cloud a revelation, each person a cosmos of whose riches we can only catch glimpses. The life of simplicity is simple, but it opens to us a book in which we never get beyond the first syllable.

~ Dag Hammarskjold
Dag Hammarskjold nature Buy on Amazon

Nature is your friend; cherish her reverently in your silent moments, and she will bless you in secret.

~ Paul Brunton
Paul Brunton nature Buy on Amazon

Each soul must meet the morning sun,
the new sweet Earth and the Great Silence alone.

~ Ohiyesa
Ohiyesa nature Buy on Amazon

March 1995 (Vol. VIII, No. 3)

HEARTFELT GREETINGS and BLESSINGS, friends! May you ever be faithful to the truth that dwells within you. May you be ever guided and strengthened as you aspire to fulfill your purpose on Earth.

The movement of God's Spirit is very gentle, very soft -- and hidden. It does not seek attention. But that movement is also very persistent, strong and deep. It changes our hearts radically. The faithful discipline of prayers reveals to you that you are the blessed one and gives you the power to bless others.

~ from THE ESSENTIAL HENRI NOUWEN by Henri Nouwen and Robert A. Jonas
Henri Nouwen, Robert A. Jonas The Essential Henri Nouwen truth Buy on Amazon

I believe that Spirit is one and is everywhere present. That it never leaves me. That in my ignorance I may withdraw from it, but I can realize its presence the instant I return to my senses... My faith is tested many times a day, and more times than I'd like to confess, I'm unable to keep the banner for faith aloft... I begin to doubt God and God's love. I fall so miserably into the chasm of disbelief that I cry out in despair. Then the Spirit lifts me up again, and once more I am secured in faith. I don't know how it happens, save when I cry out earnestly I am answered immediately and am returned to faithfulness. I am once again filled with Spirit and firmly planted on solid ground.

Maya Angelou Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now truth Buy on Amazon

Stand firm in what you yourself believe. Hold to your own conviction of the Truth above any other source... The truth that is YOUR truth is written on the scrolls of your heart, for there too abides the Living God. Seek only to LIVE that truth, to hold your own light high so that those who grope in darkness may see, and to tread the path that you believe your life has set before you. If you remain true to yourself, if you believe in the right, and if you place your hand into the hand of God, then no evil, no lasting sorrow, and no permanent pain will ever befall you.

~ from SEASONS OF THE SPIRIT by Hilarion
Hilarion Seasons Of The Spirit truth Buy on Amazon

To be in harmony does not mean that upheaval and upset don't occur, but that their very occurrence is used, fully used, as a gift of purification that leaves one in a deeper harmony with the dictates of one's core of being. Implicit in this is trust, open-eyed trust... True trust obeys no moral code, however archaistic. It is but the unexploitable, awakened faith of one who has left the promises of the mind for the already-present glory of their heartland. It is a joy, a fertile brilliance, a holy renewal, a yes that has room for every no, a yes both paradoxical and devastatingly simple, a yes wherein the elements dance and die, a yes aflame with the transcendence of blame, a yes already alive in you.

~ from THE WAY OF THE LOVER by Robert Augustus Masters
Robert Augustus Masters The Way Of The Lover truth Buy on Amazon

Only the Spirit of the Holy One can impart to the human spirit the knowledge of the holy. Yet as electric power flows only through a conductor, so the Spirit flows through Truth and must find some measure of Truth in the mind before It can illuminate the heart. Faith wakes at the voice of truth but responds to no other sound... Still, there must be humble penitence in the heart before Truth can produce faith.

A. W. Tozer The Knowledge Of The Holy truth Buy on Amazon
Faith that comes from spiritual knowledge is rooted in the Silence of the heart.
~ Unknown
Unknown truth

Faith is the prayer of words unsaid,
The tear that falls upon the bed.
Faith is the hope of one "Amen",
The will that trusts and tries again.
Faith is the day made fresh and new
When evening draught absorbs the dew.
Faith is the thought that lifts to bless
The One beyond the arms' caress.
Faith is the sky that leaves its gray
To welcome in a sunny day.
Faith, in a moment, dares the thing
The heart petitions God to bring.

~ Roxie L. Smith
Roxie L. Smith truth

Agape is the love that consumes ... in one form: enthusiasm. For the ancients, enthusiasm meant trance, or ecstasy -- a connection with God. Enthusiasm is agape directed at a particular idea or a specific thing. We have all experienced it. When we love and believe from the bottom of our heart, we feel ourselves to be stronger than anyone in the world, and we feel a serenity that is based on certainty that nothing can shake our faith. This unusual strength allows us always to make the right decision at the right time, and when we achieve our goal, we are amazed at our own capabilities... We blame the world for our boredom and for our losses, and we forget that it was we ourselves who allowed this enchanting power to diminish -- the manifestation of agape in the form of enthusiasm.

~ from THE DIARY OF A MAGUS by Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho The Diary Of A Magus truth Buy on Amazon

No coward soul is mine,
No trembles in the world's
storm-troubled sphere;
I see Heaven's glories shine,
And faith shines equal,
arming me from fear.

~ Emily Bronte
Emily Bronte truth Buy on Amazon

Becky and Ephraim's youngest child, Annie, was born with a severe physical handicap. "Annie ... Annie", they squealed as everyone in the family touched and hugged her, never treating her as a hothouse flower, always as a normal healthy child. It was a laying-on-of-hands, a healing going on every moment.

I wasn't sure I could have stayed focused on the joy, but Becky was also realistic, understanding that something could go wrong and "Annie might be taken away from us." For now, God has given them a gift. Annie was their Treasure, their miracle.

~ from PLAIN AND SIMPLE by Sue Bender
Sue Bender Plain And Simple truth Buy on Amazon

I nourish my spiritual life, for therein lie my anchor. My understanding deepens; my faith that life has meaning grows.

~ Unknown
Unknown truth

February 1995 (Vol. VIII, No. 2)

BLESSINGS! May Love grace your life and may Love guide your way!

Divine Communion begins when YOU love. Then not only are you connected to love, but you are love. The way by which we commune with God is by being love.

~ Franklin Albert Jones
Franklin Albert Jones love Buy on Amazon

There is a desire beneath all surface desire. It is this primary desire that you must uncover and fulfill. When in deepest silence, ask yourself: what is my deepest desire? You will inevitably discover one answer, and one alone. Your deepest desire is to unite your will with God's will. Your deepest desire is union with God... Your deepest desire is to be a co-creator in the image of God. No other desire will fulfill your potential. All other desires are symptoms of the fundamental desire for union with God.

~ from THE REVELATION: OUR CRISIS IS A BIRTH by Barbara Marx Hubbard
Barbara Marx Hubbard The Revelation love Buy on Amazon

When I first began to enter the Silence, it felt like an alien atmosphere filled with menacing voices, capricious thoughts, uncomfortable feelings. But as the days and weeks passed, the Silence became a welcoming friend, a presence like the warmth of a fire in which I encountered the Divine Lover of my soul and experienced my Self as God's Beloved.

~ Linda Douty
Linda Douty love Buy on Amazon
If you want to live, die in Love.
~ Rumi
Rumi love Buy on Amazon

Love is a yearning on the part of one human being for another. In contemplative prayer one human being yearns for a love relationship, and ultimately a union with the infinite God. It is the quintessential joining of hearts and minds that fulfills the ultimate longings of the human being for infinite love. It begins when one recognizes a deeply felt longing for God, a longing that stirs out of the darkest recesses of one's being and is expressed at times with a sigh that involves the whole body. It calls for undivided attention to the Beloved so yearned for, to the point of setting aside all thoughts about anything else, even holy and comforting reflection and words. It is total dedication to the Beloved alone.

~ from WATER IN THE WILDERNESS by Francis W. Vanderwall
Francis W. Vanderwall Water In The Wilderness love Buy on Amazon

We seem to sense that -- whether we conceive it as a divine being or as cosmic energy -- the Spirit working upon and within all creation is shaping it into order, harmony, and beauty, uniting all beings (some willing, but the majority as yet blind and rebellious) with each other through links of love, achieving -- slowly and silently, but powerfully and irresistibly -- the Supreme Synthesis.

~ from THE ACT OF WILL by Assagioli
Assagioli The Act Of Will love Buy on Amazon

As I walked I heard her voice say:

As you awaken, all those you love awaken a little with you. All through you love are linked by that love, are on the same spiral, rising.

My heart filled with joy, for I knew in that moment that no awakening can be personal or selfish. Every awakening spreads its power and light throughout the world.

~ from HIDDEN JOURNEY by Andrew Harvey
Andrew Harvey Hidden Journey love Buy on Amazon

There are some things that we simply must wait in silence to receive. We live our questions and wait for the knowing to happen. Like the tree, we wait for the sap to rise.

~ from WHEN THE HEART WAITS by Sue Monk Kidd
Sue Monk Kidd When The Heart Waits love Buy on Amazon

Think what it would mean if you could love everybody -- not because all persons in the world are so attractive and lovable that they awaken your love, but because an ever-present consciousness of Love exists within yourself and, like the sun, rays out in all directions on the "just and the unjust" alike... Those who have attained Love-Consciousness carry Love and Joy around with them wherever they go, for it is withIN themselves instead of withOUT. Enter where they may, they find an atmosphere of Love, because it is they who bring that atmosphere... Love beautified everything.

Cyril Scott The Initiate In The New World love Buy on Amazon

God, unto whom all hearts are open, unto whom all will
is spoken, unto whom nothing is hidden,
I beseech Thee to cleanse the intent of my heart
with the unspeakable gift of Thy grace that
I may perfectly love Thee and worthily praise Thee.

~ from "Naked Intent of the Soul" by Reshad Feild
Reshad Feild Naked Intent Of The Soul love Buy on Amazon

When a person is angry with another person, that person is removed from their heart. That's why the physical reaction is to shout. The greater the distance, the louder the shouting. But when individuals are in love, they speak softly, and when they are further in love, no words are needed.

~ Meher Baba
Meher Baba love Buy on Amazon

To be a world server is to be a lover. It means that you love the truth behind appearances. The full force of evolution is behind every act of love and infuses us as we live our deepest intentions. Love is the point of power within each of us where our God-self and our human-self fuse. There all polarizations vanish. Matter is perceived as Spirit revealed, the created is seen as the extension of the Creator. And change is understood to be the alchemical process through which God takes our divided self and makes of it a sacred whole.

~ from WHERE TWO WORLDS TOUCH by Gloria D. Karpinski
Gloria D. Karpinski Where Two Worlds Touch love Buy on Amazon

Great Spirit of love, we only pray to become more aware of Thy glory; that our light may grow more bright, more steady, so that others travelling along life's journey may see the light, and be welcomed to the simple home of love which we would build for all the wayfarers on the path of life. Amen.

~ from SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT 4 by White Eagle
White Eagle Spiritual Unfoldment 4 love Buy on Amazon
The only requisite necessary is for each one to be willing to let God come forth.
~ Baird T. Spalding
Baird T. Spalding love Buy on Amazon

January 1995 (Vol. VIII, No. 1)

GREETINGS and warm wishes, friends! May blessings be with you in this new year! May you be opened to all that is germinating within you ...

Eliminate something superfluous from your life.
Break a habit.
Do something that makes you feel insecure.
Carry out an action with complete attention and
intensity as if it were your last.

~ Piero Ferrucci
Piero Ferrucci contemplation Buy on Amazon

There comes a Time when, on one hand a vague Awakening stirs the soul, the consciousness of a Higher Law ... and the sufferings we endure from the contradictions of life, compel us to renounce the social order and to adapt the New. And this time has now arrived.

~ Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy contemplation Buy on Amazon

Awareness, like grace itself, is always freely being offered -- but it is a living and sensitive thing. It does not take kindly to being ignored or abused. If one does not pay attention to the presence of the holy in the very midst of daily life, it simply withdraws (or, more accurately, we discover that we have withdrawn ourselves from it!); and it may be a long and weary time before we find again that particular facet of Truth which would have been such a great help to the very next stage of our journeys.

~ from ENCOUNTERS AT BETHLEHEM by Jean Jones Andersen
Jean Jones Andersen Encounters At Bethlehem contemplation Buy on Amazon

How shall the mighty river
reach the tiny seed?
See it rise silently
to the sun's yearning,
sail from a winter's cloud
flake after silent flake
piling up layer upon layer
until the thaw of spring
to meet the seedling's need.

Make tender, my heart:
release through gentleness
Thine own tremendous power
hid in the snowflake's art.

~ "Transmutation" by Antoinette Adam
Antoinette Adam Transmutation contemplation Buy on Amazon

A deep way of learning to pray is to try to live in the presence of God. We try in a relaxed way to become aware of the Divine Presence during our waking hours. We need the grace of quiet concentration and perseverance to develop this disposition. Gradually, awareness of God's presence becomes an underlying theme of our life, an undercurrent of our stream of consciousness that never leaves us totally. This silent orientation is more spiritual and less bound to images than other kinds of prayer... We try in inner quiet to grow in living faith in the conviction that Divine Love is alive and at work deep within us.

~ from COMMITMENT by Susan Muto and Adrian van Kaam
Adrian van Kaam, Susan Muto Commitment contemplation Buy on Amazon

Existential prayer is one form of mystical contemplation. It is the prayer of just being. It has few words; and perhaps it has no images at all. In this prayer I just AM -- like the flower of the field or the birds of the air; and by just being I give glory to God.

~ from BEING IN LOVE by William Johnston
William Johnston Being In Love contemplation Buy on Amazon

Blessed One, for tomorrow and its needs, I do pray,
But keep me, guide me, love me, please, just for today.

~ Margaret Holmes
Margaret Holmes contemplation Buy on Amazon

A simple mind is not mysterious. In a simple mind, awareness just is. It's open, transparent. There's nothing complicated about it. For most of us, most of the time, however, it is largely unavailable. But the more we have contact with a simple mind, the more we sense that everything is ourselves, and the more we feel responsible for everything. When we sense our connectedness, we have to act differently... When we can sit and meditate with a simple mind, not being caught by our own thoughts, something slowly dawns, and a door that has been shut begins to open... We see that the present is absolute and that, in a sense, the whole universe begins right now, in each second. And the healing of life is in that second of simple awareness.

~ from NOTHING SPECIAL by Charlotte Joko Beck
Charlotte Joko Beck Nothing Special contemplation Buy on Amazon

"Contemplating is receiving." (St. John of the Cross) What we receive in prayer is the Spirit, who makes all creation new, moment by moment. It is the Spirit who rebirths us within the caves of our hearts. The case is a metaphor for this silent withdrawal, this going away to be alone, to listen, to gestate the Spirit, to rebirth ourselves. The reborn self is the child of wisdom born in solitude.

~ Meinrad Craighead
Meinrad Craighead contemplation Buy on Amazon

Always be true to the deepest and purest aspirations of your soul. Be true to your own deepest self, the real "you", the inner self that is one with God. You may not always be aware of this inmost self. But there are times when, obscurely, at least, you KNOW what is best in you, and you can tell what road God wants you to travel. It does not have to be anything spectacular or unusual. It may simply be what is right in front of you. But it must be a way that enables you to be true to yourself, quietly, peacefully, patiently.

~ Thomas Merton in a letter to Sr. Elizabeth Ann
Thomas Merton contemplation Buy on Amazon

My soul has grown deep like rivers.

~ Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes contemplation Buy on Amazon

There is a Receptive form of spirituality present to a degree in everyone... Here is a spirituality of listening, of waiting, where we say to our souls, "Be still," or "Rest awhile," or -- like the wise old woman --

"Sometimes ah sets and thinks, but sometimes ah jes sets."

Receptive spirituality has large moments of just "setting".

~ from DANCE OF THE SPIRIT by Maria Harris
Maria Harris Dance Of The Spirit contemplation Buy on Amazon
"I told everyone to be quiet and listen.One of my friends said, 'I don't hear anything.'I said, 'Exactly'."
~ Unknown
Unknown contemplation

December 1994 (Vol. VII, No. 11)

GREETINGS! May each of you know the peace, joy, wonder and love of this holiday season in the Silence of your heart ... may the Divine Child within you be born anew.

The child that is born is an open bridge to the unconscious, to the unmanifest, expanded multidimensional soul. Babies are so magnificent. They're always staring off into space, into the eyes of their beloveds, of their companion souls, of God. We have all heard it said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and the soul is very present in children... As we touch the child inside ourselves, we begin to shift from the emotional body's experience to the deeper, more profound love of our cosmic self. The child reminds us that God laughs.

~ from ECSTASY IS A NEW FREQUENCY by Chris Griscom
Chris Griscom Ecstasy Is A New Frequency child Buy on Amazon

Guess who I am?
Guess who it is
that loves you --
you, who were the breaking of spring
in my heart
before the beginning of time;
guess who I am,
You, in the womb
before the day star I have begotten you.

~ from CARYLL HOUSELANDER by Maisie Ward with thanks to Alice Somers
Maisie Ward Caryll Houselander child Buy on Amazon

The carefree hearts of children reflect qualities that are divine by their restless pranks and blissful for their innocence. It is for us to see how far we can make use of this "Divinity" in ourselves, expressed through the child-God.

~ Meher Baba
Meher Baba child Buy on Amazon

To respond authentically to what we encounter: this is how we all reacted as children, before we were punished or shamed for doing so. To respond authentically to what we encounter -- how hard it is for adults to do something that sounds so simple.

To do so, we only have to be inwardly attentive, we only have to know what we feel, we only have to be able to respond with an innocent, spontaneous, instinctive receptivity that is a finely attuned discriminating consciousness, a body and soul reaction to the world around us.

~ from CROSSING TO AVALON by Jean Shinoda Bolen
Jean Shinoda Bolen Crossing To Avalon child Buy on Amazon

Once, in the early days of my desolution, I thought I might learn to write in the language of the spiders. Now, led by the Child, I am on my way to it. The true language, I know now, is that speech in silence in which we first communicated, the Child and I, in the forest, when I was asleep. It is the language I used in my childhood, and some memory, intangibly there by not quite audible, of our marvelous conversations, comes to me again at the very edge of sleep, a language my tongue almost rediscovers and which would, I believe, reveal the secrets of the universe to me the language whose every syllable is a gesture of reconciliation. I spoke it in my childhood. I must discover it again.

~ from AN IMAGINARY LIFE by David Malouf
David Malouf An Imaginary Life child Buy on Amazon
Most of all, you have to keep the child in yourself, especially the sense of wonder.
~ Anonymous
Anonymous child

In the silent night
a child was sent
to embody
the Mystery of
God alive
among us.

~ Unknown
Unknown child

I have calmed and quieted my soul,
like a child quieted at its mother's breast;
like a child that is quieted
is my soul ...

~ Psalm 131:3
Psalm 131:3 child

Vanya wondered how he could best help this child, so pure in heart, to grow in the love of God. It was too early to SPEAK to him about God dwelling within him, so he simply encouraged him to sit still, to relax and concentrate his thoughts within. He was sure that, in the boy's open and expectant heart, the mystery would make itself known in its own way without the sounds of words... Vanya, for his part, tried to see into the depth of those wonderful eyes and, behind them, into the sanctuary of that child's heart where so clearly God was dwelling.

~ Dom Henri Le Saux
Dom Henri Le Saux child Buy on Amazon

Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again... And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? ...

Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you... You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel?

We must all work to make the world worthy of its children.

~ Pablo Casals
Pablo Casals child Buy on Amazon

We often forget that we are like children whose hearts must be open, trusting and needful of God's deep embrace... Deep within the divine embrace the self is always recognized as infinitely precious, worthy of dignity and respect. One discovers one's essential goodness and the graced quality of one's life... In that embrace one discovers true needfulness and vulnerability, the heart of the beloved child that rests in loving arms and finds there its peaceful home.

~ from "In the Circle of a Mother's Arms" by Wendy M. Wright
Wendy M. Wright In The Circle Of A Mother's Arms child Buy on Amazon

What sets monks apart from the rest of us is not an overbearing piety by a contemplative sense of fun. They know, as Trappist monk Matthew Kelty reminds us, that "you do not have to be holy to love God. You have only to be human. Nor do you have to be holy to see God in all things. You have only to play as a child with an unselfish heart."

~ from DAKOTA by Kathleen Norris
Kathleen Norris Dakota child Buy on Amazon

"I have no name:
I am but two days old."
What shall I call thee?
"Joy is my name."
Sweet joy befall thee!

~ William Blake
William Blake child Buy on Amazon
