Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.
~ Ray Bradbury
Ray Bradbury small things
Biophilia (noun): A hypothetical human tendency to interact or be closely associated with other forms of life in nature: A desire or tendency to commune with nature
~ Merriam-Webster Dictionary
small things
Everyone talks about how traveling back in time and doing something small, like killing a butterfly, can drastically change the present, but no one talks about how doing something small today, like planting a tree, can drastically change the future.
~ r/showerthoughts on reddit
small things
Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good.
~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes in DO NOT LOSE HEART
Clarissa Pinkola Estes Do Not Lose Heart small things

That is the paradox of the epidemic: that in order to create one contagious movement, you often have to create many small movements first.

~ Malcolm Gladwell in THE TIPPING POINT
Malcolm Gladwell THE TIPPING POINT small things
Recognizing "enoughness" is a radical act in an economy that is always urging us to consume more.

You have seen so much of the outer world and had so many experiences of people, places, and things—and of course those experiences will keep coming. But now, in the second half of your life, as the outer world seems more unstable and dangerous than ever, we want you to take the same rapacious curiosity that once thrust you all over the planet with a hungry, fascinated appetite, and we want you to turn it inward.

~ Tara Roberts, from Elizabeth Gilbert's Substack "Letters From Love"
Tara Roberts small things
If I can't dance, it's not my revolution.
~ Quote attributed to Emma Goldman
Emma Goldman small things
Jubilee, wasn't it a jubilee!
Jubilee‚ wasn't it a jubilee!
We were singing out together —
shouting revelries.
Jubilee‚ Lord wasn't it a jubilee!

Jubilee‚ wasn't it a jubilee!
Jubilee‚ wasn't it a jubilee!
We were dancing by the river,
dancing by the sea,
Bouncing all the babies,
up and down upon our knees,
Laughing out happy,
crying out free;
Jubilee‚ wasn't it a jubilee!

We were banging on the banjos,
picking on guitars,
Blowing out the bass notes,
on the crockery jars,
Sliding on the washboards,
banging spoons upon our knees;
Jubilee, wasn't it a Jubilee!

We came from the valleys,
we came from the towns,
We came to see the paddlewheel
and the show boat clowns,
We came from the farmlands,
we came from the sea;
Jubilee, wasn't it a Jubilee!
~ Bill Staines, lyrics from "Jubilee, Wasn't it a Jubilee!"
Bill Staines small things

All words have a history. But some are particularly interesting to explore when it comes to psychology—because they're directly born from it. How many times have you been mesmerized by something, so captured by it that it was like you were in a trance? The word "mesmerize" dates back to an 18th century Austrian physician named Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815). He established a theory of illness that involved internal magnetic forces, which he called animal magnetism. (It would later be known as mesmerism.)

~ Margarita Tartakovsky, MS, from the article "Psychology's History of Being Mesmerized" on
Margarita Tartakovsky small things

A blue-bell springs upon the ledge,
A lark sits singing in the hedge;
Sweet perfumes scent the balmy air,
And life is brimming everywhere.
What lark and breeze and bluebird sing,
Is Spring, Spring, Spring!

~ Paul Laurence Dunbar from "Spring Song" in THE COMPLETE POEMS OF PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR

Whether a plot in a yard or pots in a window, every politically engaged person should have a garden. By politically engaged, I mean everyone with a vested interest in the direction the people on this planet take in relationship to others. We should all take some time to plant life in the soil. Even when such planting isn't easy.

Camille T. Dungy SOIL: THE STORY OF A BLACK MOTHER'S GARDEN small things

The cricket doesn't wonder
if there's a heaven
or, if there is, if there's room for him.

It's fall. Romance is over. Still, he sings.
If he can, he enters a house
through the tiniest crack under the door.
Then the house grows colder.

He sings slower and slower.
Then, nothing.

This must mean something, I don't know what.
But certainly it doesn't mean
he hasn't been an excellent cricket
all his life.

~ Mary Oliver, "Nothing Is Too Small Not to Be Wondered About" in DEVOTIONS
Mary Oliver Devotions small things
March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)

Beloved Earth, ancient dreamer, keeper of bones and stories—
We, breath in your body, stardust in your veins,
Come before you with hearts both broken and burning.

In this time of the Great Turning,
When despair and possibility dance in the same holy darkness—
May we offer ourselves as imaginal cells in your metamorphosis...

May we be scattered like spores,
Each carrying a fraction of the future,
Each vital, each necessary, each aflame
With particular purpose...

May our courage rise to match the magnitude of these times.

~ Lynne MacNeil, "A Wild Prayer for the World"
Lynne MacNeil sophia
March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)
Memo to Self: Stay close to nature, and to your own creaturely instincts. It's a cold, hard winter out there, but underneath the ice and snow, nature is preparing for an uprising. There's underground work to be done for and with your family and friends, your community, your country, your soul.
~ Parker Palmer
Parker Palmer sophia
March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)

In every moment,
in every event of your life
is whispering to you
exactly what you need to hear and know.

Who can ever explain this miracle?
It simply is.

and you will discover it
every passing moment.

and your whole life
will become a conversation
in thought and act between you and
and always.

March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)
I now find myself asking if possibly this is the time, the age, for Sophia:....a God image capable of moving with humanity into the next evolutionary era when the universe will be an intimate, interconnected, and diverse communion of subjects...

Divine Sophia defies the supremacy of linear logic and rational analysis, she rejects the pyramid of hierarchical dualism by resisting our dichotomies....and withstanding the compartmentalized, objective mind-set to which we have been educated. In a word, Wisdom undermines the need to control life.

...when Divine Sophia, the Beloved, the Word "awakens"...then absolutely everyone and everything in the universe is experienced as indissolubly and harmoniously interconnected and part of an emerging Mystery that binds everything together.
~ Constance Fitzgerald, "Transformation in Wisdom" in CARMEL AND CONTEMPLATION
Constance Fitzgerald CARMEL AND CONTEMPLATION sophia
March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)
Let this darkness be a bell tower and you the bell.
As you ring, what batters you
becomes your strength
~ Rainer Maria Rilke from "Sonnets to Orpheus II, 29" translated by Joanna Macy in A YEAR WITH RILKE
Rainer Maria Rilke A Year With Rilke sophia
March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)
She is Divine Wisdom. She watches over all people and all things in heaven and on earth, being of such radiance and brightness that, for the measureless splendor that shines in Her, you cannot gaze on Her face or on the garments She wears....She is like the Sun, which none can contemplate in its blazing face or in the glorious garment of its rays. For She is with all and in all, and of beauty so great in Her mystery that no one could know how sweetly She bears with people, and with what unfathomable mercy She spares them.
~ Hildegard of Bingen
Hildegard of Bingen sophia
March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)
Making a home in our hearts,
You are our Companion and Friend...

I accompany those who love You,
that I may grow in wisdom;
I enter into the Silence, into the
Eternal Light,
and listen for your gentle Voice.
~ Nan Merrill, from her interpretation of Psalm 101 in PSALMS FOR PRAYING
Nan Merrill Psalms For Praying sophia
March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)

At the mystical heart of each of the Abrahamic faiths lie teachings about the transformation power of fire and the identification of the Holy One with light. In Judaism, the Shekinah—the indwelling feminine presence of God—took the form of a pillar of fire at night to lead the Israelites through the desert. ....May we let ourselves down into the arms of fire and allow it to melt the armor of our hearts. The excruciating fire of our loneliness and our fear of intimacy. The sweet fire of our longing for union with the Beloved. The purifying fire of radical unknowingness, which all the great mystics assure us is the beginning of knowing God.

~ Mirabai Starr in LIGHTING THE DARKNESS in the Interfaith Observer
Mirabai Starr sophia
March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)
Over the past centuries, the being of Sophia, or feminine Divine Wisdom, has been emerging from the mists of ancient become a sign and mystery of our times.... wherever we turn, we see traces of her coming—as if tracking the fringes of her mantle as it brushed aside the tangled, sclerotic cobwebs of centuries of cerebration. As she draws near, much that was forgotten is reentering consciousness, not only as memory but also from the future, as possibility. It demands that we rethink who we are, whence we have come, and whither we are going.
~ Christopher Bamford in the introduction to ISIS MARY SOPHIA
Christopher Bamford ISIS MARY SOPHIA sophia
March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)
Mystical wisdom derives from an ardent desire to abandon normal intellectual functions so that divine insight may enlighten this ardor and add to it another fire, much stronger, which lifts the burning soul towards an even deeper wisdom.
Hugh of Balma Listening To Silence sophia
March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)
Love is the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mystical of cosmic forces. Love is the primal and universal psychic energy. Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution.
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in THE SPIRIT OF THE EARTH
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The Spirit Of The Earth sophia
March 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3)
To all that is chaotic in you,
let there come silence.
Let there be a calming
of the clamoring,
a stilling
of the voices that
have laid their claim on you,
that have made their home in you,
that go with you
even to the holy places
but will not
let you rest....

Let there be
an opening
into the quiet
that lies beneath the chaos,
where you find the peace
you did not think possible
and see what shimmers
within the storm.
~ Jan Richardson, "Blessing in the Chaos" in THE CURE FOR SORROW
Jan Richardson The Cure For Sorrow sophia
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)
We know [God] in the breaking of bread, and we know each other in the breaking of bread, and we are not alone anymore.
Dorothy Day THE LONG LONELINESS hospitality
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)
...we need to find ways of sharing our intimate experiences of the Mystery, for we are one. It is through one another that we will know more of the Life that flows within us all. It is through sharing our fragments of insight that we will come to a fuller picture of the One who is at the heart of each life.
~ John Philip Newell
John Philip Newell hospitality
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)
It is unusual a mailbox chokes you up, and because there are too many probable causes—not for the mailbox: for my being choked up—let me simply tell you it was the phrase affixed in those janky silver sticker letters, usually used for a name or address, a little crooked, the V and W peeling slightly, the phrase itself leaning back, lounging, or maybe almost indiscernibly ascending:
Ross Gay THE BOOK OF (MORE) DELIGHTS hospitality
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)
Stay with me,
Remain here with me
Watch and pray,
Watch and pray
~ Lyrics from the Taizé chant, "Stay with Me"
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)
The older I get, the more convinced I am that the space between people who are trying their best to understand each other is hallowed ground.
~ Fred Rogers
Fred Rogers hospitality
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)

We must love them both—those whose opinions we share, those whose opinions we don't share. They've both labored in the search for truth and have helped us in finding it.

~ St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas hospitality
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)
In surrender I clear a space in which something new can grow. I place my faith in something larger than me. I trust.
~ Katrina Kenison in MITTEN STRINGS FOR GOD
Katrina Kenison Mitten Strings For God hospitality
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)
Someone who is filled with ideas, concepts, opinions and convictions cannot be a good host. There is no inner space to listen, no openness to discover the gift of the other. It is not difficult to see how those "who know it all" can kill a conversation and prevent an interchange of ideas. The more mature we become the more we will be able to give up our inclination to grasp, catch, and comprehend the fullness of life and the more we will be ready to let life enter into us.
~ Henri Nouwen in REACHING OUT
Henri Nouwen REACHING OUT hospitality
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)
The answer was overwhelmingly consistent: beauty appears when something is completely and absolutely and openly itself.
~ Deena Metzger in WRITING FOR YOUR LIFE
Deena Metzger WRITING FOR YOUR LIFE hospitality
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)

Life shrinks or expands according to one's courage.

Anais Nin The Diary Of Anais Nin hospitality
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)
Where there is separation,
there is pain.
And where there is pain,
there is story.

And where there is story,
there is understanding,
and misunderstanding,
and not listening.

May we — separated peoples, estranged strangers,
unfriended families, divided communities —
turn toward each other,
and turn toward our stories,
with understanding
and listening,
with argument and acceptance,
with challenge, change
and consolation.

Because if God is to be found,
God will be found
in the space
~ Padraig O'Tuama, "A prayer for reconciliation," in DAILY PRAYER WITH THE CORRYMEELA COMMUNITY
Padraig O'Tuama Daily Prayer With The Corrymeela Community hospitality
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)
Forgiveness means accepting the core of every human being as the same as yourself and giving them the gift of not judging them... Forgiveness starts with ourselves and extends to others. Accepting that the core of your own being is as precious and wonderful as that of any other person is the greatest gift you can ever give yourself.
Joan Borysenko Minding The Body, Mending The Mind hospitality
February 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2)

At this table we sing with joy, with sorrow. We pray of suffering and remorse. We give thanks.

Perhaps the world will end at the kitchen table, while we are laughing and crying, eating of the last sweet bite.

~ Joy Harjo from "Perhaps the World Ends Here" in THE WOMAN WHO FELL FROM THE SKY
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
Listen long in the Silence that the Word
may be heard,
that decisions arise from the depths
of your Inner Being where
Wisdom dwells.
For the Spirit of Truth is written upon
gentle and open hearts...

With steadfast love will the Counselor
guide you...
~ Nan Merrill from "Psalm 78" in PSALMS FOR PRAYING
Nan Merrill Psalms For Praying soul fire
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
But...winter has an even greater gift to give. It comes when the sky is clear, the sun brilliant, the trees bare, and the first snow yet to come. It is the gift of utter clarity...Winter clears the landscape, however brutally, giving us a chance to see ourselves and each other more clearly, to see the very ground of our being.
~ Parker Palmer in SEASONS
Parker Palmer Seasons soul fire
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
My friends, do not lose heart... For years, we have been learning, practicing, been in training for and just waiting to meet on this exact plain of engagement...One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires...causes proper matters to catch fire.
~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes in DO NOT LOSE HEART
Clarissa Pinkola Estes Do Not Lose Heart soul fire
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
I long to slip into cracks of silence
where breath is connected to spirit and
spirit to wind and a sense of oneness
resonates in my core.
~ Karyn Dedar
Karyn Dedar soul fire
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
A field of light, and my need to say
that it exists. Each morning I walk here
almost blinded by water the sun shines on...

Limestone and granite give back radiance, and we
Walkers in this field lift our feet and set out,
moving through our once and only mornings,
afternoons... What if light
did not find itself renewable? As my necessity
for these words, mirrors I carry into the sun
of this blazing day, this dance, this carnival
where I am given access to another world,
to the spirits who walk with me
pointing out the properties of light.
~ Jeanne Lohmann from "Properties of Light" in THE LIGHT OF INVISIBLE BODIES
Jeanne Lohmann THE LIGHT OF INVISIBLE BODIES soul fire
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
Solitude is a state of hospitality, a welcoming of all that needs attention. Solitude offers a ground that is embracing and inclusive. Everything can be made welcome in the broad arms of solitude, even fear. For as long as humans have sought counsel with the sacred, much of it has happened in a space set apart from others. Here, in silence and nourishing aloneness, we can become receptive to the influence of soul...

This is a season of remembering the ancient rhythms of soul. It is a time to become recall how embedded we are in an animate world—a world that dreams and enchants, a world that excites our imaginations and conjures our affections through its stunning beauty. Everything we need is here...
Francis Weller IN THE ABSENCE OF THE ORDINARY soul fire
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
There is something deeper than hope. Between the hours of darkness and dawn, the voices of our ancestors are amplified in the dreamtime—warning us of our awakening wisdom—a blessing to behold and a burden to enact.
~ Terry Tempest Williams in "Unraveling" EMERGENCE MAGAZINE
Terry Tempest Williams soul fire
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
We don't know what's around the uncharted bend in this wild river of change... Let us learn from our fellow Earth inhabitants, like mycelium networks who know about sharing resources, recycling toxins into nourishment, communicating underground. Let us find meaning in mystery rather than consumption. Let us turn our ears to the music rising out of the ground.
~ Geneen Marie Haugen in "Soulcraft Musings, November 8, 2024"
Geneen Marie Haugen soul fire
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
Days pass when I forget the mystery.
Problems insoluble and problems offering
their own ignored solutions
jostle for my attention, they crowd its antechamber
along with a host of diversions, my courtiers, wearing
their colored clothes; caps and bells.
And then
once more the quiet mystery
is present to me, the throng's clamor
recedes: the mystery
that there is anything, anything at all,
let alone cosmos, joy, memory, everything,
rather than void: and that, O Lord,
Creator, Hallowed one, You still,
hour by hour sustain it.
~ Denise Levertov, "Primary Wonder" from SANDS OF THE WELL
Denise Levertov SANDS OF THE WELL soul fire
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
All throughout these months
as the shadows
have lengthened,
this blessing has been
gathering itself,
making ready,
preparing for
this night.

It has practiced
walking in the dark,
traveling with
its eyes closed,
feeling its way
by memory
by touch
by the pull of the moon
even as it wanes.

So believe me
when I tell you
this blessing will
reach you
even if you
have not light enough
to read it;
it will find you
even though you cannot
see it coming....

This blessing
does not mean
to take the night away
but it knows
its hidden roads,
knows the resting spots
along the path,
knows what it means
to travel
in the company
of a friend.

So when
this blessing comes,
take its hand.
Get up.
Set out on the road
you cannot see.

This is the night
when you can trust
that any direction
you go,
you will be walking
toward the dawn.
~ Jan Richardson, "Blessing for the Longest Night" from THE CURE FOR SORROW
Jan Richardson The Cure For Sorrow soul fire
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
I keep imagining how the time of collapse and chaos can also be a radical period of re-imagination and potential renewal... precisely in the midst of chaos each of us may be closer to finding a particular thread that gives our life genuine meaning and also gives us something to contribute to the re-imagining and reweaving of the world.
~ Michael Meade, "Golden Repair of the Cracks in the World" from MOSAIC VOICES
Michael Meade MOSAIC VOICES soul fire
January 2025 (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1)
You do your absolute best to find and hone and wield your divine gifts against the dark. You do your best to reach out tenderly to touch and elevate as many people as you can reach. You bring your naked love and defiant courage and salty grace to bear as much as you can, with all the attentiveness and humor you can muster. This life is after all a miracle and we ought to pay fierce attention every moment, as much as possible.
Brian Doyle ONE LONG RIVER OF SONG soul fire