Reweaving Connections in Edge Times
April 11-13, 2025
Friday 5 pm - Sunday 2 pm
Wellspring Retreat Center, Germantown, MD

Poised on the edge of loss, we yearn for connections that offer solace and possibility. In the place where language fails, music invites us into ever-deeper relationships with all beings—and with our heart’s longing. Trees, our elders who have graced this Earth far longer than the human family, beckon us to wisdom, beauty, and peace. Join us as we sing and chant, engage in rich conversations, embrace attentive silence around and within, and exchange intangible, priceless gifts with the trees around us.
A women’s retreat celebrating the Divine Feminine
May 30 - June 1, 2025
Friday 3 pm - Sunday 12 pm (followed by lunch)
Wellspring Retreat Center, Germantown, MD

Women, with all the planet, are experiencing the wildness of coming to an edge, a time when grief, despair, and possibility dance in the same holy darkness. Now the power of the Sacred Feminine and our gifts as women are being called forth, the moment when we rise to remember that “once upon a time we sang with the tongues of seals and flew with the wings of swans, that we forged our own paths through the dark forest while creating a community of its many inhabitants…women might indeed save not only ourselves, but the world.” (Sharon Blackie).