February 1997 (Vol. X, No. 2)

BLESSED FRIENDS, Silence is power within us! The power of Divine Love blessing us, transforming us, and sending us out to share that Love in a world sorely in need of compassion and healing.

In the final analysis meditation is a love affair. And love is the most powerful energy in the universe. The great irony of meditation is that we become more immersed in the here-and-now. We are liberated from our false egos, and begin to know and love others at a deeper level of awareness. Liberated from our possessiveness, we reach out with a new found compassion to our family, friends, and the less fortunate.

~ from SILENT MUSIC by William Johnston
William Johnston Silent Music love Buy on Amazon

To journey into the interior world within
love must already be awakened.
For love to awaken in us:
Let go ... Let be ... Be silent
Be still in gentle peace
Be aware of opposites,
Learn mindfulness and forgetfulness.

~ Teresa of Avila
St. Teresa of Avila love Buy on Amazon

The Tree of Life is located in the very depth of our own soul, and of the rich, abundant fruit that grows and ripens to the fullest perfections, the most life-giving, is Love... The Divine Principle of Love may be used to eliminate every sorrow, every infirmity, every harsh condition and every lack that harasses humanity... With wings outstretched, Love searches out the arid spots of the human heart, the waste places of life, and redeems humanity and transforms the world.

~ from LIFE AND TEACHING by Baird T. Spalding
Baird T. Spalding Life And Teaching love Buy on Amazon

LOVE stretches your heart and makes you big inside!

~ M. Walker
M. Walker love

If you wish the world to become loving and compassionate, become loving and compassionate yourself. If you wish to diminish fear in the world, diminish your own. These are gifts you can give. The fear that exists between nations is a macrocosm of the fear that exists between individuals... The love, clarity and compassion that emerge within the individual that chooses consciously to align itself with its soul is the same that will bring sexes, races, nations and neighbors into harmony with each other.

~ from THE SEAT OF THE SOUL by Gary Zukav
Gary Zukav The Seat Of The Soul love Buy on Amazon

The entirety of the contemplative life is grounded in the love of God. Without that love there would be no prayer ... nothing at all. This love calls into being -- creates, quickens, gives life to -- all that is. This love binds together each one to the other, and in the end binds us to the Source of that love, draws us back into the One whom we never really left, draws us back into God. In that returning we discover that there never existed a division between us and that ... the whole of life is in truth one continuous mystical experience because it has always been suffused with God's love.

John W. Groff The Smell Of Incense, The Sound Of Silence love Buy on Amazon

My request, my appeal, is that you try as much as you can to develop compassion, love and respect for others, to share others' welfare, and to become more giving... The important thing is to have a good heart, a warm heart, in daily life. This is the principle of life.

~ The 14th Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama love

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but
but in looking together in the same direction.

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Antoine de Saint-Exupery love Buy on Amazon

The only beloved who can always be counted on is God. The ultimate partner is a divine one, an experience of ourselves that is totally supportive and forgiving... It is the love we give as much as the love we get. The passion we most need to feed is our relationship to God, ultimately our relationship to ourselves.

~ Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson love Buy on Amazon

Peace of mind has nothing to do with the external world; it has only to do with our connection with God. Love really is the answer. We're here only to teach love. When we're doing that, our souls are singing and dancing. When we remind ourselves that we are spiritual beings, that life and love are the flame eternal, that's when our soul is nourished.

~ from "Love Is the Answer" by Gerald Jampolsky in HANDBOOK OF THE SOUL
Gerald Jampolsky Handbook Of The Soul love Buy on Amazon

May Love grace your life and
may Love guide your way!
Divine Communion begins when you love.
Then not only are you connected to Love,
you are love.
The way by which we commune with God
is by being love.

~ Franklin Albert Jones
Franklin Albert Jones love Buy on Amazon

We must not think that our love has to be extraordinary. But we do need to love without getting tired. How does a lamp burn? Through the continuous input of small drops of oil. These drops are the small things of daily life: faithfulness, small words of kindness, a thought for others, our way of being quiet, of looking, of speaking, and of acting. They are the true drops of love that keep our lives and relationships burning like a living flame.

~ Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa love Buy on Amazon

It is the going out from oneself that is love and not the accident of its return. It is the expedition, whether it fail or succeed.

~ H. G. Wells
H. G. Wells love

God has given you a beautiful self. There God dwells and loves you with the first love, which precedes all human love. You carry your own beautiful, deeply loved self in your heart. You can hold on to the truth of the love you were given and recognize that same love in others who see your goodness and love you... The task is not to die to life-giving relationships, but to realize that the love you receive in them is part of a greater love.

~ from THE INNER VOICE OF LOVE by Henri J.M. Nouwen
Henri J.M. Nouwen The Inner Voice Of Love love Buy on Amazon

The love of God, unutterable and perfect
flows into a pure soul the way that light
rushes into a transparent object.

The more love that it finds, the more it gives
itself; so that, as we grow clear and open,
the more complete the joy of heaven is.

And the more souls who resonate together,
the greater the intensity of their love,
and mirror-like, each soul reflects the other.

~ Dante in THE ENLIGHTENED HEART by Steven Mitchell
Steven Mitchell The Enlightened Heart love Buy on Amazon

January 1997 (Vol. X, No. 1)

EVERY GOOD WISH to you, friends, in this new year as we begin the tenth year of this Friends of Silence newsletter. As we eah continue to take time in silence, our cumulative silences will bring blessing to family, friends and community -- even rippling out to the world.

It is often in silence and solitude that you will find your most meaningful real moments. Silence nourishes the soul and heals the heart. It creates an insulated space between you and the noisy, demanding world you live in, a womb of stillness in which you can be reborn over and over again. Silence has a regenerative power of its own. It is sacred. It returns you home. Solitude is very necessary for silences to go deep... Silence will help you see clearly, sometimes for the first time, exactly what is out of balance in your life. When you make the time for the apparent non-doing of silence and solitude, your doing will become much more effective and meaningful.

~ from REAL MOMENTS by Barbara DeAngelis thanks to Mary Lou Evans
Barbara DeAngelis Real Moments silence Buy on Amazon

The goal of healthy solitude is love: love and acceptance of ourselves as we are and where we are, and love and compassion for others.

~ from SINGLENESS by Dorothy Payne
Dorothy Payne Singleness silence Buy on Amazon

There are few things as powerful as solitude to help you get in touch with your inner self -- especially when that solitude is accompanied by silence and the elimination of outside stimuli... Solitude give you the opportunity to confront your inner self in ways that few other endeavors can. Out of your times of solitude come serenity, peace of mind, and unparalleled opportunities to connect with your soul.

~ from INNER SIMPLICITY by Elaine St. James
Elaine St. James Inner Simplicity silence Buy on Amazon

Solitude builds up, affords a conscious setting in which significant growth in the life of the Spirit can take place. Solitude is a gift of time without accompanying distraction, an opportunity to keep company with one's own soul. It is where the Spirit can help one harness one's own cross in such a way that it can be carried without too great strain... Solitude is conducive to journaling, reflection, meditation and is indispensable to contemplation.

John Yungblut On Hallowing One's Diminishments silence Buy on Amazon

I watched ice form on the river outside my window one Sunday afternoon and felt loneliness more intense than any I could remember since childhood. The day had grown incredibly still -- so deep it seemed poised at the edge of eternity... Nearly empty, I could not hope to fill myself -- certainly not with human companionship -- and I began to sense that this was exactly as it should be. God wanted me empty, alone, silent and watchful. I was suffering from both sever laryngitis and a lame leg, and had to laugh at myself, wondering if I was really so dense that God had to resort to these extremes in order to get me to shut up and be still.

~ from THE CLOISTER WALK by Kathleen Norris
Kathleen Norris The Cloister Walk silence Buy on Amazon

To move toward the desert where interior prayer and interior transformation can take place means a willingness to go into the desert, to learn to shut the door, and to move into the necessary solitude which prayer and the deeper levels of worship require.

~ Douglas Steere
Douglas Steere silence Buy on Amazon

If we cannot wait,
we cannot know the
right time to move.

If we cannot be still,
our actions will have
gathered no power.

~ Unknown
Unknown silence

Solitude is a return to one's own self when the world has become filled with people and too much of a response to others. Solitude is as much an intrinsic desire in us as our gregariousness. Hermits, solitary thinkers, independent spirits, recluses, although often stigmatized in the modern world, are healthy expressions of our dialogue with ourself.

~ from LONELINESS AND LOVE by Clark E. Moustakas
Clark E. Moustakas Loneliness And Love silence Buy on Amazon

Silence reminds us that we have only to be still and let the waters of grace refresh us and the sunlight of peace shine upon us.

~ S. Wendy Beckett
S. Wendy Beckett silence Buy on Amazon

Solitude and loneliness are not the same thing. Loneliness is the sign that something is lacking. The purpose of solitude is to bring us home to the center of ourselves with such serenity that we could lose everything and, in the end, lose nothing of the fullness of life at all. When you are alone, are you lonely or are in solitude? If loneliness is what it's about, what you may need most is the cultivation of the richness of solitude.

~ from IN A HIGH SPIRITUAL SEASON by Joan Chittister thanks to Patricia Prescott
Joan Chittister In A High Spiritual Season silence Buy on Amazon

The spirit of the wilderness is solitude. We go alone to meet the divinity within us. The wisdom of the wilderness comes from God interacting through creation to touch our very soul. We emerge from our journey with a new identity grounded in God. Transformed, we discover we have been given back to ourselves.

~ from WISDOM FROM ANOTHER WILDERNESS by Debra Donnelly-Barton
Debra Donnelly-Barton Wisdom From Another Wilderness silence Buy on Amazon

When I retreat at home, I am alone in silence. But I am also with thousands of others around the world, sitting quietly, all of us bonded together in our effort, our solitude, and our prayers... We are opening our hearts, alone but all-one, joining others throughout the centuries in timeless realms.

David A. Cooper Silence, Simplicity And Solitude silence Buy on Amazon

On a clear winter morning, just as the sun rises high enough for its slanting rays to shine horizontally through the trees ~ I lay my track through the snow -- a silent listener awaiting Being. And Being responds. I move so silently and swiftly that deer, rabbits and weasels are surprised and caught in their inner lives; so swiftly and silently they do not flee but stand out in their beings... The earth more present, the sky more present, I, the human, more present in total awareness.

~ Dolores La Chapelle
Dolores La Chapelle silence

December 1996 (Vol. IX, No. 11)

GREETINGS and BLESSINGS from the silence, friends. May these darkest of days that lead to renewed light be a reminder to each of us to live according to our own highest light. Thus, will more light be given. May we remember to pause in the mist of this busiest of seasons to listen in reverence to the heart's voice.

We are born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

~ Nelson Mandela, 1994 Inaugural Speech
Nelson Mandela light Buy on Amazon

When we come to believe in the Divine-Within and trust it to know its path, fearlessness begins. When we no longer feel threatened in the presence of light, we can be admitted to the high and holy way.

~ Carol E. Parrish-Harra
Carol E. Parrish-Harra light Buy on Amazon

I am the Light.
The Light moves in me.
The Light moves through me.
The Light surrounds me.
The Light protects me.
I am the Light.

~ from WALKING IN BEAUTY by Dick Olney
Dick Olney Walking In Beauty light Buy on Amazon

Open unto me ... light for my darkness.
Open unto me ... courage for my fear.
Open unto me ... hope for my despair.
Open unto me ... peace for my turmoil.
Open unto me ... joy for my sorrow.
Open unto me ... strength for my weakness.
Open unto me ... wisdom for my confusion.
Open unto me ... forgiveness for my sins.
Open unto me ... tenderness for my toughness.
Open unto me ... love for my hates.
Open unto me ... Thy Self for my self.

Howard Thurman light Buy on Amazon

What is to give light must endure burning.

~ Viktor Frankl
Viktor Frankl light Buy on Amazon

And the light shone in the darkness and
Against the world the unstilled world still whirled
Above the center of the silent WORD.

~ T.S. Eliot with thanks to S. Charlene Schafer
T. S. Eliot light Buy on Amazon

I turned off the light and drifted into that floating sensation, not asleep but drowsy, half awake and half asleep. Often, while in this state -- lovely, unknown faces float before me -- but this morning the experience was different. A perfect face of a child came before me in profile -- then it turned and smiled at me. It was glowing with light and seemed to fill my own head with light. I was aglow and excited and thought, "This must be the Christos"; but something within me, without sound, said, "No, this is you." I feel I will never be the same again and some day I may experience the "Promise".

~ from THE LAW AND THE PROMISE by Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard The Law And The Promise light Buy on Amazon

Watching for light was her vocation. Light and life were one and the same thing. There would be no life without light; it was the beginning; it was the substance that made things visible, that brought humanity to an awareness of what cannot be seen. It could enhance a thing and make it holy. This she had felt in her life as in her work, a sense of reaching for harmony beyond the human experience through light itself.

~ Ruth Bernhard in GIFTS OF AGE by Charlotte Painter
Ruth Bernhard Gifts Of Age light Buy on Amazon
A soul with no light will always come to know Light because there is so much assistance provided to each soul at all times.
~ Gary Zukov
Gary Zukov light Buy on Amazon

There is a light in you which cannot die; Whose presence is so holy that the world is sanctified because of you.

~ from C.I.M. with thanks to Sherry Blanchette
Unknown light
The Light of God surrounds you,
The Love of God enfolds you,
The Power of God protects you,
The Presence of God watches over you;
Wherever you are, God is.

KNOW that all who live in the magnified Presence
are forever advancing towards the moment of
Great Realization
in their lives.
The Light that shines in the Silence,
in that space of Awakening,
is beyond the brilliance of even the greatest Sun.
It is the Light of your Heart.
and your Heart is the Morning Star.
O listen if you would,
for therein lies a teaching.

~ Jim Berenholtz
Jim Berenholtz light Buy on Amazon

The gate that silence opens up within us leads to light.

~ S. Wendy Beckett
S. Wendy Beckett light Buy on Amazon

November 1996 (Vol. IX, No. 10)

May your hearts be open to every gift, dear friends! for, the gift within every gift is always opportunity. Life is a gift to us; every moment is given. The only appropriae response therefore is gratitude. Our lives are surely enhanced as we pause frequently to appreciate and to be thankful.

Notice that the more you become a connoisseur of gratitude, the less you are the victim of resentment, depression, and despair. Gratitude will act as an elixir that will gradually dissolve the hard shell of your ego -- your need to possess and control -- and transform you into a generous being. The sense of gratitude produces true spiritual alchemy, makes us magnanimous -- large souled.

~ from HYMNS TO AN UNKNOWN GOD by Sam Keen
Sam Keen Hymns To An Unknown God gratitude Buy on Amazon

By teaching in silence and by bringing down the force of the Light, you are asking for a very deep and very intense surrender. What is surrender?

To offer everything to the Divine is surrender. To give our live our lives to the Divine is surrender. Simplicity is surrender...Always remember, no matter how great we are, that there is something greater -- the Divine. To be humble is surrender...Whatever you do, give it to God with a grateful and humble heart.

~ from ANSWERS by Mother Meera
Mother Meera Answers gratitude Buy on Amazon

Prayer opens the heart. Each time we pray we are connecting with a greater source of energy and we are amplifying that energy. Our gratitude, thanksgiving, for even the smallest gift we have received, allows our heart to open. The more the heart opens, the larger our vision becomes. This prayer, this energy, links us with all the goodness on the planet.

~ from OPEN MIND by Diane Mariechild
Diane Mariechild Open Mind gratitude Buy on Amazon

As you open yourself to your soul, a calming sense of peace and connectedness develops within you. This peaceful feeling deepens your levels of thought, releases the innate healing powers of your body, reminds you to be grateful for all the gifts of life, and broadens your perspective, so that you can be at peace with the way things are.

~ from "Rekindling the Fires of Your Soul" by Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield Rekindling The Fires Of Your Soul gratitude Buy on Amazon

We seat ourselves so that we are evenly spaced from one another and begin to meditate. In my own meditation, I see how I have tried to control a situation in which a friend wanted to participate -- a situation that was actually beyond my control. In retrospect, I recognize that the presence of my friend has been a blessing. In gratitude, I realize that I must always be ready to shift and adapt, for in rigid resistance, I might miss my greatest opportunities.

Jim Berenholtz Journey To The Four Directions gratitude Buy on Amazon

You can add enjoyment and meaning to any task by beginning each one with an awareness of the Divine Presence and by taking a moment of silence to be grateful for all you are able to do! Even the most difficult or mundane task can be done effortlessly and joyfully when approached with an attitude of thanksgiving. You are open to new creativity, new energy, and new inspiration. While working, focus on the Divine Presence, and see how the day goes by with ease and efficiency ... see how your work is blessed.

~ Unknown
Unknown gratitude

To learn to be grateful for each challenge, every heart, every tear, as well as for the unexpected joy and love you encounter, is a lesson of great growth. Every experience is a step closer to your eventual union with the Source of All Creation. Even a moment of expressing your gratitude for your own creation, your own eternal life each day brings you closer to the love and power within.

~ from "Children of the Light" Newsletter ... Issue #55
Unknown Children Of The Light gratitude

It is hard to explain to a loving person who can only give, what the refusal to receive does to would-be givers. If our gifts come out of the substance of who we are, to refuse our gifts is a rejection of our very self. At the same time, the turning away of a gift destroys the reciprocity of love. In place of mutuality, it sets up a hierarchy of love that makes the one who always receives and whose gifts are refused feel empty, powerless, and incompetent to love well, and so unable in turn to receive from the beloved with a grateful heart.

~ from MEMORIES OF GOD by Roberta C. Bondi
Roberta C. Bondi Memories Of God gratitude Buy on Amazon

Each thing I have received, from Thee it came,
Each thing for which I hope, from Thy love it will come,
Each thing I enjoy, it is of Thy bounty,
Each thing I ask comes of Thy disposing.

~ Celtic prayer of gratitude
Anonymous Celtic Prayer gratitude

Gratitude is the vision of the Giver, not of the gift. It comes from God. Hope and fear are like the two wings of a bird when it is flying straight to its destination. If one wing fails, its flight fails and if both fail, it dies. Hope is the vision of God in perfect beauty.

~ from THE SECRET SHRINE ed. by Catharine Hughes
Catharine Hughes The Secret Shrine gratitude Buy on Amazon

In all things may we be grateful, our hearts open to joy.
O Blessed one, speak to us within our hearts;
let your Voice be heard.
As we listen and heed your Word, joy will be our song of thanks.
As you lead us into the Silence, we become friends with solitude;
With trust in You, our lives become simple, with assurance
and peace leaving no room for fear.
All that we have is gift from You, O Beloved,
all that we are is Yours as well.
May we come to see that all we give to others,
we give to ourselves and You.

~ Anonymous
Anonymous gratitude

Best of all is to preserve everything in a pure, still heart, and let there be for every pulse a thanksgiving, and for every breath a song.

~ Konrad von Gesner
Konrad von Gesner gratitude

The hieroglyphy for peace is a simple loaf of bread set on a reed mat. It implies nurturing, simplicity, contentment, and rest, a prayer of thankfulness before a meal, an offering made.

The heart is contented because it receives what it needs and its needs are simple: silence, prayer, nourishment, presence. Simplicity of the heart keeps our aims and purposes in life clear... In peace we contemplate our lives and concentrate our energies on the true desires of the heart aligned with God.

We learn that patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to live each moment, knowing that we will be attended to by God.

~ Normandi Ellis
Normandi Ellis gratitude Buy on Amazon

True prayer expresses gratitude for what already is...

~ Anonymous
Unknown gratitude

October 1996 (Vol. IX, NO. 9)

May autumn BLESSINGS be with you!

Now are come the days of brown leaves. They fall from the trees; they flutter on the ground. ... I hear them tell you of their borning days, when they did come into the world as leaves. ... Today, they were talking of the time before their borning days of the springtime. ... They told how they were a part of earth and air, before their tree-borning days. And now they are going back. They go back to the earth again. But they do not die.

Opal Whitely The Singing Creek Where The Willows Grow death Buy on Amazon

Lying alone in the pasture, dark except for the magnetic full moon. There is an overwhelming sense of quietness. My being is part of the earth and part of the pure white light of the moon at the same time. Nothing else is significant. For a second I wonder, "Am I dead?" It isn't important -- I am spending an hour in God's hands, and it will become part of me.

~ "But How Can I Be the Moon?" -- age 16
Anonymous But How Can I Be The Moon? death

In that moment of awareness, I had an epiphany, that the light we encounter on the road of death is our being in the act of coming home to itself. I understood that light is our natural state, but that we human beings must help each other as we move toward the shores of light. ...Being in the light is knowing we must get others into it. ...The light is where we belong. Everyone who is not in the light is looking forward to being there. So we leave the light to go and experience the need for light and thus come back to it anew.

~ from OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT by Malidoma Patrice Some
Malidoma Patrice Some Water And The Spirit death Buy on Amazon

We do not get to choose how we are going to die. Or When.
We can only decide how we are going to live. Now.

~ Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill death

The world is not a place but the vastness of the soul. And the soul is nothing more than love, limitless, all that moves us toward knowing what is true. I once thought love was supposed to be nothing but bliss. I now know it is also worry and grief, hope and trust. ... If people we love die, then they are lost only to our ordinary senses. If we remember, we can find them anytime with our hundred secret senses.

Amy Tan The Hundred Secret Seasons death Buy on Amazon

This is thy hour, O Soul, thy free flight into the wordless.
Away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done.
Thee fully forth emerging silent, gazing,
pondering the themes thou lovest best,
Night, sleep, death and the stars.

~ Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman death

I am not sure at what point I realized that the man whom I had seen as my all-powerful and invincible father not only wanted me as I am, but also needed me to stand by him through the long journey into his own death. My father needed my friendship. It still seems to me to be an astonishing gift of God's grace that in the last years of his life I was able to stand with him as his friend who was his adult child.

~ from MEMORIES OF GOD by Roberta C. Bondi
Roberta C. Bondi Memories Of God death Buy on Amazon

Mourn not for those that live, nor those that die,
Nor I, nor thou, nor any one of these,
Ever was not, nor ever will not be,
For ever and for ever afterwards,
All, that doth live, lives always! ...
That which is can never cease to be;
That which is not will not exist.

~ from SONG CELESTIAL by Edwin Arnold
Edwin Arnold Song Celestial death Buy on Amazon

The only way to avoid death is not to be born in the first place. In death there is union with the Beloved. The real skill is to reach the secret of death before dying.

We prepare for death, or rather eternity, by consciously adjusting the focus of our life so that it is not upon our personality and the flowing world that spawns upon it, but instead upon our individuality and the Great Fullness with which we are one. This process of focusing our attention is called meditation. In meditation we die to the personality and are reborn as something much greater. That rebirth is not a sudden or one-time event, but is a gradual process in which we become ever more focused on who and what we really are behind the mask of personality ... the process of dying to death by being reborn to reality.

~ from "Death and Meditation" by John Algeo
John Algeo Death And Meditation death Buy on Amazon

We each possess a deeper level of being ...
which loves paradox. It knows that summer is already
growing like a seed in the depth of winter. It know
that the moment we are born, we begin to die. It knows
that all of life shimmers, in shades of becoming
--that shadow and light are always together,
the visible mingled with the invisible.
When we sit in the stillness we are profoundly active.
Keeping silent, we can hear the roar of existence.
Through our willingness to be the one we are,
we become one with everything.

~ from SHARING SILENCE by Gunilla Norris
Gunilla Norris Sharing Silence death Buy on Amazon

Naturally, most of us would like to die a peaceful death, but it is clear that we cannot hope to die peacefully if our lives have been full of violence, or if our minds have mostly been agitated by emotions like anger, attachment, or fear.  So if we wish to die well, we must learn how to live well: Hoping for a peaceful death, we must cultivate peace in our mind, and in our way of life.

~ The Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama death Buy on Amazon

When I am dead, come to me at my grave, and the more often, the better. Whatever is on your soul, whatever may have happened to you, come to me as when I was alive and, kneeling on the ground, cast all your bitterness upon my grave. Tell me everything and I shall listen to you, and all the bitterness will fly away from you. And as you spoke to me when I was alive, do so now. For I am living, and I shall be forever.

~ inscription on the tombstone of St. Seraphim
St. Seraphim death

Teach me to treat my death as an act of communion.

~ Teilhard de Chardin
Teilhard de Chardin death Buy on Amazon

September 1996 (Vol. IX, no. 8)

BLESSINGS, friends, as we anticipate the beginning of the autumn season ... an approprate time to pause in the Silence ans ask: "How am I endeavoring to spiritualize my work? Does my work reflet the deepest aspirations of my heart?"

If my prayer life is strong and deeply rooted, then I will be better able to carry an equally heavy load of work, to bear the weight of our sisters' and brothers' pain and suffering, because it will not be me carrying the load, but God.

~ Aidan Costello in SOUL-MAKING by Edward Sellner
Edward Sellner Soul-making work Buy on Amazon

Our society has forgotten that all of life can be a work of art, even the most mundane-seeming tasks... There is great beauty in cleanliness and order and bringing it into being. Watering the plants is as necessary as cleaning the stove, and vice versa. All these tasks bespeak care for oneself and others, and appreciation of the opportunity to create a temenos -- a sanctuary, a safe and sacred place.

June Singer Seeing Through The Visible World work Buy on Amazon

Perhaps the important matter is that we are who we are and where we are by a maze of reasons unknown to us. Our work is to make our way through our situation with faith and courage and whatever else it takes... In the end we are not only a mystery to one another but even to ourselves. The task is to live the mystery rather than unravel it.

~ from DIARY OF A CITY PRIEST by John McNamee
John McNamee Diary Of A City Priest work Buy on Amazon

Let us, like a painter, take time to stand back from our work, to be still, and thus to see what's what... True repose is standing back to survey the activities that fill our days.

~ from THE ART OF BEING HUMAN by William McNamara
William McNamara The Art Of Being Human work Buy on Amazon

Through intuitions received in the silence and holiness of your own inner sanctuary, you will get the guiding Light you need in your work.

~ White Eagle
White Eagle work Buy on Amazon

For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin -- real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.

~ Alfred D'Souza
Alfred D'Souza work
Some goals are so worthy, it is glorious even to fail.
~ Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill work

The true prophetic message always calls us to stretch our arms out wide and embrace the whole world. In holy boldness we cover the earth with the grace and mercy of God. This is a great task, a noble task... Helmut Thielicke writes, "The globe itself lives and is upheld as by Atlas arms through the prayers of those who love has not grown cold. The world lives by these uplifted hands, and by nothing else!"

~ from PRAYER by Richard J. Foster
Richard J. Foster Prayer work Buy on Amazon

We saw our good life not as a model for others, but as a pilgrimage, for us, to the best way we could conceive of living. We felt a glad responsibility in joining with the stream of onward life, with the whole magnificent enterprise. This was living a life of affirmation, of contribution, of making every act and every day purposeful. To live the good life, we found, was to do the best we were capable of in any set of circumstances.

Helen Nearing Loving And Leaving The Good Life work Buy on Amazon
Our work is the love of God.
Our satisfaction lies in submission to the divine embrace.
~ Jan van Ruysbroeck
Jan Van Ruysbroeck work Buy on Amazon

Doing work which has to be done over and over again helps us recognize the natural cycles of growth and decay, of birth and death, and thus become aware of the dynamic order of the universe. "Ordinary" work, as the root meaning of the term indicates, is work that is in harmony with the order we perceive in the natural environment.

~ Fritjof Capra
Fritjof Capra work Buy on Amazon

O God, that at all times You may find me as You desire me and where You would have me be, that You may lay hold on me fully, both by the Within and the Without of myself, grant that I may never break the double thread of my life.

~ Teilhard de Chardin
Teilhard de Chardin work Buy on Amazon

As we lose our vagueness about our self, our values, our life situation, we become available to the moment. It is there, in the particular, that we contact the creative self. Until we experience the freedom of solitude, we cannot connect authentically. We may be enmeshed, but we are not encountered. Art lies in the moment of encounter: we meet ourselves and we meet our self-expression. We become original because we become something specific: an origin from which work flows.

~ from THE ARTIST'S WAY by Julia Cameron
Julia Cameron The Artist's Way work Buy on Amazon

The universe is my way.
Love is my law.
Peace is my shelter.
Experience is my school.
Obstacle is my lesson.
Difficulty is my stimulant.
Pain is my warning.
Work is my blessing.
Balance is my attitude.
(The Voice of Silence is my guide.)

~ Guillermo Tolentino
Guillermo Tolentino work

May you give me work till my life shall end
And life till my work is done.

~ Winifred Holtby
Winifred Holtby work Buy on Amazon

We receive according to the emptiness of our hearts and hands.

When a young man in Uganda, a great soccer player, had his knee purposely blown out by someone in a soccer game, ending his professional career, he could have chosen bitterness. But instead, he began to help other young men who were aimless and without directions, who were on drugs, in gangs, doing nothing.

First he gave himself to building them up by teaching them to be soccer players. Once that relationship was established, he helped them develop skills and crafts, so that they could make a living and then become responsible fathers and community contributors...You could see how his own soul was nurtured by his desire to contribute, to focus outside himself.

~ from "The Guiding Conscience" by Steven R. Covey in HANDBOOK OF THE SOUL
Steven R. Covey Handbook Of The Soul work Buy on Amazon
Without great solitude no serious work is possible.
~ Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso work

July-August 1996 (Vol. IX, No. 7)

BLESSINGS be with you all through these summer days, friends! May we each take time in the Silence to value the gifts of one another ... time to nourish our own fragile places; we will, thus, encourage peace in our wounded world.

For God alone my soul in silence waits.
~ Anonymous
Anonymous silence

Entering into silence is like stepping into cool clear water. The dust and debris are quietly washed away, and we are purified of our triviality. This cleansing takes place whether we are conscious of it or not: the very choice of silence, of desiring to be still, washes away the day's grime.

~ from MEDITATIONS ON SILENCE by Wendy Beckett
Wendy Beckett Meditations On Silence silence Buy on Amazon

The journey to the self is hard work, not so much because of its periodic intensity, but because it demands superhuman honesty and a lot of attention... But the unconscious had spoken:

Can you really walk what you talk?
Why are you afraid to live your passion?
Can you live from your heart and not be afraid of who you are?
Can you create out of your flesh rather than your intellect?

Live what you know! There are no obstacles that can't be overcome on this journey!

~ from SONGS FROM THE MOUNTAIN by Djohariah Toor
Djohariah Toor Songs From The Mountain silence Buy on Amazon

Silence is an intriguing concept. Only silence enables us to hear. But silence is a very noisy thing. When we finally start to listen to our own garbled selves, as well as to others, we discover how full of static our hearts and minds really are. Silence, the time of coming to inner quiet, is the only chance we have of coming to inner quiet, is the only chance we have of coming to serenity.

~ from IN A HIGH SPIRITUAL SEASON by Joan Chittister with thanks to Pat Prescott
Joan Chittister In A High Spiritual Season silence Buy on Amazon

Now and again, it is necessary to seclude yourself among deep mountains and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life. Breath in and let yourself soar to the ends of the universe; breath out and bring the cosmos back inside. Next, breathe up all the fecundity and vibrancy of the earth. Finally, blend the breath of heaven and the breath of earth with that of your own, becoming the breath of Life itself.

~ Morihei Ueshiba
Morihei Ueshiba silence Buy on Amazon

There is an art to wandering. If I have a destination, a plan -- an objective -- I've lost the ability to find serendipity. I've become too focused, too single-minded. I am on a quest, not a ramble. I search for the Holy Grail of particularity and miss the Chalice freely offered, filled full and overflowing.

~ from ON BECOMING LOST by Cathy Johnson
Cathy Johnson On Becoming Lost silence Buy on Amazon

At a certain point you say to the woods, to the sea, to the mountains, the world: Now I am ready. Now I will stop and be wholly attentive. You empty yourself and wait, listening ... you wait, you give your life's length to listening.

~ from TEACHING A STONE TO TALK by Annie Dillard
Annie Dillard Teaching A Stone To Talk silence Buy on Amazon

The work of art that emerges where we leave the place of interiority and reenter the visible world may be something tangible or it may take the form of a special kind of life, a life that is in itself an art. The sharing or the communication, in whatever form that may take, is the essence of the creative act. But the seed begins to germinate in aloneness and in silence.

June Singer Seeing Through The Visible World silence Buy on Amazon

Learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose.

~ Indira Gandhi
Indira Gandhi silence Buy on Amazon

O Loving Being! O Playful Creator! Love your way into the depths of my being today so that whatever I do will be a prayer, whether it be making bread or boiling water, visiting the sick or mowing the grass... May it all be an act of love and a feast of leisure. In all that I do, may I remember that I am a tabernacle of the Holy Mystery, a place where You dwell. May my moments of quiet listening at your feet lead me out again into the marketplace joyfully, gratefully, without complaining.

~ from SONG OF THE SEED by Macrina Wiederkehr
Macrina Wiederkehr Song Of The Seed silence Buy on Amazon

We cannot expect answers from God after only five minutes of silence... Meister Eckhart emphasized the importance of the listening heart that listens to God alone ... that God desires nothing more than a heart that detaches itself in silence from everything and turns and listens.

~ from DISCIPLESHIP by J. Heinrich Arnold
J. Heinrich Arnold Discipleship silence Buy on Amazon

I found I had less and less to say,
until finally, I became silent,
and began to listen.
I discovered in the silence,
the voice of God.

~ Soren Kierkegaard
Soren Kierkegaard silence Buy on Amazon

To survive in the world, you need spiritual strength, you need solitude.

~ Andrew Harvey
Andrew Harvey silence Buy on Amazon

Go lightly, simply.
Too much seriousness clouds the soul.
Just go, and follow the flowing moment.
Try not to cling to any experience.
The depths of wonder open of themselves.

~ Frederik Lehrman
Frederik Lehrman silence Buy on Amazon

Perhaps the reason angels can fly is because they take themselves lightly.

~ G. K. Chesterton
G. K. Chesterton silence Buy on Amazon

When there is stillness in the motion of our days, life's mysteries are revealed.

~ Chinese adage
Chinese adage silence

May you
Learn to be at home with yourself without a hand to hold.
Learn to endure isolation with only starts for friends.


Happiness comes from understanding unity.
Love arrives on the footprints of your fear.
Beauty arrives from ashes of despair.
Solitude brings the clarity of still waters.
Wisdom completes the circle of your dreams.

~ from SPIRIT WALKER by Nancy Wood
Nancy Wood Spirit Walker silence Buy on Amazon
KNOW your own inner peace and the beauty in Silence.
BE that peace and beauty you are.
~ Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill silence

The beauty in Silence

KNOW your own inner peace and the beauty in Silence.
BE that peace and beauty you are.
