To see birds

In order to see birds, it is necessary to become part of the silence.

March 1998 (Vol. XI, No. 3)

BLESSED BE in the Silence, dear friends! As we leave the dark days of winter, let us listen for soul-stirrings of new life. Are there seeds gestating in you preparing to crack opena nd emerge in the light? You can nurture them through silent, holy listening.

Holy listening, to "listen" another's soul into life, into a condition of disclosure and discovery, may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another (or oneself).

~ Douglas Steere
Douglas Steere listen Buy on Amazon

You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen, simply wait. You need not even wait, just learn to become quiet, and still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.

~ Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka listen Buy on Amazon

When you experience both Silence and the Word deeply, you see that the Word comes from the Silence and the Silence is in the Word. When you really listen to God speaking to you in each moment, you see that what speaks to you is the Silence.

~ David Steindl Rast in MEETING WITH MENTORS by Soren Gordhamer
Soren Gordhamer, David Steindl-Rast Meeting With Mentors listen Buy on Amazon

I am to LISTEN. I am finding it a hard discipline: Listen to every word that is not said. Listen for silences. I have become insensitive to the power of words because I hear and see too many of them. I don't say to myself, "don't listen to words." I am already a past-master of that. I say, "listen to the silence." And I discover this: because silence seems empty of content I cannot place myself in relation to it, and therefore, I cannot place myself outside it. It is a world I enter, not a world I observe. Silent people bear this out: they seem to carry a world with them, while the unsilent always seem to be scurrying in search of one.

Donagh O'Shea Take Nothing For The Journey listen Buy on Amazon

This was my first conscious experience of listening to Gaia, even though I didn't call it that then or hear an actual voice... I have come to learn that there are many ways of listening. One may hear an internal or external voice, feel a body sensation, or simply just "know" with that intuitive understanding that is beyond words. However, I continue to describe this experience as "listening" because we have forgotten how to be silent and listen to ourselves, one another, and the earth.

~ from "Listening to Gaia" by H. I. Austen in EARTHWALKING SKY DANCERS
H. I. Austen Earthwalking Sky Dancers listen Buy on Amazon

Truth must find an echo in the one who hears it to be recognized. Put it another way, a heart must really be listening, really wanting the truth, really wanting God.

~ from ASCENT TO LOVE by Ruth Burrows
Ruth Burrows Ascent To Love listen Buy on Amazon
Listening is the royal route to the divine.
~ Alfred Tomatis
Alfred Tomatis listen Buy on Amazon

Listening is being silent with another person in an active way. It is silently bearing with another person. Some people are silent, but they are not open and active. They are either asleep or dead within themselves. The true listener is one who is quiet and yet sensitive toward another person, open and active, receptive and alive. Listening is participating in another life in a most creative and powerful way. It is neither coercive nor pushy. Rather, it is bearing one another's burdens.

Morton Kelsey Set Your Heart On The Greatest Gift listen Buy on Amazon

Travelers at sea take soundings to measure the depth of the water through which they move. This kind of deep listening is necessary if they are to safely navigate treacherous waters. This is what we do as well, whenever we quiet ourselves and go to that inner place where there is enough silence for the words to resound.

~ from "Monos", May/June 1997
Monos listen
The silence of prayer is the silence of listening.
~ Elizabeth O'Connor
Elizabeth O'Connor listen Buy on Amazon

LISTEN for the voice of the Spirit, for that which enlarges the mind, frees the heart, brings together what was scattered and lost, holds fast in unswerving fidelity, instills peace, renews confidence, comforts and endures. Happy are you if hear that voice!

~ from BEHOLD WOMAN by Carrin Dunne
Carrin Dunne Behold Woman listen Buy on Amazon

In meditation we turn within a state of silent receptivity with that open inner eye of love, that listening ear, and we let our self unfold and reveal to us whatever is necessary to the NOW of our experience. We truly drink from the well of our consciousness. The water of eternal life "gushing up" brings forth to our external world a manifestation of harmony, love, peace and health.

~ from GOING ON A JOURNEY by Francoise C. Gerard
Francoise C. Gerard Going On A Journey listen

Silence is not merely negative -- a pause between words, a temporary cessation of speech -- but properly understood, it is highly positive: an attitude of attentive alertness, of vigilance, and above all, of listening.

~ Kallistos Ware
Kallistos Ware listen Buy on Amazon

Listen, my child, to the silence
The undulating silence
where valleys and echoes slip,
bending foreheads
to the ground.

~ Frederico Garcia Lorca
Frederico Garcia Lorca listen Buy on Amazon

So often, the Spirit is blowing blessings on us, but our hearing is not attuned to this wind from heaven.

~ Marian Scheele
Marian Scheele listen

The more I listen
the more profound
the silence becomes.

~ Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill listen

You can listen to silence, Reuven. I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and listen to it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own. It talks to me sometimes. I feel myself alive in it. It talks. I can hear it.

~ from THE CHOSEN by Chaim Potok
Chaim Potok The Chosen listen Buy on Amazon

LISTEN is such a little, ordinary word that it is easily passed over. Yet we all know the pain of not being listened to, of not being heard. In a way, not to be heard is not to exist. This can be the plight of the very young and the very old, the very sick, the "confused", and all too frequently, the dying -- literally no one in their lives has time or patience to listen. Or perhaps we lack courage to hear them.

We forget how intimate listening is, alive and fluid in its mutuality. It involves interaction even if no one moves a muscle and even if the listener says nothing. Vulnerability is shared when silence is shared.

~ from HOLY LISTENING by Margaret Guenther
Margaret Guenther Holy Listening listen Buy on Amazon

or your tongue
will keep you deaf.

~ Native American saying
Native American saying listen

February 1998 (Vol. XI, No. 2)

EVERY BLESSING BE YOURS, dear friends, in Love's Heart! May we each remembr to take a daily pause in the Silence to affirm that we are here "to learn to bear the beams of Love" and to beam that love out to others. Bask in the Love and become more loving ...

We are here because the Big Love recognizes our value and knows what we can become, what we can give, what we can do that will bring new life, new vision, new spirit, new love to the world. This is the primal call: to treasure and value and love one another and all the other creatures and things of the earth. It is the call to acknowledge and to act from that knowledge that each person is just as valued and just as loved as the next, and all are invited to participate in the communion of that love.

~ from THE CALL by David Spangler
David Spangler The Call love Buy on Amazon

In order to have compassionate relationships, compassionate communication and compassionate social action, there has to be a fundamental change of attitude... The basis of any real kind of compassionate action is the insight that the others who seem to be out there are some kind of mirror image of ourselves. By hurting others, you hurt yourself. By making friends with yourself, you make friends with others.

~ from START WHERE YOU ARE by Pema Chodron thanks to Lisa Merrill
Pema Chodron Start Where You Are love Buy on Amazon

Where love reigns, there is no will to power; and where the will to power is paramount, love is lacking. The one is but the shadow of the other.

~ Carl Gustav Jung
Carl Jung love Buy on Amazon

As you grow in Being, innocence flowers on its own. The love that accepts everything is one day found in your own heart.

~ Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra love

We are born to love as much as we are born to breathe.

~ J.D. Freeman
J.D. Freeman love

God is love, and God is my life. Divine love, as me, continually gives of itself in sacred relationship. As I keep open the door of my heart and behold the face of God as everyone I meet, true friends abound in my life. With divine insight and a compassionate heart, I witness the sacred reality of each friend. I am grateful for God's love as my life.

~ thanks to Jim Merritt
Unknown love

It is not through the way in which someone speaks about God that I can see whether that person has passed through the crucible of Divine Love, but through the way the person speaks to me about things here on earth.

~ Simone Weil
Simone Weil love Buy on Amazon

As we are filled ever more deeply with the Spirit, we become more confident in God's abundant love for us.

There is always a way to extend our love depending on the situation and what is appropriate, and by doing that you'll make a difference. Start small. Rather than trying to love the human race, love whom you love, love what you love, and express that. This will draw creativity out of you and will lead you to the next step. Gradually your capacity to love deepens and becomes more universal. Start where you are.

~ John Robbins in MEETING WITH MENTORS by Soren Gordhamer
Soren Gordhamer, John Robbins Meeting With Mentors love Buy on Amazon

Love is this: that two solitudes border, protect, and salute one another.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke love Buy on Amazon

Love is the strongest unifying factor; it is directed outward, toward the other, toward the world and its problems, toward God. The fire of love has the greatest power to unite, to transform, to make whole, to heal.

~ Ursula King
Ursula King love

Love doesn't just sit there like a stone;
it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time,
made new.

~ Ursula K. LeGuin
Ursula K. LeGuin love Buy on Amazon

Our hearts are one single Virgin, which the dream of no dreamer can penetrate ... which only the presence of the Beloved penetrates in order to be conceived therein.

~ Al-Hallaj
Al-Hallaj love Buy on Amazon

To love another person is to see the face of God.

~ Jean Valjean in LES MISERABLES
Jean Valjean Les Miserables love Buy on Amazon

The unfathomable mystery of God is that God is a Lover who wants to be loved. God not only says: "You are my Beloved". God also asks: "Do you love me?" and offers us countless chances to say "Yes" to our inner truth. The spiritual life, thus understood, radically changes everything. Being born and growing up, leaving home and finding a career, being praised and being rejected, walking and resting, praying and playing, becoming ill and being healed -- yes, living and dying -- they all become expressions of that divine question: "Do you love me?" And at every point of the journey there is the choice to say "Yes" and the choice to say "No".

~ from LIFE OF THE BELOVED by Henri Nouwen
Henri Nouwen Life Of The Beloved love Buy on Amazon

Love in action is the answer to every problem in our lives and in this world. Love in action is the force that helped us make it to this place, and it's the truth that will set us free.

~ Susan Taylor
Susan Taylor love Buy on Amazon

There is a place past walls. Though I have barely touched it, still it awaits me. To bathe in the love of God ... past longing, past war, alone in infinite space. A wind of light through what once I called my self, behind, suspending the self in it, rendering what I was transparent until all I am is that through which God's love unfolds, through which God's will be done.

~ from PREPARING FOR SABBATH by Nessa Rapoport
Nessa Rapoport Preparing For Sabbath love Buy on Amazon

Sooner or later we shall have to acknowledge that love is the fundamental impulse of Life. It is through love and within love that we must look for the deepening of our deepest self in the life-giving coming together of humankind. Love is the free and imaginative outpouring of the spirit over all unexplored paths. It links those who love in bonds that unite but do not confound, causing them to discover in their mutual contact an exaltation capable of arousing in the heart of their being all that they possess of uniqueness and creative power.

~ from THE FUTURE OF MAN by Teilhard de Chardin
Teilhard de Chardin The Future Of Man love Buy on Amazon
SILENCE is the key that opens the heart.
~ Domitia Peters
Domitia Peters love

At the core of me is God. Suddenly I see the fury of the night as startling and beautiful. I am humbled right to my knees, but this time not from fright, but from reverence. I see the same storm through new eyes. I bow my head.

"Majestic, mysterious God. Great Spirit, which moves through all things. I will never know you fully. I will always be learning to love you. But YOU are love. I am sure of that. I believe that behind all fury is love. I do not see it or feel it right now. But I trust it is there."

And for a long moment I let the trust fill me.

~ from GIFT OF THE RED BIRD by Paula D'Arcy
Paula D'Arcy Gift Of The Red Bird love Buy on Amazon
LOVE is the power of God transforming dark into light.
~ Ellis
Ellis love

January 1998 (Vol. XI, No. 1)

Gentle blessings to each of you in this new year, dear friends! May you find times in STILLNESS and SILENCE to nurture the Sanctuary within. In this Sacred Space, you can retreat any time to rest and just be.

How cooling is silence! Talk is like the surging sea; silence is like the surface of still water. Silence settles down the disturbed mind to its native calmness. Peace is silence, love is silence, the great Truth is silence. Silence is the cause of all birth. From silence evolves out the varied universe. Silence is the beginning and the end of all things. In the middle state it is all activity, noise, turmoil and the mad rush.

~ Ramdas with thanks to A.W. Brunton
Ramdas stillness

Silence is really vital for the human heart. You see, the human heart can't live with constant sound or noise. It needs silence in order to heal itself. The only two things that are ultimately required for spiritual homecoming are stillness and silence. If, into your day, you can build little windows of silence and little windows of stillness, you will never lose touch with your deepest voice. You will never lose touch with your most secret belonging. Even though you walk and talk and act in the world, you will never leave the inner, tender home of your own soul.

~ Charles William Golding
Charles William Golding stillness Buy on Amazon

Unless there is a still center
in the middle of the storm ...

Unless a person amidst of all their activities
preserves a secret room in their heart
where they stand alone before God ...

Unless we do this,
we will lose all sense of spiritual direction
and be torn to pieces.

~ Anonymous
Anonymous stillness

In the stillness, empty spaces occur and new possibilities are searching their way to the surface of the mind. A connection is made, new relationships are formed and new patterns emerge. This process of being still and moving at the same time to something new is the way the experience of metaphoric or creative thinking comes about in our minds.

In this process images that are far apart become connected at a deep emotional level, and we feel a jolt of surprises.

Helen Kylin When Silence Becomes Singing stillness Buy on Amazon

As long as the soul is not still, there can be no vision. But when stillness has brought us into the presence of God, then another sort of silence, much more absolute, intervenes: the silence of a soul that is not only still and recollected, but which is overawed in an act of worship by God's presence.

~ from LIVING PRAYER by Anthony Bloom
Anthony Bloom Living Prayer stillness Buy on Amazon

When the whole consciousness is silent and tranquil, free from all becoming, which is spontaneity, then only does the immeasurable come into being. For, when the mind is still, reality, the indescribably, comes into being. So the mind must be simple, unburdened by belief, by ideation. And when there is stillness, when there is no desire, no longing, when the mind is absolutely quiet with a stillness that is not induced, then reality comes. And when that happens, it is a blessing.

~ from ON GOD by Krishnamurti
Krishnamurti On God stillness Buy on Amazon

Silence is fruitful only when it leads to interior peace and stillness.

Contemplation is a country whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.

You do not find it by travelling, but by standing still.

~ Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton stillness Buy on Amazon

Silence is a directed stillness, which receives rather than acts.

~ S. Wendy Beckett
S. Wendy Beckett stillness Buy on Amazon

Understand -- through the stillness,
Act -- out of the stillness,
Conquer -- in the stillness.

In order for the eye to perceive color, it must divest itself of all colors.

~ from MARKINGS by Dag Hammarskjold
Dag Hammarskjold Markings stillness Buy on Amazon
When you don't go deep into the inner stillness, you deprive Me.
~ Gabrielle Bossis, 1936 with thanks to Judith Fraser
Gabrielle Bossis stillness Buy on Amazon

In the Middle Ages people were well aware of the inexhaustible power that arises simply from sitting still... The inner quiet which arises when the body is motionless and in its best possible form can become the source of transcendental experience. By emptying ourselves of all those matters that normally occupy us, we become receptive to Greater Being. True enlightenment has the effect of so fundamentally affecting and shaking the whole person that they themselves, as well as their total physical existence in the world, is completely transformed.

~ from "On Practicing Tranquility" by Karlfried Graf von Durckheim in Parabola, 1996
Karlfried Graf von Durckheim Parabola stillness

In the tempestuous ocean of time and toil there are islands of stillness where humans may enter the harbor and reclaim their dignity. The sabbath is a designated day -- also a state of mind -- a time of detachment from things, instruments, practical affairs and the hurly-burly of life's struggles. In the sabbath state-of-mind we can seek attachment to the spirit, recapturing the goodness of our essential being.

~ source unknown, with thanks to Frederick Lord
Anonymous stillness

Breathing is one internal function that the conscious mind can control with comparative ease. The effect of controlled breathing is almost like communication with all conscious parts of one's being saying to them, "Simmer down and listen; there is something beyond the turmoil". It is communication in action that often works when words merely go in one ear and out the other, not even changing the cognitive mind. In essence, the effect is to turn all the elements of our will toward stillness and waiting.

~ from THE OTHER SIDE OF SILENCE by Morton Kelsey
Morton Kelsey The Other Side Of Silence stillness Buy on Amazon

A stillness descended upon the room, and in the heart of that stillness was something beyond the power of mere language to describe. I felt we were being given a glimpse of the underlying unity of all things, and that this harmony -- though no metaphor was adequate to describe that singing silence -- was enfolding us so that we were wholly in tune not only with one another, but with a healing presence at the very centre of our being.

The moment passed, but I thought of the disciples on the road to Emmaus and how they had recognized the stranger in the breaking of the bread.

~ from ABSOLUTE TRUTHS by Susan Howatch
Susan Howatch Absolute Truths stillness Buy on Amazon

In the rhythm of each day, may you find silence amidst speech, stillness amidst action, and peace amidst creativity.

~ Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill stillness

Stillness amidst action

In the rhythm of each day, may you find silence amidst speech, stillness amidst action, and peace amidst creativity.

December 1997 (Vol. X, No. 11)

Blessings, dear friends, in this season of love and light: making time for silence in these busy days, may our hearts be open to receive the Gifts! And may we see like a child with eyes of innocence, love and light beaming blessings to one another and the world.

We have heard it said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and the soul is very present in children... We have all been children, and we all have memories of our childhood: those experiences of the emotional body which are palpable and still radiating from us. Those experiences have consolidated and crystallized the imprints upon which act as our frame of reference for who we are, and what we are allowed in our life today. When we make contact with that inner child, we are able to shift from the emotional body's experience to the deeper, more profound love of our cosmic self. The child reminds us that God laughs.

~ from ECSTASY IS A NEW FREQUENCY by Chris Griscom
Chris Griscom Ecstasy Is A New Frequency child Buy on Amazon

Through the mystery of inner work, darkness is turned into light. The chaos and confusion of our unconscious gradually and miraculously reveal a higher center of consciousness which is none other than our innermost essence, "the face we had before we were born". This is the Self, the Divine Child, which was always present within us, but hidden beneath layers of ego and conditioning.

~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee child Buy on Amazon

The child is the creation of that ecstatic, stainless, motiveless pure love. It is that pure love in the heart and soul that give birth to the Divine Child. It is that pure love that leads the soul right into the heart of the godhead.

~ from THE RETURN OF THE MOTHER by Andrew Harvey
Andrew Harvey The Return Of The Mother child Buy on Amazon

God is directly present in the person who has the pure heart of a child and who laughs and cries and dances and sings in divine ecstasy.

How great is the difference between the secret friend and the child. For the friend makes only loving, living, but reasoned ascents toward God, but the child presses on to lose his or her own life upon the summits in that simplicity which does not know itself. When we transcend ourselves and become in our ascent toward God so simple that the bare, supreme love can lay hold on us, then we cease, and we and all our self will die in God. In death we become the hidden children of God and find a new life within us.

~ Ruysbroeck
Ruysbroeck child Buy on Amazon

I envision a world where children are born to loving parents who want and cherish them, who recognize their pure and divine nature; where women and men are respected and honored as equals and cultures are based on the ecstatic experience, creative expression, exploration and protection of the interconnectedness of all life ... where the values of love, affection, compassion prevail, nurturing all beings... It is possible to create a realized world -- a pure land -- but we must all return to our primordial nature. That is the pilgrimage we are all on.  It is the sacred space from which all sacred places are born.

Leila Castle Earthwalking Sky Dancers child Buy on Amazon

Some centuries ago Joachim of Flores prophesied that there would be in the future a new age that would be the Age of the Holy Spirit. This is Sophia's age, in which She declares: Omnia coniungo ("I unite all things"). Sophia the God-bearer, becomes the "inner mother to the Divine Child, the incarnating Self within us", enabling us to be born again, through the Spirit, in the world. And in this new world, Sophia helps us to see in the geometrical forms of Nature, the natural shapes of the human soul.

~ from "The Shapes of Sophia: Alice Howell's Geometry of the Soul" by Richard Leviton
Richard Leviton child

If children are to keep alive their inborn sense of wonder, they need the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with them the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in. For those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.

~ from THE SENSE OF WONDER by Rachel L. Carson
Rachel L. Carson The Sense Of Wonder child Buy on Amazon

In every adult there lurks a child --
and eternal child,
something that is always becoming,
is never completed,
and calls for unceasing care,
attention and education.
That is part of the human personality
which wants to develop and
become whole.

~ Carl G. Jung
Carl G. Jung child Buy on Amazon

The spirit of childhood is a spirit of simplicity and joy that goes together with the greatest intelligence and the most advanced knowledge. Here more than anywhere else the law of contrasts holds: one must be great to be secure enough to be truly childlike -- just as one must be strong to be infinitely gentle, and wise in order to permit oneself to be foolish. Spiritual childhood is a matter of trust and self-surrender into God's hands.

~ Petite Soeur Magdeleine de Jesus
Petite Soeur Magdeleine de Jesus child Buy on Amazon

There is a child that exists in all of us. For some, this little boy or girl is buried alive under years of pain and abuse. As we uncover the child spirit, we experience the emotions, the thoughts and even the behaviors that have been repressed for decades. Unless at some point we are able to embrace our inner child at whatever age and stage it shows itself to us, we will re-enact childhood events in some very destructive and unconscious ways. Yet through this courageous work we find the pathway to joy, serenity and wholeness.

~ from "Inner Child Work" by Rokelle W. Lerner
Rokelle W. Lerner child Buy on Amazon

The peacemakers are called children of God, because that is precisely what they are: the conscious offspring of the Creator. The peacemakers are men and women who have adventured down the avenues of healing and caught the current of their divine identity. The children of God share the spirits and purposes of God. The peacemakers have internalized the seven steps to wholeness outlined in the Beatitudes: they recognized their weaknesses; they long for what they need to change; they are gentle, unpretentious and nonviolent; they pursue right livelihood; they have compassion for others; their motivation is pure; they offer unconditional love to all.

~ from TERRA CHRISTA by Ken Carey
Ken Carey Terra Christa child Buy on Amazon

Childhood is the foundation stone upon which stands the whole life structure.The seed sown in childhood blossoms into the tree of life.

Those who have the humility of a child may find again the key to reverence for, and kinship with, all of life.

~ J. Allen Boone
J. Allen Boone child Buy on Amazon

Since the more we learn,
Let the Child return
And wisdom grow.

~ Benjamin Priest
Benjamin Priest child

November 1997 (Vol. X, No. 10)

BLESSINGS be yours, dear friends, as in teh Silence we consider our relationship to forgieness -- that miracle of grace whereby what was separated by broken trust is healed through love.

Forgiveness is a miracle of grace whereby the offense no longer separates. ... It means that we will no longer use the offense to drive a wedge between us, hurting and injuring one another. Forgiveness means that the power of love that holds us together is greater than the power of the offense that separates us. That is forgiveness. In forgiveness we are releasing our offenders so that they are no longer bound to us ... freeing them to receive God's grace.

~ from PRAYER by Richard J. Foster
Richard J. Foster Prayer forgiveness Buy on Amazon

True forgiveness blesses all and begins in the heart of the individual. As we give ourselves and others truly righteous thoughts for all inharmonious ones, we are making ready the harvest of a great spiritual feast which is certain to follow the seedtime. Forgiveness has two-fold mission. It frees both the erring and loving one, for back of the application of forgiveness is a deep, radiant love, a love founded on principle, a love that desires to give for the joy of giving with no thought of reward.

~ from LIFE AND TEACHINGS by Baird T. Spalding
Baird T. Spalding Life And Teachings forgiveness Buy on Amazon

Every time you forgive, you dissolve a condition you have placed on your own capacity to love. Every time you forgive, love is awakened in you more deeply and your capacity to extend love is increased. That is the nature of the journey.

~ from LOVE WITHOUT CONDITIONS by Paul Ferrini
Paul Ferrini Love Without Conditions forgiveness Buy on Amazon

Bless all you've been, bless who you are now, bless who you are becoming, and then, as after forgiveness, let go...

Forgiveness means that I am willing to forgive the other person for not being God -- for not fulfilling all my needs. I, too, must ask forgiveness for not being able to fulfill other people's needs. Our heart -- the center of our being -- is part of God. Thus our heart longs for satisfaction and total communion... But since we want so much and we get only a part of what we want, we have to keep on forgiving people for not giving us all we want. The interesting thing is that when you can forgive people for not being God, then you can celebrate that they are a reflection of God.

~ Henri Nouwen in "Fellowship In Prayer" -- 12/96
Henri Nouwen forgiveness Buy on Amazon

We hunger to be known and understood. We hunger to be loved. We hunger to be at peace inside our own skins. We hunger not just to be fed these things but, often without realizing it, hunger to feed each other these things because they too are starving for them. We hunger not just to be loved but to love, not just to be forgiven but to forgive, not just to be known and understood, but to know and understand each other to the point of seeing that in the last analysis we all have the same good times, the same bad times, and that for that very reason there is no such thing in the world as anyone who is really a stranger.

~ from LONGING FOR HOME by Frederick Buechner
Frederick Buechner Longing For Home forgiveness Buy on Amazon

Forgiving, truly and deeply forgiving, sets in motion mighty waves of love that flow down from the very gates of heaven, washing and making clean everything in its path. When this happens, everything is made new, and the shadows of pain and confusion are illuminated with understanding.

~ Marian Scheele
Marian Scheele forgiveness

Recent studies have validated the brain/earth relationship through magnetics. Ancient texts tell us that the body seeks a harmonic balance with the earth. This balance is the goal of the life experience, and may be consciously regulated through non-polarized thoughts of forgiveness and feelings of compassion.

~ from AWAKENING TO ZERO POINT by Gregg Braden
Gregg Braden Awakening To Zero Point forgiveness Buy on Amazon

When I feel betrayed by someone, instead of sulking, clinging to my resentment and playing the role of victim, I am challenged to strengthen my soul through forgiveness. By forgiving the person who hurt me, I strengthen my soul... And each time we are called upon to forgive, we nourish our souls and learn more about who we are and what we have to share in this world.

~ John Gray in HANDBOOK OF THE SOUL by Joan Borysenko
Joan Borysenko Handbook Of The Soul forgiveness Buy on Amazon

True forgiveness always has a sacrificial character. It can never have a passive character. For we do not simply make a decision to "forget" the wrong or injustice that has been perpetrated upon us but, in addition, we take upon ourselves an inner obligation to MAKE AMENDS for the objective harm which evil action has wrought not only upon us but also upon the world. In true forgiveness we willingly, out of complete inner freedom, take upon ourselves an inner obligation to give the world as much compassion, love, and goodness as the evil action has objectively taken away from it.

~ from THE HIDDEN SIGNIFICANCE OF FORGIVENESS by Prokofieff with thanks to Elaine Laforet
Prokofieff The Hidden Significance Of Forgiveness forgiveness Buy on Amazon

When two persons want reconciliation through forgiveness, the whole cosmos is involved, and the energy springing from forgiveness is released for other forms of service. Forgiveness makes possible a deeper communion than that which existed before. One can begin to see another reason why forgiveness is important. Its importance is on the scale of evolution and it springs from the Creator of evolution. It invariably releases love, and love is the energy of creation.

John Yungblut Shaping A Personal Myth To Live By forgiveness Buy on Amazon

Faithful creator, You are the source and resource of all purposed and created life. In an attitude of gratitude I accept your encouragement to learn what it means to be authentically human and make peace with my own humanity, so that I can accept a sacredness of other beings. With thanksgiving I accept the spiritual, ethical and moral responsibility for my own inner healing and joy. I embrace the mystery of healthy loving relationships as I learn to be an agent of change, reason and tenderness upon the earth that is an outpouring of your love for all life. I accept your help so that I may learn to live honorably in covenant community, lifting my voice in care, over criticism. Amen.

~ Adei-Mai Morningstar Grenpastures
Adei-Mai Morningstar Grenpastures forgiveness

To live without forgiveness is to live separated from the sacred and from the most basic instincts of our heart. To live with forgiveness is to reveal in each moment the beauty and value of life. To live with forgiveness is to choose in each moment an active role in creating relationships, organizations, communities, and a world that works for everyone.

~ from FORGIVENESS by Robin Casarjian
Robin Casarjian Forgiveness forgiveness Buy on Amazon
