October 1997 (Vol. X, No. 9)

BLESSINGS and every good wish, friends. Peace be with you! Peace comes within our souls when we realize our oneness with the universe. And the world will become more peaceful when we have the same capacity to be silent as we have to speak. Blessed are all who practice silence!

Making peace with ourselves means accessing inner peace that can be cultivated and extended to others. Authentic inner peace does not mean living in isolation, but discovering our own true nature and living in harmony with other people and the environment.

~ from SHADOWS OF THE SACRED by Frances Vaughan
Frances Vaughan Shadows Of The Sacred peace Buy on Amazon

Each of us contributes to tomorrow by our thoughts, word and deed. Coming to peace in ourselves, forgiving our relatives and ourselves for what should have been, what could have been, and accepting who we are -- this is a primary step upon the Beauty Path. Casting our patterns of attachment and expectation enables us to act in the now. Once we make that step, we ever walk in the way of beauty.

~ from VOICES OF OUR ANCESTORS by Dhyani Ywahoo
Dhyani Ywahoo Voices Of Our Ancestors peace Buy on Amazon

The highest form of intervention that an individual may offer within a given situation, is not to ask for something to be, rather to become that which is desired. If peace is THE DESIRED REALITY within the global matrix, peace must BECOME THE REALITY within the local matrix of your experience. You must BECOME THAT PEACE.

~ from AWAKENING TO ZERO POINT by Gregg Braden
Gregg Braden Awakening To Zero Point peace Buy on Amazon

Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth,
Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust,
Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace,
Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe.

~ Peace Prayer at St. John the Divine Cathedral
St. John the Divine Cathedral Peace Prayer peace

The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.

~ Black Elk
Black Elk peace Buy on Amazon

"Peace is not the absence of war." Spinoza said it, but it is mindlessly quoted out of context, for he added, "It is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice."

Frederick Franck A Little Compendium On That Which Matters peace Buy on Amazon

Enlightenment, peace, and joy will not be granted by someone else. The well is within us, and if we dig deeply enough in the present moment, the water will spring forth. We must go back to the present moment in order to be really alive... You will be able to make a breakthrough and discover joy and peace right in the present moment, inside of yourself and all around you.

~ from PEACE IS EVERY STEP by Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh Peace Is Every Step peace Buy on Amazon

We need a deep mystical awakening the likes of which the planet has never witnessed before -- a mystical awakening that is truly planetary, that draws out the wisdom and the mystic, the player and the justice maker from the wisdom traditions of all religions and cultures. Such a mystical awakening would surely birth that "peace on earth" for which creation longs. ... Peace ON earth cannot happen without peace WITH the earth and peace among all earth creatures.

~ Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox peace Buy on Amazon

Peace is all around us -- in the world, in nature and within us -- in our bodies and our spirits. Once we learn to touch this peace, we will be healed and transformed.

~ Brian J. Piere
Brian J. Piere peace Buy on Amazon

Every loving thought we think is a powerful key to the kingdom. Through prayer, meditation, and the silence of a profound holiness, we focus our dispersed and irresponsible thought forms. We thus take up the challenge to redirect world history. We must relinquish our passive observation of the world outside; we can open the door to the world we really want. In understanding ourselves, we come to understand the world. In allowing ourselves to heal, we become the healers of the world. In praying for peace, we become bringers of peace. Thus we actualize the power within us to remedy the soul wounds of humanity.

~ from ILLUMINATA by Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson Illuminata peace Buy on Amazon

A legend: In the beginning of the world the divine light was held in primeval vessels. But somehow no one knows how the vessels were shattered, and discord and confusion spread everywhere. The great task for human beings is to repair the ancient vessels, to gather together the sacred light, to call home all those who have been lost or in exile, to heal the separation and bring peace to the world.

~ from THE FEMININE FACE OF GOD by Sherry Ruth Anderson and Patricia Hopkins
Patricia Hopkins, Sherry Ruth Anderson The Feminine Face Of God peace Buy on Amazon

If you give your life as a prayer, you intensify the prayer beyond all measure. To attain inner peace you must actually give your life, not just your possessions. When you at last give your life bringing into alignment your beliefs and the way you live, then, and only then, can you begin to find inner peace.

~ Peace Pilgrim
Peace Pilgrim peace Buy on Amazon

Drop They still dews of quietness
Til all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
the beauty of Thy peace.

~ John Greenleaf Whittier
John Greenleaf Whittier peace

Silence is our deepest nature,
our home, our common ground,
our peace.
Silence reveals.
Silence heals.

~ from SHARING SILENCE by Gunilla Norris
Gunilla Norris Sharing Silence peace Buy on Amazon
There is no way to peace, PEACE IS THE WAY.
~ A.J. Muste
A. J. Muste peace

I weave a silence on my lips
I weave a silence into my mind
I weave a silence within my heart
I close my ears to distractions
I close my eyes to attractions
I close my heart to temptations.
Calm me, O God, as You stilled the storm
Still me, O God, keep me from harm
Let all tumult within me cease
Enfold me, O God, in your peace.

~ a Celtic prayer
Unknown Celtic Prayr peace

September 1997 (Vol. X, No. 8)

BLESSINGS of the Silence be with you, friends! In the rush and noise of life, pause, step within yourself and be still. Rest and wait upon God. This will enable you to flow through the day's affairs. Ask, what is my best Work.

Guild members, we are told, would begin their day with the master in prayer to the guild's patron saint before turning to the work, and prayers of one kind or another punctuated the whole day. ... Oh, for the ordered structure of the guild workshop! The strong clear voice "re-minding" me, in the real sense of that word, to return to the silence.

~ from "Working For a Living" by Jean K. Martine
Jean K. Martine Working For A Living work

The object of leisure is work. The object of work is holiness ... meaning wholeness. Recreation is for the sake of work. Leisure time is for the sake of recreation in order that the labourer may the better return to work. Games are like sleep -- necessary for the health of body and mind -- a means to health, the health of the labourer, the one who prays, the contemplative. Leisure is secular, work is sacred. Holidays are the active life, the working life is the contemplative life.

Eric Gill A Holy Tradition Of Working work Buy on Amazon

There are times not to answer the door, not to answer the phone, not to do undone things, but to rest in silence from everything. The world can wait five minutes. In fact no matter how busy we are, no matter how well organized, no matter how little rest we allow ourselves, we will never do all that needs to be done. But to do well what we are called to do, it is essential to nurture a capacity for inner stillness. Such quiet, deep-down listening is itself prayer.

~ from PRAYING WITH ICONS by Jim Forest
Jim Forest Praying With Icons work Buy on Amazon

Our age has its own particular mission or vocation: the creation of a civilization founded upon the spiritual nature of work.

~ Simone Weil
Simone Weil work Buy on Amazon

Communication with God is a deep inner knowing that God is within you and around you. God "speaks" through the still, small voice within. When you have constant communion with God, a constant receiving from within, there is never any doubt; you know your way. You become an instrument through which a job is done, therefore you have no feeling of self-achievement... The main things, if you are to find inner peace, are to bring your life into harmony with the laws which govern this universe (these are the same for all of us), and to find and fit into your special work in this world -- your job in the divine plan.

~ Peace Pilgrim in THE SPIRITUAL ATHLETE edited by Ray Berry
Peace Pilgrim The Spiritual Athlete work Buy on Amazon

To see our work as prayer and an opportunity to bring forth a flash of truth is a great gift. To know that even the busy world is a holy world is quite a change of heart.

~ Dhyani Ywahoo (Cherokee)
Dhyani Ywahoo work Buy on Amazon

Any type of work can be meaningful.It is the spirit in which you do it that makes the difference.

Things just happen in the right way, at the right time. At least they do when you LET them, when you work WITH circumstances instead of saying, "This isn't supposed to be happening this way", and trying hard to make it happen some other way. If you're in tune with The Way Things Work, then they work the way they need to, no matter what you may think about it at the time. Later on, you can lookback and say, "Oh, now I understand. That had to happen so that THOSE could happen, and those had to happen in order for THIS to happen..." Then you realize that even if you'd tried to make it all turn out perfectly, you couldn't have done better, and if you'd REALLY tried, you would have made a mess of the whole thing.

~ from THE TAO OF POOH by Bejamin Hoff
Bejamin Hoff The Tao Of Pooh work Buy on Amazon

May your feet ever lead you to where your heart is...
May your work and your heart's joy ever be as one.

~ Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill work

Art arises from a spiritual longing that all people share: to make our mark on the world and to spend our life energy in a work that rises above the mundane, adding grace to existence. We respond to the light of the world around us by giving expression to our own inner light, and when the two are on the same wave-length, the world seems more brilliant and finely focused.

~ from THE SOULS OF ANIMALS by Gary Kowalski
Gary Kowalski The Souls Of Animals work Buy on Amazon

"All the stages of one's work have a poetic nature," he continued. "No one gets paid for keeping their own tools cleaned. It is an act of real art; otherwise you don't have a rapport with the tool; then it becomes a rebellious servant, not respected, not properly handled."

One day I confided to Ruth that I felt her house was a living thing. She recalled returning to her home after being aways for four months. "I waxed and shined desks and chairs, and these dead objects returned to life. Their wood almost sprouted new leaves and blossoms. I no longer felt desolate in the house."

Tino's relationship with his tools, and Ruth's care and tending of the objects in her home speak of their attitude to all things. I had to go away, to a foreign land in America, before I could see that the qualities I was looking for were here, practically in my own backyard.

~ from PLAIN AND SIMPLE by Sue Bender
Sue Bender Plain And Simple work Buy on Amazon

When you take a dirty floor ... and make it spotlessly clean, and this polish it until it shines, it radiates back to you the love which you poured into it; the divinity of that floor has been drawn forth.

~ Eileen Caddy
Eileen Caddy work Buy on Amazon

Good work that leaves the world softer and fuller and better than ever before is the stuff of which human satisfaction and spiritual value are made.

~ Joan Chittister
Joan Chittister work Buy on Amazon

True service isn't an act, but an attitude. We can do things for other people with all kinds of self-serving motives. True service, however, stems from a feeling of humility, gratitude, and the essential recognition that we are in this together... Service is love in action -- as simple as a friendly smile or nod to a stranger -- or as all embracing as the life of Peace Pilgrim or Mother Teresa.

~ from NO ORDINARY MOMENTS by Dan Millman
Dan Millman No Ordinary Moments work Buy on Amazon

In all our activities we may be seeking God: in our work, on our social occasions, as we walk along the road, even when we are so busy that we have not time to think of anything except what we are doing... God can deal with us under a thousand forms for our spiritual hallowing. Behind all the strange puzzles of life there is the secret working of God, creating life, creating character, accepting service -- all sorts of spiritual shaping going on.

~ from CHRIST THE COMPANION by S.D.C. Father Andrew
S.D.C. Father Andrew Christ The Companion work Buy on Amazon
The outward work will never be puny if the inward work is great.
~ Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart work Buy on Amazon

July-August 1997 (Vol. X, No. 7)

Wishing each friend A BLESSED SUMMER! Through pauses in the Silence, may you remain aware of the Sacred Journey to wholeness wherever you are, wherever you travel. May you invite times of quiet relaxtion and re-creation into your life. As Frederick Franck reminds us in The Zen of Seeing, "In this twentieth century, to stop rushing around, to sit quietly on the grass, to switch off the world and come back to the earth, to allow the eye to see a willow, a bush, a cloud, a leaf, is an unforgettable experience".

In the luminous darkness through which we travel on our human journey, we are often lonely but never alone. Road-weary, overwhelmed by the magnitude of the difficulties we face during our brief days, we are tempted to despair or to settle for cheap optimism. But in the deep place of the spirit, we are moved and called forth to undertake this ongoing adventure by the yearning, restless, and creative One who -- though called by the ten thousand names of God -- is still clothed in marvelous silence.

~ from HYMNS TO AN UNKNOWN GOD by Sam Keen
Sam Keen Hymns To An Unknown God journey Buy on Amazon

The only little journey we have to make -- the only little moment of transition -- is the moment where we actually become aware of the dignity and beauty and light of the presence in which we already are. I think that being here in this graced planet of landscape, nature, presence, and person is the miracle -- is the journey.

~ John O'Donohue
John O'Donohue journey Buy on Amazon
Our real journey in life is interior: a matter of growth, deepening, and of an ever greater surrender to the creative action of love and grace in our hearts.
~ Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton journey Buy on Amazon
The journey is really about losing yourself, giving yourself to Another.
~ Joseph Campbell
Joseph Campbell journey Buy on Amazon

pull anchor
and journey
to that place
where all land
cries yes
and all water

~ from ON FRIENDSHIP AND DREAMING by Mary Anne Hershey
Mary Anne Hershey On Friendship And Dreaming journey Buy on Amazon

Our spiritual journey is deeply reflected by the evolution of the voice and by the ways in which we communicate with others. Our fears, softness, sharp edges, peacefulness, and joy are carried to others by our tone, words or lack of words. As people become more whole and in tune with themselves, they usually speak with greater simplicity, resonating from both heart and head.

~ from A HOME FOR THE HEART by Charlotte S. Kasl
Charlotte S. Kasl A Home For The Heart journey Buy on Amazon

Why is it so difficult to give up old perceptions when it is clear that what we really know is only a fraction of what there is to be known? The tiny fraction we see is not the only way it is. Whenever we say, "I know it," it means that we no longer want to struggle with other ways of seeing it. But the way we once saw it may not be the way it is now. Certainly the way something is now does not determine that it will always be that way because we are, all of us, on a journey whose ultimate destination is unknown.

~ from THEFT OF THE SPIRIT by Carl Hammerschlag
Carl Hammerschlag Theft Of The Spirit journey Buy on Amazon
The journey into the inner self is not just the important one, it is the only one.We need to listen to the sound beyond the silence.
~ W. B. Yeats
W. B. Yeats journey Buy on Amazon

The sublimation of the human will to the Greater Will is the prime challenge of the spiritual Journey. In fact, this transference of one's allegiance from self to Self, and to God, IS the essence of the spiritual Path. All other aspects of this Path -- all practices, all tests and trials, all teachings and disciplines, and all of the love and the adversity are a part of the great drama of the gradual fusing of the mortal, lesser self with that which is immortal and immutable. But in order to become one with God, the soul itself must first possess an identity, rounded out and matured as a worthy offering to give back to its Creator.

David Tame Beethoven And The Spiritual Path journey Buy on Amazon

We are divine but imperfect beings who exist in two worlds, material and spiritual. Knowing we have a home of everlasting love waiting for us, makes us receptive to the higher spiritual power within our minds... The highest forms of self-expression are acts of kindness. Our soul may be traveling away from a permanent home, but we are not just tourists. We bear responsibility in the evolution of a higher consciousness for ourselves and others in life. Thus, our journey is a collective one.

~ from JOURNEY OF SOULS by Michael Newton
Michael Newton Journey Of The Souls journey Buy on Amazon
And the Journey is from a place we have never left to a place we have ever been ...
~ thanks to John Groff
Unknown journey

We are not yet what we shall be,
but we are growing toward it;
the process is not yet finished,
but it is going on;
this is not the end,
but it is the road.

~ Martin Luther with thanks to Bob Hamlyn
Martin Luther journey Buy on Amazon
Knowingly or not, all of us are embarked on a common journey in consciousness whose goal is our full awakening to unity.
~ Anna Lemkov
Anna Lemkov journey

The spiritual journey is an expanding awareness of the Divine as all in all, vividly and actually present in all external reality, without dualistic separations. Here is the simple truth I keep trying to own, the one that breaks the bounds of beauty: everything is in God, and God is in everything. Think of it. There is no separation, no conflict, no obstruction between the world and the Divine. All that exists is penetrated with divinity. Creation, matter, our bodies -- everything is a vast incarnation or manifestation of Real Presence.

~ from "Silence in the Midst of Noise" by Sue Monk Kidd given at the Schola Retreat Conference
Sue Monk Kidd journey Buy on Amazon

June 1997 (Vol. X, No. 6)

BLESSED BE, dear friends, as we journey into a new season. May we remember to pause and listen to bird-song: a reminder that each one of us has a soul-son deep within the silence of our hearts to bring forth into the world.

We can be played by the wind, and what we speak will be the sound of the moment, bringing with the word the possibility of real change rather than the apparency of change. We all know this somewhere deep within ourselves, and although God gives us everything, it is up to us to be so finely tuned that the music that is played is of Truth itself.

Reshad Feild Reason Is Powerless In The Expression Of Love music Buy on Amazon

The origins of music lie far back in time. It arises out of proportion and is rooted in the Great One ... That from which all beings arise and have their origin is the Great One ... When the world is at peace, when all things are at rest, then music can be brought to perfection.

Di Jiangyue The Spring And Autumn Annals Of Lu Buwei music Buy on Amazon

At a certain pitch of religious experience, the heart just wants to sing; it breaks into song. Paradoxically, you could say when silence finds its fullness, it comes to word. As the Book of Wisdom says, "When night in its swift course had reached its halfway point and deep silence embraced everything" -- when night was at its darkest and deepest -- there "the eternal Word leaped from the Heavenly throne": silence burst into song.

~ from THE MUSIC OF SILENCE by David Steindl-Rast
David Steindl-Rast The Music Of Silence music Buy on Amazon

We each listen to a different music within, one uniquely our own. A special joy is finding and refining the creative spark which leads us to follow in rhythm to the pace and tempo of our God-given talents.

~ from JOY by Beverly Elaine Eanes
Beverly Elaine Eanes Joy music Buy on Amazon

BACH gave us God's Word
MOZART gave us God's Laughter
BEETHOVEN gave us God's Fire
gave us MUSIC that we
might pray without words.

~ from a German Opera House
Unknown music

In total silence he perceived a distant melody. It could be coming from the stars, from the bottom of the sea or from the night itself... It was not like any other, not even like the purring of the sea on tranquil nights before the storms... Juan sang drawn by the music that reached him, and, like the night, his song made him brother to the trees, the seagull, the mollusks, the wild flowers that spring up in the sand. "This melody is the murmur of the sea that covers all humankind."

~ from THE HOUSE ON THE DUNES by Roberto Viola
Roberto Viola The House On The Dunes music Buy on Amazon

The infinite musical variations of wind, water, and bird summon differently, but each is woven into delightful textures of notes, tones, and silences.

~ James Mahood
James Mahood music

Without music no discipline can be perfect, for there is nothing without it. For the very universe is held together by a certain harmony of sounds, and the heavens themselves are made to revolve by the modulation of harmony. Music moves the feelings and changes the emotions... The very beasts also, even serpents, birds, and dolphins, music incites to listen to her melody. And every word we speak, every pulsation in our veins, is related by musical rhythms to the powers of harmony.

~ Isadore of Seville
Isadore of Seville music

There are those who know all the notes; and there are those who know the music.

~ Sam Hamill
Sam Hamill music Buy on Amazon

One night, as I kneeled beside my bed and prayed, I gazed through my window at the starry night. I thought of how God was THROUGH, and yet BEYOND, all space. Suddenly, I had the sensation of being surrounded by a musical harmony like a great anthem, only inaudible to the human ear. Then I just seemed to evaporate until I too was THROUGH and BEYOND the stars.

I was completely filling space, and the musical harmony was completely filling me. I did not see the proverbial Light, I experienced it. I did not hear the anthem, I was it... I understood that everything was part of God, everything in the universe was one.

~ Janice in "Re-Visioning Childhood Experience" by Edward Hoffman
Edward Hoffman Re-visioning Childhood Experiences music

Silence can contain within it all the music that can be played, for all of it emerges from silence. A word is a note. Silence is a symphony.

~ from IN SPEECH AND SILENCE by David J. Wolpe
David J. Wolpe In Speech And Silence music Buy on Amazon

We are part of the tremendous through
Forever surging in transcendent flight,
Perilous though the journey be long.
And all, it is ordained, will earn the right
To add our separate voices to the song
Rising triumphant from the chorus of the light.

Reginald Winder Sonnets Of The Ancient Teaching music

Some time ago, I was at a concert and listening to the orchestra beginning to tune up. It was the most discordant sound I've ever heard. Each instrument was playing in its own way, in total disharmony. Then the oboe, a quiet little instrument, began to play and all the other instruments turned in on its note. And gradually, all the disharmony began to calm down. Then there was silence, and the concert began. It seems to me that the mantra is very much like that little oboe. In meditation, the mantra brings all the parts of our being, one by one, bit by bit, into harmony. And when we are in harmony, we are the music of God.

~ Laurence Freeman
Laurence Freeman music Buy on Amazon

One cultivates silence not by forcing the ears not to hear, but by turning up the volume on the music of the world and soul.

~ from MEDITATIONS by Thomas Moore
Thomas Moore Meditations music Buy on Amazon

The first three notes -- the root, the fifth, and the minor third -- seemed entirely magical. In their simplicity he heard the implication of the whole piece itself, and from that, from his awareness of the fugue, came an awareness of all-of-music, as if all notes were contained in any single note. The perception was evanescent, but so powerful as to wipe away thoughts of himself. Music is here! Music has been here forever and always will be here! It was so much larger than life, so ineluctable strong, so potent an indicator of a kind of heaven on earth, that all else was swept before it. He saw this in a flash. In a nanosecond.

~ from BODY AND SOUL by Frank Conroy
Frank Conroy Body And Soul music Buy on Amazon

To dance through life
we must listen to the
music within.

~ Alan Fischer
Alan Fischer music

For herein lies the Great Mystery

Enter into the Silence, into the
Heart of Truth;
For herein lies the Great Mystery
where life is ever unfolding;
Herein the Divine Plan is made known,
the Plan all are invited to serve.
Listen for the music of the Holy Word
in the resounding Silence of
the universe.
May balance and harmony be your aim
as you are drawn into the
Heart of Love.

May 1997 (Vol X, No. 5)

Dear friends, do you know how to make God laugh?  Tell God your plans.

Do you know how to make God laugh?
Tell God your plans. The journey of life
is the journey of walking into your mystery,
and, not getting there before God does.

~ Carolyn Myss
Carolyn Myss mystery Buy on Amazon

For, there is a Mystery that many call God, manifesting as Universal Love, a set of Laws and a Great Process. That Process works through each and all of us, and that Process is perfect. As we discover this fundamental truth in the journey of our loves, we find that wherever we step, the path appears beneath our feet.

~ from THE LAWS OF SPIRIT by Dan Millman
Dan Millman The Laws Of Spirit mystery Buy on Amazon

However I may be asked to be with a person, always I am tending to the birth of the sacred, to the mystery -- to the inbreaking of God in this time and space in this person's life. That experience is always new, always precious -- like any birth.

~ Joyce Diltz in "Presence"
Joyce Diltz Presence mystery

Delight is a mystery. And the mystery is this: to plunge boldly into the brilliance and immediacy of living, at the same time as utterly surrendering to that which lies beyond space and time; to see life translucently ...

Alan McGlashan The Savage And Beautiful Country mystery Buy on Amazon

If you could know that all the time the world would ever have is in the moment now in which you stand, that in your hand the future's bent and all the promise of the past's intent is held, would you not wait and listen and be still? Would you not let such mystery poured from unimagined source fill and fill and finally overflow the moment, until you, a living fragment of eternity, hear its measured beat and take its temp for your heart and hands and feet?

~ Anne S. Watson
Anne S. Watson mystery

The "mystical experience." Always HERE and NOW -- in that freedom which is one with distance, in that stillness which is born of silence. But this is a freedom in the midst of action, a stillness in the midst of other human beings. The mystery is a constant reality to those who, in this world, are free from self-concern, a reality that grows peaceful and mature before the receptive attention of assent. In our era, the road to holiness necessarily passes through the world of action.

~ from MARKINGS by Dag Hammarskjold
Dag Hammarskjold Markings mystery Buy on Amazon

The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestation of the profoundest reasons and the most radiant beauty, which are only accessible to our reason in their most elementary forms. It is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, I am a deeply religious man.

~ from THE WORLD AS I SEE IT by Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein The World As I See It mystery Buy on Amazon
O Mystery, You are life.I feel you all around
You are the fire in my heart, You are the holy sound.
You are all of life.It is to You I sing.
Grant that I may feel You, always in every thing.
~ Missa Gaia by Paul Winter
Paul Winter Missa Gaia mystery
We believe profoundly in silence -- the sign of a perfect equilibrium.Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind and spirit.If you ask us: "What is silence?" we will answer: "It is the Great Mystery!"The holy silence is Great Spirit's voice!"If you ask: "What are the fruits of silence?" we will say: "They are self-control, true courage or endurance, patience, dignity, and reverence.Silence is the cornerstone of character.
~ Ohiyesa, Santee Dakota author in TOUCH THE EARTH by T.C. McLuhan
T.C. McLuhan Touch The Earth mystery Buy on Amazon
The overwhelming experience of fly fishing is Mystery.It deals with the Unseen, with what lies in the invisible dimensions beneath the shimmering, rippling surface of an ever-changing mountain stream.It exercises every ounce of imagination and can bypass conscious awareness for extended periods.Fly fishing is an open doorway into the unconscious.After all, one is often standing waist-deep in water, which is a mighty symbol of the unconscious mind.There is no way to rush this process: One must STAND in the Mystery. ... In order to be a decent fly fisherman, on must BECOME the fish ... To enter Trout Mind means giving up the self. ... Landing a trout provides a great opportunity for nonattachment: thanking and blessing the fish, and releasing her.
~ Larry Dossey in "Quest"
Larry Dossey Quest mystery
Enter into the Silence, into the
Heart of Truth;
For herein lies the Great Mystery
where life is ever unfolding;
Herein the Divine Plan is made known,
the Plan all are invited to serve.
Listen for the music of the Holy Word
in the resounding Silence of
the universe.
May balance and harmony be your aim
as you are drawn into the
Heart of Love.
~ from PSALMS FOR PRAYING by Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill Psalms For Praying mystery Buy on Amazon
What else should our lives be but a continual series of beginnings, of painful settings out into the unknown, pushing off from the edges of consciousness into the mystery of what we have not yet become, except in dreams that blow in from out there bearing the fragrance of islands we have not yet sighted in our waking hours, as in voyaging sometimes the first blossoming branches of our next landfall come bumping against the keel, even in the dark, whole days before the real land rises to meet us.
~ from AN IMAGINARY LIFE by David Malouf
David Malouf An Imaginary Life mystery Buy on Amazon

April 1997 (Vol. X, No. 4)

BLESSINGS be with you all in thi seed-dowing season! Just as seed germinates in the silent, fertile soil, may the seed of God's Word be nourished in the silence of your soul.

If we could even for a moment throw away our concepts and see with the inner eye through all the veils of conditioning, we would know there is only one world, one indissoluble whole. We would see that all creatures on earth are part of a sinle system. There is no preferred species; there is no preferred race. In the Eye of Wisdom ... What we do, we must do in this very moment. There is no other preferred moment. When we can accept what is before our eyes, accept it with whole heart, we no longer have anything to fear, anything to long for. All we need to set the world aright is here. We have only to see it.

June Singer Seeing Through The Visible World nature Buy on Amazon

All things by immortal power
near or far
to each other linked are.
Thou can'st not stir a flower
Without troubling a star.

~ Francis Thompson thanks to Lyn Harmon
Francis Thompson thanks to Lyn Harmon nature Buy on Amazon

Uncle explained that the pines and oaks will not spread into the fields to grow and make a new woods, unless we leave the ground unseeded. My uncle envisioned that this barren land was to become a new forest, one of great beauty and repose. "To be poor and be without trees, is to be the most starved human being in the world. To be poor and have trees, is to be completely rich in ways that money can never buy."

~ from THE FAITHFUL GARDENER by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Clarissa Pinkola Estes The Faithful Gardiner nature Buy on Amazon

Because nature within us is part of the same great pattern as nature without, to begin the turn-around from "ravaged" land to "reverenced" land, the first step is to take time out to permit our inner patterns to re-align with the greater beings -- the sun and the atmosphere -- which give us our life here on Earth.

~ Dolores La Chapelle
Dolores La Chapelle nature

In the point of rest at the center of our being, we encounter a world where all things are at rest in the same way. Then a tree becomes a mystery, a cloud a revelation, each individual a cosmos of whose riches we can only catch glimpses. The life of simplicity is simple, but it opens to us a book in which we never get beyond the first syllable.

~ Dag Hammarskjold
Dag Hammarskjold nature Buy on Amazon

The awareness of the unity and interconnectedness of all beings leads -- if it is consistent -- to an empathy with others. It expresses itself as reverence of life, compassion, a sense of the communion of suffering humanity, and the commitment to heal our wounded earth and its peoples.

Renee Weber Dialogues With Scientists And Sages nature Buy on Amazon

Walk and touch peace every moment.
Walk and touch happiness every moment.
Each step brings a fresh breeze.
Each step makes a flower bloom under our feet.
Kiss the Earth with your feet.
Print on Earth your love and happiness.
Earth will be safe
When we feel in us enough safety.

~ from CALL ME BY MY TRUE NAMES by Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh Call Me By My True Names nature Buy on Amazon

Listen! The streams carry Love's Voice
mingled with bird song
sharing gratitude and praise
in support of Life!
Listen! Join the song of Creation!

~ Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill nature

Stone is storyteller.
Stone is meditation master.
Stone performs the dance of stillness.

~ Frederic Lehrman
Frederic Lehrman nature Buy on Amazon

The earth gives us life. The world around is beautiful and meant to be viewed with respect and wonder... The Sioux holy man, Black Elk, expressed it well when he said that any place you are is the center of the world. This beautiful creation is always speaking to us, it is just that we sometimes do not stop to look and listen. We forget to see as we were meant to see, not just through our eyes, but through the eye of the heart.

~ Joseph Bruchac in SOARING WITH RAVENS by Tim Fizharris
Tim Fizharris Soaring With Ravens nature Buy on Amazon

"The world is a sacred place and a sacred process," I told her, "and we're part of it."

“That's excellent -- simple and to the point. This is what was understood -- and is still understood among Leaver peoples. Wherever you were in the world, you found people who took it for granted that the world is a sacred place, and that we belong in that sacred place as much as any creature in the world." Smiling, she looked around the park, as if giving it a silent farewell. Then she included me in the smile as she said, "Maybe someday someone will find a way to say it that makes the ground tremble."

~ from THE STORY OF B by Daniel Quinn
Daniel Quinn The Story Of B nature Buy on Amazon

What a gift each morning to encounter some part of nature... It is a pure gift of beauty, of life. The sunrise can be a reminder of the day's gift because it comes unbidden. We don't produce it. The light is given. The world is reborn each morning, and we are given a whole new time of opportunity. Even if the difficulties are the same we had yesterday, we can tackle them in a new way. Primordial freshness is renewed each morning.

~ from THE MUSIC OF SILENCE by D. Steindl-Rast
David Steindl-Rast The Music Of Silence nature Buy on Amazon

I often wonder what it would be like if we dared to love this life -- the fragile and the vulnerable, the endangered, daring to be humble before the magnitude of our beginnings, daring to learn our species into a stubborn and pliant wonder, until reverence shines in all that we do -- until we live an economics of reverence -- until it permeates education, development and health care, homes and relationship, arts and agriculture -- a reverence for life, for planetary, social and personal wholeness. This is our purpose now. May we do it well, with thoroughness and love.

~ from THROUGH THE MOONS OF AUGUST by Carolyn McDade
Carolyn McDade Through The Moons Of August nature Buy on Amazon

March 1997 (Vol. X, No. 3)

BLESSINGS BE YOURS, dear friends! As we enter the Spring season, may you each pause to enter the Chapel of your heart where in silence you can commune gently, lovingly, humbly, with the Heart within your heart.

For, it is through prayer that we receive the courage to accomplish what God, neighbor, and our deepest selves are calling us to do. It is when we pray that we are able to surrender to a higher power one day at a time, accepting whatever comes. It is the practise of prayer that can teach us true wisdom, the wisdom of compassion, the wisdom of the heart.

~ from WISDOM OF THE CELTIC SAINTS by Edward C. Sellner
Edward C. Sellner Wisdom Of The Celtic Saints prayer Buy on Amazon

Prayer is an opening of the heart, an alignment with the beauty of the universe. We pray to open our hearts to spiritual power, the ability to sparkle, to shine warmth and light. We open to both the power of clear sight and the power of reflection, to actions that are thoughtful and kind.

~ from OPEN MIND by Diane Mariechild
Diane Mariechild Open Mind prayer Buy on Amazon

The path of silence ... is the path of meditation or contemplation which leads us to the center of our being. We plant the seed of silence within ourselves by quieting the mind. We allow our minds to empty of thought so we can enter our own resounding silence, a state from which we gain deep refreshment... Experiencing the silence within is like opening a hidden door to the soul.

~ from WALKING A SACRED PATH by Lauren Artress
Lauren Artress Walking A Sacred Path prayer Buy on Amazon

When you pray,
you yourself must be silent.
Let the prayer speak.

~ Tito Colliander
Tito Colliander prayer Buy on Amazon

Prayer trains the soul to singleness of focus: for God alone my soul waits. Another will is greater, wiser and more intelligent than my own. So I wait. Waiting means that there is another whom I trust and from whom I receive. My will, important and essential as it is, finds a will that is more important, more essential... In prayer we are aware that God is in action and that when the circumstances are ready, when others are in the right place and when my heart is prepared, I will be called into action. Waiting in prayer is a disciplined refusal to act before God acts. Waiting is our participation in the process that results in the "time fulfilled".

~ from EARTH AND ALTAR by Eugene H. Peterson
Eugene H. Peterson Earth And Altar prayer Buy on Amazon

Are you aware that God visits with you?
In a breath of silence, in a whisper,
God speaks to you humbly.
Simply remaining in silence,
in God's presence,
to receive the Spirit, is already prayer.
God will show you the way.
At times silence can be everything in prayer.

~ from AWAKENED FROM WITHIN by Frere Roger
Frere Roger Awakened From Within prayer Buy on Amazon

The wonderful beauty of prayer is that the opening of our heart is as natural as the opening of a flower. Just as to let a flower open and bloom it is only necessary to let it be, so if we simply are, if we become and remain still and silent, our heart cannot but be open, the Spirit cannot but pour through into our whole being. It is for this we have been created.

~ from COMMUNITY OF LOVE by John Main
John Main Community Of Love prayer Buy on Amazon

In the life of the Indian there was only one inevitable duty -- the duty of prayer -- the daily recognition of the Unseen and Eternal. Daily devotions were more necessary than daily food... Each soul must meet the morning sun, the new sweet earth and the Great Silence alone!

~ Ohiyesa, a Santee Dakota physician, 1911
Ohiyesa prayer Buy on Amazon

Inner stillness is perhaps our greatest ally. Gandhi once wrote that silence brings "the highest potency and is self-acting power." Prayer, meditation, reading scripture (which is, to me, alive with silence, embedded with sacred codes about our deepest mind) -- even quiet walks -- become healing acts. These quiet the world's noises and provide clues about who we are and our healthiest directions.

Marsha Sinetar To Build The Life You Want, Create The Work you Love prayer Buy on Amazon

Prayer never touches us as long as it remains on the surface of our lives, as long as it is nothing but one more of a thousand things that must be done. It is only when prayer becomes "the one thing necessary" that real prayer begins. Prayer begins to take on its full dimensions only when we begin to intuit that the subtle nothingness of prayer is everything.

~ from MERTON'S PALACE OF NOWHERE by James Finley
James Finley Merton's Palace Of Nowhere prayer Buy on Amazon

Prayer is moving into a personal relationship with Divine Love and intelligence. It is impossible to have a prayer without power. It is impossible to have a thought that is a secret, for all energy is heard. When you pray, you draw to you and invoke grace. Grace is uncontaminated conscious Light. It is Divinity. Prayer brings grace and grace calms you. Grace is the tranquilizer of the soul. With grace comes a knowing that what you are experiencing is necessary. It calms you with a sense of knowing.

~ from THE SEAT OF THE SOUL by Gary Zukav
Gary Zukav The Seat Of The Soul prayer Buy on Amazon

We are not human beings having spiritual experiences; we are spiritual beings have human experiences.

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin prayer Buy on Amazon

There are many different kinds of prayer. Yet all prayer has one basic purpose. We pray not to get something, but to open up a two-way street between us and God so that we (and others) may inwardly become something beautiful that we share with others.

~ John Heuss B0007HLRF8
John Heuss prayer

"There is a time for silence and a time for speech." Teach me, O Holy One, the silence of humility, the silence of wisdom, the silence of love, the silence of perfection, the silence that speaks without words, the silence of faith. Teach me to silence my own heart that I may listen to the gentle movement of Thy Spirit within me and sense the depths which are of God.

~ a German prayer of the 16th century
Unknown prayer

You can do more than pray -- but only after you have prayed.

~ S.D. Gordon
S.D. Gordon prayer Buy on Amazon
