December 2003 (Vol. XVI, No. 11)

GREETINGS, dear friends! Have you thanked your angel recently? In our silences, may we ask to awaken to the angelic presences who protect and guide us throughout our lives, who delight in our conscious choice to learn to companion with them daily in the Service of Love.

When we call upon angels to be with us, we tap into an infinite resource of good will. It is as if we plug into the magnetic core of the earth to keep ourselves centered. Archangels represent the God-center of the universe; they draw nourishment from Its infinite supply. The only impediments to connecting with this energy are doubt and cynicism. If we can recognize these as they arise in our minds and find appropriate cubby holes in which to keep them in reserve for the times when they are useful, we can instantly benefit from the sense of angelic presence.

~ from GOD IS A VERB by David A. Cooper
David A. Cooper God Is A Verbe angels Buy on Amazon

Angels show their love for God through their service of other creatures, just as we are enjoined to show our love for God by serving one another. Angels make God's goodness concrete, both in this life and in the life to come.  

~ from THAT YOUR JOY MAY BE COMPLETE by George Maloney
George Maloney That Your Joy May Be Complete angels Buy on Amazon

Many people have shared stories about divine encounters with angels in which they received profound guidance, comfort, or instructions on how to proceed with their lives. And many people describe angelic interventions in which they are given a warning about something or someone in their lives . . . Without a doubt we are surrounded by our angels, invisible beings of light who guide us through the mysteries of our lives.

~ from SACRED CONTRACTS by Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss Sacred Contracts angels Buy on Amazon

There is a church in Umbria, Little Portion, already old eight hundred years ago. Abandoned and in disrepair, it was called St. Mary of the Angels, for it was known to be the haunt of angels. Often at night the country people could hear angels singing there.

What was it like, to listen to the angels, to hear those mountain-fresh, those simple voices, poured out of the bare stones of Little Portion in hymns of joy? No one has told us. Perhaps its needs another language that we have still to learn, an altogether different language.

~ Anne Porter
Anne Porter angels

I didn't know what courage was until I met Harriet Tubman. And I'm telling you I studied hard something fierce 'cause I wanted to know the source of that courage. I asked her once and she said, "It ain't me. It couldn't be. I've got a guardian angel, that's what I have. They come when you think of others more'n yourself. They come like bees to honey."

~ from "Interlude: Harriet Tubman" in NAVIGATING THE TIDES OF CHANGE
David La Chapelle Navigating The Tides Of Change angels Buy on Amazon

In everything we do, in every aspect of our lives, in our thinking and our feelings, all areas, we need to infuse those areas with the Light of God. If we do that, we will experience a wonderful sense of joy. This quality is valued by the angels because it is so very special when humanity uses its free will to replace the energy of darkness with the Light of God, especially out of love. Each time a person does this in his or her own life, it is cause for the angels to rejoice.

~ from A MESSAGE FOR HUMANITY by K. Martin-Kuri
K. Martin-Kuri A Message For Humanity angels Buy on Amazon

To love for the sake of being loved is human,
yet to love for the sake of loving is angelic.

~ Alphonse de LaMartine
Alphonse de LaMartine angels

The Angels keep their ancient places
Turn but a stone and start a wing!
'Tis ye, 'tis ye, your estranged faces
That miss the many-splendored thing.

~ Francis Thompson
Francis Thompson angels

Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Invoke them often and trust in their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.

~ St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis de Sales angels

Our guardian angels will be present during the time when our souls will exit this world and abandon the material body. They will be there at the moment to offer us solace and support during that transition and then help us adjust to the realms of the spirits when our soul will be directed toward God. It will be at that point that the soul will become conscious of its eternal condition.

~ from THE MOUNTAIN OF SILENCE by K. C. Markides
K. C. Markides The Mountain Of Silence angels Buy on Amazon

According to a Talmudic legend, an angel escorts the soul from its abode in heaven into the tomb and there unites it to the embryo. The angel tutors the new being in the mysteries of the world, transporting it to heaven and darkness to see the heights and depths of creation, revealing to it the ways of beauty, truth, and goodness, disclosing the potential of its future life on earth, even to the time and place of death. As the child matures within the womb, it ponders the wonders it has seen. Then, at the instant of birth, the angel touches the child on the mouth, erasing all memory of these marvelous revelations.

~ in GIFTS OF THE SPIRT by P. Zaleski and P. Kaufman
P. Kaufman, P. Zaleski Gifts Of The Spirit angels Buy on Amazon

When the angels touch our hearts and "kiss our minds," We are forever changed. Our wonder in being human comes back strong with angelic guidance. The magic of nature, the mythic quality of being human, the pain of the soul, the soaring of the spirit, the beauty of compassion, and the grace of reverence all come together, weaving life into a meaningful experience.

Terry Lynn Taylor The Angel Experience angels Buy on Amazon

Her 1ife, which had been a series of pious works, had cloaked her in a kind of transparent whiteness. And in growing old she had acquired a kind of beauty of goodness. What had been thinness in her youth, was in her maturity a transparency, and this ethereal quality permitted glimmers of the angel dancing within.

Victor Hugo Les Miserables angels Buy on Amazon

What remain constant in every account of angels, from ancient days to the present, is that they are both messengers and companions to humans, sent from a realm beyond usual seeing. Angels appear, and in one way or another, help us, advise us, inspire us, or amaze us.

~ from ANGELS by Armand Eisen
Armand Eisen Angels angels Buy on Amazon

 Everyone entrusted with a mission is an angel.

~ Anonymous
Anonymous angels

The love of the angels be to you --
To guard you and cherish you. 

~ Celtic Prayer
Anonymous angels

CALCUTTA: A beggar, half-conscious, is lying on a mat in a home for the dying. A nun is kneeling by his side, her delicate fingers wiping his forehead with a washcloth. She is a peasant whose eyes shine like the wings of a heron flying around the sun, a silence whose light soars through the darkness.

How can I describe the beggar's eyes as he summons all his strength to motion her to draw close? She obeys.

It takes the beggar a long time to whisper something in her ears: "I have lived . . . like an animal. Now I will die . . . like an angel." The beggar's final words.

~ from DANCHING MADLY BACKWARDS by Paul Marechal
Paul Marechal Dancing Madly Backwards angels Buy on Amazon

November 2003 (Vol. XVI, No. 10)

WISHING YOU DEEP BLESSINGS in and of the Silence, dear friends! Listening in the Silence, we receive rest and renewal from the plethora of noise, words, and massive distractions in eery area of daily life. More than ever we NEED many quiet pauses during each day for our physical well-being, our peace of mind, and our spiritual nourishment. Wise are those who companion with Silence regularly. Let the still, small Voice within be a guide.

We are all joined in the holiness of the mind that God created. I therefore never consider myself one in the silence. I'm 88 and live alone in a four room house surrounded by open space. I have no TV and have always luxuriated in silence. The exterior silence is here. The interior silence is a work in progress.

~ from Hazel, a Friend of Silence
Hazel silence

Be still.
Listen to the stones of the wall.
Be silent, they try
To speak your Name.

~ by Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton silence Buy on Amazon

Sitting in silence
Circle of arms linked as One
The way towards Peace.

~ by Justin R. Cannon
Justin R. Cannon silence

Silence makes us pilgrims. It guards the fire within. It teaches us how to speak.

~ by Henri Nouwen
Henri Nouwen silence Buy on Amazon

We need to "find" God, who cannot be found in noise and restlessness.  God is a friend of silence. The more we engage in silent prayer, the more we can give in our active life. The essential thing is not what we say, but what God says to us and through us.

~ by Mother Theresa
Mother Theresa silence

Before we determine what God wants to hear from us, we need to think about keeping still in order to hear from God. Our culture is drowning in noise. Such a culture cries out for a ministry of silence. It needs to re-learn that silence is an indispensible discipline of the spiritual life . . . to discover the voice of Love speaks most powerfully in the still small voice of silence.

~ from THE JOY OF WORSHIP by Marianne H. Micks, thanks to B. Goyer
Marianne H. Micks The Joy Of Worship silence Buy on Amazon

Fasting from words, fasting from a volume of speech, being willing to humbly accept the yoke of silence and quietude deprives the tongue of the mastery of our hearts and minds. The tongue is a very useful tool for the art of love and for the art of prayer, but it is also the means by which we afflict others and even our own selves so often. So it must be called into holy obedience.

~ from JOURNEY BACK TO EDEN by Mark Gruber
Mark Gruber Journey Back To Eden silence Buy on Amazon

In silence the scattered pieces of my life fall into place, and I see again where I am going.

~ by Susan Muto
Susan Muto silence Buy on Amazon

The Word must be heard in the silence of the heart, the place in which it can be welcomed and given space so that it may become creative. From earliest times the advice given to those who wanted to learn the monastic way was always "to return to your own heart." This is the interior space for which there are so many different concepts: the inner cloister, the poustinia, the cave of the heart. It is simply "the place of God in us" which each of us will understand in a unique and mysterious way.

~ from THE WAY OF SIMPLICITY by Esther de Waal thanks to G. Grissom
Esher de Waal The Way Of Simplicity silence Buy on Amazon

 Real revelation comes through silence.

~ by "Mr. Rogers"
Mr. Rogers silence

Take great care to restrain your tongue and be circumspect. Let only discretion and charity open your mouth. And practice the advice of all the Saints to break silence only with words that are worth more than silence. Silence is one of the most certain signs that God dwells in a soul.

~ by Edith Wallace
Edith Wallace silence

In the midst of the tintinnabulation and hurly-burly I see a silence overflowing with absence of all but Thee and me. I seek an interior place of listening to the divine where even the unspoken, but thought, words of prayer shatter silence.

~ by William J. K. Drumm
William J. K. Drumm silence

Be still. In the silence become empty,
let us create space for Holy Wisdom
to enter in and through us,
expanding our horizons.

Here we will be peaceful, calm, in harmony
with the universe,
in unity with all beings.

~ from Meditations and Mandalas by Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill Meditations And Mandalas silence Buy on Amazon

 All that which maintains a perfect balance in life must have a center. The scales of life never balance by but one side. As you become interested in the secrets of lie, you will find life holds no secrets. Silence, silence, and in the silence of the soul, desire to become conscious of the oneness of being. Then further desire to become in greater consciousness, the fullness of being.

~ by George Graham Price
George Graham Price silence

Outside my window the storm has passed. There was silence. Silence as thick as the blanket of snow that fell during that night. I sat up on my bed and entered the stillness. I had no more questions. I had no answers either. But I was filled with grace. With an inward silence, blessed by my angel after wrestling in the dark. The faith of this family, resonating with the steps in the stairwell, had quieted my fear and taken me by the hand.

~ from CIRCLING TO THE CENTER by Susan M. Tiberghien
Susan M. Tiberghien Circling To The Center silence Buy on Amazon

Meditating in silence is a little like donning black robes. You turn off your internal music and distracting narrative, and stop worrying about whether you fit in. You realize that stillness can offer another way of learning and communication. Rather than marching to a different drummer, you walk along quietly at your own pace, not leading, not following, just trying to experience the entire parade.

~ from SWEEPING CHANGES by Gary Thorp
Gary Thorp Sweeping Changes silence Buy on Amazon

Silence without, stillness within:
you have entered the Unmanifested.

~ from Omnihead Treasuries
Omnihead Treasuries silence

Concentration in the silence without effort is the state of consciousness of perfect calm, accompanied by the complete relaxation of the nerves and muscles of the body. One may say that the entire being becomes like the surface of calm water, reflecting the immense presence of the starry sky and its indescribable harmony.

And the waters are deep, so deep! And the silence grows, ever increasing. . .  What silence! . . . One wave of silence followed by another wave of more profound silence, then again a wave of still more profound silence.

Have you ever DRUNK SILENCE? If so, you know what meditation without effort is.

~ Anonymous Russian mystic
Anonymous Russian Mystic Meditations On The Tarot silence Buy on Amazon

Be still

Be still. In the silence become empty,
let us create space for Holy Wisdom
to enter in and through us,
expanding our horizons.

Here we will be peaceful, calm, in harmony
with the universe,
in unity with all beings.

October 2003 (Vol. XVI, No. 9)

WARM AUTUMN GREETINGS, dear friends! every season is a new opportunity for soul-growth. As we enter our times of silence and prayer, may we be mindful that the condition of our planet is a reflection of the consciousness of the World-Soul. As our own soul grows in peace, harmony, and love, it radiates blessing to the World-Soul ... a daily gift we can offer to ALL.

Soul-making is allowing the eternal essence to enter and experience the outer world through all the senses of the body — seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, touching — so that the soul grows during its time on Earth. Soul-making is constantly confronting the paradox that an eternal being is dwelling in a temporal body.

~ from LEAVING MY FATHER'S HOUSE by Marion Woodman
Marion Woodman Leaving My Father's House soul Buy on Amazon

The soul of an individual is the longing inside each person for a greater sense of belonging, for a new country. We go through most workdays forgetting that this grand migratory force exists within us. We may feel a small satisfaction in a step taken, while the soul feels as if it is anchored off the promised land, wit just a short row to bring it home. At the level of our souls, no matter the difficulty in our work, or the responsibilities, or the possibility of failure, entire new worlds are coming into being.

~ from CROSSING THE UNKNOWN SEA by David Whyte
David Whyte Crossing The Unknown Sea soul Buy on Amazon

In our soul's Magnificat, we become conscious of the cosmos with us. We hear the music of peace, we hear the music of cooperation, we hear the music of love. In our soul's forgetting, we become unconscious of our cosmic birthright, plighted with disharmony, disunity, torn asunder from the stars.

~ by Dennis Kucinich
Dennis Kucinich soul

Every soul is part of One Soul. 

~ Anonymous
Anonymous soul

I hear the bells! It seems as though they are inviting me to rise higher than this earth into infinite spaces where there is nothing but Thou. I should like to be utterly silent . . . O my God, may I live entirely within, in the cell Thou are building in my heart. Establish my soul in peace; make it Thy cherished abode, the place of Thy rest. Let me never leave Thee there alone, but remain ever there absorbed in Thee in living faith and wholly yielded up Thy creative action!

~ from "The Dream of My Soul" by S. Elizabeth
S. Elizabeth The Dream Of My Soul soul

There are great treasures in the soul: there's faith and love, there's awe and wisdom. All these things you can dig — but if you don't know where to dig, you dig up mud. If you want to get to the gold — awe before God, and the silver — the love, and the diamonds — the faith, then you have to find the geologist of the soul who tells you where to dig. But the digging you have to do yourself.

~ by Zalman Schachter
Zalman Schachter soul Buy on Amazon

To direct a soul is to lead it in the ways of God, is to teach the soul to listen for Divine inspiration, and to respond to it; it is to suggest to the soul the practice of all the virtues proper for its particular state; it is not only to preserve that soul in purity and innocence, but to help it advance in wholeness: in a word, it is to contribute as much as possible in raising that soul to the degree of sanctity destined for it.

~ by Jean Grou
Jean Grou soul Buy on Amazon

Thank God our time is now when wrong
Comes up to meet us everywhere
Never to leave us till we take
The longest stride of soul humanity ever took —
Affairs are now soul size.
The enterprise
Is exploration into God.

~ by Christopher Fry
Christopher Fry soul Buy on Amazon

The soul knows its own experience;
it needs only a little awakening
to make itself conscious.

~ by Inayat Khan
Inayat Khan soul Buy on Amazon

Now is the time to seek intimate union with the Soul of the universe.

~ Anonymous
Anonymous soul

Oh, when a soul is hid in Thee
For what adventure can it yearn
Save love and still more love to learn,
And thus to love increasingly,
So deep does love within it burn?
My God, I pray Thee for a love
That years until I see Thy face.
And builds itself a nest above
Within its true abiding place.

~ by St. Teresa of Avila
St. Teresa of Avila soul Buy on Amazon

Fold your wings, my soul,
those wings you had spread wide to soar
to the terrestrial peaks where light is
most ardent: it is for you to simply waith
the descent of the Fire —
supposing it to be willing to take possession of you.

~ by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin soul Buy on Amazon

Saints are not saints by chance, nor by choice, but by necessity — because there is a hunger in their soul which can not be satisfied by anything less than the divine.

~ from THE HUNGER OF THE SOUL by Nancy Pope Mayorga
Nancy Pope Mayorga The Hunger Of The Soul soul Buy on Amazon

Our culture has lost touch with the soul and with any way to meet it. It becomes more difficult all the time simply to be quiet: mobile phones, faxes, and e-mail make us more accessible to the intrusions of information. Being reflective may soon seem a radical act. Without being reflective, without entering into moments of silence, we cannot let the soul in. The soul's voice is a still, soft one, and we must be quiet if we are to hear it.

~ from A FIELD GUIDE TO THE SOUL by James Thornton
James Thornton A Field Guide To The Soul soul Buy on Amazon

The Windforest is the giver and sustainer of the Rainforest's abundant life as well as the means by which the byproducts of living are universally shared. It is the conquerer of inanimate space and time, and it is the soul of the living world.

~ from WINDFOREST by Ellen Fremedon
Ellen Fremedon Windforest soul Buy on Amazon

The canary began to sing again. The sun had struck it, and its throat and tiny breast had filled with son. Francis gazed at it for a long time, not speaking, his eyes dimmed with tears.

"The canary is like our soul. It sees bars around it, but instead of despairing it sings, and see: one day its song shall break the bars."

~ from SAINT FRANCIS by Nikos Kazantzakis
Nikos Kazantzakis St. Francis soul Buy on Amazon

Education in soul leads to the enchantment of the world and the attunement of self ...

~ by Thomas Moore
Thomas Moore soul Buy on Amazon

A prescription for continued SOUL growth
SILENCE in large doses
BREATHING deeply and consiously throughout the day
LISTENING and ATUNING to the inner Voice of Love
GIVING THANKS always for all things
RESTING IN PRAYER regularly each day
STAYING CONNECTED to your guardian angel
SINGING your unique heart-song daily
LOVING the Mystery . . . TRUSTING the Process
ever SERVING in the Divine Plan!

~ Anonymous
Anonymous soul

September 2003 (Vol. XVI, No. 8)

BLESSINGS, dear friends! Welcome to a new season ... a time for letting go like the falling leaves of authumn ... a time to simplify, to pause in the silence of deep prayer and ask for guidance: i.e., "How would You have me best use the days of this season to Serve in your Dream for our world?" Then, listen for a word, Divine Hints that may surprise you ... and, trust, trust that you will live into the answer to your request as you hold the question in your heart.

Silence is making-friends-with-time. It does not fight it or waste it; it refuses to run after it. Silence floats free of time, letting the pattern of the moments unfold at its own pace... In silence we break the hold time has on us, and accept in practice that our true home is in eternity.

~ from MEDITATIONS OF SILENCE by S. Wendy Beckett
S. Wendy Becket Meditations Of Silence time Buy on Amazon

It's a curious paradox in this life that change is a constant, dependable, and unchanging fact. But when we try to control the moment by denying what is so, we have lost the moment to the past or the future. Trying to alter the moment steals it from us. If we want fruitful change in our lives, we have to move through each moment, experiencing its wholeness, savoring what it has to offer, noticing where we are stuck, and in the process maintain an intimate contact with our deepest sense of self.

~ from A CONSCIOUS LIFE by Fran Cox and Louis Cox
Louis Cox, Fran Cox A Conscious Life time Buy on Amazon

They are not long
These days to be
But a taste of eternity.
In each hour,
There is the power
Of a Now
That stretches timeless
In Its core
And knows eternity
Be not more.

~ from FROM THE CENTER by Robert J. Hope
Robert J. Hope From The Center time Buy on Amazon

We nee to "slow down to a human tempo" and experience time as it was meant to be experienced. We already live in "the fullness of time," and we must give ourselves a chance to realize that we have what we seek. Our hearts and flesh cry out for the living God, Who IS here, right now, among us if we but receive that Divine Presence. The call to take time to be holy is a call to integrate prayer and life, for they are, in fact, one. The call is to live as if all time were Holy time. So, I rejoice to announce to you, it is!

~ from TO EVERYTHING A SEASON by Bonnie Thurston
Bonnie Thurston To Everything A Season time Buy on Amazon

When we accept each moment as a new opportunity for fulfilling our purpose, we are always present, always succeeding, always changing the world for the better. And we are always HERE ... NOW.

~ from GOD IS A VERB by David A. Cooper
David Cooper God Is A Verb silence Buy on Amazon
I stood there dumbfounded by the vast silence. . . And, for one of the many times in my life, thinking, "Robert, what in the name of heaven have you gotten yourself into?" For the first few days, time weighed very heavy on my hands. I found myself constantly looking at my watch. I was suppose to look for fires fifteen minutes out of every hour and phone in a weather report each day at noon, but otherwise I could do as I wished. By the third day, however, something changed. Time was no longer an entity that pressured me. Time became like the flow of a river, and gradually I came into accord with the rest of nature. I was never again bored or lonely that summer. . . Living in the wilderness frees us from the tyranny of time and reveals how different existence was for our ancestors.
~ from BALANCING HEAVEN AND EARTH by Robert A. Johnson
Robert A. Johnson Balancing Heaven And Earth time Buy on Amazon

Heaven bestows, yet wemust receive.
For what has happened, I give thanks.
For what is happening, I send praise.
For what is to happen, I have faith.

~ by Akshara Noor
Akshara Noor Buy on Amazon

Time is a regulating providence, giving us the chance to make our world at one with the World of God.

~ by Ann Ree Colton
Ann Ree Colton time Buy on Amazon

In the Silence we touch Eternity and Love.

~ Anonymous
Anonymous time

I am done with great things
And big things, great institutions
And big success, and I am for those
Tiny invisible molecular moral
Forces that work from individual
To individual, creeping through
The crannies of the world like
So many rootlets, or like the
Capillary oozing of water,
Yet which, if you give them Time
Will rend the hardest monuments
Of our pride.

~ from THE LETTERS OF WILLIAM JAMES by William James
William James The Letters Of William James time Buy on Amazon

The destination of human time is death. Eternal time is unbroken presence.

~ from ANAM CARA by John Donohue
Anam Cara time Buy on Amazon
Sitting here talking — that's happening NOW, so I'm totally absorbed in it. Right here, this is the most important conversation in the world because it's happening HERE and NOW! Was I getting a glimpse of an accessible philosophy here? Something I could actually use to hone the dulled edges of my own soul? To learn to celebrate the present moment, the NOWNESS and HERENESS of life? NOW, the most sacred, the most precious moment of all.
~ from DREAMKEEPERS by Harvey Arden
Harvey Arden Dreamkeepers time Buy on Amazon

The field of space and time is invisible, but in that space and time is the conscious awareness of the mind of the universe. Within it are mystical experience an high loving. The cosmos is being created in its entirety every eco-second. We are working with God in a process of coevolution.

~ from BONE by Marion Woodman
Marion Woodman Bone time Buy on Amazon

The spiritual life can only be lived in the present moment, in the now. All the great religious traditions insist upon this simple but difficult truth. When we go rushing ahead into the future or shrinking back into the past, we miss the hand of God, which can only touch us in the now.

~ from MYSTICAL HOPE by Cynthia Bourgeault
Cynthia Bourgeault Mystical Hope time Buy on Amazon

To open to the sense, to become really conscious, you have to drop out of the future and the past and remain for a time in what T. S. Eliot called "the still point of the turning world" — the present. The only true reality is the present.

~ by Patricia Hart Clifford
Patricia Hart Clifford time Buy on Amazon

Come out of the circle of time
And into the circle of love.

~ Rumi
Rumi time Buy on Amazon

Our relationship to time has become corrupted because we allow ourselves very little experience of the TIMEless. We speak continuously of SAVING time, but time in it richness is most often lost to us when we are busy without relief. We speak of STEALING time as if it no longer belonged to us We speak of NEEDING time as if it wasn't around us already in every moment. We want to MAKE time for ourselves as if it were in our power to o so. Time is the conversation with absence and visitation, the frontier between ourselves and those we love; the hours become ripe with happening only when we are attentive, patient, and present. 

~ from CROSSING THE UNKNOWN SEA by David Whyte
David Whyte Crossing The Unknown Sea time Buy on Amazon

July-August 2003 (Vol. XVI, No. 7)

Warm summer blessings, dear frinds. May you BEHOLD BEAUTY, her many faces, whever you may be. Pauses in silence an stillness with a gentle openness are invitations to heart and soul to recognize Her graces -- especially in unexpected places. Beauty: another name for the Divine.

The garden was a splendid sight, rich with life and glowing with color and greenery in the desert heat. I heard bluejays squawking and sparrows chirping near our rooftop, gazed at the white butterflies dancing amid the tomato plants pregnant with fruit, and I took a deep breath, longing to capture forever the magical moment in my mind's eye. Such beauty, such peace, I thought, right here in my own backyard.

~ from PEARL'S SECRET by Neil Henry
Neil Henry Pear's Secret beauty Buy on Amazon

The beauty of the world is the co-operation of divine wisdom in creation. All love of universal beauty proceeds from God dwelling in our souls and goes out to God present in the universe.

~ from WAITING FOR GOD by Simon Weil
Simone Weil Waiting For God beauty Buy on Amazon

Spirit cuts like water though it all
Carving out this emptiness
So inner eye can see
The soaring height of canyon walls within
Walls whose very color, texture, form
Redeem in beauty all my life has been
The darkness and the light, the false, the true
While deep below through my parts
To resurrect my gravebound heart
Making, always making, all things new.

~ from "Grand Canyon" by Parker Palmer
Parker Palmer Grand Canyon beauty Buy on Amazon

I wonder what beauty is. I have been seeing lovely things all my life, but they never moved me, never presented themselves so poignantly as they have done since I entered into adversity. Now beauty appears as something more than itself. It seems to me a gateway into God. the thrilling, moving, tremendous thing about it is not the especial aspect under which it appears, not the tree, the flower the bird note at dusk, but the occasional sense of otherwhereness, of something more, a marvelous Something — complete ecstasy — that beauty half reveals... It is this overpowering Something, hidden in the midst of beauty, that moves one so exquisitely, tears the heart out, almost terrifies at times by its nearness — "Oh Ecstasy behind the grass, come softly when Thou comest nigh!"

~ from A SECRET JOURNAL by Jane Steger
Jane Steger A Secret Journal beauty Buy on Amazon

Love the beautiful in everything; it is a ray of light divine. It is love's beauty. The beautiful thrills us into a kind of ecstasy, suspending the din of our inward activity in the silence of admiration; and admiration gives our nature a kind of fulfillment, a restful satiety asking for nothing more. It is the very essence of contemplative adoration.

~ from THE HERMITAGE WITHIN by an anonymous Monk
Alan Neame The Hermitage Within beauty Buy on Amazon
An individual must hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a beautiful picture everyday in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of Beauty which God has implanted in the human soul.
~ Goethe - 1795
Goethe beauty Buy on Amazon

The night is beautiful
So the faces of my people.

The stars are beautiful
So the eyes of my people.

Beautiful, also, is the sun.
Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people.

~ by Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes beauty Buy on Amazon

The beauty consists of purity of heart.

~ Gandhi
Mahatma Ghandi beauty Buy on Amazon

Be not afraid to seek the Treasure within,
To discover the beauty hidden in the heart's garden.
For as you root out the weeds of fear,
peace, love, truth and joy begin to flower;
Light radiates out from your
inner garden to all the world.

Nan Merrill Meditations And Mandalas beauty Buy on Amazon
The journey toward our beauty is a magnificent struggle. Achieving an integrity between what we believe and how we live is a challenge worthy of the gift of life. A thousand obstacles stand between ourselves and the honoring of our truth. A thousand distractions. (A thousand ego-generated delusions). To dive down, find the beauty, nurture it and offer it to the world is magnificent. Staying with your beauty, your truth, your integrity is difficult, but out of these things comes meaning, and meaning is all-transcendent.
~ from JOURNAL NOTES by Rod McIver ... "Heron Dance" #19
Rod McIver Journal Notes beauty Buy on Amazon
My soul can find no staircase to Heaven unless it be through Earth's beauty.
~ by Michelangelo
Michelangelo beauty Buy on Amazon

Beauty is luminous radiance. Beauty is lucent, mystical essence, he face that is unforgettably lovely, the dance with the exquisite movements that our minds cannot erase, the music whose notes repeat themselves endlessly in our hearts. Beauty infuses; beauty enthralls; beauty inspires and illumines; beauty lifts up and enlivens our souls.

~ from HEART AND SOUL by Daphne Rose Kingma
Daphne Rose Kingma Heart And Soul beauty Buy on Amazon

Life is a spiral, slowly moving through the seasons and cycles o four lives. If we are balanced in our actions, creating beauty and harmony within our spiral, we are following the path of right action, the path we strive to follow... To balance the spiral we must participate in our becoming well.We must learn not to be judgmental, not to be dragged down by grief, anger and negativity, forgetting the joy, passion, generosity and kindness of life. Beauty is no threat to the wary. You can walk in beauty and still sack groceries or change diapers...

~ from SWEETWATER WISDOM by Wendy Crockett
Wendy Crockett Sweetwater Wisdom beauty Buy on Amazon

Let us rejoice, Beloved,
Let us go forth
To behold ourselves
In Your Beauty.

~ from THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS by St. John of the Cross
St. John of the Cross The Collected Works Of St. John Of The Cross beauty Buy on Amazon

Beyond finite beauty — the beauty that we see — is a depth of infinite beauty from which all created beauty comes, and to which it must return to find its fulfillment. This is the light in which all works of art must be immersed, if they are to touch the depths of all being and of all hearts.

God is at the deep center of all things; there we find eternal life. Every creature gifted with reason has received light to see in all created things both their own individual beauty and that of the Supreme Being, from whom they have received their being, and who sustains them in it. With the light given us we can see God in all things and come into harmony.

~ by Augustin Guillerand
Augustin Guillerand Where Silence Is Praise beauty Buy on Amazon

To discover the hidden beauty

Be not afraid to seek the Treasure within,
To discover the beauty hidden in the heart's garden.
For as you root out the weeds of fear,
peace, love, truth and joy begin to flower;
Light radiates out from your
inner garden to all the world.

June 2003 (Vol. XVI, No. 6)

WELCOME TO SUMMER, dear friends! Silence and music .. ebb and flow: the mystery of bird song and the silence that follows -- afterglow that warms the heart and sets us yearing for our own soul son.g Journey to the silene an music of your heart.

Warm sun. My worship is a blue sky and 10,000 crickets in the deep wet hay of the field. My vow is the silence under their song. I admire the woodpecker and the dove in simple mathematics of flight. Together we study practical norms. The plowed and planted field is red as brick in the sun and says: "Now is my turn!" Several of us began to sing.

~ by Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton music Buy on Amazon

Music is sound AND silence. It is the spaces BETWEEN the notes that create rhythm, melody, and meaning, and the greater the composer -- and the perfornance -- the better the quality of the silence. Legendary pianist Artur Schnabel said that it wasn't the notes but the silences between them he played better than other people. A few seconds more or less at crucial moments in the performance of a piece may mean the difference between a mundane and a transcendent experience.

~ from THE NATURE OF MUSIC by Maureen McCarthy Draper
Maureen McCarthy Draper The Nature Of Music music Buy on Amazon

Music has a divine message and messenger of life. It was quintessentially the "Quickening art" -- quickening my soul with this my body, so that suddenly, spontaneously, I was quickened into motion, my own perceptual and kinetic melody, quickened into life by the inner life of music. I was carried ahead by the ongoing musical stream.

~ from A LEG TO STAND ON by Oliver Sacks
Oliver Sacks A Leg To Stand On music Buy on Amazon

The interior place where we experience God is the same kind of place and as real as the place here we experience music and poetry.

~ by Karen Armstrong
Karen Armstrong music Buy on Amazon

"Wake up! SEE!"

Suddenly from where I lay, I did see. I saw that as he shoveled, the coal had a song. Grandfather had a song, even the pickup truck had a song. I saw that Grandfather heard the song and that he shoveled in harmony with it. He was like a symphony conductor. I realized that what I saw was the maximum-efficiency, minimum-effort law he had been teaching me earlier. While I had struggled against myself during the long hospital ceremony, Grandfather had been conducting an orchestra, a ceremonial symphony.

"I see you got it. You see, everything has its song. Find the energy, the song, and merge wíth it. You must seek the harmonic and merge with it."

~ from STAR WARRIOR by Bill Wahlberg
Bill Wahlberg Star Warrior music Buy on Amazon

When I asked the old man if he believed in the healing power of music, he laughed at first, and then suddenly grew serious. "I forget everything when I play. All my heart goes into the music. If I don't concentrate, the music changes, so it's best to forget all distractions and just play."

~ from QUESTIONS OF HEAVEN by Gretel Ehrlich
Gretel Ehrlich The Questions Of Heaven music Buy on Amazon

When the violin
Can forgive the past
It starts singing.

When the violin can forgive
Every wound caused by others
The heart starts singing.

~ by Hafiz
Hafiz music Buy on Amazon

The world is full of implicit religion, and the inspired saints and poets, who say that the birds "praise God" when they sing, are in no way mistaken. Because it is their tiny life itself which sings the "great life" and makes heard, through its countless variations, the same news which is as old as the world and as new as the day: "Life lives and vibrates in me." What homage to the source of life is expressed by these small streams of life: the birds which sing!"

~ from MEDITATIONS ON THE TAROT by Valentin Tomberg
Valentin Tomberg Meditations On The Tarot music Buy on Amazon

If each of the birds in the forest waited until the bird with the most beautiful song could sing, the forest would be silent.

~ Unknown
Unknown music
As I approached the house, I heard the tune whistled of a little song coming from the upper window. I did not know anything yet, but I listened. The tune stirred my memory and some dormant recollections came to the fore. The music was banal but the whistling was wonderfully sweet, with soft and pleasing notes, unusually pure, as happy and as natural as the song of birds. I stood and listened, enchanted, and at the same time strangely moved without having any kind of accompanying thoughts.
~ from JOURNEY TO THE EAST by Hermann Hesse
Hermann Hesse Journey To The East music Buy on Amazon

The fitness of our hearts and thoughts to receive God's spirit is like that of violin strings. If they are properly tuned, in harmony with one another, then the touch of the bow produces beautiful music. If not, then there is only discord. Whenever our hearts are truly ready to receive God's spirit, they will produce heavenly airs and joyous harmonies -- both in this life and in the spiritual world.

Sundar Singh Wisdom Of Sundar Singh music Buy on Amazon

A few girls were taken to a performance of Johannes Brahms' "Requiem." Teak was the youngest to go, and she sat next to Frau professor. Teak had never been to a concert before. The music was so awesome, so profound, so moving and stirring that Teak's eyes filled with unexpected tears, and she was grateful when the old woman put her arm around her shoulder as if she understood. The muscc to Teak was like an opening into what she thought heaven might be like. Brahms came like a thundering revelation.

~ from THE BEEJUM BOOK by Alice O. Howell
Alice O. Howell The Beejum Book music Buy on Amazon

When in our music You are glorified,
and adoration leaves no room for pride,
It is as though the whole creation cries Alleluia!
How often, making music, we have found
a new dimension in the world of sound,
As worship moves us to a more profound Alleluia!
Let every instrument, be tuned for praise!
Let all rejoice who have a voice to raise!
And may You give us faith to sing always Alleluia!

~ by F. Pratt Green
F. Pratt Green music Buy on Amazon

Silence is more musical than any song.

~ by Christine Rossetti
Christine Rossetti music Buy on Amazon
I would give you the gift of music hat you might know your own soul.
~ by Betsy Kingsley Hawkins
Betsy Kingsley Hawkins music Buy on Amazon

As I was listening I thought about being in conversation with God, and I was struck by how much this piece of music mirrors my relationship with God. When I first began conversing with God, it was very simple, like the opening of the Fugue. In reply, God did not repeat my melody but responded in a harmonic way, just as Bach's instruments do. Over time, our conversation — the Divine's and mine — has built in richness, complexity, depth and beauty, like the fugue builds. Ebb and flow occur in the dynamics of both the music and my conversation with God, but my soul is constantly stirred by the heatbreaking beauty of what I hear and what I know.

~ from A SACRED PRIMER by Elizabeth Harper Neeld
Elizabeth Harper Neeld A Sacred Primer music Buy on Amazon

May 2003 (Vol. XVI, No. 5)

Peace be with you and within you, dear friends! How often do we spend a full hour in silence simply listening to the voice deep within our heart? How difficult this an be! Yt as we embrace times of solitude and embrae the Silence, we will come to hear the gentle voice of Love with our heart's ear. So Listen! listen to the still, small Voice for the Beloved's prayer to rise up within your heart. Listening is one way toward peace.

For nine years, the first and third Mondays of the month, I am in silence; I do not speak to anyone for twenty four hours. It's life-changing. It has taught me to listen. When we listen with no responsibility to respond, we can listen fully, which allows us to hear so many things we would not hear if we were talking. This did not start as spiritual exercise, but it has become a very spiritual practice. You hear the truth from deep inside yourself.
~ from "The Boston Globe" 8/5/2001 by Anne D. LeClaire, with thanks to Sandra Cosetti
Anne D. LeClaire The Boston Globe listen

Listen, listen, listen! All that you will ever need to know is already within you awaiting your inner ear. If you seek to understand your past, the answer is within you. If you need direction for today, the answer is within you. You do not have to seek "out there" for answers to your future. It is already within you awaiting your asking. You do not have to go here or there to find Go or the answer to your simplest or highest question. All you must do is be still and listen to the inner still small voice that forever sings the true song.

~ from "Song of God" by Alyce Soden
Alyce Soden Song Of God listen

Listening requires entering actively and imaginatively into the other person's situation and trying to understand a frame of reference different from your own.

~ by S. I. Hayakawa
S. I. Hayakawa listen Buy on Amazon

If you ask meis prayer heard?
I'll ask you — are you listening?

~ by Harold Schulweis
Harold Schulweis listen Buy on Amazon

When someone deeply listens to you,
it is like holding out a dented cup
you've had since childhood
and watching it fill with
cold, fresh water.
When it balances on top of the brim,
you are understood.
When it overflows and touches your skin,
you are loved.

When someone deeply listens to you,
your feet are on the earth
and a beloved land that seemed distant
is now at home with you. 

~ by John Fox
John Fox listen Buy on Amazon

The ordinary circumstances of daily life bring back the same routines, and often the sense of going nowhere! But "nowhere" is where God is most active. God and daily life are always in dialogue and sometimes in a state of war. There is a struggle to figure out what god is saying in the events and circumstances of daily life and how daily life is meant to transform us... Listening to God in silent loving attentiveness, enables us to let go of our preconceptions and over-identifications with the events of daily life, which tends to dominate our emotional reactions rather than invite our free response.

~ from ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX by Thomas Keating
Thomas Keating St. Therese Of Lisieux listen Buy on Amazon

What is the sound of listening? A resonating silence, like the infinite fine line between a grey sky and the ocean, where the horizon cannot be distinguished. My soul blends into the silence around me. Into that silence comes a voice:

"I love you. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I give you my peace. You are always with me."

The words sound sweet and tender, gentler than any human voice.

"Blessed are you. Blessed are you. Blessed," says the silence.

~ from THE SOUND OF LISTENING by John Dear
John Dear The Sound Of Listening listen Buy on Amazon

Open, attentive listening can be a form of contemplative prayer. It can be that widest, most open form of being present and attentive, in trust that God is present with us, in expectancy that the Spirit will move in the hearts of those present and that we may be changed inwardly for the good or guided to be part of the upwelling of Life in a particular situation.

~ from LISTENING SPIRITUALITY, Vol. I by Patricia Loring
Patricia Loring Listing Spirituality listen Buy on Amazon

Conversation was never begun at once, nor in a hurried manner. No one was quick with a question, no matter how important, and no one was pressed for an answer. A pause giving time for thought was the truly courteous way of beginning and conducting a conversation. Silence was meaningful with the Lakota, and their granting a space of silence to the speech-makers and their own moment of silence before talking was done in the practice of true politeness, listening, and regard for the rule, "thought comes before speech."

~ from NATIVE AMERICAN WISDOM by Luther Standing Bear
Luther Standing Bear Native American Wisdom listen Buy on Amazon
Tonight's rain is a tenderness. I can guess from walking in it, touching it; but now I think I know its other dimension, can almost "hear" its sound, tonight close to silence.
~ from LISTENING: Ways of Hearing in a Silent World by Hannah Merker
Hannah Merker Listening listen Buy on Amazon
Every moment is like a gift. And since it is, relax, get into the moment and do all you can to listen to it. I mean, really, really listen. Be present to the moment with everything you. It takes practice. After you've listened for a while, you start responding. You give back because you begin to see how everything is on loan — a gift from God... Try listening, looking. Looking and listening lead into everything else. Real listening means you don't project yourself into the situation. You simply are receptive, seeing things as they are, not as you might wish them to be. Listen!
~ from THE WAY OF THE DREAMCATCHER by S. T. Georgiou
S. T. Georgiou The Way Of The Dreamcatcher listen Buy on Amazon

Faith and hope lead us to want to have what we believe in and hope for. The more we want it, the more we learn to love it and want to concentrate on it. Our turning to God is made easier if we take practical steps, which include turning away from other things which attract and distract us and going apart in solitude, being still so that we can listen to God.

~ from IN THE SCHOOL OF LOVE, ed. Edith Scholl
Edith Scholl In The School Of Love listen Buy on Amazon
If we listen, we will hear. If we are quiet, the sound increases. ... And so does the Silence, And so do we.
~ from ANGEL VOICES by Karen Goldman thanks to Neta Kaye Stokely
Karen Goldman Angel Voices listen Buy on Amazon

Listening is the gateway to liberation. Learn to listen with your whole being.

~ from BLOWING ZEN by Ray Brooks
Ray Brooks Blowing Zen listen Buy on Amazon
To move slowly and deliberately through the world, listening and attending to one thing at a time, strikes us as radically subversive, even un-American. We cringe from the idea of relinquishing in any moment, all but one of infinite possibilities offered us by our culture. Plagued by a highly diffused attention, we give ourselves to everything lightly. This is our poverty. In saying yes to everything, we attend to nothing. One can only love what one stops to observe. "Nothing is more essential to prayer," said Evagrius, "than attentiveness."
Belden C. Lane The Solace Of Fierce Landscapes listen Buy on Amazon

April 2003 (Vol. XVI, No. 4)

Wishing you each SPRING BLESSINGS, dear friends. Awakening from winter gestation, what joyu to hear bird song, to delight in budding bulbs and trees, to feel the gentle breezes of a new season, to smell the earth being turned over for seed planting. Let us pause often to nourish our souls in nature's beauty and new life emerging -- hope in these troubling times.

For all its silence, the sky has a language. Without any words the stars speak many things right into our hearts. They hand there so silent and radiant — and how one's breast swells at the thought of being able to attain the same purity. At times it seems as if their light is of little benefit. Yet is is by them that we measure hours, days, and years. By them — or at least by the star nearest to us, the sun — we have light and heart, and our existence depends on it.

~ by J. C. Blumhardt
J. C. Blumhardt nature Buy on Amazon
Creation has been given to us as a clean window through which the light of God could shine into the human soul. Sun and moon, night and day, rain, sea, crops, the flowering tree: all these things are transparent.
~ by Thomas Merton in "Horizons" thanks to Nancy Conley
Thomas Merton Horizons nature Buy on Amazon

For humankind, a growing gap between our inner selves and outer selves — an imbalance between how we live our lives and how we would like to live them — leaves the spirit thirsting for renewal. For many, renewal and re-creation come with time spent in the natural world. The human spirit and the open landscape are inextricably connected. In feeling the spirit of place, we reconnect with the spirit of self.

~ from BEFORE LIFE HURRIES ON by Sabra Field and J. Lingelbach
J. Lingelbach, Sabra Field Before Life Hurries On nature Buy on Amazon

Each creature God made
Must live in its own true nature;
How could I resist my nature,
That lives for oneness with God?

~ by Mechtild of Magdeburg
Mechtild of Magdeburg nature Buy on Amazon
Within the universe, the planet Earth with all its wonder is the place for the meeting of the divine and the human.
~ from Evening Thoughts by Thomas Berry
Thomas Berry Evening Thoughs nature Buy on Amazon
Gabriella did not move. She was enchanted. She closed her eyes a moment and felt the coolness of her eyelids and saw the green shadows dancing beneath them. She pursed her lips to taste the moisture of the mountain forest and knew for sure that she was not dreaming. When she opened her eyes, she saw the deer eating the coiled peel of the clementine. It was a moment she would long remember. She would remember it as the mysterious beginning of healing, the untranslatable language of God speaking in nature and stopping the world in a green moment.
~ from AS IT IS IN HEAVEN by Niall Williams
Niall Williams As It Is In Heaven nature Buy on Amazon

A down feather as soft as an infant's curl floats earthward and brushes the granite rock by my side. It feels like a message from above, and I wonder what it is telling me. I pick up this angel-wisp and hold it to my cheek. I feel it as a caress, a gentle and loving touch, and I realize that this IS the message — one that transcends words, concepts, and thoughts. It touches my heart and a place of inner knowing. In that moment I am complete, thankful, and fully at peace.

David A. Cooper Entering The Sacred Mountain nature Buy on Amazon

In the traditional way of life gardens were a ceremonial event for all, an opportunity to give to the Earth as well as to receive. The seeds of good food are also the seeds of good relationship, so caretaking the garden is symbolic of caretaking all beings ... an offering to all.

~ from VOICES OF OUR ANCESTORS by Dhyani Ywahoo
Dhyani Ywahoo Voices Of Our Ancestors nature Buy on Amazon

Speak to the earth, and it will teach thee.

~ from Job 12:8
Job Job 12:8 nature
Hear me, You who have power to make grow! Guide the people that they may be as blossoms on your holy tree. Make it flourish deep in Mother Earth and make it full of leaves and singing birds.
~ Black Elk
Black Elk nature Buy on Amazon
We are, each of us, passive participants in an explosion still in progress. The sparks continue to fly, and in its rhythm, the universe is still expanding from that ancient blast. We are, as they say, star dust, by-products of the Big Bang. In this light, everything is connected, all creation evolving from the same Source, in a process which continues. We are kin to the stars, part of a universal family.
~ by Christopher Newbert
Christopher Newbert nature Buy on Amazon

Those who have eyes to see will discern the message of eternity in the spring breeze when it becomes visible in the roses and herbs: invisible waves of roses, hidden in the breeze, required the medium of the earth to reveal themselves to the material human eye, just as the human beings innate qualities must be revealed by his or her actions. The spirit needs matter in order to become visible; thus every leaf is a messenger from the realm of nonexistene, and talks with its long hands and fresh green tongue of the creative power of God.

~ from RUMI'S WORLD by Annemarie Schimmel
Annearie Schimmel Rumi's World nature Buy on Amazon

This is my work,
To keep this world green,
Keep it all green.
I began in the East, to help my friends.
I keep this world green,
Keep it beautiful.
I begin to fill the creeks,
To wet everything,
Keep it beautiful and green,
I begin in the East,
Make everything beautiful!
That is my work.

~ from THE MASCOUTENS by Alanson Skinner -- 1924
Alanson Skinner The Mascoutens nature Buy on Amazon

If your heart were pure then all of nature would be a great book of holy wisdom and sacred doctrine.

~ by St. Francis
St. Francis nature Buy on Amazon

Gray are all the theories;
Green is the Tree of Life.

~ by Goethe
Goethe nature Buy on Amazon

As I stood with the sun on the summit of the modest mountain peak, the solar orb became a catalyst for my encounter with the Divine. As often appears in myth, the sun became the conveyance for God. It ushered me into the Divine Presence through its powerful symbolic function, its archetypal capacity to represent the one. I was overcome as I stood alone before the Divine. I was seized by the Presence communicated through the sudden appearance of the sun. It carried me into an intense awareness of the Divine's utter reality. I knew then why I had made this journey, and the peace it conveyed remains with me to this day.

~ from A MONK IN THE WORD by Wayne Teasdale
Wayne Teasdale A Monk In The World nature Buy on Amazon
