The peacemakers are called children of God, because that is precisely what they are: the conscious offspring of the Creator. The peacemakers are men and women who have adventured down the avenues of healing and caught the current of their divine identity. The children of God share the spirits and purposes of God. The peacemakers have internalized the seven steps to wholeness outlined in the Beatitudes: they recognized their weaknesses; they long for what they need to change; they are gentle, unpretentious and nonviolent; they pursue right livelihood; they have compassion for others; their motivation is pure; they offer unconditional love to all.
Through science we have created magnificent spacecrafts and telescopes to explore
the night and the light and the half light. We have made visible things that are
invisible to the unaided eye. We have brought the dreamy heavens down to Earth,
held them in the mind's eye. Our explorations have produced a vast archive of
remarkable astronomical images...The riches are too many for choices, the
revelations beautiful and dreadful. Who can look at these images and not be
transformed? The heavens declare God's glory.