November 1993 (Vol. VI, No. 10)

GREETINGS, friends ... May the blessings of inner peace, quiet joy, wonder and gratitude abound in each of your lives! And let us pray that these blessings radiate out to wherever they are most needed.

To pray is to regain a sense of the Mystery that animates all beings. The Divine margin in all attainments. Prayer is our humble answer to the inconceivable surprise of living. It is all we can offer in return for the Mystery by which we live. Who is worthy to be present to the constant unfolding of time amidst the meditation of mountains, the humility of flowers, wiser than all alphabets ... clouds that die constantly for the sake of God's glory. We are hating, hunting, hurting. Suddenly we feel ashamed of all our clashes and complaint in the face of the tacit glory in nature. It is so embarrassing to live. How strange we are in the world and how presumptuous our doings. Only one response can maintain us: GRATEFULNESS for witnessing the wonder; for the gift to our unearned right to live ... to adore ... to fulfill. It is GRATEFULNESS which makes the soul great.

~ from I ASKED FOR WONDER by Abraham Heschel with thanks to Kathy Harkins
Abraham Heschel I Asked For Wonder gratitude Buy on Amazon

Time after I came to your gate with raised hands asking for more yet more. You gave and gave, now in slow measure, now in sudden excess. I took some, and some things I let drop; some lay heavy on my hands; some I made into playthings and broke them when tired; till the wrecks and hoard of gifts grew immense, hiding You, and the ceaseless expectations wore my heart out.

Take, O take, has now become my cry. Shatter all from the beggar's bowl. Put out this lamp of the importunate watcher; hold my hands, raise me from the still-gathering heap of your gifts into the bare infinity of your uncrowded presence.

~ Rabindranath Tagore thanks to Mary Novotny
Rabindranath Tagore gratitude Buy on Amazon

GRATITUDE is the most fruitful way of deepening your consciousness that you are not an "accident", but a divine choice. It is important to realize how often we have had chances to be grateful and have not used them. When someone is kind to us, when an event turns out well, when a problem is solved, a relationship restored, a wound healed, these are very concrete reasons to offer thanks... When we keep claiming the light, we will find ourselves becoming more and more radiant. What fascinates me so much is that every time we decide to be grateful, it will be easier to see new things to be grateful for. Gratitude begets gratitude, just as love begets love.

~ from BECOMING THE BELOVED by Henri J.M. Nouwen
Henri J.M. Nouwen Becoming The Beloved gratitude Buy on Amazon

You will hardly believe your ear, since,
as You know, I like to divide my time equally
between feeling sorry for myself,
and asking You to make things better for me.

But just this once, I'd like to thank You for
all those things, beginning with the gift
of life itself, You have showered on me for
no earthly reason that I can see,
except that inexplicably in the face of
selfishness and ingratitude of monumental
proportions and endurance,
You love me.

~ from THE THOMAS MORE BIBLE PRAYER BOOK with thanks to Dolores Ross
Thomas More Bible Prayer Book gratitude Buy on Amazon

The story of a saint is always a love story. It is a story of a God who loves, and of the beloved who learns how to reciprocate and share that "harsh and dreadful love". It is a story that includes misunderstanding, deception, betrayal, concealment, reversal, and revelation of character. It is, if the saints are to be trusted, our story. But to be a saint is not to be a solitary lover. It is to enter into deeper community with everyone and everything that exists.

~ from MAKING SAINTS by Kenneth L. Woodward
Kenneth L. Woodward Making Saints gratitude Buy on Amazon

Appreciation is a natural gift. It is meant to lead us to God ... Appreciation naturally appears the moment our self-concern is relinquished. It cannot be possessed and it cannot be earned; it simply IS, a free gift, available everywhere. Life is known then more as art than task. The greatest task becomes our work to help others realize such wonder. The wonder is so great that we are in danger of overfascination. We easily become focused on the gifts as an end in themselves; they do not always lead us to the Giver. We subtly become attached to the felt beauty and miss not only the initial invitation to thanksgiving, but the yet deeper invitation: to release ourselves to God as we are enabled and let rise that full quality of awareness that is beyond felt beauty, beyond self-reflective appreciation.

Tilden Edwards Living In The Presence gratitude Buy on Amazon

Benediction is a formative experience, whether we bless others or receive a blessing from them. It comes in the form of an inner or outer word or gesture arising from a loving heart. In blessing we express gratitude to God for the divine inherent in other persons. We ask God in effect to bring this form to its fullness.

Susan A. Muto Celebrating The Single Life gratitude Buy on Amazon

As we slow down we come to realize that we are persons called in time and space TO BE freely and fully human and that therein is our sanctity. We see that an individual life is a GIFT entrusted to us freely and generously by God. When I struggle to live a life of affirmation, I must ultimately let go of trying to control all the variables of existence and surrender in faith to the freeing power of the providential plan. This only happens when I emphasize in my day-to-day life the time and place TO BE alone, TO BE with friends, TO BE with other workers and TO BE with God.

~ from HAPPY ARE YOU WHO AFFIRM by Thomas A. Kane
Thomas A. Kane Happy Are You Who Affirm gratitude Buy on Amazon

GRATITUDE is a memory of the heart. Whatever goodness the heart receives, the heart never forgets.

~ Cerita
Cerita gratitude
Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty ...
~ Anne Herbert
Anne Herbert gratitude Buy on Amazon
The essence of prayer is thanksgiving.
~ Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill gratitude

All we have
All we are
From All That Is,
A gift.

One without wonder
Will not see It
While the eyes of the grateful
Will reflect It.

~ Tao of Healing by Haven Trevino
Haven Trevino Tao Of Healing gratitude Buy on Amazon

October 1993 (Vol. VI, No. 9)

GREETINGS and BLESSINGS be yours, friends! As leave fall to the earth and surrender to the soil, may we, too, move our attention from the outer world to the Inner Being. As we move toward a season of stillness, may our path be straight, returning to the Source. Listen. The stillness calls to you.

Have you ever tried to spend a whole hour doing nothing but listening to the voice that dwells deep in your heart? ... It is not easy to enter into the silence and reach beyond the many boisterous and demanding voices of the world and to discover the small intimate voice saying: "You are my Beloved Child, on you my favor rests." Still, if we dare embrace our solitude and befriend our silence, we will come to know the voice ... a voice that can be heard by the ear of faith, the ear of the inner heart.

~ from BECOMING THE BELOVED by Henri Nouwen
Henri Nouwen Becoming The Beloved stillness Buy on Amazon

There is one quality of mind which is the basis and foundation of spiritual discovery, and that quality of mind is called bare attention. Bare attention means observing things as they are, without choosing, without comparing, without evaluating, without laying our projections and expectations on what is happening; cultivating instead a choiceless and non-interfering awareness.

~ from THE EXPERIENCE OF INSIGHT by Joseph Goldstein
Joseph Goldstein The Experience Of Insight stillness Buy on Amazon

Words are unimportant in approaching God. Instead let us go to God with the same attitude one child had as she sat almost hidden in the midst of a field of waving wheat. When her grandfather went looking for her, from a distance he heard her going through the entire alphabet, softly saying, "A, B, C, D, E ..." Curious, her grandfather asked, "What are you doing?" "I'm praying, Grandpa. But I don't know the right words, so I'm saying all the letters and letting God put them together."

~ from THE ALCHEMY OF AWARENESS by Lorraine Sinkler
Lorraine Sinkler The Alchemy Of Awareness stillness Buy on Amazon

People often ask how they can avoid daydreaming when they are trying to meditate. Meditation does not make them daydream, but only makes them more aware of fantasies they have always had. In meditating even for a short time, they hold a mirror up to themselves that clearly reveals the shape of their fantasies.

Walking deep in a forest in late autumn, you may be startled by the loud rustling of your feet among the dry leaves breaking in the stillness. Fantasies disturb meditation in the same way.

~ from "The Sound of Our Own Footsteps" by Shundo Aoyama
Shundo Aoyama stillness Buy on Amazon

God, whose love and joy
are present everywhere,
Can't come to visit you
unless you aren't there.

~ Angelus Silesius
Angelus Silesius stillness Buy on Amazon

As strange as it may sound, it was in the fall and winter that I felt closest to my tree. Her spring beauty and summer fruit filled me with delight, but when the days began to grow cool and the leaves turned from darkest green to yellow, I could feel something deep and marvelously intimate begin to take place between us. And as fall turned to winter, this feeling of intimacy grew. With no bees humming among the blossoms, no birds fluttering from limb to limb, no leaves and cherries decorating her branches, my tree seemed to reveal herself to me in her purest form -- in her very essence. And when I embraced her and pressed my ear against her trunk, I could hear the silence that united us. And I knew that was sacred. (Choqosh Auh-Ho-Ho)

~ from THE FEMININE FACE OF GOD by Sherry Ruth Anderson & Patricia Hopkins
Sherry Ruth Anderson, Patricia Hopkins The Feminine Face Of God stillness Buy on Amazon

May I walk more quietly
as I search more deeply
through the thick forest
along the spiritual path.

~ Anonymous
Anonymous stillness

Attuning our awareness to the way we function and our relationship to the universe is the primary aim of most spiritual practice. Many teachings point out that our main enemy is ignorance. Awareness is our only defense against ignorance. This is why the practice of silence in spiritual retreat is so beneficial -- it raises and expands our awareness... A spiritual retreat is medicine for soul starvation. Through silence, solitary practice, and simple living, we begin to fill the empty reservoir. This lifts the veils, dissolves the masks, and creates space within for the feelings of forgiveness, compassion, and loving kindness that are so often blocked.

David Cooper Silence, Simplicity And Solitude stillness Buy on Amazon

What is the source of thought? Such a demanding question, the mind wants to go to sleep. It requires an enormous and penetrating effort. What is the source of meaning? There is a silence that does not have to be conjured, doesn't require attainment. Nothing you can do to bring it about. It's there constantly. It is the source of everything. Look into silence for a moment. You can touch this silence with your belly. You can touch this silence with your whole being. There is no more fear. Silence is the meaning. Listen to the chatter of your brain. Only echoes. Look deeply into the valley from which those echoes resonate. Listen to the valley itself, the silence. It is here that true function is revealed.

~ Robert W. Genthner
Robert W. Genthner stillness

Ten thousand flowers in spring,
the moon in autumn, a cool breeze in summer,
snow in winter.
If your mind isn't clouded by unnecessary things,
this is the best season of your life.

We-men stillness Buy on Amazon

You ask why I make my home in the
mountain forest,
and I smile, and am silent,
and even my soul remains quiet:
it lives in the other world
which no one owns.
The peach trees blossom.
The water flows.

~ Li Po
Li Po stillness Buy on Amazon

Whenever I experience God playing in my heart, I feel excitement and wonder. I am never really clear what has happened except that I begin to see old things in new ways. The whole of the experience seems more than the sum of its parts and the more I ponder the experience, the more I discover in it.

~ George Merrill
George Merrill stillness

Spiritual growth occurs only when insight encourages both our hears and minds to give up the "advantages" of staying the same for something greater yet unknown.

~ from REFLECTIONS by Robert J. Wicks
Robert J. Wicks Reflections stillness Buy on Amazon

September 1993 (Vol. VI, No. 8)

May the blessings of inner peace and quiet joy be with each of you as we move toward the autumn season!

Let us, then, labor for an inward stillness, --
And inward stillness and an inward healing;
That perfect silence where the lips and heart
Are still, and we no longer entertain
Our own imperfect thoughts and vain opinions,
But God alone speaks in us, and we wait
In singleness of heart, that we may know
God's will, and in the silence of our spirits,
That we may do God's will, and do that only!

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow silence Buy on Amazon

If we still ourselves, we can mirror the divine. But if we engage solely in the frenetic activities of our daily involvements, if we seek to impose our own schemes on the natural order, and if we allow ourselves to become turbulent ... There is no effort that we can make to still ourselves. True stillness comes naturally from moments of solitude where we allow our minds to settle. Just as water seeks its own level, the mind with gravitate toward the holy. Muddy water will become clear if allowed to stand undisturbed, and so too will the mind become clear if it is allowed to be still.

~ from 365 Tao by Deng Ming-Dao with thanks to Anne Strader
Deng Ming-Dao 365 Tao silence Buy on Amazon
One must be still to till the fields of silence.
~ Elaine Laforet
Elaine Laforet silence

One might say, I had decided to marry the silent forest. The sweet dark warmth of the whole world will have to be my wife. Out of the heart of that dark warmth comes the secret that is heard only in silence, but it is the root of all the secrets that are whispered by all the lovers in their beds all over the world. So perhaps I have an obligation to preserve the stillness, the silence, the poverty, the virginal point of pure nothingness which is at the center point of all other loves. I attempt to cultivate this plant without comment in the middle of the night and water it with psalms and prophecies in silence. It becomes the most rare of all the trees in the garden, at once the primordial paradise tree, the axis mundi, the cosmic axle, and the Cross.

~ from A THOMAS MERTON READER by Thomas McDonnell
Thomas McDonnell A Thomas Merton Reader silence Buy on Amazon

Shapes, dynamics,
sounds, meaning:
at a time.
I have to gestate the experience,
bake it in my mind's oven,
pull away,
avoid stimulus.
I need just to be
and listen to my silence.

~ "Long Pause" by Celia Wesle
Celia Wesle silence Buy on Amazon

We have to earn silence, then, to work for it: to make it not an absence but a presence; not emptiness but repletion. Silence is something more than just a pause; it is that enchanted place where space is cleared and time is stayed and the horizon itself expands. In silence, we often say we can hear ourselves think; but what is truer to say is that in silence we can hear ourselves not think, and so sink below our selves into a place far deeper than mere thoughts allow. In silence, we might better say, we can hear Someone else think ... Silence, then, could be said to be the ultimate province of trust: it is the place where we trust ourselves to be alone; where we trust others to understand the things we do not say; where we trust a higher harmony to assert itself.

~ from "The Eloquent Sounds of Silence" by Pico Iyer with thanks to John Farren
Pico Iyer silence Buy on Amazon

Dom Henri le Saux, a French Benedictine monk, suggests that the sacred sound "OM" can be used by anyone:

More than any particular name of Divinity, OM conveys the ineffability and the depths of the divine Mystery. It bears no distinct meaning ... It does not even recall any mythological or semi-historic event. It is a kind of inarticulate exclamation uttered when you are confronted with the Presence in yourself and around yourself.

You could say that OM is a name of God which is not a name.

~ from PRAYER WORDS by Graham Smith
Graham Smith Prayer Words silence Buy on Amazon

Silence makes the secretions of the mind visible. By emptying myself when I fast, emptying myself in solitude, I might discover myself full -- of history, wilderness and society. And I can see my identity co-evolving with all of creation ... I willingly entered the Valley of the Shadow through solitude, silence, stillness, meditation, and prayer. In those quiet places, I discovered a mindstream whose depths were luminous.

~ from THE FRUITFUL DARKNESS by Joan Halifax
Joan Halifax The Fruitful Darkness silence Buy on Amazon

The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.
The unnamable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things.
Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.
Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.

~ Lao-tzu
Lao-tzu silence Buy on Amazon

Nothing in all creation is so like God as stillness.

~ Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart silence Buy on Amazon

A day filled with noise and voices can be a day of silence, if the noises become for us the echo of the presence of God, if the voices are, for us, messages and solicitations of God.

~ Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Catherine de Hueck Doherty silence Buy on Amazon
Wind in the cave.
Movement in stillness.
Power in silence.
- Unknown
Unknown silence

July-August 1993 (Vol. VI, No. 7)

GREETINGS AND BLESSINGS be with you all!  Summer: may each one of us find plenty of time and space for leisure and recreation.

Leisure is a form of silence which is the prerequisite of the apprehension of reality: only the silent hear and those who do not remain silent do not hear. Silence, as it is used in this context, does not mean "dumbness" or "noiselessness"; it means more nearly that the soul's power to "answer" to the reality of the world is left undisturbed. For leisure is a receptive attitude of mind, a contemplative attitude, and it is not only the occasion but also the capacity for steeping oneself in the whole of creation ... When we really let our minds rest contemplatively on a rose in bud, on a child at play, on a divine mystery, we are rested and quickened as though by a dreamless sleep ... It is in these silent receptive moments that our souls are sometimes visited by an awareness of what holds the world together.

Josef Piper Leisure, The Basis Of Culture sabbath Buy on Amazon

Here is peace to store within the breast
Against the days of tumult and despair.
Within this cool green light the heart can rest,
The body strengthens in the clear, clean air,
The soul grows tall,
the viol-string tensions cease
Here in this summer stillness, summer peace.

~ from "Summer Fields" by Grace Noll Crowell
Grace Noll Crowell Summer Fields sabbath Buy on Amazon

How rare in our world to sit absolutely still for an hour, not thinking, not even feeling, simply being in the presence of great beauty! At first one notices the small things, the subtle changes as wind suddenly ruffles a small space in the water, the amber color of still water over sand, or the reflection of a single tree; but little by little, it is the whole unified scene that takes over. And it is the silence itself that unifies it. One slides down deep deep into contemplation. This is not ecstasy like the light on lavender petals. It is more like prayer. Beauty beyond our understanding and beyond our uniqueness as individuals. Presence that asks nothing of us except to be in its presence. And filled with that presence, we walk back into our separate lives.

~ from RECOVERING by May Sarton
May Sarton Recovering sabbath Buy on Amazon

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

~ "The Peace of Wild Things" by Wendell Berry
Wendell Berry The Peace Of Wild Things sabbath Buy on Amazon

In the midst of silence a hidden word was spoken to me. Where is this Silence, and where is the place in which this word is spoken? It is in the purest that the soul can produce, in her noblest part, in the ground, even the Being of the Soul.

~ Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart sabbath Buy on Amazon

The world really doesn't need more busy people, maybe not even more intelligent people. It needs deep people, people who know that they need solitude if they are going to find out who they are:

silence, if their words are to mean anything;
reflection if their actions are to have any significance;
contemplation, if they are to see the world as it really is;
prayer, if they are going to be conscious of God,
if they are to "know God and enjoy God forever". 

The world needs people who want their lives not only to be filled, but to be full and fulfilled ... The world needs people who will allow time for God to recreate them, play with them, touch them as an Artist who is making something beautiful with their lives.

~ from SPACE FOR GOD by Don Postema
Don Postema Space For God sabbath Buy on Amazon

In the summer while at the cottage, I spend my mornings in silence by the lily pond. I slowly become aware of the extreme discipline of stabilizing myself in the void that is full. When I am able to surrender to the silent void, I dissolve into a dance of love. And the beauty, the beauty of the experience, causes me to weep -- to weep in reverence for what it is, for what I am, for what all life is. The beauty of the reality of love existing within all forms of life softens me into a gentleness that cannot force itself into action. Instead I discover a beautiful quality living within me that radiates strength and direction ... By surrendering to the process I find I am living in a state of grace. I start to hear the forms of life around me as sounds, sounds not heard by my ears but known by the silence. I know I can't take this experience into the world, but I can return to this place and refocus in the love that I want to live in the world.

~ from LEAVING MY FATHER'S HOUSE by Marion Woodman
Marion Woodman Leaving My Father's House sabbath Buy on Amazon

The seat of the soul is where the inner world and the outer world meet. Where they overlap, it is in every point of the overlap.

~ Novalis
Novalis sabbath Buy on Amazon

When I sleep outside to hear the sounds in the night ...
I hear the moon in her passing light and nightly transitions.
I hear her light falling in the cottonwood leaves and
I hear them spin on their long stems, answering. Regenerating
herself, her excess splendor seeds the earth and
each Tree of Life flowers ...
I hear the light and the seeds falling down and other sounds
rising up from the waters hidden beneath this desert ...
When dawn breaks and I awake to the trees in my eyes,
my ears are ringing with the night silence which sings
in my solitude through the day.

~ from THE LITANY OF THE GREAT RIVER by Meinrad Craighead
Meinrad Craighead The Litany Of The Great River sabbath Buy on Amazon

A child in the cradle, if you watch it at leisure, has the infinite in its eyes.

~ Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh sabbath

June 1993 (Vol. VI, No. 6)

BLESSINGS, friends! May the bird song of Spring awaken melodies of soul song within your hearts.

God takes such delight in the human person that
Divinity sings this song to our soul:

O lovely rose on the thorn!
O hovering bee in the honey!
O pure dove in your being!
O glorious sun in your setting!
O full moon in your course!

From you,
I you God
will never
turn away.

Sue Woodruff Meditations With Mechtild Of Magdeburg music Buy on Amazon

If we surrender who and what we think we are, we may come to such a perfect pitch of attunement that each note struck within us is an everlasting example of the first note, the first sound, from which all music extends ... J.S. Bach once said, "When the right notes are struck at the right time, the instrument plays itself." We are the instruments of God. We must never forget this if we are to truly be of service ... We are asked to be open, to be aware, to be in love with the Beloved with a passion that defies all reason. The expression of love that shatters the discursive mind is the music of life, if we will only listen, if we will only be receptive and awake.

~ from STEP TO FREEDOM by Reshad Feild
Reshad Feild Step To Freedom music Buy on Amazon
Music attracts the angels in the universe.
~ Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan music

In a cave, all outer sounds are smothered by rock and earth, but this makes the sounds of one's own heartbeat and breath audible. In the same way, contemplative stillness turns us away from everyday clamor but allows us to hear the subtle in our own lives. When listening not with the ear but with the spirit, one can perceive the subtle sound. By entering into that sound, we enter into supreme purity. That is why so many religious traditions pray, sing, or chant as a prelude to silence. They understand that the repetition and absorption of sound leads to sacredness itself. The deepest sound is silence. This may seem paradoxical only if we regard silence as an absence of life and its opposites. It is both sound and soundlessness, and it is in this confluence that the power of meditation emerges.

~ from 365 TAO by Deng Ming-Dao with thanks to Anne Strader
Deng Ming-Dao 365 Tao music Buy on Amazon

The people sing individually, in groups and often in harmony. I realized some of the songs were as old as time. These people repeat chants created here in the desert before the invention of the calendar. But I also experienced new compositions, music being composed just because I was there. I was told, "Just as a musician seeks musical expression, so the music in the Universe seeks to be expressed." ... A musician carries the music within.

Marlo Morgan Mutant Message Downunder music Buy on Amazon

Peter Matthiessen in "Earth and Spirit" speaks of reclaiming our harmony with the universe:

As a first step we might consider this Great Mystery that is all about us ... It is the music of the stars, the color of the winds, the dead stillness between tides ... It is no less and no more strange than our life itself.

~ "Parabola" Winter 1980
Peter Matthiessen Parabola music

Silent and still
my father stands
before our summer shelter

He is thinking a prayer
to the Holy Ones,
asking them
this day
to keep our feet
on the trail of beauty.

Filling the silence
of my father's prayer
I hear the bluebird's song.

~ "Morning Prayer" by Ann Clark from A QUEEN'S QUEST by Edith Wallace
Edith Wallace A Queen's Quest music Buy on Amazon

The parallelism of the psalms is a key to praying them. Just as the rhythm of music invites us to join in a dance, the rhythm of the psalms invites us to join in a dance, the rhythm of the psalms invites us to step into them with our whole self ... Repetition in prayer is a way of holding God in remembrance. The images of such prayer lodge deep within us and surface at other periods of our life. When we move quickly from one idea to another, it is difficult to let any one thought sink in and deepen within us. By quietly reiterating a theme or image, a psalm calms our restless hearts and gently leads us into a prayerful attitude.

~ from THE INNER RAINBOW by Kathleen R. Fischer
Kathleen R. Fischer The Inner Rainbow music Buy on Amazon

The flute of interior time is played
whether we hear it or not,
What we mean by "love"
is its sound coming in.
When love hits the farthest edge of
it reaches a wisdom.
And the fragrance of that knowledge!
It penetrates our thick bodies,
it goes through walls-
its network of notes has a structure
as if a million suns were arranged inside.
This tune has truth in it.
Where else have you heard a sound like

~ Kabir
Kabir music Buy on Amazon

The creative Wisdom of all things has established marvelous and ineffable harmonies by which all things come together in a concord or friendship or peace or love or however else the union of all things is to be designated.

~ John the Scot
John the Scot music

Not without design does God write the music of our lives.

~ John Ruskin
John Ruskin music Buy on Amazon

Music is more than a concord of sweet sounds, it is something from a higher world which we have power to invoke.

~ Beethoven
Beethoven music
Hope is hearing the melody of the future; Faith is dancing to it today!
~ Unknown
Unknown music

May 1993 (Vol. VI, No. 5)

May, the BLESSINGS OF PEACE be with you, friends!

Quiet, contemplative prayer happens when we are still and open ourselves to the Spirit working secretly in us, when we heed the psalmist's plea: "be still and know that I am God." These are times when we trustingly sink into God's formless hands for cleansing, illumination, and communion. Sometimes spontaneous sounds and words come through us in such prayer, but more often we are in a state of quiet appreciation, simply hollowed out for God. At the gifted depth of this kind of prayer we pass beyond an image of God and beyond any image of self. We are left in a mutual raw presence. Here we realize that God and ourselves quite literally are more than we can imagine.

~ from LIVING IN THE PRESENCE by Tilden Edwards
Tilden Edwards Living In The Presence meditation Buy on Amazon

The silence of meditation is not the silence of a graveyard; it is the silence of a garden growing. There is no deadness in a garden, but in that all-pervading silence an intense activity is going on in the ground which will later take form as buds, blossoms and fruit. So, too, in meditation there is not a blankness, but a rhythmic activity of the Spirit. As the mind exhausts itself the Spirit comes through, and we are in the realm of heaven. True, we are still on earth, our feet are solidly on the ground -- the holy ground of spiritual awareness.

~ from THE ALCHEMY OF AWARENESS by Lorraine Sinkler
Lorraine Sinkler The Alchemy Of Awareness meditation Buy on Amazon

Self-awareness, compassion, and contemplation are different turns on the same road to finding and living the truth.

~ Robert J. Wicks
Robert J. Wicks meditation Buy on Amazon

What is it that we do when we come together on alternate Tuesday evenings? The word SILENCE is the key to answering this question. The first time we met we agreed that silence would be the container for our prayers as well as a form of prayer in itself. We sit in a circle on floor cushions with our eyes open or closed ... It makes no difference. What matters is that everything that emerges from this silence -- a word, an image, a line of scripture or poetry, a probing question -- is held by each of us as if it is our collective heart speaking. And it is this heart that we listen to and follow as we pray ... Although we do not always know the way to God, our collective heart reminds us again and again as we sit together in the silence that God knows the way to us.

~ from THE FEMININE FACE OF GOD by Sherry Ruth Anderson & Patricia Hopkins
Patricia Hopkins, Sherry Ruth Anderson The Feminine Face Of God meditation Buy on Amazon

Developing a deep quality of interest is one of the keys to the whole art of concentration. Our steadiness is nourished by the degree of interest with which we focus our meditation ... Concentration combines full interest with a delicacy of attention. This attention should not be confused with being removed or detached. Awareness does not mean separating ourselves from experience; it means allowing it and sensing it fully ... As we learn to steady the quality of our attention, it is accompanied by a deeper and deeper sense of stillness -- poised, exquisite and subtle.

~ from A PATH WITH A HEART by Jack Kornfield
Jack Kornfield A Path With A Heart meditation Buy on Amazon

I remember when I used to dismiss the bumper sticker "PRAY FOR PEACE". I realize now that I did not understand it, since I also did not understand prayer, which I now know to be the active affirmation in the physical world of our inseparableness from the divine; and everything, especially the physical world, is divine. War will stop when we no longer praise it, or give it any attention at all. Peace will come wherever it is sincerely invited. Love will overflow every sanctuary given it. Truth will grow where the fertilizer that nourishes it is also truth. Faith will be its own reward ... God answers prayers. Which is another way of saying, the Universe responds ... Only as we have reason to fear what is in our hearts need we fear for the planet. Teach yourself peace. Pass it on.

~ from THE UNIVERSE RESPONDS by Alice Walker
Alice Walker The Universe Responds meditation Buy on Amazon

One night as I was deep in meditation, I suddenly found myself in a very curious state. It was as if I were dead. Everything had been cut away. There was no longer any before and after. Self and object were gone. The only thing I felt was how the inside of my self was totally unified and filled with everything that was over, under and around me ... After a while I came back to myself like one risen from the dead. My seeing, hearing, speaking, my actions and thoughts were completely different from what they had been up to then. As I hesitantly attempted to reflect on the truths of the world and to grasp the meaning of the ungraspable, I understood everything.

~ Kosen Imakita
Kosen Imakita meditation

Spirituality is that quality of being that expresses the bonding of all living and non-living things into an evolutionary unity.

~ from MIND OF OUR MOTHER by Bob Samples
Bob Samples Mind Of Our Mothers meditation Buy on Amazon

When challenged to explain the Absolute I shall fall still, I shall be silent as a mute.

~ from BOOK OF ANGELUS SILESIUS by Frederick Franck
Frederick Franck Book Of Angelus Silesius meditation Buy on Amazon

A day filled with noise and voices can be a day of silence, if the noises become for us the echo of the presence of God, if the voices are, for us, messages and solicitations of God.

~ Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Catherine de Hueck Doherty meditation Buy on Amazon

When the Life, Light and Love are as one within our soul, there power, silence, and speechlessness will rest, with the Radiant One in the center.

~ Tuela
Tuela meditation
True prayer often surprises us!
~ Unknown
Unknown meditation

April 1993 (Vol. VI, No. 4)

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Behold, my friends, the spring has come!
The earth has received the embraces of the sun,
And we shall soon see the results of that love!
Every seed is awakened and so has all animal life.
It is through this mysterious power that we, too,
have our being.
And we, therefore, yield to our neighbors,
even our animal neighbors,
The same right as ourselves to inhabit this land.

~ Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull nature Buy on Amazon

The world is not a machine, but an exquisite sanctuary. You need to be one with the world. You need to feel that you are not an accident in this world. You need to feel that the world is not an accident either. You need to celebrate your own uniqueness in a world that is sacred. The sacredness of the world, your dignity and your sovereignty, are assured by the assumption that the world is a sanctuary. To act in a world as if it were a sanctuary is to make it reverential and sacred; and is to make yourself elevated and meaningful. What the universe becomes depends on you. Treat it like it becomes a divine place. Treat it indifferently and ruthlessly and it becomes an indifferent and ruthless place. Treat it with love and care and it becomes a loving and caring place.

~ Henryk Skolimowski
Henryk Skolimowski nature Buy on Amazon

Though we travel the world over
To find the beautiful
We must carry it with us
Or we will find it not.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson nature Buy on Amazon

If our ordinary, self-centered viewpoint is dominant, rocks and tree roots are undesirable. But if we change our point of view, then the very fact that there are rocks and tree roots makes the valley stream more beautiful and the sight of waves breaking upon them beyond description. When we perceive joy, anger, happiness and sorrow as enriching our lives, just as rocks and tree roots and water spray embellish nature, then we are able to accept whatever happens and live like flowing water, without clinging to anything.

~ from ZEN SEEDS by Shundo Aoyama
Shundo Aoyama Zen Seeds nature Buy on Amazon

These are only hints and guesses,
Hints followed by guesses;
And the rest is prayer, observance, discipline,
Thought and action.
The hint half guessed, the gift half understood,
Is Incarnation.

~ from "The Dry Salvages" by T.S. Eliot
T.S. Eliot The Dry Salvages nature Buy on Amazon

Grounded in water and earth, we, like trees are connected to our mother. With roots deep in the earth, we are called to rest in her shelter where we don't have to say or do anything, just BE. Here we can know the nurturance and comfort of a God who surrounds un in warmth and wisdom in this sheltering womb, a constant Presence in our darkness and our light.

~ Doris Klein
Doris Klein nature Buy on Amazon

It is in deep silence that we enter into contact with the Indwelling Presence, with the radiance, the energy, the illumination and the fullness of Resurrection. In silence we discover our hunger and taste for the Word of God. our silence before the mystery of our own creation enables us to experience something of God drawing us ever closer. Silence in awe of God's creating love creates in us an ever deepening capacity for the word of God. The silence becomes a Presence.

~ Edward J. Farrell
Edward J. Farrell nature Buy on Amazon

I watch a hawk soar through the morning sky and something falls into place within me. It is as if I travel through a wood long unvisited and recognize familiar trees grown taller with the passing time. I come upon a thought, an act, a place with the vague sense of having thought that, done that, been there before. Or I come to a fork in the road and I know by some unexplainable sense which is right for me. I walk and uncover or discover anew what I have always known. Living intimately with nature opens doors in my spirit; the mystery becomes known, darkness becomes light.

~ from WELLSPRING by Barbara Dean
Barbara Dean Wellspring nature Buy on Amazon

Great Spirit,
give us hearts to understand;
never to take from creation's beauty
more than we give, never to destroy wantonly
for the furtherance of greed;
never to deny to give our hands for the
building of earth's beauty;
never to take from her what we cannot use.
Give us hearts to understand that to
destroy earth's music is to create confusion;
that to wreck her appearance is to blind us
to beauty; that to callously pollute
her fragrance is to make a house of stench;
that as we care for her, she will care for us!

~ U.N. Environmental Sabbath Program
U.n. Environmental Sabbath Program nature

Although there are rocks and tree roots,
Rippling along, just rippling along,
The water runs.

~ Wariko Kai
Wariko Kai nature

Those who live with integrity are like
a garden in full bloom,
whose blossoms beautify the earth.
They are planted in the dwelling place
of Love,
their produce nourishes those
who pass by.
All through their lives they produce
bountiful harvests,
overflowing as a cornucopia of
the finest fruits,
Magnifying the Loving and Gracious Creator,
living as sons and daughters
of the Most High.

Re-visioning The Psalms nature
See, I make all things new.
~ Revelation 21:5
Revelation 21:5 nature

March 1993 (Vol. VI, No. 3)

May BLESSINGS and NEW LIFE come to you as the light begins to penetrate the dark days of winter ... hints of spring can be seen, heard and felt throughout the land ... promise of renewal and rebirth are with us.

Darkness can be understood to represent emptiness, the complete overcoming of ignorance: the false perception of reality, the illusion of dualism, of anything existing separately. Emptiness, the womb of enlightenment, can be understood symbolically as darkness ... Emptiness is not nothing. Emptiness refers to the radical insight that there is no individually existing, independently arising, separate self. All that is, is in constant flux, rising and falling in relationship to and with something else. Emptiness is the black of starless midnight, imminence, that comes before the pre-dawn of enlightenment, the "clear light", a state of translucence or transparency that is beyond dark and light. This is a radiant black. This is wisdom.

~ from LONGING FOR DARKNESS by China Galland
China Galland Longing For Darkness darkness Buy on Amazon

Quietly, help me to clear.
Hold me in your wings
that I may trust.
In darkness, surrender.
My own way tortured.

Better, a listening prayer.

~ from ON EARTH AND IN HEAVEN poems by Gretchen Shartle
Gretchen Shartle On Earth And In Heaven darkness Buy on Amazon

A hindrance to the fullness of Divine Presence is the lack of silence. The Word comes only in a deeper way when peaceful silence encompasses everything. I may refuse to enter into the night of inner quiet, of non-resistance to the Divine. Then my life is doomed to remain parched and lifeless -- a wasteland. Silence is a gentler rhythm of speaking out and keeping still. The cultivation of silence belongs to the gentle style of life.

Adrian van Kaam Spirituality And The Gentle Life darkness Buy on Amazon

If to anyone the tumult of the flesh grew silent,
silent the images of earth and sea and air;
and if the heavens grew silent,
and the very soul grew silent to herself;
if all dreams and images grew silent,
and every tongue and every symbol --
everything that passes away ...
and in their silence You spoke to us,
not by them, but You yourself;
so that we should hear Your Word,
not by any tongue of the flesh,
not in the voices of an angel,
not in the sound of thunder,
nor in the darkness of a parable --
but that we should hear You ...
should hear You and not them.

~ Augustine speaking with his mother, Monica
Augustine darkness Buy on Amazon

Until peace has become an integrated part of me, until all old regrets have been dissolved in love and service, until I have learned to rest completely in a new consciousness of the Spirit, I shall remain where I am. Time, as we reckoned it, does not exist here. Consciousness has taken its place. By the degree of consciousness of the Spirit can we measure the extent of, the habitation of, varying states in our onward progress. To those still in the concept of time, this could take years. For me now, the state of consciousness of living Spirit and the serenity such consciousness works in my soul, is my present and my future in this Life Everlasting.

~ from TESTIMONY OF LIGHT by Helen Greaves
Helen Greaves Testimony Of Light darkness Buy on Amazon

When everything familiar has been sheared away -- either because we have physically separated ourselves from our "home", or because our inner exploration has taken us beyond our old self -- we are presented with a great opportunity for spiritual growth. At such time, we are likely to examine our lives more deeply than we ever have before and be asked to trust far beyond our understanding. T.S. Eliot knew this place very well and expressed it eloquently in his poem, "East Coker":

I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing;
wait without love
For love would be love of the wrong thing;
there is yet faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all
in the waiting.

~ from THE FEMININE FACE OF GOD by Sherry Anderson and Patricia Hopkins
Patricia Hopkins, Sherry Anderson The Feminine Face Of God darkness Buy on Amazon

Heart of my heart, Breath of my breath,
I abandon myself into your hands;
Do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank You:
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me,
and in all your creatures.
I wish no more than this, O Blessed One.

Into your hands I commend my soul;
I offer it to You with all the love of my heart;
For I love You, and so need to give myself,
To surrender myself into your Hands,
without reserve,
And with boundless confidence,
For You are the Heart of my heart.

~ Charles de Foucauld
Charles de Foucauld darkness Buy on Amazon

The Way is infinitely high, unfathomably deep. Enclosing heaven and earth, receiving from the formless, it produces a stream running deep and wide without overflowing. Opaque, it uses gradual clarification by stillness. When it is applied, it is infinite and has no day or night. It is restrained but can expand, it is dark but can illumine; it is flexible but can be firm. It absorbs the negative and emits the positive, thus displaying the lights of the sun, moon and stars.

~ from WEN-TZU by Lao-Tzu
Lao-tzu Wen-tzu darkness Buy on Amazon
Keep an open mind, and listen to the still small voice of God that I am sure speaks to your inner self.
~ Hannah Whitall Smith
Hannah Whitall Smith darkness Buy on Amazon
Listen rather less to your own thoughts, so as to be able to listen more to God.
~ Francois Fenelon
Francois Fenelon darkness Buy on Amazon

I have a key in the silence of my heart called Promise; that will, I am persuaded, open any lock in Doubting Castle.

~ John Bunyan
John Bunyan darkness Buy on Amazon
Come light this tiny candle. Give me a flame of understanding according to Your Word.
~ Madeleine L'Engle
Madeleine L'Engle darkness Buy on Amazon

February 1993 (Vol. VI, No. 2)

BLESSINGS BE WITH YOU in the words of Mechtild of Magdeburg:

Sisters and brothers, listen. Make your heart crystal clear within. Your senses will be opened and your soul so transparent that you will see into the Love and Wisdom of God ... Spiritual persons who dwell on earth are offered two kinds of spirit: In this way two pure natures come together. The first is the flowing Fire of the Godhead; and the second is gradual growth and expansion of the loving soul.

~ Mechtild of Magdeburg
Mechtild of Magdeburg love

Increasingly, my intention is to make each day of a living prayer. I am finding that to go out of the darkness into light, I have only to be a little more kind, a little more gentle and loving to those around me, and to myself. It has been in showing love to myself that I have had the greatest difficulty. The simplicity of choosing to live a life of love, rather than a life of fear, is more clearly becoming a reality for me. The power of simply remembering God, and remembering that my true identity is love, has been beyond anything I could have imagined. Let us all join in love, and know that in sharing the thoughts of love and peace with one another we bring the miracle of light into the world.

~ from OUT OF DARKNESS INTO THE LIGHT by Gerald G. Jampolsky
Gerald G. Jampolsky Out Of Darkness Into The Light love Buy on Amazon

What is the greatest kind of love?
Great love does not flow with tears.
it burns in the great Fire of Heaven.
In this Fire
it flows and flows swiftly
yet all the while
it remains in itself
in a very great stillness.

~ Mechtild of Magdeburg
Mechtild of Magdeburg love Buy on Amazon

Never become too holy or too spiritual. Let the Spirit align itself within you. Become what humanity can be. Nothing more and nothing less. There is no such thing as spiritual development or Higher Self or Greater Self or Lower Self. There is nothing to find, nowhere to go, nothing to reach up to. There is, however, LIFE, human life capable of Being itself. And that is already present in every moment of every day ... By relaxing very deeply and allowing your body to reach a point of stillness, the delicate strings of your Self will be found dancing with the deep current of love that is the Earth. This love is the dance of the still point in the open moment ... your Self is love in action.

~ from LEAVING MY FATHER'S HOUSE by Marion Woodman
Marion Woodman Leaving My Father's House love Buy on Amazon

There has to be enough communication so that silence can be a grace. That kind of silence demands a deeper love, and until that much love is developed, there is no point in pretending that the love is there when it isn't. The justification of silence in our life is that we love one another to be silent together ... In the depths of community life, we realize the grace of being silent together, but we don't arrive at this by excluding others or treating them as objects. It happens gradually as we learn to love ... The need is for a true silence which is alive and which carries a loving presence.

Thomas Merton The Springs Of Contemplation love Buy on Amazon

What we are called to is conscious harmony with the whole of earthly evolution in the dissemination of Love. In its very essence spiritual knowledge will be changed into Love ... The exterior knowledge of the universe will be interiorised in us. Love is Wisdom reborn from the Self. Love will be manifested as a natural force. This is the secret of all future evolution.

~ Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner love Buy on Amazon

A message was brought to me that a young woman who was dying had asked that I come visit her. She was fevered and emaciated; at first glance, a forbidding sight. Then I noticed her eyes -- huge and glowing, so incredibly beautiful I was entranced by them. All my embarrassment disappeared; all my searching about in my mind for some appropriate sanctimony became unnecessary. "What beautiful eyes!" I heard myself saying to her sister. She agreed saying that her sister had always had beautiful, glowing eyes. A silence fell upon us, and we were all three caught up in a wonderful joy. I knew, of course, what it was -- God's love enfolding us like lights from heaven.

Malcolm Muggeridge Confessions Of A Twentieth Century Pilgrim love Buy on Amazon

My arms are open. Come my Beloved
And rest upon my heart. It beats for You
And sings in joyous welcome. What am I
Except your resting place and your repose?

Your rest is mine. Without You I am lost
In senseless wanderings that have no end,
No goal, no meaning, on a road that goes
In twisted byways down to nothingness.

Come now, my Love and save me from despair.
The Way, the Truth, the Life are with me then.
The journey is forgotten in the joy
Of endless quiet and your kiss of peace.

~ from THE GIFTS OF GOD by Helen Schucman
Helen Schucman The Gifts Of God love Buy on Amazon

If we "detach ourselves" from creatures such as human values, charisms, goods, if we do not use them in a domineering way, these creatures remain free. Our liberation therefore constitutes the liberation of creatures. Human energies and values, once liberated from abuse, can now enter into the realm of love. Entering into the sphere of love, both human beings and creatures remain within the process of DIVINIZATION, because God is Love.

~ from THE SILENCE OF MARY by Ignacio Larranaga
Ignacio Larranaga The Silence Of Mary love Buy on Amazon

The day will come when, after harnessing space,
the winds, the tides, and gravitation,
we shall harness for God the energies of love.
And on that day,
for the second time in the history of the world,
we shall have discovered fire.

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin love Buy on Amazon

Our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.

~ 1 John 3:17-18
1 John 3:17-18 love
