"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Summertime Blessings of sunshine's radiance, blossoming's beauty, laughter of children at play ... Love's eternal and infinite variety at the heart of Life. In the stillness of no-time we are free of fear, free to simply be without burdensome thoughts of past or future. Here, "I am who I am" ... here, we are One in Being with All. In the deep Silence of timelessness, may we surrender to the Eternal Now, be present to each holy instant, and know Love-with-us always.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

The universe is singing, blanketed in a cocoon of sublime music. Listen in the silence and let music enter the secret places of your soul, and be soothed. Allow harmonic resonances of music to lift your spirit to higher vibrations. For, joy dwells here. Nature in all Her glory eternally sings creation's Love-Song orchestrated by the Great Musician. All is music! In the Silence, tune in.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Blessings, dear friends of silence, wherever you may live! Many are the facets of friendship. To befriend ourselves--body, mind, emotion, spirit--and to make friends with our Inner Being, from the dark areas of fear and illusion to the golden glow of our gifts and goodness, can be like cultivating a sacred space, a garden that reflects our lives.

Then, one's friends are like the flowers in our garden, each a treasure with its own unique blossoming. While to befriend strangers--the poor and disenfranchised, peoples of all nations, even those we view as enemies--the unjust and greedy who create war and inequity while ignoring the devastation left behind--can be a lifelong challenge, we must seek the source of discord in prayer and friendship with the Source of all life. And to befriend our Earth in all we do may be our greatest and most important challenge. For without a viable planet, we are left homeless.

Throughout our lives, as we befriend the Silence, we travel deeper into the light of our Inner Sacred Chapel and higher into the Light of Love. Whatever the form, friendship is a mutual gift that eternally warms and blesses our hearts and souls.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Every blessing, dear friends, in this season of new growth.

To spend time in Nature's tapestry of Life is like opening an amazing gift: an instruction book of Love and Life given to us by the Creator, Source of All Being. Here we can see how we participate in the seasons of our lives, the interplay and interconnectedness of all things that sustain our lives, the beauty and wisdom of unity in diversity, and the intricate patterns of every variety of flora and fauna. Celebrating, honoring, and learning from this Divine Gift is in a very real sense to reverence our own lives and the life of the planet, which depend on Nature's abundant bounty. May we share and care for Nature's gifts with equity and gratitude. May we gift ourselves with times in the Silence while basking in some of Nature's sacred settings, even if it be in our own backyard. Here, peace, harmony, and renewal will be sure to nest in your heart.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Blessings of spring, awakening anew in our lives, dear companions on the Journey.

May our prayers include pauses of simply be-ing ... of gratitude in the Silence for the present moment of life, nature's gifts, and Love-ever-with-us. Throughout each day may we be mindful of our thoughts, for strong thought--positive or negative--are, in a real sense, our prayers. As has been wisely observed, "as we thinketh, so we become." Thoughts, like prayer, radiate energy that matters, depending on our focus, intensity, intention, and accompanying source of reception. May our prayers be from the heart, breathed into the Silence ... May our thoughts be loving, gentle, and kind ... May both our prayers and thoughts lead us to fulfillment: service and sharing wherever we meet a need ... May our gifts and creativity grow in the Silence.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Blessings of peace and love, dear friends and companions.Love at the heart of our lives brings all to fulfillment: a peaceful soul ... a life that blesses. So, what could be more practical than awakening to Love? Here we may experience the Oneness we are with All and know, know for sure, that we can never truly be alone. For, Love abides in everyone, everywhere, notwithstanding outward appearances. So, let your love shine. Love ... be loved.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Blessings of the new year, dear companions on the journey. Just as the daily renewal of sunlight sustains the earth, so our inner soul-light nourishes and guides our lives.

"You are the light of the world."

Astonishing! In stillness and silence may you recognize the light you are and the Light you bear. May you more consciously radiate your heart-light out to the world and shine, wherever you may be.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

In this season of celebration, may angelic blessings be yours, dear friends. Living with an awareness of their companioning presence, even if only with trust to begin with, we come to realize angelic joy is working with us, surprising us, and reminding us that we are loved beyond measure. Limit not the myriad ways your angelic companions may knock on the door of your heart. Spending time in the Silence draws them nigh. And you might ask, "When was the last time I thanked my angels?"

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Warmest greetings to one and all in this season of homecomings, thanks-giving, and gratitude. In the midst of our noisy pain-filled world, may we come home to the Silence. May we bless ourselves and the world as we stop talking and thinking for a while and allow the Silence to still us and, perhaps, to speak a word to our soul. Listening to the silence is an art form where the infinite harmony of the universe calms and nourishes body, mind, and soul. Be still. Listen. Love's silent heart-song will bring you Home to your Divine origin.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

May Blessings of the Mystery greet you in the Silence, dear friends! Sacred Mystery abides within us all. As we develop a deeper connection to the Infinite Source of Life, we learn to love the Mystery and trust the Process of its life in us. We become aware that wherever the journey leads, Divine Presence travels in us, through us, and with us amidst the joys, challenges, and diminishments in our lives. We are never alone! So in the Silence, may we make room in our hearts, minds, and souls for the Divine Mystery of all life to more consciously unfold in our lives ...

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be Heard?

Blessings, dear friends, in this time of seasonal change. As we return to autumn, may we be mindful of the cycle of work: you, the worker... the work itself... the tools used... the energy you offer... your intention... the result. Let all thoughts of competition go; seek to create calling on the company of the Heavenly Realm. Let the divine energy of Love work in and through you. You never work alone. And Silence helps every process to flow.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

May BLESSINGS OF INNER PEACE be with you, dear friends, as we journey together through this summer season. Wherever you may be, remember to rest in the Silence some time each day. Be mindful of Nature's summer dress and Her gifts freely offered, Her lessons freely given, for our well-being. This pilgrimage we travel through life will lead us along many different highways and byways; yet, the longest and deepest journey we make is the inward journey into the heart of Love. Travel safe ... travel well, dear companions along the way!

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

May BLESSINGS OF BEAUTY abound in your life, dear friends ... the simple beauty of a kind, random act of sharing ... the gentle beauty of early morning dew defining a spider's web ... the beauty of communal meditation in the Silence ... the terrible beauty of a great loving response to disaster ... the sacred beauty of unity in diversity ... the wondrous beauty of our Earth home from outer space. Pondering Beauty's gifts in the Silence can evoke a deeper appreciation of Her presence in your life. As Evelyn Underhill put it, "Beauty is reality seen with the eyes of Love. "

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

BLESSINGS OUT OF THE SILENCE, dear friends! FAITH is in recognizing Love's Will unfolding daily in our lives ... in the Silence ... in mysterious ways. In the depth of silence is hidden the Source of love, the Divine Guest, dwelling within every heart. Faith is the eye that unveils this sweet Treasure and illuminates its eternal love. Where is fear in such faith?Only love remains. Silent be ... and see.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Blessings in the Oneness of the Silence, dear friends!As we come to know that we, all of us, are unconditionally loved by the Beloved of all hearts, we may begin to sense our shared Oneness with Love ... As we come to understand that there is but One Mind that each of us participates in, a Universal Consciousness, we may begin to sense our Oneness with All. Everyone has been aware of eternal moments be they in nature, in a child's birth, in listening to sublime music, in glimpses of wonder, or in the sudden sense of Presence with us: each a Hint of heaven here on earth, of our own consciousness being expanded out into the Infinity of Oneness that we are. Fear and all its companions have no home here: Love is all there is.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Spring greetings, dear friends!May the March winds blow many blessings into your lives! LISTEN in the Silence to a new world Awakening. With so much negativity seeming to cover our Earth home, it's all too easy for us to become discouraged or apathetic. We may not notice millions of our sisters and brothers around the globe who are in harmony with our aspirations and intentions to "peace the world" together. Light workers are networking ... peace and prayer groups are extending love, forgiveness, and hope ... and, notwithstanding the myriad outward news in the media, signs of Awakening and movement toward a just and more viable life for all are growing. As we focus our spiritual eyes and ears on this, as we listen to our heart's inner Voice of Love, we are blessed, we are peace-keepers. For, Love speaks in the hearts of those who become silent in order to LISTEN.

 "Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Heartfelt warm blessings to you, dear friends of silence, dear friends of Love and Peace!

We are born to love; we are all One Love. To extend Love, we must express the Love we are. And the more we recognize and forgive all the hidden ego-fears that keep us seemingly separate and bound to the world's values, the more Love we are able to share with all. In the silence, we can question our values and ask of each one, "Is this an eternal value?"Extending universal, eternal values is Love and Peace in action.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

NEW YEAR BLESSINGS, dear friends!As we celebrate our twentieth year of Friends of Silence, years of growing together in the Silence, let us take time to be still and listen for the Voice of the Blessed Spirit ever there to accompany us on the journey into Love.
Stillness is formed in the Silence from within where our souls are nourished and renewed.Wisdom, too, is born in the inner being as our minds, senses, and bodies are stilled in the Silence. More than ever, our homes, schools, work places, and even houses of worship … indeed, all of society, need to include times for stillness so that harmony and balance can develop.Imagine: just one individual radiating stillness of the heart can affect the world beyond measure. Be still ... And discover a great revelation: stillness in the Silence!

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard? "

PEACE be with you, dear friends! And may the reality of Peace on Earth forall of humanity shine through the veils of illusion! To become the peace we yearn for is a double gift: we are blessed with an inner freedom that enlivens and energizes our souls . . . we, in turn, bless the Soul of the world in ways we cannot measure or imagine. As our thoughts, words, and actions reflect the peace of the great Peacemaker, we begin to build the Realm of Love here on Earth, our home.

Be not afraid. You are never alone. Listen in the Silence and know that Peace abides with and within you always. Peace! Peace! Peace!

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard? "

BLESSINGS OF THE SILENCE, dear friends! Silence is the deepest, clearest prayer we can offer our noisy, wounded planet today. Stilling the mind and basking in the silence of the heart is a healing balm for ourselves and radiates an active energy of peace out to the world. Our silence opens the door for creative potential to flourish and bloom and links us to the universe: a Oneness with which we come to appreciate. Be still and listen . . . Be open and know: Love and peace and understanding await us in the Silence along with blessings of the Mystery. Silent be and see!

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard? "

HEARTFELT BLESSINGS, dear friends! As we spend time sitting and listening for the Voice of Silence, may we trust that our souls can plunge deeply into the inner well where truth dwells. There we may discover answers to our heart-concerns, our prayers, and insights to guide our way. May the harmony and balance of the elements, seasons, and music of the spheres ever be mirrored in our souls.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard? "

MAY BLESSINGS ABOUND, dear friends, in work, leisure, learning, sharing . . . as we move into the Autumn season. When we offer ourselves in service to humanity as co-creators with Love, all that we need in all aspects of life will emerge to assist in the inner and the outer work. May we ever be guided in all we do by the Voice heard in the Silence — Holy Wisdom.

SUMMER BLESSINGS, dear friends! Freedom is very much in our hearts and minds these days. Still freedom is just a word, a concept; an ideal until we will it in our individual lives. We cannot have outer freedom, however, if inwardly we are imprisoned by our fear and all its negative companions. Yet blessed are we who choose to face our fears, one by one. Each fear faced increases our love-quotient. Silence is the golden key that helps us open our heart-gate wider and deeper toward freedom: thus, we bless the world.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard? "

WARMEST GREETINGS, beloved friends! Out of the silence come songs of summer as day and night Nature's melded voices offer music when we pause to listen. Our own organ of the heart plays all the rhythms of our lives: from pain, loneliness, grief, sadness . . . to joy, praise, celebration, silence. At every moment we can listen inwardly for the music of our heart, body, and soul. And we can dance, wail, sing, pray, chant to its changing tunes. Just as birds naturally sing their various songs, so we, too, have heart-songs to share with one another and Life! May your own special heart-songs rise up out of the silence.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard? "

WISDOM is birthed in silence, rising up from the Mystery of the Unseen, a potential grace dwelling within us. At the same time, Wisdom greets us in our daily lives through nature, sacred spaces, the sages among us, a child at play, our creative work, our angels … and all that is holy. Wisdom is a seed planted by Love that buds and blooms in those whose hearts are receptive and vulnerable, in those whose minds are quieted in prayer listening for the Voice of Silence. Wonder, humility, beauty, peace are but a few of Wisdom's fruits.

Wishing you wisdom moments, dear friends!

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard? "

BLESSINGS of another Spring season, dear friends!

From the fallow earth new life is springing up as Love's ever-giving, ever-renewing gift to humanity new creation birthed from holy ground, a Sacred trust. Wherever we are — whether traveling afar or in our own backyard — all is Sacred space when we recognize our Oneness with Love Consciousness. And in the silence we can rest in the Sacred Chapel of our heart and gently BE who we are at the core. Be still, and know Love. 

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard? "

BLESSINGS OF THE SILENCE be with you, dear friends! Our deepening heart-prayers are acts of radical and continual abandonment to the Divine Guest abiding within our Inner Sacred Chapel. Here we trust with confidence — whether alone or with others, waking or sleeping, working or resting. Extended periods spent in the silence basking in Love's Presence or yearning in loneliness can open the space for the Prayer of the Heart to well up and radiate the love and light that we are at the core. May we open our hearts in the Silence each day . . . and just BE.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard? "

WARMEST GREETINGS, dear friends! The Love-quotient of our world needs to be heightened. Remember: Love is who you are! May our lives become Love-in-action. Authentic Love is not limited, but a blessing that so enhances our beingness that we are compelled to Serve with integrity and right action. This is not an impossible dream; yet, it does take commitment, prayer and practice moment by moment in thought, word and deed. Silence and solitude are ever friends to guide you on the road to Love, to being a beneficial presence in the world.

“Is there enough silence for the Word to be heard?”

DEEP PEACE be with you in the inner Silence of your heart-prayer, dear friends!  In this new year, may we continually be awakened to the Inner Light which shines through the darkness of fear and ignorance.  Thus, we will radiate the LoveConsciousness that we are — albeit all too often unacknowledged — and where we are in harmony with the joy of our soul’s creative Work toward true enlightenment.  Bask in the light of your times in the blessed Silence!  Awaken and shine!

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Wishing you a heart full of JOY, dear friends!!

The potential for Holy Joy is ever within us.  While happiness comes in outward, ephemeral moments, deep inner joy can be a lasting gift. For silence is like a garden of gentle joy that grows and radiates out connecting us to one another and, indeed, to the world. Joy is a healing balm that awakens us to our innate wholeness and holiness.  May we each cultivate and activate the seeds of joy gestating in our own unique heart-garden of silence.

