BLESSINGS of the Silence be with you, friends! In the rush and noise of life, pause, step within yourself and be still. Rest and wait upon God. This will enable you to flow through the day's affairs. Ask, what is my best Work.

Wishing each friend A BLESSED SUMMER! Through pauses in the Silence, may you remain aware of the Sacred Journey to wholeness wherever you are, wherever you travel. May you invite times of quiet relaxtion and re-creation into your life. As Frederick Franck reminds us in The Zen of Seeing, "In this twentieth century, to stop rushing around, to sit quietly on the grass, to switch off the world and come back to the earth, to allow the eye to see a willow, a bush, a cloud, a leaf, is an unforgettable experience".

BLESSED BE, dear friends, as we journey into a new season. May we remember to pause and listen to bird-song: a reminder that each one of us has a soul-son deep within the silence of our hearts to bring forth into the world.

Dear friends, do you know how to make God laugh?  Tell God your plans.

BLESSINGS be with you all in thi seed-dowing season! Just as seed germinates in the silent, fertile soil, may the seed of God's Word be nourished in the silence of your soul.

BLESSINGS BE YOURS, dear friends! As we enter the Spring season, may you each pause to enter the Chapel of your heart where in silence you can commune gently, lovingly, humbly, with the Heart within your heart.

BLESSED FRIENDS, Silence is power within us! The power of Divine Love blessing us, transforming us, and sending us out to share that Love in a world sorely in need of compassion and healing.

EVERY GOOD WISH to you, friends, in this new year as we begin the tenth year of this Friends of Silence newsletter. As we eah continue to take time in silence, our cumulative silences will bring blessing to family, friends and community -- even rippling out to the world.

GREETINGS and BLESSINGS from the silence, friends. May these darkest of days that lead to renewed light be a reminder to each of us to live according to our own highest light. Thus, will more light be given. May we remember to pause in the mist of this busiest of seasons to listen in reverence to the heart's voice.

May your hearts be open to every gift, dear friends! for, the gift within every gift is always opportunity. Life is a gift to us; every moment is given. The only appropriae response therefore is gratitude. Our lives are surely enhanced as we pause frequently to appreciate and to be thankful.

May autumn BLESSINGS be with you!

BLESSINGS, friends, as we anticipate the beginning of the autumn season ... an approprate time to pause in the Silence ans ask: "How am I endeavoring to spiritualize my work? Does my work reflet the deepest aspirations of my heart?"

BLESSINGS be with you all through these summer days, friends! May we each take time in the Silence to value the gifts of one another ... time to nourish our own fragile places; we will, thus, encourage peace in our wounded world.

BLESSED are you, friends, whose heart music radiates out the world. May your soul song ever reflet the beauty, peace and harmony of the Silent Song of the Spheres!

BLESSINGS Friends! MAy the inner gifts of beauty, peace, integrity and harmony be reflected in the outer sared spaces of your life!

May seed sprouting and new life awakening this Spring be reflected in your own soul growth, dear friends. New beginnings, changes of the seasons of our lives, bring apportunities for renewal, refreshment and refinement of our inner life with the Loving Companion Presence. May all find BLESSINGS to be shared with others.

BLESSED BE in the Silence, dear friends. May the deep prayers of your heart radiate out to those in need around the world. For indeed, our heart prayer is a double blessing: awakening our own soul's growth, while benefiting others in ways we may never know. Don't you love the Mystery!

May blessings of Love be with you, dear friends! As our hearts are emptied, we are more and more capable of love. Oh, that we would enter into the unquenchable Fire of longing and truly live! Let LOVE inrease on earth and let it begin with each one of us.

Heartfelt greetings, dear frinds, as Friends of Silence newsletter begins its nineth year. May this be a new beginning of PEACE in the quietude of our hearts ... a peace that radiates out to our suffering sisters and brothers around the world. "Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me!"

May PEACE and JOY be with each one of you, friends!  And may you gift yourself this season with times to be still and enter into the Inner Sanctuary of your heart, that in the Silence you may awaken to a new birth of JOY.


GREETINGS, friends! May the Silence that dwells in your heart radiate out to bless the world. We each have within us Love and Light that gives us the capacity to forgive one another, to be in solidarity with our wounded brothers and sisters and the world.

BLESSINGS be with you, friends! As we become friends with the Silence, we will begin to hear as loudly as any outer voice our own spirit calling us to soul-making, to that deep inner space seeking to be in complete harmony with the universe.

BLESSED BE, friends! In our expression of "Labor Day" this season, may we go into the silence and reflect on the balance and priorities of our lives in these increasingly complex times. May we allow the embracing gift of Silence to bless us with inner peace and wise counsel ... to renew our aspirations that all our Work be in the service of Love.

BLESSINGS, beloved friends! May you find time these summer days to dive within your own heart, and there, to discover the Mystery and to listen for the Voice of the Silence. For, you are the sanctuaries of the Living Spirit!

BLESSED BE, friends! May Beauty ever radiate through your lives!

I carry the remembrance of the vibrant Life that breaks through the veil of this global village unexpectedly from time to time. And in those moments that joyful wound, that "terrible Beauty", is a balm for my soul. I remember and am assured of my sanity. I know again that all life is sacred and vibrates in shimmering Beauty. Only my density -- those concrete walls that were slowly and carefully constructed -- keeps me prisoner and in ferment. Ah, sweet Spirit, touch my wound of illusory separation that I might pour forth its joy to our broken, alienated world! Let me not be traitor to your hidden Presence within me by hiding the Light and Love in buildings constructed by hands or in a heart of stone.

GREETINGS, dear friends, and BLESSINGS be yours. A CALL to silence, a meditation network for peace and healing of our world, invites people of all traditions, cultures and religions to participate in a week of reverencing the Silence -- May 7-11th. For, at the heart of silence there is peace, there is our essential being, there is the Holy One. This silence of love, trust, friendship and mutual respect bonds us together. Friends, in the Silence, may we offer ourselves as bearers of peace.
BLESSINGS, friends, in this new season! Spring invites us to renewal, to be born anew into the wholeness of our potential. Spring calls us to touch the Earth ... to awaken to Nature's budding grandeur ... to become silent enough to hear seeds bursting, bird symphony and our own inner aspirations.
HEARTFELT GREETINGS and BLESSINGS, friends! May you ever be faithful to the truth that dwells within you. May you be ever guided and strengthened as you aspire to fulfill your purpose on Earth.

BLESSINGS! May Love grace your life and may Love guide your way!

GREETINGS and warm wishes, friends! May blessings be with you in this new year! May you be opened to all that is germinating within you ...
