Invasive Species and Beetles
June 14, 2003
3:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Niles Cabin

If you see the wonder of the spirit in the diversity of the creatures we share our planet with, this program will leave you full of wonder indeed.

Come join Smithsonian Museum of Natural History entomologist Warren Steiner for an afternoon hike looking at beetles and other insects and their life cycles. This will be followed by a potluck dinner at the Niles Cabin, and then... and then... Night Buggin! At dusk, we will set up bed sheets in the woods and bright lanterns and Warren will lead us in identifying and learning about the many different insects that come in to see what all the shine is about.

In a sense, then, this is really two programs, back to back -- a very popular event last year. Warren says "That time in June is generally peak diversity for insects so if the weather cooperates, it should be great."

Those who would like to (people, not bugs…) can camp over, and a night hike to a moon- and starlight-bathed meadow might even happen.

NOTE: There will be a full moon on June 14, so camping at FWMC on Friday or Saturday nights should be wonderful!

A modest donation to the Center will be welcomed but is not obligatory.

This event is for:Anyone who really digs bugs or is given the creeps by kids from 5 to 105.

Directions: Check with Sheila, by phone or e-mail

June 6-8, 2003

Pinestone at Rolling Ridge has become available for rental the weekend of June 6-8. Call Nelson Good for rental details (202-332-7076).

Saturday, May 31, 2003
9:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Keys Gap

The Appalachian Trail south of Harpers Ferry was the first section of the trail to be established south of New England. On this full-day hike we will begin at Keyes Gap (where Route 9 crosses the Blue Ridge) and finish at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat (total walking distance 12 miles).

Along the way we will take time to enjoy the views and the beauty of the spring wildflowers, azalias, and mountain laurel. We will search for nesting birds and other wildlife and listen to the stories of the ancient rock. Much of the trail is over rocky terrain and there are several short, but steep ascents; the last two miles is all downhill from the Ridge to Study Retreat, where a hearty dinner will await our arrival.

Jim Hall is an amateur naturalist and ecologist at the Dayspring Retreat Center near Washington and is a Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Board member. Contact Bob Sabath (304-724-6653) to confirm coming (we don't want to leave without you), and for last minute changes due to weather conditions.

May 24, 2003
10:30 am - 2:00 pm
FWMC Treehouse

Insight Meditation (known as vipassana in the Buddhist tradition) is a simple technique which has been practiced in Asia for over 2,500 years. Beginning with the focusing of attention on the breath, the practice concentrates and calms the mind. It allows one to see through the mind's conditioning and thereby to live more fully present in the moment.

Join Dave Schoof and receive an introduction to this style of meditating. No previous experience is necessary. He will guide you through the principles and, as a group, enjoy the experience of meditating together in a beautiful and natural setting. Dave will introduce sitting, walking and eating meditations. He will share a brief introduction into some of the principal teachings of the Buddha (called the Dharma) and discuss its relevance in our everyday lives. He can also facilitate a discussion on the similarities and differences of this practice and the Quaker practice as well.

Dave is an experienced meditator who is affiliated with the Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC (IMCW). He lives in Shepherdstown, WV where he leads a weekly Vipassana meditation group. He loves to lead groups of interested people in exploring the application of the Dharma to everyday life.

In case of heavy rain, the event will be held in the Niles Cabin.

A modest donation to the Wilderness Center is suggested.

This event is for: People seeking an introduction to Buddhist meditation, as well as practiced meditators who wish to experience group meditation in a wilderness setting. Event, weather permitting, will occur at FWMC's large treehouse that can seat 25. If rainy weather than will occur indoors in Niles Cabin. Directions: Call or e-mail Sheila Bach for directions. Treehouse is c. half mile from Niles Cabin. Watch for signs on property and get exact instructions from Sheila for driving or walking on our land.

May 17, 2003
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Niles Cabin

What is green infrastructure? Aleen Starkweather will lead a program about open space, animal passageways and biodiversity corridors, and will explain some of the concepts of green infrastructure.

Aleen's active affiliations include the Greater Sandy Spring Green Space, MAGIC (Maryland Alliance for Greenway Improvement and Conservation), the Land Use Committee of the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County (which she chairs), and the Citizen's Advisory Committee for Legacy Open Space, an innovative program in Montgomery County.

PRESERVING OPEN SPACE is a subject dear to Aleen's heart. The program will start on the treehouse platform at 11am on Saturday, May 17, 2003.

In case of rain, meet at the Niles Cabin. Bring a brown bag lunch, water, and maybe even hiking boots!

NOTE: Full moon is on Thursday, May 15, so camping on Friday the 16th should be wonderful, with a moonrise about an hour after sunset. Or better yet, come out for a long weekend, on the 15th, and watch that evening's total lunar eclipse! (Beginning at 9:02 pm; darkest at 10:40 pm.)

A modest donation is suggested for this program.

This event is for: Anyone interested in preserving wilderness or open space -- for your soul, for your body, for your family and friends on earth and yet unborn, for total strangers,should come to this FWMC event.

May 16-18, 2003
Retreat House

The Retreat House at Rolling Ridge has become available for rental the weekend of May 16-18. This is a lovely time of year, with full moon on May 16, and a wonderful workshop on Open Space at Friends Wilderness Meditation Center Saturday morning. Call Nelson Good for rental details (202-332-7076)

Thursday Evening, May 15, 2003
9:30 pm - 10:40 pm Lunar Eclipse
Camping Area

Join Rolling Ridge staff to camp overnight Thursday, May 15, and watch that evening's total lunar eclipse, beginning at 9:02 pm, darkest at 10:40 pm. Some of the folks from Friends Wilderness Meditation Shelter will also be camping that evening.

An Ecological Integrity Retreat
April 25 - 26, 2003
7:00 pm Friday - 7:00 pm Saturday
Deerspring House

Multiple thoughtful writers on economics, development, theology and ecology have written of far reaching negative effects of modern macroeconomies on human wellbeing. They also write of alternative ways in which people may relate to macroeconomies.

In the first phase of this study retreat project, the four leaders of this retreat have given themselves to learning from some of these writers, such as Marjorie Kelley, Jerome Segal, M.D. Litonjua, David Korton, and Ched Meyers. They now invite you to participate in this retreat as the second phase of this project.

When you pre-register you will be sent several brief readings which will prepare each of us to share our insights. In this retreat we will help each other find our way in relating constructively to an economy in which the person is relegated to being a consumer and a dispensable worker; where matters deemed noteworthy in the media are frequently reported as the economic value lost or gained; and where an outcome is an expanding disparity among people in multiple dimensions of their lives.

After dinner on Friday evening we will tease out themes on how we might responsively live in relation to dehumanizing economic structure, followed by an offering of music and bedtime story told by an excellent storyteller and poet. On Saturday we begin by listening briefly to two economists who work for government and in international development reflect on their interpretation of the readings we all will receive, followed by sharing of learnings by all participants. After lunch there will be ample time for walking in the forest, journal writing, or rest. After tea will learn from a video on a creative project relevant to the retreat theme. The retreat concludes with dinner. However, those who wish may remain overnight and join us for an informal "breakfast seminar."

Cost for each person is $50 if lodging is in DeerSpring, $30 if tenting. Register by mailing one-half of the retreat fee to Vivian Headings, RRSRC, Box 314K, Harpers Ferry WV 25425. The retreat leaders are Jim Hall, Cheryl Hellner, Vivian Headings, and others. Contact Vivian for details (phone: 304-725-4172 or email:

April 19, 2003
10:30 am - 2:00 pm
Niles Cabin

Hear from an expert about the marvels of winged migration. Although Johanna Thompson was born in Washington, DC she left the area for the Midwest after high school, and then returned in 1985 to pursue her career as a lawyer-librarian. Shortly after returning to DC, her parents invited her to join them on a trip to the island of Sanibel in Florida. Once there, the resort appeared to offer a choice between two activities: collecting seashells, or watching birds. Given the options of picking up pieces of calcium that had once housed slimy sea creatures or watching exotic living birds, the choice, to Johanna was obvious. Johanna was at the bird refuge every morning at 6 a.m. when it opened. The close-up sunrise views of egrets, herons, roseate spoonbills, and red shouldered hawks were intoxicating, Johanna was hooked.

After her trip to Sanibel, she went on one birding trip after another, slowly increasing her knowledge of birds and steadily expanding the collection of bird books in her personal library. She retired in May 1999, which meant there was not only more time for birding, but also for volunteer work such as being a docent at the National Zoo’s bird house and a speaker for the Audubon Naturalist Society.

During this program Johanna will share her love for and knowledge of birds, focusing specifically on winter birds in the region.

We will begin at 10:30 a.m. Bring a bag lunch. If you have binoculars and or a field guide, bring those also. If you like, stay for a short hike after lunch.

There are at least 115 species of birds that have been seen at Rolling Ridge, including nine that are listed as endangered in West Virginia. What better time to expand your knowledge of our birds or begin to learn how to identify our feathered friends.field guide, bring those also.

We suggest a modest donation for this event.

This event is for: Anyone interested in birds, birding, or wildlife, and willing to walk the trails should come to this FWMC event.

Directions: Get specific directions from Sheila. We will meet at Niles Cabin. Follow signs on property for Niles Cabin. See our ride board feature at our web site if you need a ride. Camping, or overnight stays in the Niles Cabin are available that weekend.

April 14 - 20, 2003
10:00 am Morning Prayers, 4:00 pm Evening Prayers
Retreat House

Do you need space removed from dailyness to ponder persistent questions? Or to get your heart ready for Easter? You are invited to Rolling Ridge during Holy Week for time and space apart.

Rolling Ridge offers you:

  • Retreat House space for thinking, reading, journaling
  • Woodland walking and hiking trails and quiet spaces
  • Appalachian Trail overlook one-hour walk from the Retreat House
  • Creeks, waterfalls, and creek-watching rocks
  • Morning prayers daily at 9 am with the retreat community
  • Evening prayers daily at 4 pm with the retreat community
  • Art Cottage with art supplies available
  • Spiritual direction or guided day retreat available upon request
  • Friendly dogs and welcoming staff community

The Week's program also includes:

  • Easter Weekend Silent Retreat, led by Rolling Ridge Staff
  • Friday Evening Stations of the Cross, led by Lindsay McLaughlin
  • Saturday Meditative Art experience, led by Keith Lyndaker

If you need a respite from the world's turmoil, consider time at Rolling Ridge, between the Blue Ridge and the Shenandoah. Come for one day or several, Monday through Friday. Bring a bag lunch, or fast. Cool spring water, coffee, and tea available. Simple meals will be serve during the silent retreat, starting Friday evening. Reading materials available. No charge for day retreats. Overnight stay is an option. Cost for overnight stay during week nights is $12. Cost for weekend (Friday and Saturday nights with meals) is $40. For more information, overnight reservations, or directions call Vivian Headings (304.724.6653) or Bob Sabath (304.724.6653).

Stations of the Cross

In the Stations of the Cross, we follow the path that Jesus followed during his Passion, from the courtroom to the place where he died. Jesus' difficult journey took place in Jerusalem 2000 years ago, where the path is known as the Via Dolorosa, or the Sorrowful Way. Certain spots where Jesus stopped along his route are marked, and these are called Stations.

Over the centuries, people traveled to Jerusalem to retrace and recall Jesus' steps to Calvary, especially during Lent. But Jerusalem is very far to go for most people, so in the Middle Ages, they began making the journey along the Via Dolorosa in churches, using painted or carved images of the 14 stops Jesus made. At each Station people would think about what happened to Jesus and they would pray about it.

On Good Friday evening, after dusk, we are going to make that journey through the hushed woods and quiet spaces of Rolling Ridge. As we go on our Via Dolorosa we will be telling the story of Jesus' last hours, his death, and his burial, a story that has deep meaning for us. At each Station we will pause to allow the moments recalled there to shape our prayers for the places in our hearts and our world that, like Jesus, are battered and broken.

We invite you to send us the names of loved one who have died, or whom you have lost, of those sick, or in trouble. You may also want to name situations or places, both far away or next door, that cry out for God's healing presence and for which you want to pray. We invite you to send us snapshots, clippings, or objects that depict or represent these persons and places. We will include them as we construct each Station. You may send them to Rolling Ridge, c/o Vivian Headings, RR 4 Box 314K, Harpers Ferry WV 25425. You will have them returned to you, so be sure to include your name on the items.

Lindsay McLaughlin
