Saturday, November 12, 2005
Retreat House
Gardening and the Rebirth of Church and Culture
October 28-30, 2005
Friday, 6pm - Sunday, 2:30 pm
Retreat House

Gardening is a powerful symbol of the human role in God's Creation. It also speaks to the shape of "future Church" and the reshaping of our cultural institutions. Moving us beyond static views of the universe, it directs attention to an unfolding creation and suggests partnership with nature and the importance of making space in our lives for enjoyment of what God has made.

Can the Church in our day lead us into new patterns of living in harmony with the rhythms of the Earth, where we learn to see the life-forms in nature not so much as "resources for humans" but rather as "kin," and ourselves as co-creators of a sustainable future for the planet and our children's children? What forms of gathering and proclamation will be most effective in fostering new ways of "seeing?" Where can those who care, whether within or outside formal religious communities, listen for the "call" and celebrate and work together for Earth's renewal? In this gathering, we will reflect on these questions, guided by the Creation-inspired wisdom of Norman Wirzba.

Norman Wirzba is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown College in Kentucky. Steeped in the agrarian philosophy of Wendell Berry, he has written The Essential Agrarian Reader: the Future of Culture, Community, and the Land. Another book, The Paradise of God: Renewing Religion in an Ecological Age is suggested reading for our weekend. Although expensive, we feel it is well worth buying.

Through conversation, silence, prayer, and listening to the Earth at Rolling Ridge, we will engage head, heart, and soul in exploring God's dream for Creation and how our deep love and passion for Earth may speak through our faith to the needs of the planet.

To register, contact: he Rev. Arthur ("Pat") Underwood at 410-329-9097, or email The retreat is co-sponsored by the Dayspring Earth Ministry and Rolling Ridge Retreat Community. Registrants will be sent readings in advance. Cost is $110 ($65 if tenting).

A New Way of Seeing -- Art As Contemplative PracticeWith Trish Stefanik and Keith Lyndaker-Schlabach
October 7-9, 2005 (Friday night - Sunday afternoon)
Or Saturday, October 8 only
Retreat House

Artists Refuge

Mystic Teresa of Avila spoke of an experience of "awareness, absorbed and amazed." So much of our modern-day experience divides our attention and numbs our senses. We invite you to come away for a day or weekend retreat to recover or discover a way of seeing and being that is fully alive. With an artist's eye we will see anew the beauty of our natural surroundings and our inner nature, finding ourselves in the heart of Creation. And we will be truly amazed.

For those wanting to come for the weekend, arrive at the retreat house between 5 and 7 pm, make yourself at home, and explore the autumn hills before dinner at 7:00. After dinner we will have a brief time for introductions and a simple meditation to help us further unwind and be present to our retreat experience.

For those wanting to come for Saturday only, the program begins at 10 am. After welcoming new retreatants and a brief introduction of our theme, we will disperse and spend the rest of the morning outside, each practicing a drawing meditation.

After lunch, we will walk mindfully and in silence together to the art cottage where we will be introduced to painting meditation, inviting nature again as well as our imagination to awaken us to the Presence.

At 4:00 we will gather in the art cottage to reflect on the day's experience. Dinner will be served in the retreat house at 5:30. The evening is free for an evening walk, quiet reflection, or art on your own in the cottage.

Following breakfast at 9:00 and a simple prayer service Sunday morning, we will have the opportunity to draw and paint to our Heart's desire! Lunch will be served at 12:30, with departure by 3 pm.

Cost for the entire weekend: $100 (includes materials, lodging, and meals). Cost for Saturday only: $50 (includes materials, lunch and dinner)

Retreat leader Trish Stefanik is on staff at the Servant Leadership School in Washington, D.C., serving in many capacities including leading classes in Art as a Contemplative Practice. She is currently completing study in Contemplative Group Leadership with the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. She will be living at Rolling Ridge for a year starting January 2006 as a Contemplative Artist in Residence.

Co-Facilitator Keith Lyndaker Schlabach is a member of the Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Staff Community where he has lived for the past twelve years. He is an artist, musician, and writer and chairs the RRSRC Meditative Arts Committee.

Space is limited. Please send a $25 deposit (or the entire amount) to reserve your space. For questions, please call Keith at 304-725-4301. Checks should be made out to RRSRC, and mailed to RRSRC, c/o Oct Med Arts, 186 Tupelo Lane, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425. Registrations should include any dietary needs.

Labor Day<br>Monday, September 5, 2005
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Retreat House
An Invitation to Spiritual Development
August 12-14, 2005
Retreat House

ROLLING RIDGE STUDY RETREAT CENTER has designed a weekend opportunity for spiritual growth in an experience of contemplative community.

WHO IS IT FOR? It is for anyone who wishes to explore their own spiritual development.

WHAT WILL TAKE PLACE? The schedule provides for:

  • short talks on different forms of prayer followed by guided practice
  • time for rest, meditation, personal reflection, hikes along a mountain stream or through a secluded wooded path
  • periods of silence
  • daily Taize worship
  • conversations with other retreat participants
  • opportunities for an individual meeting with a spiritual director
  • delicious home cooked meals from the Rolling Ridge garden

WHAT SUBJECTS WILL BE ADDRESSED? The weekend presents various forms of personal prayer and spiritual disciplines, including:

  • spiritual companionship
  • writing as a way of prayer
  • praying with nature
  • praying with silence
  • praying with scripture
  • corporate prayer and worship

WHO WILL BE LEADING THE RETREAT? A retreat team has been meeting for over a year to plan this event:

  • Donald Krickbaum, Episcopal priest, retired Dean of Trinity Cathedral, Miami, Florida, spiritual director and formation teacher, program leader at Shalem, an ecumenical Christian teaching community dedicated to the support of contemplative living and leadership
  • Ethel Hornbeck, retreat leader, graduate of Shalem Spiritual Guidance Program, spiritual director, parish assistant for spiritual formation at Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church
  • Donna Acquaviva, graduate of Shalem Spiritual Guidance Program, spiritual director, hospice chaplain, secular Franciscan, journalist, writing instructor at Shepherd University
  • Susan Burke, graduate of Shalem Spiritual Guidance Program, spiritual director, secular Franciscan,hospital chaplain, retreat leader, book and journal editor
  • Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community staff, including Vivian Headings, Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach, and Bob Sabath


  • Begins Friday, August 12, 2005, with registration at 5:30 pm, dinner at 6:30 pm
  • Concludes Sunday, August 14, 2005, with lunch at 12:30 pm


  • Retreat cost is $75, and includes lodging for two nights at Rolling Ridge Retreat Center and six meals.
  • Rolling Ridge provides volunteer staff and is grateful that the retreat leaders are providing volunteer facilitation.
  • Some limited scholarships are available.
  • Directions:


We only have room for 20 participants. Reserve your space by sending $25 to the address listed below. Make checks out to Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community. Let us know if you have special dietary or lodging requirements. For more information, contact Bob Sabath at 304-724-6653 or


Contrary to popular belief, spirituality is not something special or extraordinary. It is instead absolutely ordinary and completely natural. Everyone has a spiritual life. We express it in many different ways -- not only in places of worship but also in work, community and family, in all our creativity and commitments. This desire for the Holy in our lives is our willingness to be drawn to God through whatever is before us and to let God co-create every moment -- to let God "in" on everything -- to listen for and trust God's presence.

Saturday, July 2, 2005
10:30 am - 4 pm
Retreat House

Featuring Local Artists

Terry Tucker of TreeHouse
Terry will wow us with her autoharp and lots of folk classics.

Keith Lyndaker Schlabach of Jeremiahs Run
Rolling Ridge's own will perform original roots music.


Bring along your original or favorite songs or poems to share.

Lunch is provided in community staff homes (with music too!)

End the day singing with your friends, old and new.

Festival Schedule

All events located at Retreat House unless otherwise noted.

10:30 am Welcome Information and Opening remarks
11:00 am Main Stage Featured Artist and Open Mike
12:00 pm Lunch At Staff Community Homes
(Music provided)
1:30 pm Main stage Featured Artist and Open Mike
3:00 pm Sing-A-Long Community Jam

Bring your favorite snacks. No alcoholic beverages please.
Limited lodging and camping available.
Contact Vivian at 304-725-4172

For more information, contact Keith
at 304-725-4301 or
Please RSVP if you will be joining us for lunch.

June 10-12, 2005
Retreat House
With Jim Hall and Rolling Ridge Staff Community
Saturday, May 21, 2005
9 am - 5 pm
Keys Gap

The Appalachian Trail south of Harpers Ferry was the first section of the trail to be established south of New England. On this full-day hike we will begin at Keyes Gap (where Route 9 crosses the Blue Ridge) and finish at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat (total walking distance 12 miles).

Along the way we will take time to enjoy the views and the beauty of the spring wildflowers, azalias, and mountain laurel. We will search for nesting birds and other wildlife and listen to the stories of the ancient rock. Much of the trail is over rocky terrain and there are several short, but steep ascents; the last two miles is all downhill from the Ridge to Study Retreat, where a hearty dinner will await our arrival.

Jim Hall is an amateur naturalist and ecologist at the Dayspring Retreat Center near Washington and is a Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Board member. Contact Bob Sabath (304-724-6653) to confirm coming (we don't want to leave without you), and for last minute changes due to weather conditions.

An ecological integrity retreat for parents, grandparents, teachers, mentors, and the children they love
April 29 - April 30, 2005
Friday Night 7 pm - Saturday Night 7 pm
Retreat House

We live in a time when our children have less and less direct experience with the living earth. But for most of our evolution as a species, our children grew up with their hands in the clay earth, their ears filled with the sound of wind and storm, their eyes filled with the movement of clouds, sun and moon.

If our children today grow up with less and less direct experience of God's creation, what will they know of God?

This 24 hour retreat is designed especially for pairs of one adult and one child (ages 6-12)

This retreat will include:

  • A campfire time of stories and songs celebrating the living earth
  • Star gazing in the open field
  • Time for adults to reflect together on selected readings on this theme
  • Time for children to explore the land as a small group
  • Time for each adult/child pair to choose their own experience/adventure in the forest, streams, or ponds
  • A reading nook for nature books, stories, field guides etc.

Lodging will be at the Retreat House and Pinestone House. There is an option to camp, if you would like. The leaders are Jim Hall, Cheryl Hellner, and Vivan Headings.

The cost of the retreat is $50.00 for adult and child together ($30.00 if tenting).

If you would like to stay over Saturday night (optional), there is an additional $10 charge.

Contact Vivian Headings at 304.725.4172 for more information

Good Friday Service, and Easter Vigil
March 21-27, 2005
Retreat House

Monday through Friday
Daily meditations and prayers at 9:00 am and 4:00 pm

Good Friday
5:00 pm -- Sharing soup and bread together
6:00 pm -- Praying the Stations of the Cross
followed by a Service of Darkness
and entering into the Easter Vigil

Holy Saturday
Observing the Easter Vigil,
concluding with a Service of Light at 8:00 pm

You are warmly invited to participate in any or all of these events.

The Easter Vigil is traditionally observed from Good Friday evening until the evening of Holy Saturday. During this time, we will observe a 24-hour prayer vigil in the Meditation Shelter. Please consider whether you would like to participate in this vigil for one or more hours, between 8:00 pm on Friday, March 25 and 8:00 pm, Saturday, March 26. If you are unable to be physically present with us at Rolling Ridge, you are still welcome to participate by "keeping watch" during this time. If you do so, please let us know which hour(s) of the day you have set aside for prayer.

There is no registration fee for any of the week's activities. A simple soup and bread meal will be served Friday evening. No meals will be provided the rest of the week, but you are welcome to bring your own provisions. All events will take place at the Retreat House. The Retreat House will be available for retreatants who would like to stay overnight one or more nights during the week.

Please let us know if you will be participating by contacting us at or by calling 304-725-4301.
