December 1-2, 2006
Friday 7:00 pm - Saturday 7:00 pm
Retreat House

A work of becoming human is to seek qualities which are thought of as beautiful. This idea is applied to a wide variety of experiences with nature and with items created by humans. Much diverse literature and our common language point us toward this insight. If imagination fosters a desire to create beauty, then to fail to cultivate it in each person diminishes a community. In this retreat we seek to understand and to celebrate this indispensable and sometimes misunderstood element of being human.

The retreat has been designed by five persons, and each will share insight on beauty as noted below. All retreat registrants will be mailed a brief reader on selected aspects of the theme. During retreat all participants are encouraged to share both their learnings as well as samples of their personal creative works in any medium.

  • Understandings of Beauty — beauty's magnetism, beauty as sacrifice, beauty which derives from loss, beauty's transcendental quality and relation to nature — Phil Bufithis
  • Discovering Beauty Following Personal Loss — Barkley Sutherland
  • Experiencing Beauty in both Simplicity and Complexity — Vivian Headings
  • Imagination's Urge To Create — Verle Headings
  • The Beautiful Nature of God as Experienced in Contemplative Prayer and Practice — Trish Stefanik

This is a 24-hour retreat beginning with Friday evening dinner through Saturday evening dinner. The cost is $50.

For more information and to register contact Vivian at or phone at 304-725-4172.

For Pastors and Church Leaders
Monday, November 13, 2006
10:00 am - 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm
Retreat House

Throughout his ministry, Jesus regularly took time to withdraw to a quiet place, to reflect and pray.

Retreat and rest is vital, and yet busy schedules often prevent us from setting aside the time we need.

We invite you to join us on the second Monday of each month for "A Day Away," a Sabbath day especially set aside for pastors and church leaders at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community.


Rhythm of the Day

We will gather at the Retreat House at 10:00 a.m. for brief input, followed by your own time for prayer and reflection. Lunch will be served at noon. Retreatants may choose to leave at 1:00, or stay until 4:00 to hike the trails, sit quietly in the Meditation Shelter, get creative in the Art Cottage, or settle into a room to journal, rest or pray.

Second Mondays

"A Day Away" for pastors and church leaders will take place the second Monday of each month. The day is offered at no cost to attendees. Donations are accepted. Join us as often as you wish!


Please let us know you will be attending by calling 304-724-6653 or emailing us at But if you forget to let us know in advance, come anyway!

About Rolling Ridge

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community is a non-profit, ecumenical retreat center, begun in 1986. It is located on 1400 acres of wilderness land in the Blue Ridge mountains. Facilities include a Retreat House, Meditation Shelter, and an Art Cottage.

Private Retreats

In addition, the Retreat House is frequently available during the week for private retreats. Please call the staff community at 304-724-6653 to schedule a time.


From Charles Town or Martinsburg: Go east on Route 9. After crossing the Shenandoah River, go one mile and then turn right on Mission Road. Go 6.3 miles, and turn left at the Rolling Ridge sign onto the gravel road (still called Mission Road). Go one mile and turn right at the intersection, following Mission Road. Go .3 miles and turn left at Christ Church Road, following the signs for Retreat House.

November 11, 2006
Retreat House


Your Invitation ...

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community

Saturday, November 11, 2006
at the Retreat House

You are warmly welcomed to a day of reconnection

The morning begins with a business meeting during which we will confirm new Board members and hear from Linda and Scot DeGraf, new members of the residential community, about their hopes as they move toward building the 5th staff house at Rolling Ridge. Closing our meeting will be a walk to the Cordwood Cottage to see the progress, learn more about the construction, and participate in a blessing of the new building.

Lunch will feature foods from Rolling Ridge garden and local farmers. Enjoy tasty, good-for-you ingredients grown in ways that are friendly to the earth. A light dinner will be available at the end of the day. If you would like to bring something to share, contact Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach at 304-725-4301 or

After lunch we will have a session with Brian Knox, a forest sustainability consultant and board member of the Rolling Ridge Foundation. He works with groups to help them live and interact sustainably with the natural systems that surround them. Brian will talk with us about the particular strengths and liabilities of the Rolling Ridge land. It will be a time to learn more about the ecology of the forest, invasive species, animal life, and encroaching development. There will be time for responses and discussion. For more information about Brian’s work see

The day will conclude with a concert by David LaFleur, a Charles Town based musician with 25 years experience in playing a unique mixture of folk, blues and bluegrass. Visit his website at

For children, parents are welcome to organize childcare, using the Art Cottage as a place for activities. If you have any questions about this, contact Trish Stefanik at 304-724-1069 or

We hope you can join us for this annual time of renewal, learning and building community among the larger circle of Rolling Ridge friends. Please let us know if you plan to come by calling or emailing Jackie Sabath: 304-724-6653 or

"In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand."
Baba Dioum, African Ecologist

For Pastors and Church Leaders
Monday, October 9, 2006
10:00 am - 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm
Retreat House

Throughout his ministry, Jesus regularly took time to withdraw to a quiet place, to reflect and pray.

Retreat and rest is vital, and yet busy schedules often prevent us from setting aside the time we need.

We invite you to join us on the second Monday of each month for "A Day Away," a Sabbath day especially set aside for pastors and church leaders at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community.


Rhythm of the Day

We will gather at the Retreat House at 10:00 a.m. for brief input, followed by your own time for prayer and reflection. Lunch will be served at noon. Retreatants may choose to leave at 1:00, or stay until 4:00 to hike the trails, sit quietly in the Meditation Shelter, get creative in the Art Cottage, or settle into a room to journal, rest or pray.

Second Mondays

"A Day Away" for pastors and church leaders will take place the second Monday of each month. The day is offered at no cost to attendees. Donations are accepted. Join us as often as you wish!


Please let us know you will be attending by calling 304-724-6653 or emailing us at But if you forget to let us know in advance, come anyway!

About Rolling Ridge

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community is a non-profit, ecumenical retreat center, begun in 1986. It is located on 1400 acres of wilderness land in the Blue Ridge mountains. Facilities include a Retreat House, Meditation Shelter, and an Art Cottage.

Private Retreats

In addition, the Retreat House is frequently available during the week for private retreats. Please call the staff community at 304-724-6653 to schedule a time.


From Charles Town or Martinsburg: Go east on Route 9. After crossing the Shenandoah River, go one mile and then turn right on Mission Road. Go 6.3 miles, and turn left at the Rolling Ridge sign onto the gravel road (still called Mission Road). Go one mile and turn right at the intersection, following Mission Road. Go .3 miles and turn left at Christ Church Road, following the signs for Retreat House.

Patterns in NatureAn Artist Refuge Retreat sponsored by Rolling Ridge Meditative Arts Led by Trish Stefanik
October 6-8
Friday Evening - Sunday Afternoon
Retreat House

"My book is the nature of created things; whenever I want to read the word of God, it is there before me." — Antony, early Christian desert father

What does the nature of creation tell us about the Creator? Can we experience God through the wonder, complexity, and mystery of the natural world? What might we human creations learn from the patterns in Nature – the infinite diversity, particular forms, universal rhythms? How are we inspired?

Come away to the beautiful mountain wilderness this fall to creatively explore these questions through contemplation and walking meditation, silence and shared reflection, and a variety of art mediums. Observing, listening, and interacting with our natural surroundings, we will work in the Art Cottage to create a collective collage of our inspirations. We’ll bring to the table our many expressions and build a marvelously cohesive whole – reflecting God’s created order. No art experience is necessary; just come with a willingness to learn from the wisdom of Nature and each other.

Participants are welcome to arrive at the Retreat House between 5 and 7 pm on Friday night. Dinner will be served at 7:00. The retreat will end with lunch on Sunday.

Cost for the weekend is $100 (which includes materials, lodging, and meals). Space is limited. Please send a $25 deposit (or the entire amount) to reserve your space. If you have questions, please call Keith at 304-725-4301. Checks should be made out to RRSRC and mailed to RRSRC, c/o Oct 06 Med Arts, 186 Tupelo Lane, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425. Registrations should include any dietary needs.

Trish Stefanik is contemplative artist-in-residence with Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community. She was recently on staff at the Servant Leadership School in Washington, DC and is grounded in leading contemplative prayer groups and retreats through the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation.

Led by Sigi Koko
Sunday, September 17, 2006
8:30 am - 5:00 pm<br><em>Rain date October 9, 2006</em>
Cordwood House

at Rolling Ridge

Led by Sigi Koko
With Scot and Linda DeGraf
Sunday, September 17, 2006
8:30 am - 5 pm
Rain date October 9, 2006

We will be stacking and tying straw bales around the doorframe on the north side of the cordwood cottage. Hopefully we’ll also make cob plaster and begin to finish the inside of the walls. Come see the progress that has been made and have a hand in raising the straw bale wall.

Sigi Koko founded Down to Earth to provide sustainable design and consulting services in the Mid-Atlant8ic region. Sigi designs natural, healthy, and sustainabe buildings (residential and commercial), and specializes in healthy and sustainable building materials, strawbale construction, energy and water conservation, and passive solar design. For more info visit: Scot and Linda will be joining the Rolling Ridge staff community, and will be living in the cordwood house while completing a new community staff house.

Cost of the Workshop - $65 including lunch. Please register with Scot at or Linda at We will need at least 8 people to be able to host this workshop. (If finances are an issue, please contact us).

To see how the cordwood workshop went in July, visit this photo site:

For directions and informationa about Rolling Ridge, visit

Make your plans now to attend these other retreats sponsored by Rolling Ridge in 2006:

  • Meditative Arts Retreat: Mysteries of Creation/Patterns in Nature (October 6-8)
  • Rolling Ridge 2006 Annual Meeting (November 11, 2006)
  • Advent Retreat (December 1-2)
  • A Day Away for Pastors and Church Leaders (Second Monday of each month)
  • Or create your own private retreat during the week. We offer spiritual direction and directed retreats for individuals during the week days. Call us for details.

View or print PDF version of retreat flyer

For Pastors and Church Leaders
Monday, September 11, 2006
10:00 am - 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm
Retreat House

Throughout his ministry, Jesus regularly took time to withdraw to a quiet place, to reflect and pray.

Retreat and rest is vital, and yet busy schedules often prevent us from setting aside the time we need.

We invite you to join us on the second Monday of each month for "A Day Away," a Sabbath day especially set aside for pastors and church leaders at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community.


Rhythm of the Day

We will gather at the Retreat House at 10:00 a.m. for brief input, followed by your own time for prayer and reflection. Lunch will be served at noon. Retreatants may choose to leave at 1:00, or stay until 4:00 to hike the trails, sit quietly in the Meditation Shelter, get creative in the Art Cottage, or settle into a room to journal, rest or pray.

Second Mondays

"A Day Away" for pastors and church leaders will take place the second Monday of each month. The day is offered at no cost to attendees. Donations are accepted. Join us as often as you wish!


Please let us know you will be attending by calling 304-724-6653 or emailing us at But if you forget to let us know in advance, come anyway!

About Rolling Ridge

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community is a non-profit, ecumenical retreat center, begun in 1986. It is located on 1400 acres of wilderness land in the Blue Ridge mountains. Facilities include a Retreat House, Meditation Shelter, and an Art Cottage.

Private Retreats

In addition, the Retreat House is frequently available during the week for private retreats. Please call the staff community at 304-724-6653 to schedule a time.


From Charles Town or Martinsburg: Go east on Route 9. After crossing the Shenandoah River, go one mile and then turn right on Mission Road. Go 6.3 miles, and turn left at the Rolling Ridge sign onto the gravel road (still called Mission Road). Go one mile and turn right at the intersection, following Mission Road. Go .3 miles and turn left at Christ Church Road, following the signs for Retreat House.

September 4, 2006
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Retreat house

We would like to invite you to join with the Rolling Ridge staff community for our annual work day retreat this labor day.

Can work together be a retreat?

We think so. That's why we often end this day of shared work with more energy and joy than when we began. As we work through the day, we are restored with good conversations, reconnection with others who love this land, a simple shared meal from the Rolling Ridge garden, singing together in the meditation shelter, and the delight of stretching and moving our bodies in new ways.

Shared work can be prayer together and a time that renews our soul. Join us at the Retreat House for this special day. Bring your work gloves and boots, and don't forget a joyful heart. We will provide a retreat house that needs to be cleaned, trails that need to be cleared, fire wood that needs to be cut, and land that needs to be loved.

Invite your friends. Please let us know if you are planning to come. You can call or e-mail us at the address given below.

The Retreat House is not being used August 18-20 and September 1-3. Call Bob is you want to schedule it for your use.

For Pastors and Church Leaders
Monday, August 14, 2006
10:00 am - 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm
Retreat House

Throughout his ministry, Jesus regularly took time to withdraw to a quiet place, to reflect and pray.

Retreat and rest is vital, and yet busy schedules often prevent us from setting aside the time we need.

We invite you to join us on the second Monday of each month for "A Day Away," a Sabbath day especially set aside for pastors and church leaders at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community.


Rhythm of the Day

We will gather at the Retreat House at 10:00 a.m. for brief input, followed by your own time for prayer and reflection. Lunch will be served at noon. Retreatants may choose to leave at 1:00, or stay until 4:00 to hike the trails, sit quietly in the Meditation Shelter, get creative in the Art Cottage, or settle into a room to journal, rest or pray.

Second Mondays

"A Day Away" for pastors and church leaders will take place the second Monday of each month. The day is offered at no cost to attendees. Donations are accepted. Join us as often as you wish!


Please let us know you will be attending by calling 304-724-6653 or emailing us at But if you forget to let us know in advance, come anyway!

About Rolling Ridge

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community is a non-profit, ecumenical retreat center, begun in 1986. It is located on 1400 acres of wilderness land in the Blue Ridge mountains. Facilities include a Retreat House, Meditation Shelter, and an Art Cottage.

Private Retreats

In addition, the Retreat House is frequently available during the week for private retreats. Please call the staff community at 304-724-6653 to schedule a time.


From Charles Town or Martinsburg: Go east on Route 9. After crossing the Shenandoah River, go one mile and then turn right on Mission Road. Go 6.3 miles, and turn left at the Rolling Ridge sign onto the gravel road (still called Mission Road). Go one mile and turn right at the intersection, following Mission Road. Go .3 miles and turn left at Christ Church Road, following the signs for Retreat House.

Weeklong Retreat/Workshop
July 21-23, 2006
(Optional stay for week of July 24-28)
Retreat House

Roll up your sleeves, get your hands in the mortar, and help us build a small dwelling near the Art Cottage! Learn how to do cordwood construction and add colored bottle-ends for light, while enjoying the camaraderie of others.

The cost of the retreat is $50 per person for meals and lodging. To register or get more information, email scot@rollingridge or

View PDF Version of Retreat Flyer
