For Pastors and Church Leaders
Monday, July 10, 2006
10:00 am - 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm
Retreat House

Throughout his ministry, Jesus regularly took time to withdraw to a quiet place, to reflect and pray.

Retreat and rest is vital, and yet busy schedules often prevent us from setting aside the time we need.

We invite you to join us on the second Monday of each month for "A Day Away," a Sabbath day especially set aside for pastors and church leaders at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community.


Rhythm of the Day

We will gather at the Retreat House at 10:00 a.m. for brief input, followed by your own time for prayer and reflection. Lunch will be served at noon. Retreatants may choose to leave at 1:00, or stay until 4:00 to hike the trails, sit quietly in the Meditation Shelter, get creative in the Art Cottage, or settle into a room to journal, rest or pray.

Second Mondays

"A Day Away" for pastors and church leaders will take place the second Monday of each month. The day is offered at no cost to attendees. Donations are accepted. Join us as often as you wish!


Please let us know you will be attending by calling 304-724-6653 or emailing us at But if you forget to let us know in advance, come anyway!

About Rolling Ridge

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community is a non-profit, ecumenical retreat center, begun in 1986. It is located on 1400 acres of wilderness land in the Blue Ridge mountains. Facilities include a Retreat House, Meditation Shelter, and an Art Cottage.

Private Retreats

In addition, the Retreat House is frequently available during the week for private retreats. Please call the staff community at 304-724-6653 to schedule a time.


From Charles Town or Martinsburg: Go east on Route 9. After crossing the Shenandoah River, go one mile and then turn right on Mission Road. Go 6.3 miles, and turn left at the Rolling Ridge sign onto the gravel road (still called Mission Road). Go one mile and turn right at the intersection, following Mission Road. Go .3 miles and turn left at Christ Church Road, following the signs for Retreat House.

June 30 - July 3, 2006 (Friday - Monday)
Fourth of July Weekend
Retreat House

The Annual Music Festival scheduled for the Fourth of July Weekend has been cancelled. The Retreat House is available for use at no cost to individuals and families within the partner group churches. Please let us know if you would like to come for any part of the Fourth of July Weekend. Bring your own linens and food. We can let you know who is planning to come if you give us a call, so that some of the food arrangements can be coordinated. We will have a short worship time together in the Stone Meditation shelter each day.

You are also invited to join Jack Smalligan and Bob Sabath to continue work on the Meeting Circle, a project initiated by the Community House Church in memory of Nelson Good and other friends and family closely connected to Rolling Ridge. The goal is to build an outdoor meeting space using stone and wood gathered at Rolling Ridge. The location is a short distance from the Meditation Shelter and in the space of the future Memorial Garden. It will consist of three semi-circle benches with three stone supports each, a tenth entrance stone and three boulders in the center.

Previous work retreats have gathered stones and boulders. On Saturday and Monday, we will begin digging the foundation for the stone support columns, but will have other jobs for people of any skill level, including children. We are hoping to have our biggest work day on Monday, and will provide lunch for those who can participate on that day.

Please let us know if you will be coming by calling Bob Sabath at 304.724.6653 or emailing us at

Seventeenth US/CUBA Friendshipment Caravan
June 25, 2006
5 - 8 pm

Pastors for Peace is a small non-profit organization with offices in New York City which has sponsored 17 caravans to Cuba, transporting donated goods in both directions and developing friendships with Cuban people. Pastors for Peace is working for a foreign policy based on ending the US government’s travel ban and blockade of Cuba.

In June and July the caravan originates at 14 separate departure points beginning in Canadian provinces and in northern states in the US. Vehicles carrying 100 people will travel south stopping in some 120 towns and cities to discuss the harms being done by the US blockade of Cuba and to gather up some 60 tons of humanitarian aid which has been donated for Cuban people.

One route of the caravan with some 16 people will pass through Jefferson County, stopping at the Rolling Ridge Retreat House on Mission Road, June 25. You are welcome to come to a potluck supper with the caravan members to hear them share their vision for friendship between peoples of the US and Cuba and for challenging the blockade of Cuba.

  • Potluck supper will occur at 5:00 pm
  • Presentation of the Caravan’s mission by Lisa Valenti at 6:00 pm

The featured speaker who is traveling with the caravan on this route is Lisa Valenti. She has traveled to Cuba over 20 times and is the founder and president of the national US Cuba Sister Cities Association, President of the Pittsburgh Matanzas Sister City Project, National Co-Chair of the Cuba Action Committee of WILPF, and founder of the Pittsburgh CUBA Coalition. She also serves as a consultant and most recently facilitated the University of Pittsburgh’s Semester at Sea to go to Cuba bringing the largest number of US students (over 700) ever to go to Cuba. She has traveled extensively as a public speaker on the US blockade of Cuba throughout the US as well as Canada, Mexico, Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands. Lisa has been an active participant on each of the Pastor’s for Peace US-Cuba Caravans. She explains, “It’s what I do to put my deepest prayers for peace into action.”

Driving directions to the Retreat House from Charles Town are as follows: Take Route 9 east toward Leesburg, Virginia, cross the Shenandoah River and continue about a mile until Mission Road, turn right and continue 6.5 miles until a gravel road to the left, take this road about a mile until a sign at the Retreat House lane. Telephone Vivian Headings, 304-725-4172 for further information.

For Pastors and Church Leaders
Monday, June 12, 2006
10:00 am - 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm
Retreat House

Throughout his ministry, Jesus regularly took time to withdraw to a quiet place, to reflect and pray.

Retreat and rest is vital, and yet busy schedules often prevent us from setting aside the time we need.

We invite you to join us on the second Monday of each month for "A Day Away," a Sabbath day especially set aside for pastors and church leaders at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community.


Rhythm of the Day

We will gather at the Retreat House at 10:00 a.m. for brief input, followed by your own time for prayer and reflection. Lunch will be served at noon. Retreatants may choose to leave at 1:00, or stay until 4:00 to hike the trails, sit quietly in the Meditation Shelter, get creative in the Art Cottage, or settle into a room to journal, rest or pray.

Second Mondays

"A Day Away" for pastors and church leaders will take place the second Monday of each month. The day is offered at no cost to attendees. Donations are accepted. Join us as often as you wish!


Please let us know you will be attending by calling 304-724-6653 or emailing us at But if you forget to let us know in advance, come anyway!

About Rolling Ridge

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community is a non-profit, ecumenical retreat center, begun in 1986. It is located on 1400 acres of wilderness land in the Blue Ridge mountains. Facilities include a Retreat House, Meditation Shelter, and an Art Cottage.

Private Retreats

In addition, the Retreat House is frequently available during the week for private retreats. Please call the staff community at 304-724-6653 to schedule a time.


From Charles Town or Martinsburg: Go east on Route 9. After crossing the Shenandoah River, go one mile and then turn right on Mission Road. Go 6.3 miles, and turn left at the Rolling Ridge sign onto the gravel road (still called Mission Road). Go one mile and turn right at the intersection, following Mission Road. Go .3 miles and turn left at Christ Church Road, following the signs for Retreat House.

The Jesus Prayer
June 2-3, 2006
Led by Georgia DuBose and Donald Krickbaum
Retreat House

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy on me."

ROLLING RIDGE STUDY RETREAT CENTER has designed a 24-hour opportunity for spiritual growth in an experience of contemplative community.

It is said of St. Francis of Assissi and St. Seraphim of Sarov that they were prayer. They lived out the apostle Paul's exhortation to us to "pray without ceasing."

In this 24 hour pilgrimage, we will learn about the Jesus Prayer, also known as the Prayer of the Heart, from the life experience of two retreat leaders who have been actively working with the Jesus Prayer for the past thirty years. We will learn a way of practicing the prayer that connects it with the daily experience of our embodied humanity.

WHO IS IT FOR? It is for anyone who wishes to explore their own spiritual development.

WHAT WILL TAKE PLACE? The schedule provides for:

  • Short talks on the Jesus Prayer followed by guided practice
  • Learning how to encorporate the Jesus Prayer into a walking meditation
  • Reflection on some short articles from experienced practitioners of the prayer distributed before the retreat
  • Extended periods of silence to allow each retreatant time to develop the Jesus Prayer within themselves
  • Learning to use a "prayer rope" with the Jesus Prayer
  • Simple physical exercises to deepen body awareness
  • Keeping the monastic hours with contemplative worship in the Meditation Shelter
  • Conversation with other retreat participants during meal times
  • Time for rest, meditation, personal reflection, hikes along a mountain stream or through a secluded wooded path
  • Simple and nourishing home cooked meals from the Rolling Ridge garden


  • Georgia DuBose is a Deacon in the Nelson Cluster Episcopal Regional Ministries in Jefferson County, West Virginia. She first worked with the Jesus Prayer when she was 16, and after meeting a teacher with extensive experience with the prayer, began to practice it regularly in 1976.
  • Donald Krickbaum is an Episcopal priest, retired Dean of Trinity Cathedral, Miami, Florida, spiritual director and formation teacher, and a program leader at Shalem, an ecumenical Christian teaching community dedicated to the support of contemplative living and leadership.


  • Begins Friday, June 2, 2006, with registration at 5:30 pm, dinner at 6:30 pm
  • Concludes Saturday night, June 3, 2006, after supper
  • Optional stay Saturday night through Sunday lunch for those who wish to schedule their own private retreat. Please plan on bringing your own food for this extended stay.



We only have room for 15 participants. Reserve your space by sending $25 to the address listed below. Make checks out to Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community. Let us know if you have special dietary or lodging requirements. For more information, contact Bob Sabath.


Contrary to popular belief, spirituality is not something special or extraordinary. It is instead absolutely ordinary and completely natural. Everyone has a spiritual life. We express it in many different ways -- not only in places of worship but also in work, community and family, in all our creativity and commitments. This desire for the Holy in our lives is our willingness to be drawn to God through whatever is before us and to let God co-create every moment -- to let God "in" on everything -- to listen for and trust God's presence.

"For the past six months, I have been exploring the Jesus Prayer, a tool used in early monastic communities for developing sustained connection to self and God in the present moment."

The Jesus Prayer has been practiced by many over the centuries and has helped them to experience the Holy One in the unfolding of all life events."

I have learned a lot from Georgia DuBose who has been actively working with the Jesus Prayer for the past 30 years, and from Don Krickbaum who has become a good friend and wise guide for me in developing a more consistent inner practice of prayer." -- Bob Sabath

What Can We Do?
May 20, 2006
9 am - Supper
Pinestone at Rolling Ridge

How can we create structures that shelter and nurture us without draining our already-limited resources from the earth? How can we unplug ourselves from energy sources that wreak havoc on international relations? Come for a day of discussion on the how and why of natural building and see a slide show of natural building projects and cordwood construction techniques.

The cost of the retreat is $10 per person for meals. To register or get more information, email scot@rollingridge or

View PDF Version of Retreat Flyer

May 12-13, 2006
Retreat House

This retreat is for children and their parents or grandparents, listening together for the stories and words of the earth.

For Pastors and Church Leaders
Monday, May 8, 2006
10:00 am - 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm
Retreat House

Throughout his ministry, Jesus regularly took time to withdraw to a quiet place, to reflect and pray.

Retreat and rest is vital, and yet busy schedules often prevent us from setting aside the time we need.

We invite you to join us on the second Monday of each month for "A Day Away," a Sabbath day especially set aside for pastors and church leaders at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community.


Rhythm of the Day

We will gather at the Retreat House at 10:00 a.m. for brief input, followed by your own time for prayer and reflection. Lunch will be served at noon. Retreatants may choose to leave at 1:00, or stay until 4:00 to hike the trails, sit quietly in the Meditation Shelter, get creative in the Art Cottage, or settle into a room to journal, rest or pray.

Second Mondays

"A Day Away" for pastors and church leaders will take place the second Monday of each month. The day is offered at no cost to attendees. Donations are accepted. Join us as often as you wish!


Please let us know you will be attending by calling 304-724-6653 or emailing us at But if you forget to let us know in advance, come anyway!

About Rolling Ridge

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community is a non-profit, ecumenical retreat center, begun in 1986. It is located on 1400 acres of wilderness land in the Blue Ridge mountains. Facilities include a Retreat House, Meditation Shelter, and an Art Cottage.

Private Retreats

In addition, the Retreat House is frequently available during the week for private retreats. Please call the staff community at 304-724-6653 to schedule a time.


From Charles Town or Martinsburg: Go east on Route 9. After crossing the Shenandoah River, go one mile and then turn right on Mission Road. Go 6.3 miles, and turn left at the Rolling Ridge sign onto the gravel road (still called Mission Road). Go one mile and turn right at the intersection, following Mission Road. Go .3 miles and turn left at Christ Church Road, following the signs for Retreat House.

For Pastors and Church Leaders
Monday, April 10, 2006
10:00 am - 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm
Retreat House

Throughout his ministry, Jesus regularly took time to withdraw to a quiet place, to reflect and pray.

Retreat and rest is vital, and yet busy schedules often prevent us from setting aside the time we need.

We invite you to join us on the second Monday of each month for "A Day Away," a Sabbath day especially set aside for pastors and church leaders at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community.


Rhythm of the Day

We will gather at the Retreat House at 10:00 a.m. for brief input, followed by your own time for prayer and reflection. Lunch will be served at noon. Retreatants may choose to leave at 1:00, or stay until 4:00 to hike the trails, sit quietly in the Meditation Shelter, get creative in the Art Cottage, or settle into a room to journal, rest or pray.

Second Mondays

"A Day Away" for pastors and church leaders will take place the second Monday of each month. The day is offered at no cost to attendees. Donations are accepted. Join us as often as you wish!


Please let us know you will be attending by calling 304-724-6653 or emailing us at But if you forget to let us know in advance, come anyway!

About Rolling Ridge

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community is a non-profit, ecumenical retreat center, begun in 1986. It is located on 1400 acres of wilderness land in the Blue Ridge mountains. Facilities include a Retreat House, Meditation Shelter, and an Art Cottage.

Private Retreats

In addition, the Retreat House is frequently available during the week for private retreats. Please call the staff community at 304-724-6653 to schedule a time.


From Charles Town or Martinsburg: Go east on Route 9. After crossing the Shenandoah River, go one mile and then turn right on Mission Road. Go 6.3 miles, and turn left at the Rolling Ridge sign onto the gravel road (still called Mission Road). Go one mile and turn right at the intersection, following Mission Road. Go .3 miles and turn left at Christ Church Road, following the signs for Retreat House.

Holy Week at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat
April 10-15, 2006
Retreat House

Monday through Friday
Daily meditations and prayers at 10:00 am and 4:00 pm

Good Friday
5:00 pm: Sharing soup and bread together
6:00 pm: Praying the Stations of the Cross
followed by a Service of Darkness
and entering into the Easter Vigil

Holy Saturday
Observing the Easter Vigil,
concluding with a Service of Light at 8:00 pm

You are warmly invited to participate in any or all of these events

The Easter Vigil is traditionally observed from Good Friday evening until the evening of Holy Saturday. During this time, we will observe a 24-hour prayer vigil. Please consider whether you would like to participate in this vigil for one or more hours, between 8:00 pm on Friday, April 14 and 8:00 pm, Saturday, April 15. If you are unable to be physically present with us at Rolling Ridge, you are still welcome to participate by "keeping watch" during this time. If you do so, please let us know which hour(s) of the day you have set aside for prayer.

There is no registration fee for any of the week's activities. A simple soup and bread meal will be served Friday evening. No meals will be provided the rest of the week, but you are welcome to bring your own provisions. All events will take place at the Retreat House. The Retreat House will be available for retreatants who would like to stay overnight one or more nights during the week.

Please let us know if you will be participating by contacting us at or by calling 304-725-4301.

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community is an ecumenical retreat center nestled in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.
