Saturday, May 15, 2004
9:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Keys Gap

The Appalachian Trail south of Harpers Ferry was the first section of the trail to be established south of New England. On this full-day hike we will begin at Keyes Gap (where Route 9 crosses the Blue Ridge) and finish at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat (total walking distance 12 miles, elevation gain 800 feet).

Along the way we will take time to enjoy the views and the beauty of the spring wildflowers, azaleas, and mountain laurel. We will search for nesting birds and other wildlife and listen to the stories of the ancient rock. Much of the trail is over rocky terrain and there are several short, but steep ascents; the last two miles is all downhill from the Ridge to Study Retreat, where a hearty dinner will await our arrival.

Jim Hall is an amateur naturalist and ecologist at the Dayspring Retreat Center near Washington and is a Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Board member. Contact Bob Sabath (304-724-6653) to confirm coming (we don't want to leave without you), and for last minute changes due to weather conditions.

An ecological integrity retreat for parents, grandparents, teachers, mentors and the children they love
Mother's Day Weekend, May 7-8, 2004
Friday night 7 pm - Saturday night 7 pm

For our children to know the earth they will need time for outdoor adventure, frequent immersion in the living scripture of the earth--both in their own backyards and in wilder more spacious places--and they will need a loving adult companion with whom they can share their insights, discoveries, fears and questions.

We live in a time when our children have less and less direct experience with the living earth. But for most of our evolution as a species, our children grew up with their hands in the clay earth, their ears filled with the sound of wind and storm, their eyes filled with the movement of clouds, sun and moon. If our children today grow up with less and less direct experience of God's creation, what will they know of God?

Why do we have such a wonderful idea of God? Because we live in such a gorgeous world. If we had lived on the moon, for example, our sense of the divine would reflect the lunar landscape. Imagination is required for religious development. What would there be to imagine if we lived on the moon? -- by Thomas Berry, Befriending the Earth.

On Mother's Day weekend, this 24-hour retreat is designed for pairs of one adult and one child (ages 6-12). In addition, other adults may wish to come who would like to reflect on the experiences of their inner child and their intimacy with God through God's creation.

This retreat will include:

  • a campfire time of stories and songs celebrating the living earth
  • star gazing in the open field
  • time for adults to reflect together on selected readings on this theme
  • time for children to explore the land as a small group
  • each adult/child pair to be together and to choose their own adventure/experience on the land
  • making a nature journal with maps, drawings, plant pressings, observations, stories, poems, etc.
  • a reading nook for book, stories, field guides, etc. for both adults and children

Lodging will be at the Retreat House and Pinestone House. There is an option to camp if you would like. The leaders are Jim Hall, Cheryl Hellner, and Vivian Headings. For more information and to register for the retreat, you may email or call Vivian at 304-725-4172.

April 23 -24, 2004
Friday Evening 7:00 pm - Saturday Evening 7:00 pm

In three interactive sessions we will discover how humans employ story, simple or complex, to find their way through life.

Paul Costello is an educator and writer from Australia, now Director of Research at the Center for Narrative Studies in Washington. He teaches at Trinity College and co-directs the Young Leaders Program that brings Irish students to the US each summer.

Phil Bufithis teaches literature at Shepherd College in Shepherdstown, West Virginia.

A Week of Daily Quiet Prayer, April 5-11, 2004
Retreat House
Creative Explorations in Felt Making and Poetry with Linda DeGraf, Mary Watters, and Cheryl Hellner
March 19-21, 2004
Friday 7pm - Sunday 1pm
Retreat House

Come away to Rolling Ridge on this first weekend of winter into spring and explore new ways of tending your own creative soul.

Friday Evening

  • Opening circle with guided felt making activity
  • Introduction to the rich associations and metaphors of felt making
  • Time to share around the circle ways we each tend and care for our own creative soul


  • Making a felt art piece together--a community art work--to be given as a gift and displayed at Rolling Ridge
  • Time for rest and reflection, journaling, walking and exploring the land

Saturday Evening

  • Poetry writing time with gentle guidance on ways to nurture the life of a poem
  • Time to read aloud the poems which serve as soul guides for us at this time in our lives (bring poems --your own or the poems of others -- to share)

Sunday Morning

  • An open time for continuing our poem writing explorations
  • We will conclude with a celebration/blessing time and lunch

Leaders: Linda DeGraf, Cheryl Hellner, Mary Watters, and the Meditative Arts Committee.

The cost of the retreat is $75 plus a $15 material fee. Contact Vivian at for more information or if you would like to register.

A Winter Day AwayLed by Ethel Hornbeck
A 24-hour Retreat January 16-17, 2004
7:00 pm Friday night - 7:00 pm Saturday Night
Retreat House

In this 24-hour retreat, we will explore various forms of listening prayer as suggested by ancient contemplative traditions, including prayer with breath, scripture, movement, and song. With a rhythm of words and silence, community and solitude, worship and leisure, explaining and experiencing, we will practice together different ways of slowing down and listening, of "being still and knowing God."

Four ancient spiritual practices will be explored through the day, with a short teaching presentation, opportunity for discussion, and time for individual and group practice:

  • breath prayer, using the practice of attentive stillness to explore the connection between our deepest heart desires and the biblical notion of unceasing prayer
  • body or movement prayer using a walking meditation through the stone labyrinth
  • song prayer using Taize chants in the meditation shelter
  • scripture prayer using the practice of lectio divina, reflecting together on a short biblical passage

Ethel has recently completed her Masters of Theological Studies from the Washington Theological Union in Washington, DC, with a concentration in Spirituality Studies. She is a graduate of the Shalem Institute's Spiritual Guidance Program, and is active in spiritual direction and retreat leading. She is a member of Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church where she offers leadership in music, education and worship programs.

Rolling Ridge is an ecumenical Christian study retreat community located on 1400 acres of wilderness near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, about two hours from Washington DC. Retreat events focus on spirituality, biblical studies, meditative arts, earthkeeping, peacemaking and community.

Plan to arrive in time for a 7:00 pm evening meal at the Rolling Ridge Retreat House. The retreat includes four meals and one night lodging. The cost of the retreat is $50 (partial scholarships available). An optional second night is available for those who wish to stay at the retreat house an extra day. Please add $10 to the retreat fee if you wish to do this.

To register for the event, or for more information, contact Bob Sabath, Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community, RR 4 Box 314, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425. Phone: 304-724-6653. Email: Web:

Journal Club Retreat
A 24-Hour Retreat December 9-10
7:00 pm Friday evening - 7:00 pm Saturday evening
An Advent Retreat
A 24-Hour Retreat December 12-13, 2003
7:00 pm Friday evening - 7:00 pm Saturday evening
Retreat House

For 24 hours this Advent, step back from the noise and bright lights of Christmas. Step back into silence, scripture, and stories of despair and hope.

Participation in the retreat is free and open to all. Call Vivian at 304-725-4172 or email to register. Please RSVP by December 8.

Friday Evening, December 12
7:00 pm Dinner
8:00 pm Gathering
Hearing stories from Scripture of despair and longing for God's intervention. Meditating in silence on signs of despair in our own times. Writing our thought into story form or poems.
10:00 pm Sending into the night
Experiencing a bedtime song (by Keith Lyndaker Schlabach) and prayer
Saturday, December 13
8:30 am Breakfast
9:30 am Gathering in a Reporting Circle
Reading our stories and poems, declaring the suffering of the earth and humans. Meditating in silence on these contemporary versions of despair.
11:30 am Lunch
Listening to reading from Jesus Against Christianity: Reclaiming the Missing Jesus (Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer) on embracing the abundant life.
2:30 pm Reflecting in silence on how we weill live in hope while surrounded by cause for despair. Completing the writing of our stories and poems.
5:30 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Return home

We warmly welcome you to this retreat on a fresh vision of Advent. Participating in the retreat is free and open to all. There will be opportunities for silence and sharing throughout the retreat. All meals will be simple and tasteful. Overnight stay on Saturday evnening optional. Please call Vivian at 304-725-4172 or email to register by December 8.

Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of LifeLed by Rabbi Marcia Prager and Cantor Jack Kessler
November 21-23, 2003
Friday, 3:00 pm - Sunday, 1:00 pm.<br> Arrival 1:00 - 3:00 pm Friday
Retreat House

Join Rolling Ridge Community for a celebration of Sabbath led by husband-wife team Rabbi Marcia Prager and Jack Kessler. Rabbi Prager is a nationally known Jewish renewal teacher, author, storyteller, artist and therapist from Philadelphia. She teaches in Jewish and interfaith settings, offering wisdom from Jewish tradition as a path of personal and global healing. Jack Kessler is a traditionally trained cantor and director of two Jewish music ensembles.

Bathed in candlelight glow, we begin Friday afternoon and evening with song, story, dance, prayer and a shared meal to welcome the Sabbath and invite the Spirit to be with us, blending the ancient words of sacred prayer with the new words and melodies that our modern journeys have taught us, awakening to new possibilities of thinking and being.

We continue Saturday venturing further into the inner dimension of prayer, exploring the teachings of Torah, renewing our relationship with each other and the mystery of creation. At sundown we conclude with a ceremony of fire, spice and wine to end the Sabbath time.

On Sunday morning, we will explore how the practice of Sabbath can transform our relationship to our work, and to the collective human project of living in right relationship with each other and the earth.

Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to relax and celebrate. Bring an open heart and a good appetite for delicious vegetarian cooking.


"Sabbath time can be a revolutionary challenge to the violence of overwork, mindless accumulation, and the endless multiplication of desires, responsibilities, and accomplishments. Sabbath is a way of being in time where we remember who we are, remember what we know, and taste the gift of Spirit and eternity." — Wayne Muller

"Sabbath practice tills the compacted soil of our lives so that something new can grow. Without the Sabbath, there will be no future that we or our children would want to live in." — Bob Sabath

"We teach that even though we live in a society that wants to produce more and more, we are willing to stop being producers for 26 hours every week. This is a revolutionary stand in the face of a dominant culture that is runaway with the madness of over consumption and over production. When I turn off my computer on Sabbath evening, and put down my camera, and stop my business, and don't go to the stores, I make of my life a passionate statement that I am more than an addict to material productivity, however valuable." — Rabbi Marcia Prager


Marcia Prager serves as Rabbi of P'nai Or, an innovative Jewish renewal community in Philadelphia, as Director of Professional Development for Aleph, the Alliance for Jewish Renewal, designing programs of study leading to rabbinic ordination, and as faculty for the Jewish Renewal Life Center in Philadelphia, a year long leadership program in Jewish spirituality, community, and social change. Her recent book, The Path of Blessing, explores the roots of Jewish spirituality and practice.

Marcia and Jack are both involved with Jewish Renewal, a movement of people engaged in creating contemporary models of Jewish expression that speak to both intellect and heart, in forms which embrace the full inclusion of women and the divine feminine, and which facilitate the deep healing of our relationships with each other and the earth. Their newest project involves creating innovative tools for exploring Jewish prayer and spiritual practice.

Rabbi Prager graduated from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, received her rabbinic ordination from the visionary founder of the Jewish Renewal Movement, holds a BA in cultural anthropology, and an MFA in photography and drawing from Pratt Institute, New York. She taught for five years as a member of the faculty of The International Center of Photography in New York City.


ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal:
Rabbi Marcia Prager:
Network of Jewish Renewal Communities:
Jewish Renewal Life Center:
P'nai Or Religious Fellowship:
Rabbi Arthur Waskow's Shalom Center:
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community:


Tonight is a time to catch our breath
Whatever we have been
Tonight is a time to catch our breath.

No matter how necessary our work,
how important to the world,
how urgent that we continue it —

No matter how joyful our work,
how fully and profoundly human —

No matter how flawed our work,
how urgent that we set it right —

No matter how hard we have worked to gather
our modest fame,
our honorable livelihood,
our reasonable power —

Tonight we pause to catch our breath.
Tonight we pause to share whatever we have gathered.

We need this.
Our planet needs Sabbath!
We need to make Sabbath as individuals,
as a people,
and as a human species gone mad with despoiling our world.

I do my most important work on Sabbath,
and that work is making Sabbath!



Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community
Bob Sabath Email:
RR 4 Box 314 Phone: 304.724.6653
Harpers Ferry, WV 25425  

For more information, or to register for the retreat, contact Bob Sabath. The cost of the weekend retreat is $100 and includes lodging, 6 meals, and program expenses. To reserve your space, mail your registration fee to Bob Sabath at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community. Make checks payable to Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community.

November 8, 2003
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Niles Cabin

Weather permitting, we will gather around 5:00 pm for simultaneous sunset and (full) moonrise and preparation for a potluck supper at 5:30 pm.

Then we will watch the total lunar eclipse, which is due to begin at 5:32 pm and reach its peak at 7:06 pm. Bring binoculars, groundcloths, blankets, lawn chairs, and warm clothes -- just in case.

If you've never watched this particular celestial performance, it's unforgettable. The Earth's shadow will slowly glide across the moon, producing images and colors that are way up there on the WOW! scale.
