A women's retreat at Wellspring Retreat Center
January 31 - February 2, 2025
Friday 3 pm - Sunday 2 pm
Wellspring Retreat Center, Germantown MD

Join us for a weekend’s immersion deep into the glowing heart and soul of the Sacred Feminine with stories of Brigid and women who exemplify her wisdom, in whose lineage we stand.  Be touched by the quiet presence of the winter landscape, the deep knowing rising from the softly breathing Earth and her resting inhabitants.  Participate in guided circles of story and ceremony, dance, drumming, and council.  Weave community with women drawn together into a wild and holy journey.
Fierce love and wild wisdom for dark times
October 25-27, 2024
Friday 3 pm - Sunday 3 pm
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat

A women’s retreat at Rolling Ridge
May 31 - June 2, 2024
Friday 3 pm - Sunday 2 pm
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat

What would it be like to stop trying to fix the world for ourselves, for our grandchildren, for all the creatures of this planet, and instead take their hands and the hands of our ancestors, and the hands of our great great grandchildren and with fierce love make a path by walking it?
A Pilgrimage offered by The Guild for Spiritual Guidance
April 26 - May 5, 2024
Iona, Scotland

You are invited to journey to the isle of Iona to immerse yourself in the art of seeing; seeing that is deeper than retina and lens.  Our journey will be supported by the landscape and hospitality of Iona, and guided by the shared wisdom of the group, the Celtic pilgrims Brigid and Columba, and early 20th century pilgrims Georgia O’Keeffe and John Muir, who reminds us that “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe” and “wherever we go in the mountains we find more than we seek.”
A retreat at Rolling Ridge
April 19-21, 2024
Friday 3 pm - Sunday 2 pm
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat near Harpers Ferry, WV

Poised on the edge of loss, we yearn for connections that offer solace and possibility. In the place where language fails, music invites us into ever-deeper relationships with all beings—and with our heart’s longing. Trees, our elders who have graced this Earth far longer than the human family, beckon us to wisdom, beauty, and peace. Join us as we sing and chant, engage in rich conversations, embrace attentive silence around and within, and exchange intangible, priceless gifts with the trees around us.
A women's retreat at Wellspring Retreat Center
February 2-4, 2024
Friday 3 pm - Sunday 2 pm
Wellspring Retreat Center, Germantown MD

Deep in the heart of winter women gather on the feast day of St. Brigid, February 1. Also known as Imbolc, Brigid’s feast day is an ancient Celtic festival midway between Solstice and Equinox, one that marks a deep turning toward the hope of spring. The women gather around a sacred fire, a flame that burned for millennia in Brigid’s monastery of Kildare, rekindled now with revived interest in the figure who is both Irish saint and Celtic goddess. Brigid encompasses healing, art, music, poetry, fertility, midwifery, cultivation, untamed nature, and more. She is the embodiment of the Sacred Feminine, inhabiting the centuries both as Fire Goddess and incandescent Celtic Saint. In this dark time when all we have known and loved seems to be unraveling, what might this wise, wild, loving, powerful and holy woman be saying to us? Who is she calling women to be today?
An online event by The Guild for Spiritual Guidance
January 3, 2024
7:30 - 8:30 pm

An opportunity to "hold grief" with community. We will sit in silence with each other and on behalf of the world's pain for 30 minutes.
Choosing Fierce Love in a Time of Catastrophe
October 13 - October 15, 2023
Arrive by 3:30 on Friday and depart by 2:30 on Sunday
Rolling Ridge Retreat House

Restorying the Heroine’s Journey 2023
June 2-4, 2023
Friday 4 pm supper - Sunday 2 pm
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat

Through time in the wild mountain forest of Rolling Ridge as well as gathered times of ceremony, and soulful conversation, we will immerse ourselves in the realm of story and deep imagination, cultivating women’s wisdom to recreate personal and cultural consciousness in this time of turmoil and transformation. This annual retreat includes openings for wandering in solitude, sharing dreams and stories, the rhythm of drums, and sacred circle dance. Come with us to rediscover your journey of belonging to the living Earth and all her inhabitants.
Igniting the Sacred Feminine with Brigid of Kildare, Goddess and Saint
February 3-5, 2023
Friday 5 pm supper - Sunday lunch
Shepherd's Spring Retreat Center, Sharpsburg MD

Deep in the heart of winter women gather on the feast day of St. Brigid, February 1. Also known as Imbolc, Brigid’s feast day is an ancient Celtic festival midway between Solstice and Equinox, one that marks a deep turning toward the hope of spring. The women gather around a sacred fire, a flame that burned for millennia in Brigid’s monastery of Kildare, rekindled now with revived interest in the figure who is both Irish saint and Celtic goddess. Brigid encompasses healing, art, music, poetry, fertility, midwifery, cultivation, untamed nature, and more. She is the embodiment of the Sacred Feminine. Yet her story is woven in mist and mystery. Who is this wise, wild, loving, powerful and holy woman? What might she be saying to women today?
