Beth Norcross will lead this event, staring with a one-hour presentation on Water in the Bible, complete with group reflection, scriptural references, and so on. Then she will lead the group on a walk to nearby water spots for spiritual connection. After sharing lunch (be it bagged or otherwise) participants will be given maps of Rolling Ridge for the purpose of making optional personal pilgrimages to one or more water places on the property. Possibilities are: several waterfalls and streams; the meditation bench at the natural spring just beyond the treehouse on Friends Trail; the Shenandoah River; and Devil's Racecourse (stream running below boulders) up the Ridge to River Trail, and on the Appalachian Trail.
Beth worked for many years for American Rivers, before she branched out from straight environmentalism and got a seminary degree at Wesley. There, she concentrated her studies on eco-theology. In conjunction with her thesis, she developed a 5-week adult study course on "Sacred Waters," which is being published by the National Council of Churches as a Religious Ed. curriculum. While she was writing it, she also developed a quadri-seasonal series for Foundary United Methodist Church, on God's revelation of Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter in the Bible. She presented the last one for us at Friends Wilderness and was so well-received that we have been trying to get her back ever since.
We are jointly sponsoring this event with the Friends Wilderness Center. To sign up for the event, or for more information, contact Chuck Kleymeyer at 703-533-7379.