at Rolling Ridge
Led by Sigi Koko
With Scot and Linda DeGraf
Sunday, September 17, 2006
8:30 am - 5 pm
Rain date October 9, 2006
We will be stacking and tying straw bales around the doorframe on the north side of the cordwood cottage. Hopefully we’ll also make cob plaster and begin to finish the inside of the walls. Come see the progress that has been made and have a hand in raising the straw bale wall.
Sigi Koko founded Down to Earth to provide sustainable design and consulting services in the Mid-Atlant8ic region. Sigi designs natural, healthy, and sustainabe buildings (residential and commercial), and specializes in healthy and sustainable building materials, strawbale construction, energy and water conservation, and passive solar design. For more info visit: Scot and Linda will be joining the Rolling Ridge staff community, and will be living in the cordwood house while completing a new community staff house.
Cost of the Workshop - $65 including lunch. Please register with Scot at or Linda at We will need at least 8 people to be able to host this workshop. (If finances are an issue, please contact us).
To see how the cordwood workshop went in July, visit this photo site:
For directions and informationa about Rolling Ridge, visit
Make your plans now to attend these other retreats sponsored by Rolling Ridge in 2006:
- Meditative Arts Retreat: Mysteries of Creation/Patterns in Nature (October 6-8)
- Rolling Ridge 2006 Annual Meeting (November 11, 2006)
- Advent Retreat (December 1-2)
- A Day Away for Pastors and Church Leaders (Second Monday of each month)
- Or create your own private retreat during the week. We offer spiritual direction and directed retreats for individuals during the week days. Call us for details.