With Belden Lane
June 3-5, 2011
Arrive 5 pm Friday, Depart 2 pm Sunay
Still Point at Rolling Ridge


The weekend will draw on elements from Belden's work with Richard Rohr's Men as Learners and Elders and with the Mankind Project (including their call to accountability, a man's openness to his feelings, the true and the false self, and the importance of dying before you die). More particularly, we will explore the spirituality of the Desert Fathers, focusing on their realization that the wound and the gift are one. The desert place of breakdown in our lives is invariably the place where we're invited to a new wholeness. As Leonard Cohen puts it, "the cracks are where the light comes in." From a Christian perspective, this is the core of the paschal mystery.

With Scot and Linda DeGraf
May 20-22, 2011
Retreat House at Rolling Ridge

We invite you to learn some natural building techniques and help us in the building of our straw bale staff house at Rolling Ridge.

We will teach lime plastering, clay plastering, and finish plastering. Learn how to mix and apply different layers over cob and strawbale. Understand the purposes of ingredients and which applications work for which purposes. Meet great people and have fun getting your hands in the mud!

Housing at the Retreat House (or camping if you prefer) and delicious meals for $35/weekend.

To see our progress so far, visit our blog at:


Or see some of our progress at:


Awakening and Newness
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Retreat House at Rolling Ridge

Seasons at Rolling Ridge

Seasonal Quiet Days

At Rolling Ridge Study Retreat near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Learn from the seasons of nature...
the seasons of the church year...
the seasons of your heart.


What would happen if you made time from your normal routine and busy weekday schedule simply to be still, pray, and reflect in a beautiful natural place apart? What would it mean for your everyday life if you set aside one day each quarter for silent retreat? How might this intention deepen your relationship with God? How might it affect your relationships at home and at work and in the wider community? Come and see the difference it makes!

These four quiet days during the year offer you the opportunity to rest in the wonder of Creation's varied seasons. They are a time to ponder and gain new perspective, to be nurtured by the love of God. Each day is 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and includes guided reflection around the seasonal themes and spaciousness for solitude and meditative walks, journaling and art – with the companioning presence of each other in prayer and sacred silence.

Guide: Trish Stefanik, contemplative retreat leader. Cost: Suggested $25 for individual days or $90 for all four days (or what you can pay. Please bring a bag lunch.


Mark your 2011 calendar now for all 4 days!

WINTER: Stillness and Listening
Wednesday, February 23
During Lent, gather amongst the stillness of the trees and in front of the Retreat House hearth to listen within for God's word.

SPRING: Awakening and Newness
Wednesday, May 18
Easter heralds rebirth, challenging us to new awareness. Explore the budding landscape and discover what wants to awaken in you.

SUMMER: Delight and Abundance
Wednesday, July 13
Join the chorus of birdsong and play. Pray gratitude for the longer days and abounding blessings of the earth and your life.

AUTUMN: Trust and Surrender
Wednesday, October 26
The wind picks up, the leaves turn and fall "home." We are called to trust and let go deeper into God's loving embrace.

To register and for more information, please contact Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, 186 Tupelo Lane, Harpers Ferry WV 25425. Phone: 304-725-4301. Email: tstefanik@aol.com. See www.rollingridge.net for directions. Overnight accommodations are available at the Retreat House for a small fee – come the night before or stay the night to extend your retreat!

Download PDF Flyer

Annual retreat for children ages 6-12 and their parents, grandparents or mentors
May 6-7, 2011
7pm Friday - 7 pm Saturday
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community

Dear Children of the Earth
At Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community

May 6-7, 2011

Annual retreat for children ages 6-12 and their parents,
grandparents or mentors

In our grasshopper and salamander days, who among us didn't ask why the grasshopper could jump so far -- or why the salamander had black dots on its orange body.  We lived by wonder, for by wondering we were able to multiply a growing consciousness of being alive.

-- Richard Lewis, Living by Wonder

Stillness and Listening
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Retreat House at Rolling Ridge

Seasons at Rolling Ridge

Seasonal Quiet Days

At Rolling Ridge Study Retreat near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Learn from the seasons of nature...
the seasons of the church year...
the seasons of your heart.


What would happen if you made time from your normal routine and busy weekday schedule simply to be still, pray, and reflect in a beautiful natural place apart? What would it mean for your everyday life if you set aside one day each quarter for silent retreat? How might this intention deepen your relationship with God? How might it affect your relationships at home and at work and in the wider community? Come and see the difference it makes!

These four quiet days during the year offer you the opportunity to rest in the wonder of Creation's varied seasons. They are a time to ponder and gain new perspective, to be nurtured by the love of God. Each day is 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and includes guided reflection around the seasonal themes and spaciousness for solitude and meditative walks, journaling and art – with the companioning presence of each other in prayer and sacred silence.

Guide: Trish Stefanik, contemplative retreat leader. Cost: Suggested $25 for individual days or $90 for all four days (or what you can pay. Please bring a bag lunch.


Mark your 2011 calendar now for all 4 days!

WINTER: Stillness and Listening
Wednesday, February 23
During Lent, gather amongst the stillness of the trees and in front of the Retreat House hearth to listen within for God's word.

SPRING: Awakening and Newness
Wednesday, May 18
Easter heralds rebirth, challenging us to new awareness. Explore the budding landscape and discover what wants to awaken in you.

SUMMER: Delight and Abundance
Wednesday, July 13
Join the chorus of birdsong and play. Pray gratitude for the longer days and abounding blessings of the earth and your life.

AUTUMN: Trust and Surrender
Wednesday, October 26
The wind picks up, the leaves turn and fall "home." We are called to trust and let go deeper into God's loving embrace.

To register and for more information, please contact Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, 186 Tupelo Lane, Harpers Ferry WV 25425. Phone: 304-725-4301. Email: tstefanik@aol.com. See www.rollingridge.net for directions. Overnight accommodations are available at the Retreat House for a small fee – come the night before or stay the night to extend your retreat!

Download PDF Flyer

A gathering of for empty-nesters, para-retirees, and grandparents
February 4-6, 2010
Dinner Friday night through lunch Saturday afternoon
Retreat House at Rolling Ridge

As young and middle-aged people of faith we embarked on an inner and outer journey to live intentionally, listening to the Spirit within and connecting with the world around us.  We sought to do good work, to live honestly and passionately with partners and community, to raise children with love and understanding.  Now we find ourselves in the wilderness time between adulthood and eldership: our children are adults, the ground of our work is shifting, and we are simultaneously overjoyed and overwhelmed by new roles within the family.

We invite you to a conversation about this wilderness time amid an actual wilderness space. In a safe and sacred place apart, surrounded by the winter woodlands of Rolling Ridge which are themselves a metaphor of beauty in the slowing phase of life’s cycle, we are enabled to explore the challenges and the possibilities opening before us.  Helped by resources such as Creative Aging by Marjory Bankson and Looking Back and Giving Forward: Finding Common Ground for Positive Aging, a workbook published by Lumunos, we can ask wide-ranging questions such as how we can balance the allure of new options with the necessity of letting go; how can we come to terms with physical limits; can we envision alternatives to the way aging is typically seen by contemporary society; can we grow old together?

Our conversation will be facilitated by a member of the Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community and will include time for individual reflection, silence, and rest as well as sharing, discussion and gathered prayer. Lindsay McLaughlin is an educator, writer and newly minted grandmother; a dancer all her life, she is motivated by a desire to find the gift of maturity in a field built on the fire of youth and to gather friends to harvest the wisdom of years gone by and uncover hope for the years to come.

We will be offering this retreat from dinner on the evening of Friday, February 4, 2011 through lunch on Sunday, February 6.  The cost is $125 and covers all sessions, meals and lodging (mostly dorm-style).  Space is limited.  To register send $50 deposit made out to RRSR to Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, 120 Jubilee Lane, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425. Include your name and contact information.  Feel free to call 304-724-1069 or email community@rollingridge.net.

December 3-4, 2010
Friday 6:30 pm - Saturday 8:00 pm
Retreat House

The four weeks before Christmas are liturgically a season to prayerfully anticipate and ponder God's magnificent gift of the Incarnation. We are encouraged to make room in our hearts and lives today for the birth and movement of the eternal spirit of Christ. During our time together this weekend we will seek to nurture a sacred openness into which and out of which creativity and compassion can flow. We will draw on the experience and wisdom of teachers such as Thomas Merton, Mother Teresa, Henri Nouwen, Dorothy Day, and others who embodied God's Incarnate love through an inward journey of prayer and outward abiding action.

You are warmly invited for our guided retreat time from Friday evening to Saturday evening, led by RRSRC resident and contemplative retreat leader Trish Stefanik; and you are also welcome to extend your retreat another day into Sunday.

The cost for the retreat program is $70, which includes lodging for one night, four meals, and handouts. Participants are welcome to arrive and settle in at the Retreat House as early as 5 pm on Friday. Our retreat will formally begin with dinner at 6:30 pm. We will conclude with dinner Saturday. Retreatants are invited to stay over Saturday night until Sunday noon for an extended time of contemplation for an additional $25 (total: $95). Inquire about a scholarship if the fee is a hardship. Please make checks payable to RRSRC and mail to: Rolling Ridge, 186 Tupelo Lane, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425.

For more information and to register, see www.rollingridge.net, and email tstefanik@aol.com or call 304-725-4301.

A Five Day Wisdom Retreat at Rolling Ridge with Cynthia Bourgeault (FILLED: please email to be put on waitiing list)
November 16-21, 2010
3:00 pm Tuesday - 3:00 pm Sunday
Claymont Society

The two great hungers in our world today are the hunger for spirituality and the hunger for social justice. The connection between the two is the one the world, and especially a new generation, is waiting for. We need schools of contemplation and action to help us connect our own inner faith journey to how we live our daily lives in a broken world.

These new wisdom schools have two purposes -- the first is to study and learn the rich contemplative wisdom within our own Christian tradition, knowing that this tradition is open-hearted and eager to learn from other faith traditions as well.

The wider tradition is unanimous, however, in its assertion that the deeper Christianity cannot be known by the mind alone; it requires a transformation of the entire being. That is the second, and in fact, primary purpose of the school. From time immemorial there have been wisdom schools to raise human consciousness and transform society, and to work with the core practices that sustain the transformation of consciousness: meditation, contemplative prayer, lectio divina, sacred song, the language of sacred gesture, simple work in community, and the daily practices of mindfulness, inner observation and surrender.

The schools are conducted in the 1500 year old Benedictine spirit of a balanced daily rhythm of prayer, work, silence and study. Wisdom schools practice the core components of this path: contemplative prayer, lectio divina, chanting the psalms, simple work in community, shared meals, silence, inner practice, and study.

We are honored to have The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Bourgeault as the first teacher for the Wisdom School at Rolling Ridge. I have been following Cynthia Bourgeault's work for a number of years, and have found her to be my best teacher for centering prayer and inner practice. I stumbled upon her work while exploring the connection between the Christian contemplative tradition and the Fourth Way inner work inspired by Gurdjieff.

Cynthia Bourgeault is the principal Teacher and Advisor to the Contemplative Society, an ecumenical, not-for-profit association that encourages a deepening of contemplative prayer based in the Christian tradition, and an adjunct faculty member at the Vancouver School of Theology. She is a retreat and conference leader, teacher of prayer, writer on the spiritual life, Episcopal priest, and part-time hermit, spending half of each year in solitude on Eagle Island in Maine.

Cynthia is passionately committed to the recovery of the Christian contemplative path and has worked closely with Fr. Thomas Keating and others as a teacher of centering prayer, as well as in Sufism and the Christian inner traditions. She is the author of Chanting the Psalms, Mystical Hope, The Wisdom Way of Knowing, Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening, Love is Stronger Than Death, and The Wisdom Jesus, and many articles and audio tapes on the contemplative life. She is a past Fellow of the Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural research at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, MN, and an oblate of New Camaldoli Monastery in Big Sur, California.

In 2001 she was invited to become a charter participant in the "Deepening the American Dream Project," sponsored by the Fetzer Institute, joining a select group of other American spiritual writers including Kathleen Norris, Jacob Needleman, Elaine Pagels, Huston Smith, and Parker Palmer. The Wisdom Way of Knowing: Reclaiming an Ancient Tradition to Awaken the Heart is a revision and expansion of the essay originally written for this project. The Wisdom School at Rolling Ridge will study this text during our week together. It is required reading before coming to the school.

To register for the event, send a $100 deposit to Rolling Ridge. The cost of the school is $465, and includes lodging and meals at the Claymont Society near the Rolling Ridge Community in Harpers Ferry. The school is limited to 40 participants. Cynthia's retreats have a reputation for filling up quickly. If you think you may want to come, sign up soon. The deposit is refundable up to 30 days before the event.

NOTE: This school is currently FILLED. If you would like to be put on the waiting list or be notified of future Wisdom Schools by Cynthia Bourgeault in our area, e-mail Bob Sabath at bsabath@rollingridge.net or phone him at 202-531-7572.

A Web Cast and Conference with Fr. Richard Rohr in Washington DC
October 24, 2010
2:00 - 4:30 pm
Crossroads United Methodist Church

Many were rightly shocked by the statistical assessment of males in our society by Hanna Rosin's article The End of Men (July-August Atlantic Monthly). Rosin argues that modern, postindustrial society may simply be better suited to women and that an unprecedented role reversal with vast cultural consequences is now under way. What does she have to teach us?  What can this perspective offer us?  How is Rosin a "stand in" for what many women have been saying to, for, and about men?

Unless men can find an inner path that can transform their pain rather than transmit it, men's contributions may be more destructive than healing, and they may become increasingly absent and irrelevant in the places where their energy is most needed. Sadly, neither our culture nor our churches really encourage an inner life for men.

After working with men for the past twenty years, Fr. Richard Rohr, Franciscan priest and founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has come to the conclusion that most men will not engage on a serious inner journey unless they have to -- often only after great suffering. He has been quietly working with groups of men all over the world to build a new model of male spirituality.

Based on decades of his own study and centuries of wisdom teaching around the world, Richard has created a transformative initiation experience called Men's Rites of Passage. An international network of Men as Learners and Elders (M.A.L.Es) has been created to extend this work to local regions around the world. This growing network seeks to reclaim the spiritual initiation of men through experiential journeying into the True Self, creating a tradition for future generations and building a vision for the next five generations of men.

This event signals the start of Men as Learners and Elders in the Washington DC Region. We warmly invite men and women in our area to join us on Sunday, October 24, 2010, to listen to Richard Rohr's exploration of these questions, and to have a chance to ask questions and dialogue together about how to extend this work in our area.

The presentation and discussion will be held at Crossroads United Methodist Church, 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA 20147, 2-4:30 pm (gather at 1:45 pm for seating). Registration Fee: $25 (or $15 student/fixed income). Live Webcast (for those who cannot attend): $10. We encourage everyone to register online at Center for Contemplation and Action, but you are welcome to come whether or not you have pre-registered or can afford the registration fee. Childcare is available. Llet us know your needs ahead of time.

Register online at the Center for Action and Contemplation:

Also mark your calendars for October 12-16, 2011 (yes, one year away), when Richard will return to our area to lead our region's first Men's Rites of Passage at Rolling Ridge Retreat Center near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. See dc.male-spirituality.net for more information about this and other regional events, and for details about how to register.

Download PDF Brochure: End of Men October 24 2010

October 22-23, 2010
Friday 7 pm - Sunday 6 pm
Deer Spring

Walter Brueggemann is acclaimed as currently being the "world's leading interpreter of the Old Testament". He enables us to access the memories of Judeo-Christian ancestors, through their poetry and stories concerning enduring themes in human faith journey. Those themes, in broad stroke, continue to be recognized in our contemporary western culture. Thus, we discover that drawing on memories of the ancestors, joined with personal memories and contemporary experiences, we in effect are provided an itinerary for an imaginative life journey.

So, in this retreat we turn to the medium in which the ancestors engaged their world -- poetry and story. The creativity and hope to be discovered through such speech is articulated by Walter in an earlier book -- Finally Comes the Poet.

"The entertainment of a 'fiction' drives us beyond known truth. From the great narratives of Israel to the prophetic poems to the testimony of early Christians, the singers and storytellers spoke dangerously about dangerous matters, about new possibilities. The settled, entrenched, and certain heard only fiction, but it was a 'fiction' more powerful than facts".

"After the engineers, inventors, scientists, 'finally comes the poet' -- 'shattering evocative speech that breaks fixed conclusions and presses us always toward new, dangerous, imaginative possibilities".

Preparation for this retreat is to read Brueggemann's current book -- Journey to the Common Good, 2010, 122 pages through which we each will discover rich insights to be shared with one another in retreat. HOW we find our way to the common good in our contemporary communities of faith or other ventures of 'doing good' is so central to whether those life ventures will be experienced as blessing.

The structure of this retreat is a simple one as follows:-

  • October 22, 7:00pm-- dinner and sharing current life journey notes.
  • Following dinner, around the fire we meditate on samples of poetry read aloud from ancestors in their quest for the common good.
  • We close with music and bedtime prayers.
  • October 23, 8:00am-- breakfast.
  • Following breakfast at 9:00 for sharing our respective learnings from reading of Journey to the Common Good.
  • At 10:30 -- time of reflection and journaling while walking on Rolling Ridge trails in the Blue Ridge.
  • Lunch at 12:30.
  • Second time of sharing insights at 1:30.
  • Dinner of celebration and thanksgiving at 5:00pm
  • Depart for home at 6:00pm.

Our study source, Journey to the Common Good, is an easy accessible read, 122 pages, and packed with rich insight from an outstanding scholar. Obtain it from your bookstore or favorite on-line bookseller.

To register for retreat call us at 304-725-2312 or e-mail Vvatrr@juno.com. Bring your own wash towels and comfortable walking shoes. Retreat fee is $30 covering meals, and lodging to be paid upon arrival. Those who prefer to do so may arrive for retreat by 9:00am on October 23, for which retreat fee is $20.

If you need directions to Deer Spring House at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community can consult our website: www Rolling Ridge.net or call us at 304-725-2312.
