After the snowstorm
Quiet and stillness hover
Heaven and earth kiss.
Haiku as Spiritual Practice
A Retreat at Rolling Ridge Retreat Center Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
March 26 - 27, 2010
“In paying attention to small things, the haiku poet honors the sacredness of everyday life.”
-- Margaret D. McGee, author of Haiku – the Sacred Art
A “haiku” is a simple three line form of poetry with a syllabic pattern of 5-7-5. On the surface, it is about something we see in nature. But at its core a haiku unveils something profound and treasured – that which resonates with one’s heart. In the end it is not about the words; it is about what happens when we truly take the time to pay attention and notice.
The process of writing haiku, and illustrating it if you like, helps us to experience a new awareness and to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the moment. It is an opportunity to realize our deep connection to the natural world, the Creator, and each other. It is a playful art form that awakens our senses, opens our mind and heart, and transforms the participant.
Leader: Trish Stefanik, contemplative artist and retreat leader, is a resident of Rolling Ridge and has been inspired by the forested mountain wilderness to compose haiku.
For more information and to register, see or call 304-725-4301.Advance registration is necessary. The cost is $75, which includes lodging, meals, and program materials. Participants are welcome to arrive and settle in at the Retreat House beginning 4 pm on Friday. Dinner will be served at 6:30. The retreat will conclude after dinner Saturday night. For those who would like to stay on their own for another night at the Retreat House, the total retreat fee is $95. Please make checks payable to RRSRC and mail to: Rolling Ridge, 186 Tupelo Lane, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425.