There are questions that can make or unmake a life, questions that have patiently waited for you, questions that have no right to go away.
February 28-March 1, 2014
Friday 6 pm - Saturday 4 pm
Still Point Mountain Retreat

"There are questions that can make or unmake a life, questions that have patiently waited for you, questions that have no right to go away." -- David Whyte, Sometimes

In the depths of winter's hibernation, are there questions waiting patiently for us to notice, hold, discern?

We invite you to join other men from our region for a "wilderness wandering" on February 28-March 1 at the Still Point Mountain Retreat at Rolling Ridge in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Let the natural world draw us into those spaces that are frozen in our consciousness.

We will begin with a shared evening meal between 6-7 pm on Friday night.

The time will include a series of individual and group interactions, wandering in the wilderness on Saturday, and conclude late Saturday afternoon with another communal meal.

The cost for the night will be $25 . Bring food for yourself and to share with others. The event is limited to 12 men, so be sure to sign up now!

Following an age-old tradition for contemporary pilgrims with Lindsay McLaughlin and Mary Ann Welter
February 12-14, 2016
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

We come into the stillness like snowfall, the air alive with angels, every blessed flake singular and mysterious, what's outside quiet now, and changing form. Quickening, we breathe silence. Presence holds our lives in hush. Light dazzles. Listening, we learn to answer. — Jeanne Lohmann

Gather at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat for Friday Vespers, followed by 7:00 pm dinner and Compline. Arrive Friday after 1:00 pm. Retreat ends following Terce/closing blessing at 10 am on Sunday.

Silence through the seasons
February 7-9, 2014
Friday 1 pm - Sunday 10 am
Sponsored by Friends of Silence at Still Point Mountain Retreat

I long to slip into cracks of silence where breath is connected to spirit and spirit to wind and a sense of oneness resonates in my core — Karyn D. Dedar

Gather at Still Point Mountain Retreat for Friday Vespers, followed by 7:00 p.m. dinner and Compline. Arrive Friday after 1:00 p.m. Retreat Ends 10:00 a.m. Sunday. Gathered participants will follow Prayer of the Hours until Sunday morning, interspersed with ample times for silence and rambling in the winter woods, warming around the fire, reading or writing in the library, reflecting through art, and enjoying one another in community. Come away and rest.

A Practice and Template for the Spiritual Journey
Monday January 6 - Friday February 28, 2014
Online Retreat

The Lord's prayer is a practice and template for the spiritual journey.

This 8-week retreat is designed for immersion in the spirituality of the Lord's Prayer, uncovering the richness and depth that can inform your spiritual unfolding. Each week concentrates on one line from the Lord's Prayer and incorporates insights from the story of the Hebrew exodus from Egypt and from the Beatitudes to uncover the template of the spiritual journey that is embedded in the prayer.

An Advent retreat celebrating story at Rolling Ridge
December 6-8, 2013
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Center, Harpers Ferry WV

The season of Advent is an annual invitation to quietly reflect on what gives us hope as we hear again the ancient prophetic stories of light in the darkness, of dreams, of stars, and angelic visitations. The mystery and wonder of these echoing images bring us to new awareness of the gift and power of story to heal and transform.

Yet often the quiet song of the nativity narratives and other essential stories is muffled by the raucous, strident drumbeat of our modern distorted and consumer-skewed worldview. This retreat is designed to help each of us turn away for a time from the dissonant chords of what’s not working in our lives and open to the new stories that want to be born among us.

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community
November 9, 2014
10 am - 4 pm
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Center, Harpers Ferry WV

Please join us for the Annual Meeting of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community on November 9th, 2013 from 10am-4pm

Gathering at this time of year is an opportunity to mark the seasons of our life together. We will welcome new residential community members, honor transitions of people on the board, and look ahead at new possibilities and fledgling dreams. Come prepared to share stories of individual and group experiences during this past year as we weave a narrative of the intersection of nature and spirit that is the gift of this place and this many-faceted community.

Bring a dish to share for a potluck lunch.

In the afternoon we?ll have time to walk in the woods, reconnect with friends, help set up fencing for our sheep for winter, and deepen the bonds that nurture us.

Exploring the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche with the Soulcraft Guides of the Animus Valley Institute
October 16-20, 2013
11 am Wednesday - 3 pm Sunday
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Center, Harpers Ferry WV

This is Animus Valley Institute's popular five-day experiential plunge into the wild depths of Soulcraft; a synergistic set of nature-based practices designed to evoke the life-shifting experience of soul encounter. Your soul is your true self, those qualities that most deeply define and express who you are and the unique gift that you were born to bring to the world, a world so much in need of the socially transforming contributions of initiated, actively engaged adults. To encounter the soul is to discover the mystical image you were born with, which reveals the path to your greatest personal fulfillment as well as the essence of your true service to society (the cross-cultural wisdom traditions say these are one and the same).

Cultivating personal, cultural, and planetary stories for a new era: with Julie Gabrielli and Jim Hall
September 27-29, 2013
6 pm Friday - Sunday Lunch
Still Point Mountain Retreat

It is all a question of story.
We are in trouble just now because we do not have a good one.

— Thomas Berry

We have always lived by stories that told us how we got here, why we are here, and what God and the Universe were up to. Today, the old stories have either been discarded or paint an incomplete or inaccurate picture of our world. The signs are everywhere as we struggle with economic havoc, social injustice, hunger, environmental degradation, violence, and depression.

This retreat is designed to help each of us move away from the infinite loop of what's not working and open to the new stories that want to emerge through us.

A Dance with God
September 6-8, 2013
7 pm Friday night Supper (optional 5pm gentle yoga) - 2 pm Lunch Sunday (optional extended stay)
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Center, Harpers Ferry WV

A Silent Yoga Retreat
September 6-8, 2013
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Cost $210 (sliding scale available)

Come away; take refuge, slow down to the rhythms of your own breath. We will pray through yoga, meditation, chant, mindful eating, and mindful walking in the beauty of the woods, hills, and streams surrounding the retreat center.

Can work together be a retreat?
September 2, 2013
10 am - 4 pm Monday
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Center, Harpers Ferry WV

We joyfully invite you to join with the Rolling Ridge Study Retreat staff community for our annual labor day work retreat.

Can work together be a retreat?

We think so. That's why we often end this day of shared work with more energy and joy than when we began. As we work through the day, we are restored with good conversations, reconnection with others who love this land, a simple shared meal from the Rolling Ridge garden, singing together in the Retreat House, and the delight of stretching and moving our bodies in new ways.
