Wednesday, October 20, 2010
10 am - 4 pm
Retreat House

Please join us for our next Seasonal Quiet Day, this one celebrating Autumn: Wednesday, October 20, 10 am - 4 pm. You are welcome to overnight in the Retreat House Tuesday or Wednesday to extend your retreat time!

Our Fall theme is Trust and Surrender. During this time of year the wind picks up, the air turns crisp, and leaves fall "home." This is an invitation for us to let go deeper into God's loving embrace. "Come away and rest awhile" in the season's brilliant red and yellow beauty. Our day will include a gentle rhythm of guided meditations and silence allowing you to explore the landscape around you and in your soul.

There is no cost, donations are welcome. Bring a bag lunch. Please let us know that you are coming, contact Trish at or call 304-725-4301. See for more information and directions.

Fall Meditative Arts Retreat
October 15-17, 2010
Retreat House

Introduction to Ikebana
The Art of Japanese Flower Arranging

Fall Meditative Arts Retreat
at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
October 15-17, 2010

The Ikenobo School of ikebana draws on more than 500 years of history and tradition to allow us to express the spirit of peace and harmony through the arrangement of flowers and branches. Appreciation of the beauty of our natural environment is essential to our spiritual life. The natural setting of Rolling Ridge allows us to study that beauty and learn to express it in our arrangements. 

During our retreat we will study the basic forms and principles of traditional Ikenobo teachings. And we will explore the woods and trails around us for materials to use in our arrangements. In all we do, we will take time to experience peace and harmony. Of course, we will also take time for tea, a tradition in Japan and many other cultures.

Rachel Van Wingen, a longtime associate of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community, will lead us in our time together, and RRSRC resident, Trish Stefanik, will assist. Rachel is a certified instructor in the Ikenobo School of ikebana. First introduced to ikebana while living in Japan, she has studied and practiced the art for more than two decades. She is a member of Potomac Valley Chapter of Ikebana Ikenobo Society and of Ikebana International, Washington DC Chapter.

Things to bring:  vases--simple and uncomplicated are best; hasami--clippers; kenzan--pin frog(s).  Feel free to bring readings or pictures that you would like to share with the group.

For more information and to register, see, email, or call 304-725-4301.

Advance registration is necessary. The cost is $95, which includes 2-nights lodging, all meals, and program materials. Participants are welcome to arrive and settle in at the Retreat House beginning 5 pm on Friday. Dinner will be served at 6:30. The retreat will conclude with lunch on Sunday. Please make checks payable to RRSRC and mail to: Rolling Ridge, 186 Tupelo Lane, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425.

September 4-6, 2010
Retreat House

Labor Day Weekend 2010

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
September 4-6, 2010

Woodhaven Building
Wood spitting/stacking and cleaning of Retreat House

Good for the body is the work of the body,
good for the soul is the work of the soul, and
good for either is the work of the other.
Henry David Thoreau

Saturday and Sunday (September 4-5) – Come out for the weekend to help work on Woodhaven.  We have a variety of tasks from working on the cob wall to doing cordwood to painting and putting up window trim and soffits, depending on interest and skill level.  As a last tribute to summer we’ll be sure to have plenty of fruit popsicles and frozen grapes! To see the most recent photos, please visit

Monday (September 6) – Our traditional community work day at the Retreat House, preparing wood for the winter and special “deep” cleaning projects. 

Labor Day Schedule:

9:00 am - 10:00 am Gathering for coffee, muffins, fruit and fellowship
10:00 am - 1:00 pm Shared work (can include building at Woodhaven as well)
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Reflection and lunch (provided by the residential community)
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Shared work (can include building at Woodhaven as well)

Come when you can and stay as long as you want, but please let us know your plans.  Especially let us know if you plan to come for Saturday and Sunday as we will need to plan for housing and food.  The Retreat House is not available, but the residential community can provide some rooms. 

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community Scot's phone: 301-275-2009
Scot and Linda DeGraf Scot's e-mail:
120 Jubilee Lane Linda's phone: 301-789-9097
Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 Linda's e-mail:
Office Phone: 304-724-1069 Web:
SUMMER -- Delight and Abundance
July 28, 2010
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Retreat House


Seasonal Quiet Days

At Rolling Ridge Retreat Center,
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

“Come away…and rest a while.”
Mk 6:31

What would happen if we took time aside from our ordinary busy weekday schedules simply to pray and reflect in a natural place apart? What would it mean to the ‘rest of our lives’ if we took one day every few months for silent retreat? How might we grow in our relationship with God?

These four quiet days during the year offer you the opportunity to rest in the beauty of Creation’s varied seasons. They are a time apart to look and see, listen and hear in new ways. They are a chance to be nurtured by guided reflection around the seasonal themes, meditative walks in the woods, journaling and art, and the companioning presence of each other in prayer and sacred silence.

Leader:  Trish Stefanik, contemplative artist and retreat leader, is a resident at Rolling Ridge and member of St. Agnes Catholic Church.

Each day is 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Advance registration is necessary. No cost, donations welcome. Please bring a bag lunch. For more information contact Trish at or call 304-725-4301. See for directions. Overnight accommodations are available at the Retreat House for a small fee.  

WINTER: Stillness and Listening
Wednesday, March 3
During Lent, gather in the stillness of the trees and in front of the Retreat House hearth to listen within for God’s word. 

SPRING: Awakening and Newness
Wednesday, May 12
Easter heralded rebirth and challenges us to new awareness. Explore the budding landscape and discover what is awakening for you.   

SUMMER: Delight and Abundance
Wednesday, July 28
Join the chorus of birdsong and pray gratitude for the longer days and abounding blessings of the earth and your life.

FALL: Trust and Surrender
Wednesday, October 20
The wind picks up, the leaves turn and fall “home.” We are called to trust and let go deeper into God’s loving embrace.

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June 18-20, 2010
Retreat House and Woodhaven

at Rolling Ridge
Study Retreat Community

Harpers Ferry, WV

June 18-20, 2010


Roll up your sleeves, take off your shoes, and get your fingers and toes down in the mud! Woodhaven is ready for its sunroom entryway cob wall to be built. Cob is a mix of clay, sand, and chopped straw and is used to make durable, sculptural walls with the capacity to collect and store heat energy (thermal mass).

Woodhaven is the fifth and final house to be built at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, in keeping with the covenant to preserve most of the land as mountain wilderness. It will provide much needed space for residential staff to be able to continue to care for the land and to nurture retreat programs.

The workshop will cover a description of the function of each ingredient in cob, benefits and challenges of cob construction, establishing a basic recipe, how to test site soil for clay content, mixing techniques, and hand-on experience building with cob.

  • Friday evening- Tour of Worksite, Cookout/campfire, and Discussion of Natural Building
  • Saturday* -- Overview of Cob Construction, Demonstration, Hands-on Experience Mixing Clay and Building a Wall with Sigi Koko
  • Sunday -- All-Day Hands-On Building and Camaraderie of Shared Work

Cost of the Workshop Weekend - $145, including meals and housing. (If finances are an issue, please contact us.)

Please contact Scot at (202-330-6874) or Linda at (301-789-9097) to register by June 1st. Directions and details on what to bring will be emailed to those who register about 1 week prior to the workshop event.

To see our progress so far, including photos from the 2009 strawbale workshop, visit this photo site:

*Sigi was the architect who designed Woodhaven and she has done strawbale and plastering workshops here at Rolling Ridge and many other places. She founded Down to Earth to provide healthy, sustainable design and consulting services in the Mid-Atlantic region. For more info visit:

SPRING -- Awakening and Newness
May 12, 2010
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Retreat House


Seasonal Quiet Days

At Rolling Ridge Retreat Center,
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

“Come away…and rest a while.”
Mk 6:31

Please join us for our next Seasonal Quiet Day, this one celebrating spring – Wed May 12, 10 am – 4 pm. You are welcome to overnight in the Retreat House Tues or Wed to extend your retreat time!

Our Spring Theme is Awakening and Newness. Eastertide heralds rebirth and a new way of being. We are challenged to begin again, to see with new eyes, to listen with an awakened heart. Come away to the budding beauty of the mountain wilderness to nurture what is seeking new life and expression in you. The day will include a gentle rhythm of guided meditations and silence allowing you to explore the landscape around you and in your soul.

There is no cost, donations are welcome. Bring a bag lunch. Please let us know that you are coming, contact Trish at or call 304-725-4301. See for more information and directions.

What would happen if we took time aside from our ordinary busy weekday schedules simply to pray and reflect in a natural place apart? What would it mean to the ‘rest of our lives’ if we took one day every few months for silent retreat? How might we grow in our relationship with God?

These four quiet days during the year offer you the opportunity to rest in the beauty of Creation’s varied seasons. They are a time apart to look and see, listen and hear in new ways. They are a chance to be nurtured by guided reflection around the seasonal themes, meditative walks in the woods, journaling and art, and the companioning presence of each other in prayer and sacred silence.

Leader:  Trish Stefanik, contemplative artist and retreat leader, is a resident at Rolling Ridge and member of St. Agnes Catholic Church.

Each day is 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Advance registration is necessary. No cost, donations welcome. Please bring a bag lunch. For more information contact Trish at or call 304-725-4301. See for directions. Overnight accommodations are available at the Retreat House for a small fee.  

SPRING: Awakening and Newness
Wednesday, May 12
Easter heralded rebirth and challenges us to new awareness. Explore the budding landscape and discover what is awakening for you.   

SUMMER: Delight and Abundance
Wednesday, July 28
Join the chorus of birdsong and pray gratitude for the longer days and abounding blessings of the earth and your life.

FALL: Trust and Surrender
Wednesday, October 20
The wind picks up, the leaves turn and fall “home.” We are called to trust and let go deeper into God’s loving embrace.

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For children ages 6-12 and their parents, grandparents or mentors
May 7-8, 2010
7 pm Friday - Supper Saturday
Retreat House

Dear Children of the Earth

An Annual Mother's Day
Earth Retreat
At Rolling Ridge
Study Retreat Center

May 7-8, 2010

For children ages 6-12 and
their parents, grandparents or mentors

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community joyfully welcomes you to its annual Mother's Day Earth Retreat, May 7-8, 2010. The retreat begins with dinner at 7 pm on Friday and concludes with supper on Saturday.

This retreat is designed especially for pairs of one adult and one child (ages 6-12) and includes:

  • a campfire time of stories and songs celebrating the earth
  • nature arts and crafts
  • discovery hikes and guided adventures
  • morning nature meditation and retreat time for adults
  • a closing ceremonial time for gathering together our discoveries and our prayers of gratitude and healing for the earth
... [it's] wonderful how completely everything in wild nature fits into us, as if truly part and parent of us. The sun shines not on us, but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us -- John Muir

Overnight lodging will be in the Retreat House or in the campground of the Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community.

Leaders: Verle and Vivian Headings, Cheryl Hellner, Jim Hall, and Linda and Scot DeGraf.

Fees: $50.00 for adult and child together ($10.00 for a second child coming with you) $30.00 for adult and child if you are camping. To register and for more information please call Vivian Headings at 304-725-2312 (

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April 2-3, 2010
5:30 pm Friday - 6:00 pm Saturday
Retreat House

An Easter Retreat

At Rolling Ridge
Study Retreat Community ,
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

5:30 pm April 2, 2010 - 6:00 pm April 3, 2010

Over time, by spending time with thoughtful theologians, we have come to recognize that central meanings of both the birth of Jesus and of Easter are enunciations of deep yearning for a world where love and justice are passionately embraced. As practiced in the cultures of empire from the first century until now, love and justice often have not been the focus of how the Jesus birth story or the Easter story are told .
"The story of Holy Week as Mark and the gospels tell it enables us to hear the passion of Jesus---what he was passionate about---that led to his execution. His passion was the kingdom of God, what life would be like on earth if God were king and the rulers, domination systems, and empires of this world were not. It is the world that prophets dreamed of---a world of distributive justice in which everybody has enough and systems are fair. And it is not simply a political dream. It is God's dream, a dream that can only be realized by being grounded ever more deeply in the reality of God, whose heart is justice. Jesus' passion got him killed. But God has vindicated Jesus. This is the political meaning of Good Friday and Easter." (The Last Week, Borg and Crossan)
In this Easter retreat at Rolling Ridge we will reflect on the Jesus who is passionate about love of God and love of neighbor, and our own call to be transformed into holding such a dream, and not to be conformed to the practice of Easter by the empire in which we live.
This 24-hour retreat interval is designed to enable a preparation for Easter, and to allow anyone who wishes to do so to experience Easter Sunday in their church congregation.  Selected brief passages from three sources will be mailed in advance of retreat to each registered retreat participant.  Prior to retreat, we suggest that you use a journal for recording what you learn through study and reflection on these passages. Then bring the journal to retreat and continue recording insights during this 24 hour period.
The 24 hours of retreat will begin at 5:30 on Good Friday with introductions of all who are gathered, orientation to the elements of this retreat, distribution of aids for reflection, and a Lenten meal of bread and soup. This is followed by a walking meditation, the Stations of the Cross, through the forest and sacred spaces of Rolling Ridge. This version of the "Via Dolorosa" looks at the passion of Jesus defined not as his suffering, but rather as parabolic explication of what he was passionate about. Experience and understand the Stations in a new way amid the beauty and peace of wilderness. Quiet for reflection, prayer and rest follows until breakfast Saturday morning, after which we begin a time of conversation and meditation, guided by the schedule below.
8:00  -- Breakfast (in silence), listening to a parabolic story read during the meal
9:30  -- Gather for sharing insights from the study sources mailed in advance to participants, and from the Stations experience

10:30 - Personal reflection in solitude or with one another (refreshments)
12:00 - Lunch and conversation on personal insights
1:30 - Options for personal reflection in solitude, sharing in a small group, or  hiking on forest trails
4:00 - Gather for sharing insights from the retreat
5:00 - Simple supper, and closing of retreat
6:00 - Return to home or remain at the retreat house until Sunday noon  if you desire personal retreat
The Friday evening segment of this retreat is guided by Lindsay McLaughlin, who has led an alternate version of Stations of the Cross for 11 years. Vivian and Verle Headings will guide the Saturday segment of the retreat. All three are residential members of Study Retreat Community.
For questions and registering for retreat, contact Verle or Vivian at e-mail: or phone: 304-725-2312. Please let us know if you need directions to the Retreat House.
Specify your interest for the entire 24-hour retreat, Friday evening only, Saturday only, or continuing until Sunday noon for personal retreat. Retreat fee (meals, refreshments, study materials, and lodgeing ) will be $50 per person. For extended stay add $10. Please recall that for overnight events at the Retreat House you bring your own bedroll and towel. 
Finally, please give us your mailing address so that we can mail study materials to you.
March 29 - April 1, 2010
12:00 noon
Retreat House

Quiet Days for Holy Week

At Rolling Ridge Retreat Center,
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

March 29 - April 1, 2010
(Monday - Thursday)

The Retreat House will be open for silence and solitude, quiet study and reflection during the days of Holy Week. At noon each day, those who wish can join the community at the Meditation Shelter for a time of guided reflection and prayer. There is no cost, but please contact us to let us know you are coming. You are welcome to bring your own food and use our kitchen as well as make arrangements to stay overnight (reservations required).

A formal retreat opportunity will follow April 2 - 3, which will include Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. More details to come.

For information please contact or call 202-531-7572 and see

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March 26-27, 2010
4:00 pm Friday - Supper Saturday
Retreat House

After the snowstorm
Quiet and stillness hover
Heaven and earth kiss.

Haiku as Spiritual Practice

A Retreat at Rolling Ridge Retreat Center Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

March 26 - 27, 2010

 “In paying attention to small things, the haiku poet honors the sacredness of everyday life.”

-- Margaret D. McGee, author of Haiku – the Sacred Art

A “haiku” is a simple three line form of poetry with a syllabic pattern of 5-7-5. On the surface, it is about something we see in nature. But at its core a haiku unveils something profound and treasured – that which resonates with one’s heart. In the end it is not about the words; it is about what happens when we truly take the time to pay attention and notice.

The process of writing haiku, and illustrating it if you like, helps us to experience a new awareness and to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the moment. It is an opportunity to realize our deep connection to the natural world, the Creator, and each other. It is a playful art form that awakens our senses, opens our mind and heart, and transforms the participant.

Leader: Trish Stefanik, contemplative artist and retreat leader, is a resident of Rolling Ridge and has been inspired by the forested mountain wilderness to compose haiku.

For more information and to register, see or call 304-725-4301.

Advance registration is necessary. The cost is $75, which includes lodging, meals, and program materials. Participants are welcome to arrive and settle in at the Retreat House beginning 4 pm on Friday. Dinner will be served at 6:30. The retreat will conclude after dinner Saturday night. For those who would like to stay on their own for another night at the Retreat House, the total retreat fee is $95. Please make checks payable to RRSRC and mail to: Rolling Ridge, 186 Tupelo Lane, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425.

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