Join in a daily rhythm of sung prayer, silence, and common work
August 9-25, 2013
Dinner on Friday, August 9 - Lunch on Sunday, August 25
Still Point Mountain Retreat at Rolling Ridge

A Friends of Silence Retreat with Br. Stefan Waligur (Macushla)
Register by Email:
Can't come? Join us for Peace Pilgrimage Online!
Stay Connected: Pilgrimage of Peace Blog

For the past four years, people from across the nation and the world have come together each summer to experience the peace of daily song, chant, silence, reflection, rest and work on a forested hilltop overlooking the Shenandoah Valley. This gathering is called a Pilgrimage of Peace. You will be embraced by the natural beauty of the Blue Ridge foothills with access to Rolling Ridge, a 1400-acre wilderness preserve between the Shenandoah River and the Appalachian Trail.

A Creative Spirit Retreat for Girls Ages 10-16: Sponsored by Friends of Silence
June 23-28, 2013
3 pm Sunday June 23 - Friday June 28 after lunch
Still Point Mountain Retreat in Harpers Ferry, WV

Retreat to the Ridge and bring your art with you. If you draw, dance, sing, write, play a musical instrument, sculpt, sew, or otherwise create—this retreat is for you! Practice in an inspiring mountain setting; share creative experiences with one another; explore the connection between silence, spirit, and creativity; try something new in sampler sessions with guest artists. Parents and younger sibs welcome.

Retreat begins: June 23, 3:00 p.m. Sunday (Supper potluck)
Retreat ends: after lunch Friday, June 28
Retreat fee: $395

Scholarships available
Special family/sibling discounts
Free with parent as staff/artist


Annual retreat for children ages 6-12 and their parents, grandparents or mentors
May 10-11, 2013
7pm Friday - 7pm Saturday
Retreat House at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat

In our grasshopper and salamander days, who among us didn't ask why the grasshopper could jump so far -- or why the salamander had black dots on its orange body.  We lived by wonder, for by wondering we were able to multiply a growing consciousness of being alive. -- Richard Lewis, Living by Wonder

We warmly invite you to a special treat for Friday night and Saturday of Mother's Day weekend, May 10-11, 2013. The retreat begins with dinner at 7:00 p.m. on Friday and concludes with supper on Saturday and is designed especially for pairs of one adult and one child (ages 6-12).

The retreat includes:

Shadow work for initiated men on the Journey of Illumination
May 3-5, 2013
12 Noon Friday - 3 pm Sunday
Still Point Mountain Retreat in Harpers Ferry, WV

The Shadowland FIRMing is a three-day event designed for men who have experiened the Rites of Passage and who have participated in the follow-up process, Journey of Illumination. It is an intensive event containing solitude, ritual, and a 24-hour period of extended silence in the wilderness.  It is intended for those who have already attended the MROP (Men's Rites of Passage) and have have engaged in an intentional journey of accountable connection with a Soul brother, working to develop spiritual disciplines in five areas: centering, gathering, connecting, releasing and serving.  Belden Lane from St. Louis will be the weaver for this gathering, and Lou Flessner from Texas our ritual elder.

March 29, 2013 - April 1, 2013
5:00 pm Friday Night and Easter Sunrise on Sunday
Retreat House and Meditation Shelter at Rolling Ridge

You are invited to spend
Good Friday and Easter Sunrise
at Rolling Ridge

March 29, 2013 at 5 pm
April 1, 2013 for Easter Sunrise
in the Meditation Shelter

Knit and Felt with Vivian and Linda
January 25-27, 2013
7 pm Friday - Lunch Sunday
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Center, Harpers Ferry WV

Give yourself the gift of time ...

  • time to finish a project you've begun
  • try some new stitches or learn how to felt a little bird
  • share warm meals and cozy chats with friends
  • wander the winter woods
  • relax and reflect on the pattern of your life

Novices and experienced fiber lovers are welcome! We will be happy to share what we know, weaving a bit of knitting and felting in throughout the weekend. Bring your own knitting needles and yarn and we will supply wool and felting needles. If you are a spinner, we'd love to have you bring your spindle or wheel.

Soup and bread will be hot at 7 on Friday and we will enjoy each others' company through lunch on Sunday.

Cost of the Weekend for food, lodging, and supplies: $125

An Advent Retreat at Rolling Ridge
December 7-9, 2012
Retreat House at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat and Still Point Mountain Retreat

The season of Advent is an annual invitation to quietly reflect on what gives us hope as we anticipate hearing the ancient stories of Jesus’ birth.  These stories touch the deepest of human yearnings: for love born among us, for light in the darkness, for fulfillment of our longing for a different kind of world.  But what are these stories really about and why do we tell them over and over again?

Through poetry, readings from Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Angeles Arrien and others, and with time for personal reflection, we will explore the power of story hidden in the familiar and beloved biblical narratives.

A year of new mini-retreats for 2012 with Trish Stefanik at Priest Field Pastoral Center
December 1, 2012
Priest Field Pastoral Center in West Virginia

Sisters of Mercy foundress Catherine McAuley once said: "We have one solid source of happiness in all our journeying - we can keep our hearts fixed on God."

But how can we do that? Busyness fills most of our days, and many things pull at our hearts. Jesus knew this. And that is why he himself repeatedly went off to a quiet place apart to be able to fully engage with others in his life and ministry. We are encouraged to do the same: "Come away…and rest a while" (Mark 6:31).

Retreat gives us the opportunity to prayerfully reflect on who we are and where we are, and tap into the wellspring of the Spirit for guidance and wisdom. Our God-given gifts and call are unique to each one of us; but for all of us, it takes time in silence and prayerful reflection for these to be nurtured.

Gurdjieff for Christian Contemplatives
November 13-18, 2012
Tuesday dinner - Sunday lunch

This Advanced Wisdom School will provide an introductory immersion in Gurdjieff work and Gurdjieff movements to Christian contemplative seekers, exploring core ideas and practices largely unfamiliar to mainstream Christianity but with a deep affinity with mystical Christianity and a profound capacity to resolve theological logjams and move practice to a deeper, more integrated place. Topics to be explored include: reciprocal feeding, the Law of Three, the original enneagram, essence and personality, three centered awareness, attention, and self-remembering.

You are inited to a meditative arts retreat hosted by Friends of Silence and Rolling Ridge Study Retreat
November 2-4, 2012
Still Point Mountain Retreat and Retreat House at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat

A “haiku” is a simple three line form of poetry with a syllabic pattern of 5-7-5. On the surface, it is about something we see in nature. But at its core a haiku unveils something profound and treasured – that which resonates with one’s heart. In the end it is not about the words; it is about what happens when we truly take the time to pay attention and notice.

“In paying attention to small things, the haiku poet honors the sacredness of everyday life.” -- Margaret D. McGee, author of Haiku – the Sacred Art

The process of writing haiku, and illustrating it if you like, awakens our senses and opens us to the beauty and wonder of the moment. Through this playful art form we have the opportunity to realize our deep connection to the natural world, the Creator, and each other.
