Seasonal Quiet Days
At Rolling Ridge Retreat Center,
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
“Come away…and rest a while.”
Mk 6:31
What would happen if we took time aside from our ordinary busy weekday schedules simply to pray and reflect in a natural place apart? What would it mean to the ‘rest of our lives’ if we took one day every few months for silent retreat? How might we grow in our relationship with God?
These four quiet days during the year offer you the opportunity to rest in the beauty of Creation’s varied seasons. They are a time apart to look and see, listen and hear in new ways. They are a chance to be nurtured by guided reflection around the seasonal themes, meditative walks in the woods, journaling and art, and the companioning presence of each other in prayer and sacred silence.
Leader: Trish Stefanik, contemplative artist and retreat leader, is a resident at Rolling Ridge and member of St. Agnes Catholic Church.
Each day is 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Advance registration is necessary. No cost, donations welcome. Please bring a bag lunch. For more information contact Trish at or call 304-725-4301. See for directions. Overnight accommodations are available at the Retreat House for a small fee.
WINTER: Stillness and Listening
Wednesday, March 3
During Lent, gather in the stillness of the trees and in front of the Retreat House hearth to listen within for God’s word.
SPRING: Awakening and Newness
Wednesday, May 12
Easter heralded rebirth and challenges us to new awareness. Explore the budding landscape and discover what is awakening for you.
SUMMER: Delight and Abundance
Wednesday, July 28
Join the chorus of birdsong and pray gratitude for the longer days and abounding blessings of the earth and your life.
FALL: Trust and Surrender
Wednesday, October 20
The wind picks up, the leaves turn and fall “home.” We are called to trust and let go deeper into God’s loving embrace.