Earth experience of grace

Grace is what happens when openness to chance yields a deeper awareness of the cosmos or one’s place in it . . . when luck leads to spiritual insight . . . Proust called chance experiences "earth experience of grace."

Earth experience of grace

Grace is what happens when openness to chance yields a deeper awareness of the cosmos or one’s place in it . . . when luck leads to spiritual insight . . . Proust called chance experiences "earth experience of grace."

Grace Happens

Grace happens! Grace seldom comes as a profound, single, life-changing event. More often it emerges as a whisper, yet it can carry a person through the next few hours or even days: mornings when I shared bagels and coffee with a friend who listened, offerings of food when I could not begin to plan dinner for the family, phone calls that came at those low moments to lift my spirits and remind me that I was still connected with others, the memorable sermon or anthem that touched my soul in a way I cannot describe. Grace happens!

December 2002 (Vol. XV, No. 11)

Holyday blessings, dear friends! In the Silence may be take time to ponder and be grateful for the amazing graces given to us throughout our lives: of indiviuals known and unknown ... events that may have changed our lives ... wee moments of nature's exquisite beauty ... of mery, faith, forgiveness ... near misses from disaster ... deep love given and received ... illnesses that awakened hidden insights and reserves ... guardian angels ever with us ... and, especially, the loving, companion Presence of the Beloved in our hearts.

To the extent that you are able to acknowledge and accept the grace and guidance that come your way, your life will become more rewarding. Seeing life symbolically means always looking for the larger and deeper meaning in any event. That view transcends the physical plane, and especially at moments of stress and confrontation, allows you to rise above whatever is happening and see it in the context of your entire life.

~ from SACRED CONTRACTS by Caroline Myss
Carolyn Myss Sacred Contracts grace Buy on Amazon

By the grace You grant me of silence without loneliness, give me the right to plead, to clamor, for all who are imprisoned in a loneliness without silence!

~ by Dom Helder Camera
Dom Helder Camera grace Buy on Amazon

Special grace comes with drama and flair. We are rescued, singled out in a momentous act of boldness. BUT common grace falls upon the just and unjust alike. It strikes us as simply too ... ordinary.

Belden Lane The Solace Of Fierce Landscapes grace Buy on Amazon

To pray is to be vulnerably open to God's unpredictable grace.

~ by Patricia Loring
Patricia Loring grace Buy on Amazon

Open to the Mystery of life and experience GRACE.

~ Anonymous
Anonymous grace

I was caught suddenly by a sweep of reverence, by a sensation that made me want to sink to my knees. For somehow I knew that I had stumbled upon an epiphany, a strange gracing of my darkness... That was the moment the knowledge descended into my heart and I understood. REALLY understood. Crisis, change, all the myriad upheavals that blister the spirit and leave us groping — they aren't voices simply of pain but also of creativity. And if we would only listen, we might hear such times as beckoning us to a season of waiting, to the place of fertile emptiness.

~ from WHEN THE HEART WAITS by Sue Monk Kidd
Sue Monk Kidd When The Heart Waits grace Buy on Amazon

God may bless you with grace, no matter where you are, or what the conditions of your life. But we cannot demand that grace come to us. One of the most beautiful things about grace is that it is unearned. Like anything beautiful, if we chase it we are left only with a sense that we have missed it. Always remember: GRACE HAPPENS.

~ from THE ANGEL EXPERIENCE by Terry Lynn Taylor
Terry L. Taylor The Angel Experience grace Buy on Amazon

Grace has come to us in unexpected ways in the midst of life. We have known healing, courage, restored love — salvation. From these blessings of grace we see how to live in resistance to violence; we see how to live in love and in truth without denying bitter realities. We have felt a fire in the heart of things, intimated in moments of surprise, a power which guards, judges, and continually recreates life. We have sensed what Wordsworth called "a presence that disturbs me with joy ... something far more deeply interfused." This presence, felt as mystery and offered as faithfulness to one another, sustains and heals life. It calls for justice.

~ from PROVERBS OF ASHES by Rita Brock and Rebeca Parker
Rebecca Parker, Rita Brock Proverbs Of Ashes grace Buy on Amazon

My human attempt to live the gentle life is my promise of cooperation with the grace of gentility once it touches my lífe. My attempt to grow in gentility may tempt me to forget that its outcome is only provisional, a shadow of thíngs to come — the real thing being the divine gentleness of soul that is a pure gift of the Holy.

Adrian Van Kam Spirituality And The Gentle Life grace Buy on Amazon

Grace is the continuous overflowing of the Divine Essence, which is coming to all.

~ from LIVING PRESENCE by Edmund Helminski
Edmund Helminski Living Presence grace Buy on Amazon

Peace is love resting in order to be renewed. The renewal takes place in the inner silence. In the desert we see things as they are. We are face to face with reality. The silence we observe externally does then become also the inner silence when the miracles of grace take place. Here we are stripped of the outward garments hiding our true selves. Here we can embrace the awfulness of our human condition and the awesomeness of the offered gift of grace. We are in touch at last with our reality.

~ from CREATIVE SILENCE by Denis Duncan thanks to Martha Jane Petersen
Dennis Duncan Creative Silence grace Buy on Amazon

After the service was over, I realized in reviewing my life that I no longer had anything to forgive — no grudges, resentments, memories of pain suffered at the hands of others. When I told my director, she said, "Molly, do you realize what a great grace you've been given?" Well, no, I hadn't, not until she said that, and only as I have reflected on it since. It is a great grace. And it's one that I'm not going to poke around in to try to scare up some lost memory or past injury in order to test its reality.

~ from SEEDS OF GRACE by S. Molly Monahan
S. Molly Monahan Seeds Of Grace grace Buy on Amazon
Prayer unites the soul to God, for though the soul may be always like God in nature and in substance restored by grace, it is often unlike God in condition, through separation on our part. Then prayer is a witness that the soul wills as God wills, and it eases the conscience and fits us for grace.
~ by Julian of Norwich
Julian of Norwich grace Buy on Amazon

Each person is born with an unencumbered spot, free of expectation and regret, free of ambition and embarrassment, free of fear and worry, an umbilical spot of grace where we were first touched by God. It is this spot of grace that issues Peace. To know this spot of inwardness is to know who we are, not by surface markers of identity, not by where we work or how we like to be addressed, but by feeling our place in relation to the Infinite and by inhabiting it. We each live in the midst of ongoing tension, growing tarnished or covered over only to be worn back to that incorruptible spot of grace at our core.

~ by Mark Nepo in KITCHEN TABLE WISDOM by R. N. Remen
Mark Nepo Kitchen Table Wisdom grace Buy on Amazon
GRACE. A moment in time in which you know that you are loved unconditionally by God and are connected to the core of things.
~ from THE DANCE OF THE DOLPHIN by Karyn D. Kedar
Karyn D. Kedar The Dance Of The Dolphin grace Buy on Amazon

I know nothing,
except what everyone knows...
if there when Grace dances,
I must dance! 

~ by W. H. Auden
W. H. Auden grace Buy on Amazon

The return to a sense of community where people hold all things as sacred is an affirmation about the grace within human nature. We are meant to grace one another: to be sources of grace and healers of grace. So grace is an abundance, not a scarcity. Grace comes through our art: the art of living, the art of our language, the art of our relationships, the art of our forgiving.

Mathew Fox Creation Spirituality grace Buy on Amazon

Yahya deeply trusted in God's forgiveness. The preacher from Rayystands amazed and overwhelmed before the mystery of divine love: is it not the greatest miracle of grace that God, the ever rich who needs nothing, should love? How then, should we, who are so much in need of Love, not love God? He sums up his whole feeling in one short prayer: "Forgive me, for I belong to Thee."

~ by MYSTICAL DIMENSIONS OF ISLAM by Annemarie Schimmel
Annemarie Schimmel Mystical Dimensions Of Islam grace Buy on Amazon

To accept the grace and guidance that come your way

To the extent that you are able to acknowledge and accept the grace and guidance that come your way, your life will become more rewarding. Seeing life symbolically means always looking for the larger and deeper meaning in any event. That view transcends the physical plane, and especially at moments of stress and confrontation, allows you to rise above whatever is happening and see it in the context of your entire life.

By the grace You grant me

By the grace You grant me of silence without loneliness, give me the right to plead, to clamor, for all who are imprisoned in a loneliness without silence!

Common grace

Special grace comes with drama and flair. We are rescued, singled out in a momentous act of boldness. BUT common grace falls upon the just and unjust alike. It strikes us as simply too ... ordinary.

A strange gracing of my darkness

I was caught suddenly by a sweep of reverence, by a sensation that made me want to sink to my knees. For somehow I knew that I had stumbled upon an epiphany, a strange gracing of my darkness... That was the moment the knowledge descended into my heart and I understood. REALLY understood. Crisis, change, all the myriad upheavals that blister the spirit and leave us groping — they aren't voices simply of pain but also of creativity. And if we would only listen, we might hear such times as beckoning us to a season of waiting, to the place of fertile emptiness.
