The American artist Georgia O’Keeffe often reminded her visitors that “it takes time to see… like a relationship takes time.” We will journey to Iona with the intention of taking the time to see; to see in layers and to see in different ways. We will pay attention to those images that invite healing and curiosity.
You are invited to journey to the isle of Iona to immerse yourself in the art of seeing; seeing that is deeper than retina and lens. Our journey will be supported by the landscape and hospitality of Iona, and guided by the shared wisdom of the group, the Celtic pilgrims Brigid and Columba, and early 20th century pilgrims Georgia O’Keeffe and John Muir, who reminds us that “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe” and “wherever we go in the mountains we find more than we seek.”
This pilgrimage is being offered by The Guild for Spiritual Guidance. Nan Merrill was a founder of The Guild for Spiritual Guidance.