What then is silence?

"In my family there was much speaking and much silence. The speaking of words flowed from the speaking of our silences."

"What then is silence?"

"It is being. Spoken language and silence are keys."

"Keys to what?"

"To communion."

"What do you mean by communion?"

"At-oneness. each individual IS a word. As you are a word to me. As we are all words for one another."

November 2004 (Vol. XVII, No. 10)

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Autumn blessings, dear friends. Silence is a cornucopia of gifts enhancing the well-being of our body's health, our mind's clarity, our soul's inner grown and our spirit's aspirations. Silence is a blessing to ourselves, to those around us, and to our Earth-home. May we remember to take respites each day for silence: the pause that nourishes and refreshes.

Observing silence is a way to quiet the mind and create a place within yourself to receive language from deep levels of feeling. This receptive place where silence lives is found within the heart -- the spiritual heart. Meditative silence is like the luster of green summer grass; to appreciate this living silence, learn to listen attentively. Enter into silence and let it drink you.

~ from POETIC MEDICINE by John Fox
John Fox Poetic Medicine silence Buy on Amazon

Suppose one undertook the discipline of speaking only what one knew was given to speak? How quiet our homes, our churches and work places would be. Our society plays very loose with words, with talk; yet there is little silence, and silence is where meaning comes from.

~ from "Reflections on Simplicity" by Elaine Prevalle
Elaine Prevalle Reflections On Simplicity silence

Outward silence is indispensable for the cultivation and improvement of inner silence.

~ Jeanne Guyon
Jeanne Guyon silence

Silent in the face of beauty
Silent in the morning light
Silent on the way of duty
Silent in the awesome night.

Silent on the way to silence
Where the Word unspoken dwells
Silent on the way to silence
Where the dear Beloved dwells.

~ Anonymous
Anonymous silence

We sit silently and watch the world around us. This has taken a lifetime to learn. It seems only the old are able to sit next to one another and not say anything and still feel content. The young, brash and impatient, must always break the silence. It is a waste, for silence is pure. Silence is holy. It draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking.

~ from THE NOTEBOOK by Nicholas Sparks
Nicholas Sparks silence

Loving for God is a loving gaze. This gaze is born of silence. Nothing is sought here. No thought or image are entertained. This gaze opens onto the divine essence and becomes absorption into divine plenty. The silence of plenty.

~ Daniel Lusch
Daniel Lusch silence

Silence is powerful; it must be approached with sensitivity. There are times when silence during a meal may be important, while at other times it may be a hindrance. Silence at meals is interesting to explore; many find it increases the energy obtained from the meal. But beware. A little silence in a noisy culture is revolutionary; you may learn to love it. If that happens, share your silence with those who also love silence.

~ from SERVING FIRE by Anne Scott
Anne Scott Serving Fire silence

I am grateful for the Friends of Silence newsletter for allowing me a small moment to bring myself back to center, into the silence where all is as it should be. It's amazingly simple how we may find solace. It's even more amazing that, once having discovered this simple truth, I could so easily have allowed it to slip away. Thank you for providing my lesson today, in reminding me to stand in the silence of myself, connect with Source, and remember the importance of expressing my gratitude, internally as well as externally.

~ Stephanie Doty
Stephanie Doty silence

I weave a silence on my lips.
I weave a silence into my mind.
I weave a silence within my heart.
I close my ears to distractions.
I close my eyes to attractions.
I close my heart to temptations.

Calm me as You stilled the storm.
Still me, keep me from harm.
Let all tumult within me cease.
Enfold me in Your peace.

~ David Adam
David Adam silence

The venerated Chinese teacher Lin-chi, who died in the year 866, once interrupted the silence with a shout that was said to have nearly cracked the universe.... Breaking the silence can sometimes be a shortcut to cracking open the myteries of the universe. But for now, I'm quite content to sit here quietly. There is only the infrequent shout of a distant ocean wave to rise abo ve the regulated whisper of my own breathing. Soon, even these sounds fade.

~ from CAUGHT IN FADING LIGHT by Gary Thorp
Gary Thorp Caught In Fading Light silence Buy on Amazon

The venerated Chinese teacher Lin-chi, who died in the year 866, once interrupted the silence with a shout that was said to have nearly cracked the universe.... Breaking the silence can sometimes be a shortcut to cracking open the mysteries of the universe. But for now, I'm quite content to sit here quietly. There is only the infrequent shout of a distant ocean wave to rise above the regulated whisper of my own breathing. Soon, even these sounds fade.

~ from CAUGHT IN FADING LIGHT by Gary Thorp
Gary Thorp Caught In Fading Light silence Buy on Amazon

Silence is precious; yet we have to pay the price it demands. Silence does not reveal its treasures until we are willing to wait in darkness and emptiness.

~ Olive Wyon
Olive Wyon silence

We say silence is golden. Golden as in exquisite, valuable, rare. In the spiritual life, silence is even more: the doorway to the presence of God. But in today's noisy world, where is the holy quiet of silence to be found? Can you hear the silence in your life?

~ from "FMA Focus" thanks to Ethel Phillips
Fma Focus silence

In the Sahara one day, I climbed over a dune to descend into a deep bowl of sand. Sitting at the bottom I encountered for the first time absolute silence, stillness that is indivisible. For there are two silences: a silence can be no more than the absence of noise, it can be inert; or, at the other end of the scale, there is a nothingness that is infinitely alive, and every cell of the body can be penetrated and vivified by this second silence's activity.

~ from THREADS OF TIME by Peter Brook
Peter Brook Threads Of Time silence

The silence is all there is. It is the alpha and the omega. It is God's brooding over the face of the waters; it is the blended note of the ten thousand things, the whine of wings. You take a step in the right direction to pray to this silence, and even to address the prayer to "World." Distinctions blur. Quiet your tents. Pray without ceasing.

~ from TEACHING A STONE TO TALK by Annie Dillard
Annie Dillard Teaching A Stone To Talk silence

I swear, there is in me no wizardry of words.
I speak to you with silence like a cloud or a tree.

~ Czeslaw Milosz
Czeslaw Milosz silence

Silence is one of the great
and eloquent arts of conversation.

~ Thomas More
Thomas More silence

True silence is our search for God ... a suspension bridge that a soul in love with God builds across the dark, frightening gullies of its own mind, the strange chasms of temptations, the depthless precipices of its own fears that impede its way to God.

True silence is the speech of lovers. For only love knows its beauty, completeness, and utter joy. True silence is a garden enclosed, where alone the soul can meet its God.

~ from CELTIC NIGHT PRAYER by the Northumbria Community with thanks to Roger S. Smith
Northumbria Community Celtic Night Prayer silence Buy on Amazon

Silence is the folding of the wings of the intellect to open the door of the heart.

~ from Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Catherine de Hueck Doherty silence

Enter into silence and let it drink you

Observing silence is a way to quiet the mind and create a place within yourself to receive language from deep levels of feeling. This receptive place where silence lives is found within the heart -- the spiritual heart. Meditative silence is like the luster of green summer grass; to appreciate this living silence, learn to listen attentively. Enter into silence and let it drink you.

Silence is where meaning comes from

Suppose one undertook the discipline of speaking only what one knew was given to speak? How quiet our homes, our churches and work places would be. Our society plays very loose with words, with talk; yet there is little silence, and silence is where meaning comes from.

Silent on the way to silence

Silent in the face of beauty
Silent in the morning light
Silent on the way of duty
Silent in the awesome night.

Silent on the way to silence
Where the Word unspoken dwells
Silent on the way to silence
Where the dear Beloved dwells.

Sitting without speaking

We sit silently and watch the world around us. This has taken a lifetime to learn. It seems only the old are able to sit next to one another and not say anything and still feel content. The young, brash and impatient, must always break the silence. It is a waste, for silence is pure. Silence is holy. It draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking.

The silence of plenty

Loving for God is a loving gaze. This gaze is born of silence. Nothing is sought here. No thought or image are entertained. This gaze opens onto the divine essence and becomes absorption into divine plenty. The silence of plenty.

A little silence in a noisy culture is revolutionay

Silence is powerful; it must be approached with sensitivity. There are times when silence during a meal may be important, while at other times it may be a hindrance. Silence at meals is interesting to explore; many find it increases the energy obtained from the meal. But beware. A little silence in a noisy culture is revolutionary; you may learn to love it. If that happens, share your silence with those who also love silence.
