Bind me close with cords of love

Our lives are interwoven; use me as You will.
We are bound together, in You I am strong.
Every strand of my life is filled with Your presence.
In Your hands my life has purpose and meaning.
Bind me close with cords of love.

With compassion comes love

Separation, fragmentation, fear, insecurity, hostility result because we have lost touch with the continuum of life that is the Source of all creation. When we are there we realize that the self is no other than this unity, and this unity is no other than the self. With this realization comes compassion. With compassion comes love, and with love comes peace . . . When love rises in us, it will rise in the world as a whole. A new reality will be apparent that is laid on the foundation of health, happiness, and personal freedom.

Love that transforms the vast unknowable

"It is the time you waste on our flowers that makes your flowers unique," the Little Prince said when he realized that the world was full of flowers that looked just like his own. It is love that transforms the vast unknowable, the anonymous universe with all its chaotic eruptions of pain and joy, its life and death, with a world that we can live in and make sense of in some way.

Love is who you are

Love is who you are, what you have come into life to give. Love is the cooperative, harmonizing, accepting, forgiving essence of your being. Love does not give up nor demand what it does not have. Love doesn't force itself on others in order to feel better about itself. Love doesn't attack to avenge itself nor does love withhold itself. When we learn to see ourselves as love and to be present with others in loving ways, love will be anchored in our consciousness and on the planet.

Love expresses only through an open heart

What is all inclusive cannot be limited to form. Love does not choose . . . the moment of its expression. Love extends to all at all times. Love is without conditions; that is to say, without form. . . . When you establish conditions on love, you experience the conditions, not the love...the form, not the content. Love expresses only through an open heart.

Something about uncontainable Love

Often it is the ocean itself
that speaks in its roiling voice
its thunderous tongue.
What it is saying
I have listened to for years,
as it crackles and whips,
or whispers in its silken tones.
Even now I am not sure of its message,
its assaults of thrill and boom
shattering the rocks
into flares of light.

Something about Mystery,
something about uncontainable

Love has its price

Love has its price. God wants to make us alive, and the wider we open our hearts to others or the more audibly we cry out against the injustice which rules over us, the more difficult our life in a society of injustice becomes.

The secret of unconditional love is that we are all the same

Love by its very nature is a gift freely given. And yet, this gift is known only as it is given again . . .Give as love gives -- just as the sun that gives its light to all who ask, or the sparrow that sings for the song itself. When you give love, love is your reward. When you judge some people worthy of your giving and other people as undeserving, you have forgotten love's law . . . The secret of unconditional love is that we are all the same, holy beyond imagine. This is what the release of fear reveals . . . This is what you will find when you open your heart to every element of creation.
