"We are knee-deep in a river, searching for water," writes Kabir Helminski, a contemporary Wisdom teacher in the Sufi lineage, using a vivid image to capture the irony of our contemporary plight. The sacred road maps of wholeness still exist in the cosmos...But to read the clues it is first necessary to bring the heart and mind and body into balance, to awaken. Then the One can be known—not in a flash of mystical vision but in the clarity of unitive seeing.
Anyone who has probed the inner life, who has sat in silence long enough to experience the stillness of the mind behind its
apparent noise is faced with a mystery. Apart from all the outer attractions of life in the world, there exists at the center
of human consciousness something quite satisfying and beautiful in itself, a beauty without features. The mystery is not so
much that these two dimensions exist – an outer world and the mystery of the inner world – but that we are suspended between them, as a space in which both worlds meet ... as if the human being is the meeting point, the threshold between two worlds.
~ from THE KNOWING HEART by Kabir Helminski