Peace is a force -- positive, purposeful, possessed of a definite and sure dynamic; there is no mistaking its presence and action. It touches the jangling thoughts of the human word "peace" spoken by one who is possessed of peace, releases a force whose movement tends to establish rhythmic harmony and restfulness. ... In all ways peace is good and produces good. It comes forth from "the tree of life -- and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul;
O heart within my heart,
in you I place my trust.
Let me not feel unworthy;
let not fear rule over me.
Yes! let all who open their hearts
savor You and bless the earth!
O heart within my heart,
in you I place my trust.
Let me not feel unworthy;
let not fear rule over me.
Yes! let all who open their hearts
savor You and bless the earth!