The gate that silence opens up within us leads to light

If we allow silence to open up within, we shall see the gate and be free to open it. The gate that silence opens up within us leads to light. Light exposes us with an almost merciless radiance and, in the exposure, reveals the beauty of the real.


We are reflections of the Divine Light . . . SHINE!

You will not see the light that you bring, for it is hidden from your eyes

Grandma smiles at her. "The light has not departed from you. Never turn from the knowledge of it, little piece of my heart."

"Oh, let me come to you."

"If you were to come to me, a sliver of light would be absent from the earth. You are sent down into the cold dark world to bring it light, though you are but a reflection. In many times and many places you will not see the light that you bring, for it is hidden from your eyes so that others may receive it."

Love spins the heart

Love flows through all life and it spins the heart. The spinnin gof the heart takes us beyond the limited vision of the mind into the vaster dimensions of our real being. Love awakens us, frees us from the prison of our ego-self, and it can also awaken the world. When the web of life starts to spin with the frequency of the conscious love and of oneness, the world can begin to awaken to its real nature.

Your love is an abyss whose depths I cannot fathom

You know, O my God, I have never desired anything but to love You, I am ambitious for no other glory. Your love has gone before me, and it has grown with me, and now it is an abyss whose depths I cannot fathom. Love attracts love and my love leaps toward yours; it would like to fill the abyss which attracts it, but alas; it is not even a drop of dew lost in the ocean! For me to love You as You love me, I would have to borrow your own Love.

Loving the person who does the evil deed

Agape is the love of God operating in the human heart. When we rise to love on the Agape level, we rise to the position of loving the person who does the evil deed, while hating the deed the person does.

There are no edges to my loving now

The clear bead at the center changes everything,
There are no edges to my loving now,
I've heard it said that there's a window that
opens from one mind to another.
But if there's no wall, there's no need for fitting
the window or the latch.

Love will come again

Ah, the heart's a wonder, stronger than the guns of thunder! Even when we're torn asunder, love will come again.
