Death has nothing to do with going away
Death has nothing to do with going away.
The sun sets
The moon sets
But they are not gone.
Death has nothing to do with going away.
The sun sets
The moon sets
But they are not gone.
This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whomever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.
If only you could see your face through my eyes,you would realize how beautiful you are
Hope is the source and spring of all the alchemies of transformation, the greatest treasure of the heart and mind, the philosopher’s stone that transmutes agony and tragedy into new life. Never abandon hope, or you abandon your closest and most helpful guide, the Friend.
If you can't pray a real prayer, pray
hypocritically, full of doubt
and dry-mouthed.
God accepts counterfeit money
as though it were real.
The clear bead at the center changes everything,
There are no edges to my loving now,
I've heard it said that there's a window that
opens from one mind to another.
But if there's no wall, there's no need for fitting
the window or the latch.
The light that shines in the eye
is really the light of the heart.
The light that fills the heart
is the light of God, which is pure
and separate from the light of
intellect and senses.
Come out of the circle of time
And into the circle of love.
Let yourself be silently drawn,
by the strong pull
of what you really love.
If the clearest connection to God is inside the heart, when you move more and more into that love center, the ache of being two, of feeling separation, dissolves... Whatever is deeply loved — friend, grandchild, late afternoon light, masonry, tennis, whatever absorbs you — this may be a reflection of how you move in the invisible world of spirit. It is your beauty, the elegant point where everything is one. The uniomystica is a lived thing ... a transformed intention, an intensity, and the peace of walking inside it: The Friend.