Silence in mercy means more than stilling our tongues whenever we plan to speak unkindly. We must silence our judgmental thoughts as well. Each time we think of another person critically, we need to consciously isolate that thought and replace it with one that is imbued with gracious tolerance for his or her faults ... In such silence, we allow others to exist as God made them to be rather than how we would wish them to be ... Through the use of silence, we not only drive out our desire to dominate and control, but also learn to listen to one another. When we truly hear what others are saying to us in the respectful silence of our heart, we can begin to serve others with mercy, for we now know what they need from us and can respond accordingly.
People walk around sad because they don't know what to do with their future. You
have this minute right now. What are you doing with it? ...If you are filled with joy for
one minute, then you will know what to do with the next minute also. We are given
this minute, not tomorrow. Sadness is very much concerned with what I don't have,
and I really don't have tomorrow yet. The Truth is, I am always standing before
nothingness, because I am nonexistent yet for the next minute. I'm not here yet. Time
isn't there. The world isn't there. The world is here...right now!