Nature is a sacred space that has the power to draw us out of our small mind into the one Big Mind of God.During warm weather, praying and meditating outside in nature can naturally enhance your practice.You can pray anywhere, even on the subway, but whenever you find yourself in a place that feels sacred, you have already made the connection with God.
"My upside days are over, Greg Sahib," he said. "I'd like to work with you for many more years, but Allah, in his wisdom, has taken much of my strength. "
Mortenson hugged this may who'd helped him so often to find his way. Despite Mouzafer's talk of weakness, his arms were still strong enough to squeeze the breath out of a large American. "What will you do?" Mortenson asked.
"My work now," Mouzafer said simply, "is to give water to the trees."