Space -- whether it's architectural, spiritual, physical, or emotional -- is the medium in which we come alive, in which we feel ourselves and those around us to be alive without blame, without demands, without expectations, without fear, without hope... Space has a spiritual equivalent and can heal what is divided and burdensome in us.
night of mine,
night of the entire world,
you have something inside you, round
like a child
about to be born, like
a bursting
it is the miracle,
it is the day.
You are more beautiful
because with your darker blood
you feed the poppy being born,
because you work with eyes closed
so eyes can open,
so water can sing,
so our lives
might resuscitate.
night of mine,
night of the entire world,
you have something inside you, round
like a child
about to be born, like
a bursting
it is the miracle,
it is the day.
You are more beautiful
because with your darker blood
you feed the poppy being born,
because you work with eyes closed
so eyes can open,
so water can sing,
so our lives
might resuscitate.