"Silence is sound from the future, an intimation of eternity. Eternity has begun for me. I carry eternity within me; it is slowly, silently growing out of me. More is becoming eternalized, forevered. 'Whoever really possesses the Word of Jesus can sense also his silence' (Ignatius of Antioch). Silence is our way of going into the desert, into eternity ... We each carry our own found anywhere else. Another can enable us to discover the hidden silence within ourselves. It is a special gift to receive the depth silence of another. Silence is a presence, a receptivity, a readiness, a waiting, a listening."
Each of us can live a life of amazing power and peace and serenity ... if we really want to — a life in which our competing selves within are integrated. This happens through surrendering everything to attend to the Holy Within, the Voice, the Whisper, the Life in us all: steadfastly direct your mind and thought to peace throughout the day with your normal activities.