"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Blessings in and of the Silence, dear friends!

In silence and solitude you will come to meet the Beloved of your heart. For Silence is power, the power of the Divine Lover blesswing and, in the depths, transformin gyou. Seek always the Eternal Flame ever shining in your heart. And let yourself be nourished and refreshed in the Silence.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Autumn blessings, dear friends! We are all united in the natural seasons of birth, life, and physical death. Learning to die daily to all that is notmovement toward wholeness and holiness while choosing each day to love more deeply and authentically helps enable us to be birthed with grace and serenity of soul into the Unseen Realm of Love, where a new and vibrant Life awaits us. Delving into the Silence regularly, we will discover new insights to lead us toward a peace-filled heart and gracious living.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Warm wishes, dear friends! In the blessed silence of prayer and meditation, inklings of a forgiveness not given, a resentment closely held, may well up. To recognize and heed such an impediment to wholeness through the eyes of Love can be a prod and catalyst for a humble step toward healing. For, as we forgive othrs, we find forgiveness for ourselves.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Summer blessings, dear friends! Where will you find your special Sacred Spavce to leisurely bask in silence this season? The forms and places of spavce are myriad, each with the potential to be experienced as sacred: in earth's secret nooks and crannies, or wide open plains and ocean landscapes ... in the sanctuary of quiet gardens, chapels, or, simply, a rocking chair ... and, always, in the silence of the Sacred Chapel within the heart of everyone. Graced are those who visit regularly ... Silent BE and see.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

In the silence we can discover our own unique soul-song of the heart. As we listen to the music of the world's soul-songs, we can begin to feel the quickening and resonance of our own. Silently, we may experience moments filled with light. Be still. Simply BE. And see.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

May you be blessed with deep peace, dear friends. May you come to know the Oneness of All in the Silenc,e the Still-point of pure Being! As we unite in the Ocean of Oneness, our cup of Love is fille and overflows to others.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Spring blessings, derar friends! May Earth's season of renewal -- reflected in green growth, yellow daffodills, blue hyacinth, rippling brooks -- awaken you to new life. May nature's rising lie nurture your inner growth and creative spirit and surprise you, as winter's dormant seeds reach for the sun. Pause. Listen in silence. Hear the sounds of Life budding around you. Breathe deeply. Smell the earth. Feel our unity with Creation's abundant gifts.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Blessings of Spring renewal to you, dear friends! A prayer may be calling to you, silently budding in the sacred temple of your innermost being, a fragile prayer for you to nurture into birth, response, and action. Blessed are you who listen to the soul-songs waiting to be sung in your heart.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Greeting you with love, dear friends. In deep silence we come to know You, O Divine Guest, dwelling within our hearts. You who bind the tapistry of Life, the fabric of our lives, together. Blessed are we when we hear your Word, when we are awake to you Call, and when we answer You through our loving actions.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

A blessed New Year, dear fiends! Winter is a natural season for seizing moments, if not hours or days, of solitude seasoned with silence. Here we come closer to eternal truths as we keep company with our indwelling Divine Guest. Here, we hear Love welcoming us home.

'Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Peace be within you, dear friends! How do we learn to experience a true, lasting peace without an opposite? Listening in the Silence and heeding the Indwelling Word of Peace through love, not fear, seems a blessed beginning. Pass PEACE on ...

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Autumn blessings, dear friends. Silence is a cornucopia of gifts enhancing the well-being of our body's health, our mind's clarity, our soul's inner grown and our spirit's aspirations. Silence is a blessing to ourselves, to those around us, and to our Earth-home. May we remember to take respites each day for silence: the pause that nourishes and refreshes.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Blessed be, dear friends. Can you imagine your soul as Life breathing in a delicate, interconnected Oneness, a mutual dance of Wholeness with ALL that is? Who can answer the invitation to beome conscious of our soul's interbeing, interweaving, with the World Soul? In egvery moment, how we live, think, pray and act awakens our soul or allows our soul to sleep. A Great Awakener, activate our souls that we may embrace and answer our own unique divine Call. May gratitude become our soul-song!

Never let your work hold your spirit in bondage!

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

Peace and grace to you, dear friends! How we work, what we choose to do for our livelihood, what our service renders for our own well-being, for that of others and society, is deeply connected to our deep inner values: our very being. To spend time in silence and in prayer reflecting on our work in the world can bring insights, open the door to new possibilities, change our way of envisioning work. Ultimately, may our work be or become what we love and enable us to co-create in the great Plan of Love for Earth: our home.

May you be blessed abundantly this summer season, dear friends! May you open your hearts to nurture your soul in silence each day; for WISDOM flows from the Heart of Divine Love to all who are receptive ... and the world is sorely in need of more Wisdom.

When all the strings of my life will be tuned,
then at every touch of Yours will come out
the music of love.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

The music of our hearts and souls reflects our inner being -- for are we not the singer, the singing, and the song of our lives?  In the silence, we can listen to our unique melody -- the words and thones that arise, the harmonies and discords.  Perhaps we are ready to sing a new song. Perhaps we dance to the rhythm of our heart with delight. Note: the silences within our life's symphony make all the differences!

Blessed be, dear friends! Would that we each knew the amazing deep Truth of who we are and who we are called to be. We usually see but glimpses. Truth is with us. Truth is within us. May we prepare our hearts, souls, and mids to welcome Truth, to receive the Truth of our Being, moment by moment, day by day. Silent be and let the Truth set you free!

Friends, let us be blessed in this new Spring season! May Nature teach us the beauty of simplicity and wonder, authentic freedom and Beingness, acceptance and delight in each stage of life, and, the interdependence of our planetary community. May we pause from time to time, breathe in the silence, and let nature's gifts speak to us.

Blessed be, dear friends! We will never know how the quality of life has been enhanced in the world through our silence and prayer. Yet, may we continue to offer our silent prayer as seeds of healing and peace sown with radical trust. When the prayer energy of silence is united with Love, the soul consciousness of the world awakens in equal measure.

Warm loving greetings from the northern freeze! We live so we may learn to love; we love so we may learn to live. Mutual reciprocity. Delve into the Eternal Silence deep within your heart, home of the Divine Guest. There you will find Love and learn lessons of living. Blessed be!

Blessings of the New Year, the beginning of our 17th year of radiating silence out to the world. Let us envision our silences as energetic webs of Light penetrating the darkness as it blankets the globe. And, in the Silence may the Light ever illuminate our souls!

GREETINGS, dear friends! Have you thanked your angel recently? In our silences, may we ask to awaken to the angelic presences who protect and guide us throughout our lives, who delight in our conscious choice to learn to companion with them daily in the Service of Love.

WISHING YOU DEEP BLESSINGS in and of the Silence, dear friends! Listening in the Silence, we receive rest and renewal from the plethora of noise, words, and massive distractions in eery area of daily life. More than ever we NEED many quiet pauses during each day for our physical well-being, our peace of mind, and our spiritual nourishment. Wise are those who companion with Silence regularly. Let the still, small Voice within be a guide.

WARM AUTUMN GREETINGS, dear friends! every season is a new opportunity for soul-growth. As we enter our times of silence and prayer, may we be mindful that the condition of our planet is a reflection of the consciousness of the World-Soul. As our own soul grows in peace, harmony, and love, it radiates blessing to the World-Soul ... a daily gift we can offer to ALL.

BLESSINGS, dear friends! Welcome to a new season ... a time for letting go like the falling leaves of authumn ... a time to simplify, to pause in the silence of deep prayer and ask for guidance: i.e., "How would You have me best use the days of this season to Serve in your Dream for our world?" Then, listen for a word, Divine Hints that may surprise you ... and, trust, trust that you will live into the answer to your request as you hold the question in your heart.

Warm summer blessings, dear frinds. May you BEHOLD BEAUTY, her many faces, whever you may be. Pauses in silence an stillness with a gentle openness are invitations to heart and soul to recognize Her graces -- especially in unexpected places. Beauty: another name for the Divine.

WELCOME TO SUMMER, dear friends! Silence and music .. ebb and flow: the mystery of bird song and the silence that follows -- afterglow that warms the heart and sets us yearing for our own soul son.g Journey to the silene an music of your heart.

Peace be with you and within you, dear friends! How often do we spend a full hour in silence simply listening to the voice deep within our heart? How difficult this an be! Yt as we embrace times of solitude and embrae the Silence, we will come to hear the gentle voice of Love with our heart's ear. So Listen! listen to the still, small Voice for the Beloved's prayer to rise up within your heart. Listening is one way toward peace.

Wishing you each SPRING BLESSINGS, dear friends. Awakening from winter gestation, what joyu to hear bird song, to delight in budding bulbs and trees, to feel the gentle breezes of a new season, to smell the earth being turned over for seed planting. Let us pause often to nourish our souls in nature's beauty and new life emerging -- hope in these troubling times.

EVERY BLESSING, dear friends! Breath is out of the Spirit ... breath is lie. May we all pause in the Silence during the day, if awake at night, to breathe in PEACE ... to breahte out PEACE to every nation on earth.
