Easter - What Was It and What Is it?
Recovering the Holy Week Narrative
An Easter Retreat
At Rolling Ridge Study Retreat
April 10-11, 2009
7:30 pm Friday - 6:00 pm Saturday
"It is God's dream,
a dream that can only be realized
by being grounded ever more deeply,
in the reality of God,
whose heart is justice." — Borg and Crossan
Over time, by spending time with thoughtful theologians, we have come to recognize that central meanings of both the birth of Jesus and of Easter are enunciations of deep yearning for a world where love and justice are passionately embraced. As practiced in the cultures of empire from the first century until now, love and justice have not been the focus of the birth and Easter.
"The story of Holy Week as Mark and the gospels tell it enables us to hear the passion of Jesus---what he was passionate about---that led to his execution. His passion was the kingdom of God, what life would be like on earth if God were king and the rulers, domination systems, and empires of this world were not. It is the world that prophets dreamed of---a world of distributive justice in which everybody has enough and systems are fair. And it is not simply a political dream. It is God's dream, a dream that can only be realized by being grounded ever more deeply in the reality of God, whose heart is justice. Jesus' passion got him killed. But God has vindicated Jesus. This is the political meaning of Good Friday and Easter." (The Last Week, Borg and Crossan)
In this Easter retreat at Rolling Ridge we will reflect on Jesus who is passionate about love of God and love of neighbor, and our own call to be transformed into holding such a dream, and not to be conformed to the practice of Easter by the empire in which we live.
This 24-hour retreat interval is designed to enable a preparation for Easter, and to allow anyone who wishes to do so to experience Easter Sunday in their church congregation. Several selected study materials will be mailed in advance of retreat to each retreatant. The order of the 24 hours will be led by Verle and Vivian Headings. Prior to retreat, we suggest that you use a journal for recording what you learn from study of the materials we will send. Then bring the journal to retreat and continue with recording insights about transformation as we explore together the meaning of the passionate Jesus enticing us to love and justice.
7:30 pm
Simple supper (soup and bread)
and becoming acquainted
8:30 pm
Gather for meditative readings
and prayers of anticipation for our own transformation
into passionate doers
of love and justice
9:00 pm
Enter into the great silence
for personal contemplation
until after breakfast on Saturday
8:00 am
Breakfast (in silence),
with a meditative story
9:30 am
Gather for sharing of learnings
from the study sources mailed in advance
to each participant
10:30 am
Personal reflection in solitude,
with refreshments as desired
12:00 noon
Lunch and conversation
on personal insights during retreat
1:30 pm
Options of personal reflection
in solitude or sharing in a small group,
or hiking on the forest trails,
or listening to a lecture on CD
by Marcus Borg on the theme of our retreat
5:00 pm
Simple supper
6:00 pm
Return to home
or remain at the retreat house
until Sunday noon for personal retreat
For questions and registering for retreat, contact Verle or Vivian at e-mail: VvatRR@juno.com or phone: 304-725-2312. Please let us know if you need directions to the Retreat House.
Specify your interest for the 24-hour retreat only, or continuing until Sunday noon.
Retreat fee (meals, refreshments, study materials, and lodgeing ) will be $50 per person. For extended stay add $10.
Please recall that for overnight events at the Retreat House you bring your own bedroll and towel.
Finally, please give us your mailing address so that we can mail study materials to you.
Thanks, we will cherish this time with you. Verle and Vivian Headings