Calling all Members, Partner Groups and Friends!
St. Patrick loved to wield a rake, saw or garden hoe and we do too! Join us on Saturday, March 17, 2012, for a joyful day of working together on the land. We plan wood cutting, gardening and trail work.
Coffee and muffins at 9:30; work begins at 10. Lunch and supper provided. After supper join us for a campfire, Irish folk tales and more, music and games.
The Retreat House is open and available for overnight stays (no charge) on both Friday and Saturday. Bring your own food for meals other than Saturday lunch and supper. Hours worked count toward membership and partner group volunteer commitments.
This event is FREE, but you must register to attend. Please register by March 9 so we know how much food to prepare. To register, email or call 304-724-1069.