September 1999 (Vol. XII, No. 8)

May your entrance into this autumn season reap a cornucopia of BLESSINGS as you work, rest, pray, and pause for times in the silence, dear friends!

Many people who are secretly weary of work have never given themselves time, or taken time out or away from work, to allow their spirits to catch up. Giving yourself plenty of time is a simple but vital reflective exercise:

Leave all agendas behind you. Let the neglected presence of your soul come to meet and engage you again. It can be a lovely reacquaintance with your forgotten mystery.

~ from ANAM CARA by John O'Donohue
John O'Donohue Anam Cara work Buy on Amazon

Even if your current job does not reflect your dreams and ultimate direction, you can find ways of expressing more of your special qualities while you are looking for your next step forward. If you are committed to expressing your spiritual purpose through your day-to-day activities, then your work will automatically become more satisfying. Think about your current position in life and ask yourself:

How can I best serve others and my own higher purpose through my work? How can my current work become more fulfilling? How can I bring more healing into the world?

~ David Lawson
David Lawson work

I believe that works that touch the Divine or teach us or are still with us centuries after their creation are the ones that did not come out of a place of power or control or techniques, but came at the moment when the heart let go and God answered the question.

~ Paula Matthew
Paula Matthew work

The work comes to the artist and says, "Here I am, serve me." The artist must be obedient to the work.

~ Madeleine L'Engle
Madeleine L'Engle work Buy on Amazon

Most of us put a great deal of times into work, not only because we have to work so many hours to make a living, but because work is central to the soul's OPUS. We are crafting ourselves -- individuating. Work is fundamental to the OPUS because the whole point of life is the fabrication of the soul.

~ from CARE OF THE SOUL by Thomas Moore
Thomas Moore Care Of The Soul work Buy on Amazon

Watching these people and the way they interacted with each other, I could not help but be impressed. But there was another feeling, difficult to define. Was I possibly jealous of this Quechua family? There was no denying that I who had never known poverty or hunger felt, if not jealous, at least envy for their ability to enjoy so completely each other, their work, the meager food and homes they shared, and all that was around them. I had learned that Andean Indians often talk to nature. It is not uncommon to hear a man or woman murmur words of greeting to a bird, flower, or cloud. Such things are a part of their lives and the source of immense pleasure. Was it possible that these people knew something I did not understand? Could I learn from the Quechua what my own culture and background had failed to teach?

~ from PSYCHONAVIGATION by John Perkins
John Perkins Psychonavigation work Buy on Amazon

The idea of worship in work was at once a doctrine and a daily discipline. The ideal was variously expressed that secular achievements should be as "free from error" as conduct, that manual labor was a type of religious ritual, that godliness should illuminate life at every point.

~ from SHAKER FURNITURE by Edward and Faith Andrews
Edward and Faith Andrews Shaker Furniture work Buy on Amazon

Infinite silence is the mind of God. It is a mind that can create anything out of the field of pure potentiality. Infinite silence contains infinite dynamism. Practice silence and you will acquire silent knowledge. In this silent knowledge is a computing system that is far more precise and far more accurate and far more powerful than anything that is contained in the boundaries of rational thought.

~ Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra work Buy on Amazon

May we learn to unite the stress of our labors and the re-creation of our leisure into a kind of restful sacred work!

ORGANIC is a word I'll stick by. It means the work is an extension of your blood and body; it has the rhythm of nature. This is something artists don't talk about much and it's not even well understood: the fact that there exists a state of feeling and that when you reach it, when you hit it, you can't go wrong.

~ Nell Blaine in ORIGINALS: American Women Artists by Eleanor Munro
Eleanor Munro Originals: American Women Artists work Buy on Amazon

If, as we work, we can transmit life into our work,
life, still more life, rushes into us to compensate, to be ready
and we ripple with life through the days.
Even if it is a woman making an apple dumpling,
or a man, a stool,
if life goes into the pudding, good is the pudding,
good is the stool,
content is the woman, with fresh life rippling in to her,
content is the man.

~ "We Are Transmitters" by D. H. Lawrence thanks to Roger Woolger
D. H. Lawrence We Are Transmitters work Buy on Amazon

A vision without a task
might be a mirage
A task without a vision
can be drudgery
But a vision with a task
brings hope to the world.

~ from "The Chalice of Repose" flyer
Anonymous The Chalice Of Repose work

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.

~ Helen Keller
Helen Keller soul Buy on Amazon

If our lives are too busy, even though it is what we see as worthwhile work, it is simply an excuse, an escape from God. God, and many of us spend a lifetime avoiding it. We need time that is set apart just to get to know God. ... It is time in silence for listening. And eventually it becomes a time when we are continually aware of God's presence. As the clutter is moved out of lives, we gradually begin to realize that there is no longer a separation between the sacred and profane, for all is holy, all is sacred. Work no longer an escape, since all is filled with God's presence.

~ from THE ROSE OF FIVE PETALS by Betsy Serafin
Betsy Serafin The Rose Of Five Petals work Buy on Amazon

I slept and dreamt that life was joy
I woke and saw that life was service
I acted and behold! Service was joy.

~ Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore work Buy on Amazon

The announcement of autumn comes in
Silence. Listen!
The atmosphere is muted. Listen!
The yellow, red, gold-brown leaves rustle,
A few green ones peak here and there.
They tell of another season gone
... another season coming.
Another season of blustery cold winds,
snow and ice. A time with only
the peep of the sparrow.
Another turn of the wheel of Time.
Another turn of the wheel of our lives.

~ "Autumn" by Arpie Shelton
Arpie Shelton Autumn time

July-August 1999 (Vol. XII, No. 7)

BLESSINGS, dear friends, in all your summer travels and plans. May you find time in the Silence to follow the journey into your inner heart and allow the universe to move in and help you grow in love and wisdom.

The experience of transcendence occurs within the nature of things -- our nature. A small mustard-seed grows into a tree big enough for birds to come and roost in its branches. To try to make it grow faster or slower would be absurd and counterproductive. It is the same when we experience the growth of Divine Love in our hearts as we let the husk of the ego drop away and like seed we die to self that we may fulfill the destiny that is our true meaning, that the potential of life within us may come to fruition.

~ from LETTERS FROM THE HEART by John Main
John Main Letters From The Heart journey Buy on Amazon

The soul of each one of us has its destination, and that is the Divine Heart. What is true of each of us is true of all the world. Walt Whitman in his strong, urgent way cries: "One thought ever at the fore, that in the Divine Ship, the world breasting time and space, all peoples of the globe together sail, sail the same voyage, are bound to the same destination." Some such thought as this is surely necessary for the bare subsistence of a soul, for our souls cannot live without the sense of destination.

~ Br. Andrew
Br. Andrew journey

Sometimes in your life you will go on a journey. It will be the longest journey you have ever taken. It is the journey to find yourself.

~ Katerine Sharp
Katerine Sharp journey

The journey itself is home.

I can feel at the very centre of my being the spark which connects one to the ultimate mystery, the mystery which no one will ever unfold on this side of the grave. All one can do in this life is to embark on that journey to the centre, where the immanent God dwells, and fight to continue that journey no matter how many obstacles are thrust in one's path. I know that in order to serve the mysterious transcendent God to the best of my ability I must continually work to align myself with the immanent God, the God within; I must continually strive to release the blueprint of my personality and become the individual God created me to be.

~ from MYSTICAL PATHS by Susan Howatch
Susan Howatch Mystical Paths journey Buy on Amazon

Spirituality is an inner fire, a mystical sustenance that feeds our souls. The mystical journey drives us into ourselves to a sacred flame at our center.

~ Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson journey Buy on Amazon

It is because of our wounds, our pain and our sadness, that we turn from the outer world and trace the thread of our own darkness back to its source. It leads us through the barriers of pain to the place of our own healing. But in the very process of making this journey the light of consciousness which we carry with us transforms our darkness. The individual who arrives at the source is very different from the person who set out upon the quest. During the course of this journey we have to accept and integrate what we find within us -- our pain and our anger and all the many forms our darkness has taken. ... We will have to accept ourselves as we really are. This then will be the chalice into which the Divine Wine can be poured.

~ from THE CALL AND THE ECHO by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee The Call And The Echo journey Buy on Amazon

We must not wish for the disappearance of our troubles, but the grace to transform them.

~ Simone Weil
Simone Weil journey Buy on Amazon

This is a difficult but amazing journey, this life we are leading through these years of change. Let us hold firmly a vision of peace (inner and outer) for all the world, health and happiness for all creatures and the Earth itself, and a more vital spiritual consciousness for everyone. Our thoughts have power. May we help think into existence the universal flowering of spirituality!

~ Alison Davis
Alison Davis journey

I have come to know simple truths that before were so disguised by my complexity. I have come to know the inner vision that sees with so much clarity. I've come to know me, the gentleness of my spirit, as it may express through love and tenderness. I've come to know power in a way that is personal and creative. My personal power of choice. I've come to know love; love of self and others is the same. I've come to know the oneness of all who walk the planet in an attempt to journey home.

~ Greta Metcalf
Greta Metcalf journey

Journeying more deeply into our deepest center and into the world around us pushes us into seeing more deeply into all of life. Not only are we forced to deal with the illusions of our false selves, but also of society. ... The one who begins to live deeply as a contemplative begins to see things as they really are. We are called to deal with the illusions of ourselves, so we can enter into a loving dialogue with the world. We are called to EMBRACE the world as we journey deeper and deeper into ourselves and God. We turn with a singleness of vision, to see God in each new situation, in every person, and every experience -- seeing all those things in a truer perspective.

~ from DISCOVERING THE DEPTHS by William Clemmons
William Clemmons Discovering The Depths journey Buy on Amazon

As each piece of the journey is discovered, honored and treated as holy, then we are able to remember ourselves and recollect the shattered spirit and lives into a new spiritual body. When we reunite ourselves with nature and its manifestations, when we come to reconcile the resonances of the divine world around us with the divine world within us, then healing begins.

~ Normandi Ellis
Normandi Ellis journey Buy on Amazon

The longest journey is
the journey inward.

~ Dag Hammerskjold
Dag Hammerskjold journey Buy on Amazon

Joy and woe are woven fine,
A clothing for the soul divine;
Under every grief and pine
Runs a joy with silken twine.
It is right it should be so;
We are made for joy and woe;
And when this we rightly know,
Through the world we safely go.

~ William Blake
William Blake journey Buy on Amazon

With each step we arrive.

Ultimately, the journey of the human path is an individual effort; no one can do it for us. However, we are not entirely alone on this journey. Love and grace serve as guides to lead the way -- when we choose to listen.

Brian Luke Seaward Stand Like A Mountain journey Buy on Amazon

The spiritual journey is one of continually falling on your face, getting up, brushing yourself off, looking sheepishly at God, and taking another step.

~ Aurobindo
Aurobindo journey Buy on Amazon

We are not humans on a spiritual path. Rather we are spirits on a human path.

~ Jean Shinoda Bolen
Jean Shinoda Bolen journey Buy on Amazon

Journey into Silence;
blessings await you there.

~ Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill journey

June 1999 (Vol. XII, No. 6)

May BLESSINGS OF THE SILENCE ever be yours! May your soul sing! for each of us has a soul-song deep within the silence of our hearts.

Like laughter, music can help put us into NOW like nothing else can. And it can ennoble and lift up the NOW to where it belongs -- to the sublime. The beat, the rhythm, the measured time that is transparent in every fine musical work speaks to the subconscious rhythm of our very souls. Music as a part of a prayer-walking experience can hold wonders for us ... and these wonders just ARE.

Linus Murdy The Complete Guide To Prayer Walking music Buy on Amazon

Music is a part of life, not separate from it; and life itself is musical with its rhythms, variations of themes, episodes, fugues, counterpoints, consonances and dissonances, cadences, silences, and tonalities. When we listen to music, we are contemplating the very structures and colors that make up our own lives. The music we play mirrors the music we live.

~ from "Music For The Soul" by Thomas Moore
Thomas Moore Music For The Soul music Buy on Amazon

One day when Francis was walking in the woods, he was so filled with delight at the beauty of the world that he wished to express his gratitude with music. He had no violin, so he picked up two sticks and began to play. Birds sang and animals came out and danced. Far-fetched, you say? Perhaps only those who believe that animals dance can hear the violin music of two twigs.

~ from SIMPLE LIVING by Jose Hobday
Jose Hobday Simple Living music Buy on Amazon

We live in a world of sound
We are sound
We are singers,
born into this world to sing our song
The old language speaks with purity
through the songs of our feelings
Resonating from the core
to fill the vastness of our being.

~ Daniel Santos
Daniel Santos music Buy on Amazon

The world of violins and flutes, of horns and cellos, of fugues, scherzos and gavottes, obeyed laws which were so clear that all music seemed to speak of God. My body was not listening, it was praying. My spirit no longer had bounds, and if tears came to my eyes, I did not feel them running down because they were outside me. I wept with gratitude every time the orchestra began to sing. A world of sounds for a blind man, what sudden grace! The inner world made concrete.

~ from AND THERE WAS LIGHT by Jacques Lusseyran
Jacques Lusseyran And There Was Light music Buy on Amazon

In the next stage of our collective evolution it is the hearts of individuals that will hold the cosmic note of the planet. This note can be recognized as a song being born within the hearts of seekers. It is a quality of joy that is being infused into the world. It is the heartbeat of the world and needs to be heard in our cities and towns.

~ from THE BOND WITH THE BELOVED by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee The Bond With The Beloved music Buy on Amazon

One night we visited camp for devotional songs. One man would start the first line of the song, his companions joining in. Then the women would begin, huddling together under their dark wool, keening their lungs out... It was as if they took a spiritual bath in the music, their troubles washed away with songs as old as the subcontinent. How comforting it must be to pass through life's storms always with the support of the group infusing every action and every thought with one voice extending down through the generations, saying,

"It is all right. We are all here. There is no such thing as alone."

~ from DESERT PLACES by Robyn Davidson
Robyn Davidson Desert Places music Buy on Amazon

Elected Silence, sing to me
And beat upon my whorled ear,
Pipe me to pastures still and be
The music that I care to hear.

~ Gerald Manley Hopkins
Gerald Manley Hopkins music Buy on Amazon

The universe is a perfect, pulsating, rhythmic mechanism that sings the music of the spheres.

~ Pythagoras
Pythagoras music Buy on Amazon

I remember as a boy standing at the side of a gorge watching the swift, shallow water and a girl standing in it up to her knees. Everything was settled and at peace in the sunlight. As I watched the hills began to sing -- I could hear them as an indistinct choir. Then they began to shimmer and dance. It seemed clear that we were linked -- hills and humans -- in a deep, objective way. And this connection made life true, and my usual fears irrelevant.

~ from THE LIGHT INSIDE THE DARK by John Tarrant
John Tarrant The Light Inside The Dark music Buy on Amazon

I know that we hear God in the silence. And for this reason, it is crucial to avail ourselves of silence. For there is a sound in silence that is the voice of God. There is that divine whisper.

~ from THE ROSE OF FIVE PETALS by Betsy Serafin
Betsy Serafin The Rose Of Five Petals music Buy on Amazon

Driving home on a rainy day, Lorna was rear-ended by a truck just before the woman playing Rosina in Act I of the Barber of Seville was to sing. The impact was sudden and stunning. "But even as I entered a world of shock and pain, I found a world of bliss and order. I listened to the aria and fifteen minutes of the opera as firemen tried to free me from the wreckage of my car." Though told she had been unconscious until she was in the ambulance, she remembered listening to Rosina's voice throughout the ordeal. "My spirit stayed with my body. The music kept me alive. I was able to listen and stay conscious, alert, and at peace with the music. ... From the beginning of that aria, I knew I had to finish the opera of my life."

~ from THE MOZART EFFECT by Don Campbell
Don Campbell The Mozart Effect music Buy on Amazon

Music is, and always will be, a method used by beings to bring about a unity between different vibrations, causing a harmonious note to the ear. In mystical fashion, one endeavors to achieve the same result with our intermingling vibrations of polarity. The thread, which binds in harmony, is the "music of the spheres." Its song plays continuously, but our ears cannot hear, unless our soul is tuned in.

~ from SERVING THE PLANET by John S. Haigh
John S. Haigh Serving The Planet music Buy on Amazon

Essentially neuter, silence, like light or love, requires a medium to give it meaning, takes on the color of its host, adapts easily to our fears and needs. Quite apart from whether we seek or shun it, silences orchestrate the music of our days... If it's true that all symphonies end in silence, it's equally true that they begin there as well. Silence, after all, both buries and births us, and just as life without the counterweight of mortality would mean nothing, so silence alone, by offering itself as the eternal Other, makes music possible.

~ from "Listening For Silence" by Mark Slouka with thanks to Alice Spicer
Mark Slouka Listening For Silence music Buy on Amazon

There is always music amongst the trees in the garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it.

~ Anonymous
Anonymous music

May 1999 (Vol. XII, No. 5)

BLESSINGS and EVERY GOOD WISH, dea friends! To reflect on your faith is to look at the strong convictions you live by; to reflect on your life is to examine your faith. Life and faith walk hand in hand.

FAITH is the touching of a mystery. It is to perceive another dimension to absolutely every thing in the world. In faith, the mysterious meaning of life comes through ... To speak in the simplest possible terms: faith sees, knows, senses the presence of God in the world.

~ Alexander Schmemann
Alexander Schmemann faith Buy on Amazon

Abandonment to the will of God is a life-long discipline that is rooted and grows in humility, prayer, listening, and pondering, as well as an agreement to be close kin to the foolish, unseen, and disenfranchised... It provides life at a satisfying gallop, fast and fulfilling, characterized by contentment and high-spirited courage, and it is an unmistakable sign of great faith.

~ Margaret G. Payne
Margaret G. Payne faith

If you are here unfaithfully with us,
you're causing terrible damage.
If you've opened your loving to God's love,
you're helping people you don't know
and have never seen.

Rumi The Illustrated Rumi faith Buy on Amazon

God's call is mysterious: it comes in the darkness of faith. It is so fine, so subtle, that it is only with the deepest silence within us that we can hear it. And yet nothing is so decisive and overpowering for a person on this earth, nothing surer or stronger. This call is uninterrupted: God is always calling us! But there are distinctive moments in this call, moments which leave a permanent mark on us -- moments which we never forget.

~ from LETTERS IN THE DESERT by Carlo Carretto
Carlo Carretto Letters In The Desert faith Buy on Amazon

What is experienced in meditation as aridity, or even as dark night, can at the same time in a hidden but true sense be the brightest radiance of love. But this love must hide itself in the nakedness of faith... Every silence in meditation is meaningful. In other words, where in an earthly sense we experience wordlessness, the spheres of Word and meaning beyond expression open up.

~ Hans Urs von Balthasar
Hans Urs von Balthasar faith Buy on Amazon

Where fear and doubt imprison, faith and love liberate;
Where fear and doubt paralyze, faith and love empower;
Where fear and doubt dishearten, faith and love encourage;
Where fear and doubt sicken, faith and love heal; and,
Where fear and doubt make useless, faith and love create new life.

My life has been perhaps harder than the normal, but I have learned to endure what cannot be altered, with only my own inner strength to sustain me. During disastrous times, the inner voice was always there to comfort me, even if it did not always speak to me in so many words. Faith, though, has always played a great part in my life; faith and inner certainty. Endurance, coupled with love and faith have been the keynotes of my life, and through them I have been blessed beyond all measure.

~ from DESCENT INTO LIGHT by Dorothy Fielding
Dorothy Fielding Descent Into Light faith Buy on Amazon

Faith means receiving God, it means being overwhelmed by God. Faith helps us to find trust again and again when, from a human point of view, the foundations of truth have been destroyed. Faith gives us the vision to perceive what is essential and eternal. It gives us eyes to see what cannot be seen, and hands to grasp what cannot be touched, although it is present always and everywhere.

~ from WHY WE LIVE IN COMMUNITY by Eberhard Arnold
Eberhard Arnold Why We Live In Community faith Buy on Amazon

The way in which we pray, when we pray really and simply, not saying prayers composed by others unless they are truly the expression of our own faith, but with simplicity talking to God in absolute confidence and sincerity, tell what our faith is.

~ F. Andrew
F. Andrew faith
FAITH can turn trials into new opportunity.
~ Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill faith

The word faith, freed from its burden of dogmas, implies a way of life imperceptibly chosen -- keenly instituted -- moment by moment. While it is often considered the first step on the path, it is also, as well, the last. In faith, we know that we belong, that we can never be separated from the inexhaustible well-spring from which we take our lives and our direction.

~ Richard Moss
Richard Moss faith Buy on Amazon

From the viewpoint of BELIEFS all doubts are disastrous. From the viewpoint of FAITH, doubt is the indispensable stimulant. To lose one's BELIEFS may not be a loss but a gain: an opportunity. "When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the spirit laughs for what it has gained," is an ancient Sufi saying. To lose one's FAITH, however, is catastrophic; the loss of this vital human constituent means mutilation, dehumanization, cynicism, nihilism.

Frederick Franck A Little Compendium On That Which Matters faith Buy on Amazon

Faith is the experience of divine breath... No intellectual argument can awaken faith; what it can do at best is to eliminate obstacles, prejudices and misunderstandings, and thus help establish the state of interior silence necessary for the divine breath. But faith itself is the divine breath whose origin is found neither in logical reasoning, nor in human moral action. The divine and flaming Word shines in the world of the silence of the soul and "moves" it. This movement is living faith -- therefore real and authentic -- and its light is hope or illumination.

~ Anonymous in THE FIRE OF SILENCE AND STILLNESS ed. by Paul Harris
Paul Harris The Fire Of Silence And Stillness faith Buy on Amazon

To see every woman and every man as sister and brother is to participate in the faith vision of the mystic, whose central intuition is a graced effect of contemplation, which gradually transforms our way of seeing reality. This mystical vision is far from an esoteric or "misty" dream, for surely the survival of our planet depends on a universal realization of this unity and the interconnectedness of all peoples and of all the cosmos, in the one Love which is God.

~ from TOO DEEP FOR WORDS by Thelma Hall
Thelma Hall Too Deep For Words music Buy on Amazon

I very much wanted to believe in God; but I could not deceive myself: I had no faith. "And suddenly there came a second, when somehow for the first time I saw (as if a door had opened from a dark room into the sunny street), and in the next second I already knew for sure that God exists... I call this moment the greatest miracle because this precise knowledge came to me not through reason but by some other way... And so by such a miracle my new spiritual life began, which helped me to endure another thirteen years of life in concentration camps and prisons."

~ Yuri Mashkov in GOD'S REVELATION OF THE HUMAN HEART by F. Seraphin Rose
F. Seraphin Rose God's Revelation Of The Human Heart faith Buy on Amazon
Faith is opening and
surrendering to God.
~ Thomas Keating
Thomas Keating faith Buy on Amazon

April 1999 (Vol. XII, No. 4)

May you enjoy the BLESSINGS OF THE SPRING SEASON, dear friends! May you find renewal for your soul in times of silence and solitude in the midst of nature's beauty.

Confronting our own silences, and listening to ourselves, eventually moves us toward listening to other, previously unheard silences. To the silences in many who have had to quiet the expressive parts of themselves. To the silences of children, too often "shushed" as having nothing to contribute. To the silences of Earth, in its land and air and water, so often in pain where we have abused it, as well as to the faulty systems, structures, and customs that reinforce such troubling silence. As our listening deepens, we inevitably touch the Center of all stillness. In the midst of all the silences, we become able to hear the quiet Presence of the One who loves us, cherishes us, needs us... We meet the Holy Mystery whose listening to us is the primordial power, hearing us into speech.

~ from DANCE OF THE SPIRIT by Maria Harris
Maria Harris Dance Of The Spirit nature Buy on Amazon

We might sometimes reflect and recall that the purpose of all our science, technology, industry, manufacturing, commerce, and finance is celebration, planetary celebration. That is what moves the stars through the heavens and the earth through its seasons. The final norm of judgment concerning the success or failure of our technologies is the extent to which they enable us to participate more fully in this grand festival.

~ from THE DREAM OF THE EARTH by Thomas Berry
Thomas Berry The Dream Of The Earth nature Buy on Amazon

There are occasions when you can hear the mysterious language of the Earth, in water, or coming through the trees, emanating from the mosses, seeping through the undercurrents of the soil; but you have to be silent, willing to wait and receive.

John Hay The Immortal Wilderness nature Buy on Amazon

Unfathomable Sea!
All life is our of Thee,
And Thy life is Thy blissful Unity

~ Frederick W. Faber
Frederick W. Faber nature Buy on Amazon

You never enjoy the world aright,
Till the sea itself flows in your veins,
Till you are clothed with the stars.

~ Thomas Treherne
Thomas Treherne nature Buy on Amazon

I am here upon this Earth
To reclaim the Earth
To turn the desert into Paradise
A Paradise most suitable unto God
And every creature to dwell thereon.

~ Ainyahita: Wisdom from the Past c. 10,000 B.C.
Ainyahita Wisdom From The Past nature

We do not own the earth.
Walk gently upon it, so that
future generations may do the same.

The best reflections are there
when the wind, water, and you
are quite still.

Walk cheerfully and gently over the earth answering to that of God in everyone and everything.

~ George Fox
George Fox nature Buy on Amazon

Suddenly, from behind the rim of the moon in long slow-motion movements of immense majesty, there emerges a sparkling blue and white jewel, a light, delicate sky blue sphere laced with slowly swirling veils of white rising gradually like a small pearl in a thick sea of black mystery. It takes more than a moment to fully realize that this is the Earth -- home.

~ Edgar Mitchell
Edgar Mitchell nature Buy on Amazon

The silence in the giant redwood forest near my home draws me. Many mornings I get up early and dress hurriedly to get to the woods before the tour buses and the cars arriving with people from all over the world come to marvel at the majesty of nature. At eight in the morning, the great trees stand rooted in silence so absolute that one's inmost self comes to rest. An aged silence. The grandmother of silences. I find the silence even more remarkable than the trees.

~ from KITCHEN TABLE WISDOM by Rachel Naomi Remen
Rachel Naomi Remen Kitchen Tale Wisdom nature Buy on Amazon

How the elder loved nature! He loved it in three different ways: as angels, children, and sages love it. When he walked through the forest with us, we felt the power of his prayers. It was as though ranks of angels surrounded us. The elder said very little in the midst of nature, but if he did say something, then it was with such child-like joy and simplicity that his earthly age disappeared. Nature for the elder was a book of the holy revelations of God.

~ from AN EARLY SOVIET SAINT trans. by Jane Ellis
Jane Ellis An Early Soviet Saint nature Buy on Amazon

Gardens are spaces of inhabiting in which we are entrusted with the very continuity of life itself. Our job is not to oversee or control, but to plant, prune, water, feed and encourage growth. We either make of the garden a verdant refreshing oasis or a desert, stripped of nutrients and barren of new life.

Peacemaking is a call that has been discerned when our garden's ripeness shows that we have learned that we inhabit one great garden, our earth, when we have learned that we are but one interwoven fabric of created life charged with mutual and tender cultivation by the One who gave and gives us life.

~ from SACRED DWELLING by Wendy Wright
Wendy Wright Sacred Dwelling nature Buy on Amazon
Every creature is a book about God.
~ Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart nature Buy on Amazon

March 1999 (Vol. XII, No. 3)

BLESSINGS, dear friends, as we enter the Spring season ... a time to pause in prayer and enter the silence of our hearts, where the breathing of the Divine Guest lives and loves within us.

To pray is to discover God's oasis hidden in the desert of the soul. True prayer is the wellspring force of divine life flowing in the "transparent" soul of one whose trust is fully centered in God. This divine force, secret and strong, gently inspires all those who seek the truth; it will reunite them one day, beyond time and space, in the cosmic and eternal world. At the extremity of prayer words vanish, or rather the "silence-become-word" surpasses all that can be uttered. Prayer becomes the silence of Love, and this silence reveals the "I" in its deepest aspects; and, should words suddenly arise in prayer, we must regard them as fruits of love that send us back to silence.

~ from AWAKENING TO PRAYER by A. I. Okumura with thanks to Ana Maria Jones
A. I. Okumura Awakening To Prayer prayer Buy on Amazon

Prayer may take the shape of sacrifice, supplication, adoration or meditation; it may even appear in simple daily acts of kindness; but it is always the outer visible sign of an inward communion with the Divine.

~ Normandi Ellis
Normandi Ellis prayer Buy on Amazon

Prayer, the one language we all can use, is at its deepest a silent language.

~ Elizabeth Yates
Elizabeth Yates prayer

At some time in the life of prayer, we may come to a point where we no longer sense the need to speak. We simply wish to be still in the presence of God. We become forgetful of self. We set aside who we are and what we think we need. For a brief time we open completely to the Loving One who seeks to fill us and make us whole. Such moments leave within us deep reminders. From them we learn of the love that continues with us in the center of all things. If we find ourselves drawn into stillness, the wisest thing we can do is accept the gift of this. Accept the gift ... and know love.

~ from ANSWERING LOVE'S CALL by Stephen V. Doughty
Stephen V. Doughty Answering Love's Call prayer Buy on Amazon

grant me the grace to long for You
and not my illusions of You,

to know You as love's questions
rather than as binding answers.

to rest in the hope
of what I do not understand about You,

and to be forever willing
to give up what I know about You
in order to seek You afresh.

~ Paula Duvall thanks to Kathy McGrane
Paula Duvall prayer

At midnight the whole valley lay suspended in the mountain's spell. This was the silent center of prayer: the quiet, the poverty of darkness that made you appreciate the light. Everything bright was pure gift at midnight and praise rose to your lips for the God of the moon and stars; and if you saw a fire burning in the valley, you felt warm and somehow connected with those countless fires that burn in the hearts of people everywhere. You knew communion. And that was the great secret of prayer.

~ from JUNIPER by Murray Bodo
Murray Bodo Juniper prayer Buy on Amazon

In prayer we are neither on the one hand dialoguing with an outside source who utters messages from without, nor are we simply talking to ourselves. We are reaching deeply into ourselves and sensing more clearly that we are in God's knowledge and love. We are discovering the Divine within us. We are experiencing ourselves and our lives as uttered by God, and we listen.

~ from PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES by Joseph F. Schmidt
Joseph F. Schmidt Praying Our Experiences prayer Buy on Amazon

In prayer we are neither on the one hand dialoguing with an outside source who utters messages from without, nor are we simply talking to ourselves. We are reaching deeply into ourselves and sensing more clearly that we are in God's knowledge and love. We are discovering the Divine within us. We are experiencing ourselves and our lives as uttered by God, and we listen.

~ from PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES by Joseph F. Schmidt
Joseph F. Schmidt Praying Our Experiences prayer Buy on Amazon

This is the only message I've been getting in prayer these days: "Forget the experts for a while. Trust your own experience." You are an offspring of the One who said, "I am who I am." If the One who gave you birth lives within you, surely you can find some resources there in your sacred Center... Remember, you are splendor!

~ from A TREE FULL OF ANGELS by Macrina Wiederkehr
Macrina Wiederkehr A Tree Full Of Angels prayer Buy on Amazon

To pray is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming set on fire by the Spirit!

~ Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill prayer

Those who are accustomed to meditate will know that at a certain point you can touch the great silence, the center, the source of all good... Would that men and women would seek silence more often, as we used to do in past ages. In our Indian days we who had the welfare of the people at heart would climb high into the mountains to meditate at the rising and the setting of the sun, and we would not leave our post until we had an answer to our prayer. We did not attempt to solve our problems amidst the noise of the camp fire, but repaired to the mountain top -- not only the physical mountain, but the mountain of high consciousness. We recognized the great power which lay in the silence.

~ White Eagle in SUN MEN OF THE AMERICAS by Grace Cooke
Grace Cooke Sun Men Of The Americas prayer Buy on Amazon

O God, in this time of change and unrest, help us to sort living truths from dying customs. Help us to have both the courage to look beyond the expected and familiar ways and the humility to recognize the wisdom of them.

Avery Brooke Plain Prayer In A Complicated World prayer Buy on Amazon

Prayer is not a way to get what we want to happen, like the remote control that comes with the television set. I think prayer may be less about asking for the things we are attached to than it is about relinquishing our attachments in some way. It can take us beyond fear, which is an attachment, and beyond hope, which is another form of attachment. It can help us remember the nature of the world and the nature of life, not on an intellectual level but in a deep and experiential way. When we pray, we don't change the world, we change ourselves.

~ from KITCHEN TABLE WISDOM by Rachel Naomi Remen
Rachel Naomi Remen Kitchen Table Wisdom prayer Buy on Amazon

Prayers are not plea bargains. They are acts of adoration.

~ John R. Aurelio
John R. Aurelio prayer Buy on Amazon

By our prayer we share the life of God. True prayer demands that we be more passive than active; it requires more silence than words, more adoration than study, more concentration than rushing about, more faith than reason. The highest state of prayer is to be children in the arms of Love: silent, loving, rejoicing.

~ from LETTERS FROM THE DESERT by Carlo Carretto
Carlo Carretto Letters From The Desert prayer Buy on Amazon

There is a sense in which people must count the cost of honest prayer. The answer to prayer may be a demand for something we would much rather avoid doing. If it is truly the Divine Lover who is encountered, we may be very uncomfortable. Idols of our own making have a way of making us feel comfortable and at ease with things as they are. The God of justice/love is the One who calls us out of complacency so that we share divine discontent with a world which worships death. We are met and challenged to live as people of the light in a world that loves the darkness... This fear of what God may open our eyes to see may, in fact, lie behind our own resistance to God, our fear of prayer and silence.

~ from RESURRECTION: Release From Oppression by Morton Kelsey
Morton Kelsey Resurrection prayer Buy on Amazon

February 1999 (Vol. XII, No. 2)

May BLESSINGS OF PEACE AND LOVE be with you! As our minds and spirits vie for our attention each day, let us remember to spend time in the Silence recalling to mind our belovedness.  Thus, our spirits may be at peace and grow in love, and thus, do we reawaken to the Divine Guest within our hearts.

To really love is a great discipline, because we must love stably and consistently and regardless of whether or not our love is returned. In other words, we love despite our likes and dislikes, despite our selves or egos. We simply ALLOW love to be a transformative force in our lives. ALLOWING is the key. And this is not a passive but an active discipline... Genuine love asks for nothing in return, through it always works toward duplicating itself in others. Thus, the greatest reward for one who practices the discipline of love is that another being has been illumined by that love and is now carrying that gift to others.

~ from SACRED PATHS by Georg Feuerstein
Georg Feuerstein Sacred Paths love Buy on Amazon

Whenever our heart opens to another person, we experience a moment of unconditional love. People commonly imagine that unconditional love is a high or distant ideal, one that is difficult, if not impossible, to realize. Yet though it may be hard to put into everyday practice, its nature is quite simple and ordinary: opening and responding to another person's being without reservation.

~ from JOURNEY OF THE HEART by John Welwood
John Welwood Journey Of The Heart love Buy on Amazon

Love is not a doctrine. Peace is not an international agreement. Love and peace are beings who live as possibilities in us.

~ M. C. Richards
M. C. Richards love

We live in a wounded and wounding culture. But each of our hearts, though torn, is greater than its chambers. The roots of love and reverence are deep within Creation which gives us the capacities to change human consciousness, hear the heart, and deepen the soul.

~ from THROUGH THE MOONS OF AUTUMN by Carolyn McDade
Carolyn McDade Through The Moons Of Autumn love Buy on Amazon

Lovers always have the sense of something given. They cannot find in themselves an adequate explanation for all that they feel and understand. In the intimate giving and receiving of their love, they not only reveal and discover their own truest selves, but come face to face with the mystery of God. The very acceptance and enjoyment of the gift they have received brings them into the presence of the Giver.

~ from THE EMPIRE OF THE HEART by John F. X. Harriott
John F. . Harriott The Empire Of The Heart love Buy on Amazon

As Dom Helder started to speak about the poor, he choked up and could not continue. The bags under his eyes filled up like fountains and the tears ran down his wrinkled face. For five minutes he could not speak. His mouth twitched every now and then, and we hoped he might be able to continue. We waited in rapt attention for him to express what he was trying to say, but he could not. The memory of the destitute and the realization of their desperate plight left him with just one response: tears.

~ from INVITATION TO LOVE by Thomas Keating
Thomas Keating Invitation To Love love Buy on Amazon

What is the greatest kind of love?
Great Love
does not flow with just tears.
Rather, it burns in the great Fire of Heaven.
In this Fire
it flows and flows swiftly
yet all the while
it remains in itself
in a very great stillness.

~ Mechtild of Magdeburg
Mechtild of Magdeburg love Buy on Amazon

The choice to love is
the Mother of everything.

There is a path
Which leads to a gate
That needs a key.

The path is understanding
The gate is Love
The key is in your hand.

~ Juliette Hollister, The Temple of Understanding
Juliette Hollister The Temple Of Understanding love
Love is a river
Drink from it ...
~ Rumi
Rumi love Buy on Amazon

Living beings, upon attaining a threshold level of self-awareness, begin to yearn to reunite with their Source. The weird thing is that these living beings initially seem unaware they are literally made up of the substance of the Source. Thus, they do not seem to understand it is as impossible to fear God as it is to fear oneself. Yet the evolution of living sentient beings is eventually defined in terms of the beings' ability to discover this relationship between the original God Source and their own selves. Once this happens, the dominant theme of existence is love. One can love oneself, and all others, because one sees that all of everything is created from the same fabric ... Love is the theme of God, the glue that keeps the universe together.

~ from COSMIC VOYAGE by Courtney Brown
Courtney Brown Cosmic Voyage love Buy on Amazon

Silence admits of many degrees ... but the greatest silence is that of our spirit with God's Spirit: Heart speaks to heart in silence, the language of self-surrendering love.

~ from ALONE WITH THE ALONE by George Maloney
George Maloney love Buy on Amazon

If we don't know in the depths of our being that God calls us "beloved," we need to. And if we do know it, and it hasn't set us on fire, then we don't know it well enough. Take time daily to be alone and silent before God. And an awareness of your utter belovedness will become a reality for you.

~ Jan Orel
Jan Orel love

There is no reign of love that comes down from above;
God's love must always start in someone's human heart.

~ James Dillet Freeman
James Dillet Freeman love Buy on Amazon

Resurrection is to engage at the core of the Heart of existence and the Love that knows no limits. It is to encounter and surrender to That which is forever seeking us, and from this to conceive the Godseed. Resurrection presumes a void that precedes it, an emptying of our existence. Being empty, we then can be filled; being unknowing, we become knowledge; being nowhere we are suddenly a citizen of the great Realm of Love.

~ from GODSEED by Jean Houston
Jean Houston Godseed love Buy on Amazon

LOVE makes every space sacred
and every moment meaningful...

~ Barbara De Angelis
Barbara De Angelis love Buy on Amazon
