March 2015 (Vol. XXVIII, No. 3)

Greetings dear friends! Recently I listened to a man recounting an incident that had led to a falling out with a friend he had known for thirty years. His sorrow and regret were palpable as he agonized over how to mend the wound that had opened up between them. "He won't even talk to me. How can I say I'm sorry?" If even this relatively benign infraction was so difficult to overcome, how much harder is it to forgive the unspeakable cruelties we humans inflict on each other and on the world around us? Yet how can we heal wounds without the grace of forgiveness?

Forgiveness is the essence of peacemaking and begins with ourselves. First, we find the wisdom to be gained from whatever mistakes we have made or failures we have experienced and give thanks for it. Then we forgive ourselves by releasing blame, guilt, and pain. We also need to forgive others who have hurt us. We do not have to condone what they have done, but we do need to release our anger and resentment toward them... Since our inner world is reflected in our outer world, peace, joy, and love (the fruits of forgiveness) will flow into the world's environment and help people who are having difficulty forgiving themselves or others.

~from "Creating Good in the World" by Theresa Magness, in Sacred Journey, Dec. 2000
Theresa Magness forgiveness

As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I know if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I would still be in prison.

~ Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela forgiveness Buy on Amazon

Authentically empowered people forgive naturally. They forgive because they do not want to carry the burden of not forgiving like heavy suitcases through a crowded airport…Forgiveness and harmony go together. When you forgive someone, nothing stands between you and that person. Even if the person you forgive does not like you, you have laid your suitcase down. You travel lightly.

~ from SOUL STORIES by Gary Lukav
Gary Lukav Soul Stories forgiveness Buy on Amazon

God's forgiveness is unconditional; it comes from a heart that does not demand anything for itself, a heart that is completely empty of self-seeking. It is this divine forgiveness that I have to practice in my daily life. It tells me to keep stepping over all my arguments that say forgiveness is unwise, unhealthy, and impractical. It challenges me to step over all my needs for gratitude and compliments. Finally, it demands of me that I step over that wounded part of my heart that feels hurt and wronged and that wants to stay in control and put a few conditions between me and the one I am asked to forgive. This "stepping over" is the authentic discipline of forgiveness.

~ from RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL SON by Henri J. M. Nouwen
Henri J.M. Nouwen Return Of The Prodigal Son forgiveness Buy on Amazon

Those who cannot forgive others break the bridge over which they themselves must pass.

~ Confucius
Confucius forgiveness

Perhaps it's possible to forgive in one grand swoop, but I didn't experience it that way. I did it in bits and pieces. You forgive what you can, when you can. To forgive does not mean overlooking the offense and pretending it never happened. Forgiveness means releasing our rage and our need to retaliate, no longer dwelling on the offense, the offender, and the suffering, and rising to a higher love. It is an act of letting go so that we can go on.

Sue Monk Kidd The Dance Of The Dissident Daughter forgiveness Buy on Amazon

Write injuries in sand,
Kindness in marble.

~ French proverb
French proverb forgiveness

What keeps us from forgiving the people who hurt us is that we have not yet healed the wounds they inflicted. Forgiveness is the gift at the end of the healing process. We find it waiting for us when we reach a point where we stop expecting "them" to pay for what they did or make it up to us in some way. Yet, forgiveness is moving on. It is recognizing that we have better things to do with our life and then doing them.

~ from YOM KIPPUR READINGS, ed. by R. Dov Peretz Elkins
R. Dov Peretz Elkins Yom Kippur Readings forgiveness Buy on Amazon

A few old trees remain standing in the pasture that had been the schoolyard. In addition, five young evergreens now grow along a nearby fence row... They rise heavenward, quietly pointing to the Divine Grace that somehow enabled the community to forgive within hours of the violence.

~ Donald B Kraybill in "Amish Memorials:The Nickel Mines Pasture and Quiet Forgiveness" HUFFPOST, 2011
Donald B Kraybill forgiveness

Blessed are those who have confessed
their erring ways,
who have asked for forgiveness.
Blessed are those whose burdens
have been lifted,
who are able to respond with love.
For the Beloved walks with them and
speaks to them in the Silence;
With mercy and compassion, they
are held in Love's heart;
All who are at one with Love will
live in peace and harmony.

~ from PSALMS FOR PRAYING, 94, by Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill Psalms For Praying forgiveness Buy on Amazon

In our society, forgiveness is often seen as weakness. People who forgive those who have hurt them or their family are made to look as if they really don't care about their loved ones. But forgiveness is tremendous strength. It is the action of someone who refuses to be consumed by hatred and revenge.

~ Helen Prejean
Helen Prejean forgiveness Buy on Amazon

I wondered if that was how forgiveness budded, not with the fanfare of epiphany,but with pain gathering its things, packing up, and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night.

~ from THE KITE RUNNER by Khaled Hosseini
Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner forgiveness Buy on Amazon

The healing of our present woundedness may lie in recognizing and reclaiming the capacity we all have to heal each other, the enormous power in the simplest of human relationships: the strength of touch, the blessing of forgiveness, the grace of someone else taking you as you are and finding in you an unexpected goodness.

~ Rachel Naomi Remen
Rachel Naomi Remen forgiveness Buy on Amazon

Forgiveness is twice blessed. It frees the one forgiven from guilt and you from bitterness. Forgiveness sheds light on the subject. It lets love, instead of judgment, shine in. Judgment curdles the soul; forgiveness invites your spirit to burst into bloom.

~ from HEART AND SOUL by Daphne Rose Kingma
Daphne Rose Kingma Heart And Soul forgiveness Buy on Amazon

Giving forth positive energy in the name of blessing instead of giving forth negative energy in the form of cursing is forgiveness.

~ Don Roth
Don Roth forgiveness

Forgiveness is not just some nebulous, vague idea one can easily dismiss. It has to do with uniting people through practical politics. Without forgiveness there is no future. To forgive is the only way to permanently change the world.

~ Desmond Tutu
Desmond Tutu forgiveness Buy on Amazon

February 2015 (Vol. XXVIII, No. 2)

Greetings dear friends. Yesterday as I sat listening to reflections at a memorial service for a woman with an incredibly generous and loving heart, it seemed to me that the value of a life well lived is not measured so much in accomplishments as in the way we treat each encounter with another person as an opportunity for welcoming hospitality. An invitation to know and be known, taking time for listening and being fully present lets the other person know that he or she is essentially good and whole and loveable. We need others to help us see who we really are, to walk with us on this journey, to know we are not alone. And the world needs our open hearts and warm hospitality to transform strangers into fellow human beings and friends.

When we have made ourselves fully available to our neighbor and to God, becoming emptied in the process, then at last we begin to live.

~ from HAPPINESS THAT LASTS by Martin Israel
Martin Israel Happiness That Lasts friendship Buy on Amazon

To belong to a community is to begin to be about more than myself...No work is enough to satisfy the human soul. Only the satisfaction of having touched another life and been touched by one ourselves can possibly suffice. Whatever we do, however noble, however small, must be done for the sake of the other. Otherwise, we ourselves have no claim on the human race.

~ from LISTEN WITH THE HEART by Joan Chittister
Joan Chittister Listen With The Heart friendship Buy on Amazon

Friendship requires leisure. This fine cultural form cannot survive without the time and leisure that are its lifeblood. I love the East Indian custom of standing next to someone in silence, probably just a step in back of him or her, if you wish to make friends. Silence, waiting, time, respect for another's space–these are the elements of friendship.

Robert A. Johnson Lying With The Heavenly Woman friendship Buy on Amazon

"Read me LEAVES OF GRASS," Harold pleaded -

And she began,
"I know that the hand of God is the promise of my own,
And I know that the Spirit of God is the brother of my own,
And that all the men ever born are also my brothers, and
the women my sisters..."

She looked at him, his eyes dewy, hugging himself, as if he were being filled to bursting. He was too different to be accepted by anyone but another living oddity. She had to put her love somewhere, or it would dry up. Maybe that's what love is– walking willingly into the unknown for the sake of the other. The sheen in his eyes told her he absorbed it like a thirsty desert.

~ from THE FOREST LOVER by Susan Vreeland
Susan Vreeland The Forest Lover friendship Buy on Amazon

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

Anais Nin The Diary Of Anais Nin friendship Buy on Amazon

The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, not the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson friendship Buy on Amazon

Sometimes compassion compels us to confront, sometimes to cajole, sometimes to be silent and wait, sometimes to do or say what it would never occur to our egocentric self to do or say, for we can never say for certain in advance just how compassionate love may prompt us to act, to see, and accept within ourselves and others. Yet, in our willingness to recognize and go forth to identify with the preciousness of ourselves and others in our collective frailty, we discover our contemplative community in the intimate texture of our daily interactions with one another.

~ from THE CONTEMPLATIVE HEART by James Finley
James Finley The Contemplative Heart friendship Buy on Amazon

Sheltering. That's a wonderful word. Very strong. I remember a wonderful little phrase that says a faithful friend is a sturdy shelter. We need shelters in life. We need sheltering from our parents when we are young. We need the shelter of good friends. I feel as if that's something we're really called to be for one another – is shelter.

~ Marjorie Thompson from New Morning Treasury
Marjorie Thompason New Morning Treasury friendship Buy on Amazon

Teilhard de Chardin says that the universe will be "unified only through personal relations." It will become one only under the influence of love. Teilhard calls this the "amortization" of the universe, the healing of the world by loving. Only love has the capacity to transform the individual parts of our lives and world into a living cum-unus. Nothing else can do it. . . "Love," says Teilhard, "is the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mysterious of the cosmic forces." How much truth and energy are we losing, he asks, by neglecting our "incredible power to love"?

~ from A NEW HARMONY by John Philip Newell
John Philip Newell A New Harmony friendship Buy on Amazon

The secret of creating peace is that when you listen to other people you have only one purpose: to offer them an opportunity to open their hearts. If you can keep that awareness and compassion alive in you, then you can sit and listen for an hour even if the other person expresses wrong perceptions, condemnation, and bitterness. You can continue to listen because you are protected by the nectar of compassion in your own heart. Keeping your awareness keeps you safe in your own peace.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh friendship Buy on Amazon

It is such a privilege to have people who continue each day to bless us with their love and prayer. These inner friends of the heart confer on us inestimable gifts. In these times of greed and externality, there is such unusual beauty in having friends who practice profound faithfulness to us, praying for us each day without our ever knowing or remembering it. There are often lonesome frontiers we could never endure or cross without the inner sheltering of these friends. It is hard to live a true life that endeavors to be faithful to its own calling and not become haunted by the ghosts of negativity, therefore, it is not a luxury to have such friends; it is necessary.

~ from TO BLESS THE SPACE BETWEEN US by John O'Donohue
John O'Donohue To Bless The Space Between Us friendship Buy on Amazon

Time, ferry me down the river
Friends carry me safely over
Life, tend me on my journey
Love call me home.

~ song lyrics by Peggy Seeger
Peggy Seeger friendship Buy on Amazon

Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt friendship Buy on Amazon

And in the sweetness of friendship
let there be laughter
and sharing of pleasures.
For in the dew of little things
the heart finds its morning
and is refreshed.

~ Kahlil Gibran
Kahlil Gibran friendship Buy on Amazon

January 2015 (Vol. XXVIII, No. 1)

Greetings and happy new year! While the universe may exist within timeless cycles in an eternal now, we experience our individual lives as a linear journey with a beginning and an end...or perhaps a transition to another beginning. To awaken our spirits enough to be mindful of the longing for something we cannot always name but yearn for nevertheless is to set forth on an inner journey no less complex or real than the outer one. Shall we set forth anew on this path together?

To be on journey is to love your life enough to change it, to choose struggle instead of exile, to risk everything with only the glimmering hope you are on the right path.

~ Andrew Kopkind
Andrew Kopkind journey Buy on Amazon
Not all those who wander are lost.
~ J.R.R. Tolkien
J.R.R. Tolkien journey Buy on Amazon

Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart.

~ Abraham Joshua Heschel
Abraham Joshua Heschel journey Buy on Amazon

Frequently we do not leave the past behind. We clasp on to it. We dissect it, and let fears for the future, tempered by the past, unconsciously prevent us from taking up the task eternal.

Ray Simpson Exploring Celtic Spirituality journey Buy on Amazon

Our real journey in life is interior. It is a matter of growth, deepening, and an ever greater surrender to the creative action of love and grace in our hearts.

~ from THE ROAD TO JOY by Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton The Road To Joy journey Buy on Amazon

To journey without being changed is to be a nomad.
To change without journeying is to be a chameleon.
To journey and to be transformed by the journey
is to be a pilgrim.

~ Mark Nepo
Mark Nepo journey Buy on Amazon

Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you
Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here,
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known.
The forest breathes. Listen. It answers,
I have made this place around you.
If you leave it, you may come back again, saying Here.
No two trees are the same to Raven.
No two branches are the same to Wren.
If what a tree or a bush does is lost on you,
You are surely lost. Stand still. The forest knows
Where you are. You must let it find you.

~ David Wagoner
David Wagoner journey Buy on Amazon

Loneliness is the feeling we have when we refuse to journey... Turning to invite the quiet transforms the feeling by changing the faces and quality of our attention. We are secure enough to let go, and to embrace solitude where we hear our own voice, even in the silence. We are wholeheartedly in the company of our deepest thoughts and feelings, independent of human presence or our physical surroundings.

~ from THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE HEART by Charlene Sexton
Charlene Sexton Geography Of The Heart journey

The theory of karma suggests that life itself is in its essential nature both educational and healing, that the innate wholeness underlying the personality of each of us is being evoked, clarified, and strengthened through the challenges and experiences of our lifetime. All life paths may be a movement toward the soul.

Rachel Naomi Remen Kitchen Table Wisdom journey Buy on Amazon

I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.

~ Lillian Smith
Lillian Smith journey Buy on Amazon

Love, faith, and hope are the elements the soul needs to make its journey home. Love of truth motivates the soul to want to set out on the journey; faith sustains and supports it as it proceeds; and hope gives it the optimism that things will unfold in the right way.

~ from Facets of Unity by A H Almaas
A. H. Almaas Facets Of Unity journey Buy on Amazon

I don't know who I am. And I don't think people ever will know who they are. We have to be humble enough to learn to live with this mysterious question. Who am I? So, I am a mystery to myself. I am someone who is in this pilgrimage from the moment that I was born to the day to come that I'm going to die. And this is something that I can't avoid, whether I like it or not...I'm going to die. So, what I have to do is to honor this pilgrimage through life. And so I am this pilgrim — if I can somehow answer your question — who's constantly amazed by this journey. Who is learning a new thing every single day...I am this person who is proud to be a pilgrim, and who's trying to honor his journey.

~ Paulo Coehlo
Paulo Coehlo journey Buy on Amazon

The spiritual journey is one of continually falling on your face, getting up, brushing yourself off, looking sheepishly at God and taking another step.

~ Aurobindo
Aurobindo journey Buy on Amazon

For millennia, a genuine cri du coeur, cry of the heart — a longing for a taste of mystery, a touch of the sacred — the yearning to embark upon a meaningful journey has been answered by pilgrimage, a transformative journey to a sacred center. It calls for a journey to a holy site associated with gods, saints, or heroes, or to a natural setting imbued with spiritual power...always, it is a journey of risk and renewal. For a journey without challenge has no meaning; one without purpose has no soul.

~ from THE ART OF THE PILGRIM by Phil Cousineau
Phil Cousineau The Art Of The Pilgrim journey Buy on Amazon

All journeys have a secret destination of which the traveler is unaware.

~ from TALES OF THE HASIDIM by Martin Buber
Martin Buber Tales Of The Hasidim journey Buy on Amazon
It may be that when we no longer know what to do
we have come to our real work,
and that when we no longer know which way to go
we have come to our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.
~ Wendell Berry
Wendell Berry journey Buy on Amazon

I only went out for a walk, and finally concluded to stay out until sundown, for going out, I found was really going in.

~ John Muir
John Muir journey Buy on Amazon

At its heart, the journey of each life is a pilgrimage through unforeseen sacred places that enlarge and enrich the soul.

~ John O'Donohue
John O'Donohue journey Buy on Amazon

December 2014 (Vol. XXVII, No. 11)

Greetings, dear friends! Long ago when I taught kindergarten, at this time of year rich with ceremony and meaning, we learned together about traditions around the world. We traced the common threads of our humanity that are woven into these diverse tapestries of story and ritual. Traditions help us to remember who we are, how we understand the world both visible and invisible, and what we cherish. Waiting, giving, rejoicing, hoping, thanking, being present to one another, sharing, feasting, lighting candles and fires, and gathering together resonate throughout the world regardless of particular beliefs. Our hearts and minds turn to thoughts on gratitude, generosity, and love as we seek to become a kinder, gentler world. Wishing you Peace, Joy, and Light!

The first step to peace is to stand still in the light.

~ George Fox
George Fox joy Buy on Amazon

"Peace!" the angel announced. But peace is as much task as gift. Only if we become calm as earth, fluid as water, and blazing as fire will we able to rise to the task of peacemaking, and the air will stir with the rush of wings of angels arriving to help us. This is why I wish you that great inner stillness which alone allows us to speak, even today, without irony, of "peace on earth" and, without despair, to work for it.

~ Brother David Steindl-Rast, OSB, thanks to Toto Rendlen
David Steindl-Rast joy

The joy that compassion brings is one of the best-kept secrets of humanity . . . a secret known to only a very few people, a secret to be rediscovered over and over again.

~ Henri J.M. Nouwen
Henri J.M. Nouwen joy Buy on Amazon

My soul magnifies God.
Luke 1:46

What shall I do
with this quiet joy?
It calls forth the expanse
of my soul, calls
it forth to go singing
through the world...

calls it forth
to bear into this world
a place
where light will glisten
the edge of every wing
and blade of grass,
shine along every hair on every head,
gleam among the turnings of every wave,
the turning open of each life,
each human hand

~ excerpt from "Magnificat" by Christina Hutchin
Christina Hutchin joy Buy on Amazon

Perhaps the most important lesson of Ladakh has to do with happiness. Only after many years of peeling away layers of preconceptions did I begin to see the joy and laughter of the Ladakhis for what it really was: a genuine and unhindered appreciation of life itself. In Ladakh I have known a people who regard peace of mind and joie de vivre as their unquestioned birthright. I have seen that community and a close relationship to the land can enrich human life beyond all comparison with material wealth or technological sophistication.

~from ANCIENT FUTURES by Helena Norberg-Hodge
Helena Norberg-Hodge Ancient Futures joy Buy on Amazon

God bless to us our bread,
And give bread to all those who are hungry
And hunger for justice to those who are fed.
God bless to us our bread.

~lyrics to sung grace by John Bell
John Bell joy Buy on Amazon

I stretch out the ropes from spire to spire; garlands from window to window; golden chains from star to star, and I dance.

~ from LES ILLUMINATIONS by Arthur Rimbaud
Arthur Rimbaud Les Illuminations joy Buy on Amazon

From the deep well of silence, joy is
constantly bubbling up and flowing out.
Practice reveals that we are immersed in that joy.
Practice also reveals what is blocking the flow.

~ Gunilla Norris
Gunilla Norris joy Buy on Amazon

I was walking down the street in New York City one day, when I heard a woman's voice saying, "I was very sick all winter." Intrigued, I turned around and saw the woman handing a street person, sitting on the sidewalk, some money. She went on talking to him. "I had pneumonia, and every time I started to get better, I'd have a relapse. Now I am finally really getting better, and I just wanted to share the joy."

~ from THE FORCE OF KINDNESS by Sharon Salzberg
Sharon Salzberg The Force Of Kindness joy Buy on Amazon
Surrender to joy and experience light!
~ Nan Merrill (found in one of her notebooks)
Nan Merrill joy

Waiting tests our grit and faith, and anything else we have on the line. We activate every nerve in us to move, to do something—and then we wait. But if we wait a little longer with patience and endurance, we will know what to do. During this period, we can stir up the gifts that are in us, encourage ourselves to be strong and calm, to find a calm center in the midst of all the whirling debris around us. When we can wait with joy, it connects us to the right things, puts us in the right place to receive. Joy is not of the emotions but of the spirit, and it can bubble up and grow in our weakest moments.

~ from A CHEROKEE FEAST OF DAYS by Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Joyce Sequichie Hifler A Cherokee Feast Of Days joy Buy on Amazon

The words "wow" and "awe" are the same height and width, all w's and short vowels. They could dance together. Even when, maybe especially when, we don't cooperate, this energy—the breath, the glory, the goodness of God—is given.

~ from HELP, THANKS, WOW by Anne Lamott
Anne Lamott Help, Thanks, Wow joy Buy on Amazon

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

~ Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen joy Buy on Amazon

Any act of giving brings healing and joy.

~ Tom Bender
Tom Bender joy
The fragrance always remains on the hand that gives the rose.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi joy Buy on Amazon

November 2014 (Vol. XXVII, No. 10)

Dear Friends ~ As nature slows down and deepens into stillness, we too turn inward and settle into quiet contemplation. Moving from the practice of silence into the presence of Silence, one might ask: "Who or what are we listening for? And how does this inner journey heal the agonizing cries of the world in a time when there is so much to be done?" In a conference on protecting the Chesapeake Bay watershed, after much talk on strategies, Rabbi Nina Beth Carlin remarked, "We work WAY upstream—we work with the soul." Perhaps this inner journey of silence is also a kind of working "way upstream" in the watershed of life. A few snippets from an article on "Why Silence Amplifies the Spirit" caught my eye:

The restlessness of the human heart is ever absorbed in a longing that finds rest only in that which transcends all longing...I myself lie outside in the backyard at night, alone and in silence, as if waiting for a huge mountain to rise over the trees with the moon each evening. The mountain never appears. Nothing usually happens. But the sheer delight that's mine each night in that time of utterly thoughtless silence is hard to describe. How do we explain the deepest desires that we have? The very desire is what gives us pleasure, not just its gratification.

Belden C. Lane The Solace Of Fierce Landscapes silence Buy on Amazon

At first silence had seemed a deprivation, a symbol of an unwanted isolation. I had resented the solitude of my life and fought it. But gradually the enveloping quiet became a positive element, almost a presence...It seemed to hum, gently but melodiously, and to orchestrate the ideas that I was contending with, until they started to sing too, to vibrate, and reveal an unexpected resonance. After a time I found that I could almost listen to the silence, which had a dimension all of its own. I discovered that I felt at home and alive in the silence: it had become my teacher.

~from THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE by Karen Armstrong, thanks to Rodney J. Ferris
Karen Armstrong The Spiral Staircase silence Buy on Amazon

Silence is the language spoken by solitude. There is something awesome and breathtaking about real silence; it is numinous, pulling us out of self-containment and calling us toward the invisible. Spiritual seekers "home in" on silence as homing pigeons to their roost, because therein lies the language for personal communication with the sacred. Silence accompanies us into our innermost selves where we are present to the sacred. When word breaks into that kind of silence, there is communion.

~ from THE LANGUAGE OF SILENCE by Peter-Damian Belisle, thanks to Br. Xavier
Peter-Damian Belisle The Language Of Silence silence Buy on Amazon

I believe that God is in me
as the sun is in the colour and fragrance of a flower ~
the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my Silence.

~ Helen Keller, thanks to Liz Stewart
Helen Keller silence Buy on Amazon

Now is the moment for contemplatives. But what a vibrant presence we should have in the world, and in the depth of our silence. Not an escape, but a penetration to the very heart. That is what now I should like to understand and to make understood — and, most of all, to live. Respect for contemplative values in the world will not come because we preach about them, but because in our life of deep silence we are totally human.

~ from ABHISHIKTANANDA, ed. by James Stuart, thanks to S. Pascaline, OSB
James Stuart Abhishiktananda silence Buy on Amazon

We find our quiet minds as we sit still with our breath, as we make small jottings in our books, and as we practice silent waiting. Then one day, "the little ways" open into broad expanses.

~ from ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE by Marv and Nancy Hiles
Marv and Nancy Hiles All The Days Of My Life silence Buy on Amazon

Silence transforms one from a seeker of the Divine into a vessel of the Divine.

~ Geoffrey W Dennis
Geoffrey W Dennis silence Buy on Amazon

People remark that they feel "out of place," "out of sorts," "depressed," or "bored" when a true moment of quiet descends on them. This is how fundamentally exiled we are from the natural texture of our own silence. As modern people we don't know what to do with this great teacher of teachers. She can be an uncomfortable teacher and guide. Yet great power and healing wait in the folds of silence and solitude. Mirroring the creation of the universe, all great things have come forth from the ancient weave of silence.

~ from THE MIST-FILLED PATH by Frank MacEowen
Frank MacEowen The Mist-filled Path silence Buy on Amazon

Eternal God, since silence seems to be
the voice of holiness, the only language
you speak directly,
then I pray to be steeped in it
until I fear it less and welcome it
as an usher to grace,
a narrator of sacred mysteries;
until silence cease the fretful conversations
of my mind with too little else than itself;
until silence calm my heart to an ease,
convene my senses to an anchored focus,
hush my tongue to a chastened hold;
until I discern in the silence
an answer to that necessary question
which, for the very life of me,
it has not yet occurred to me to ask;
until I am stretched alive and deep
to its dimensions, and catch,
at last and ready,
your assuring wink at me. Amen.

~ from MY HEART IN MY MOUTH by Ted Loder, thanks to Kimberly Wuest
Ted Loder My Heart In My Mouth silence Buy on Amazon

Teach me the power and strength of silence
that I may go into the world
as still as a mouse
in the depths of my heart.

~ Mechtild of Magdeburg
Mechtild of Magdeburg silence Buy on Amazon

The louder our world today is, the deeper God seems to remain in silence. Silence is the language of eternity; noise passes.

~ Gertrud von Le Fort, thanks to Barb Yatsevich
Gertrud von Le Fort silence Buy on Amazon

October 2014 (Vol. XXVII, No. 9)

Dear friends — The season of Autumn calls forth gratitude for the gift of all that has grown and flourished before us, that we now reap and harvest and celebrate. The trees have accomplished their work of channeling sunlight into new growth and oxygen. Stripping leaves of greening chlorophyll allows dazzling oranges and crimsons and golden colors of joy to be revealed even as they approach the waning and falling cycle of their lives. And we honor those in the autumn of their days, elders who dazzle us with their open hearts and gentle ways and wise understanding of their power to act and also to let go. So too we remember those who have gone before us, ancestors whose lives and works still sustain us, whether we call this remembering the Day of the Dead or All Souls' Day.

Nothing escapes the Creator's cycle. Not plants, horses, trees, birds, or human beings. Each soul is a gust of God's breath unfolding in the great energy that surrounds us like an ever-moving stream. The goal is not to cheat death, but to live in the stream with a humility and aliveness that only acceptance of death can release...Thin and fragrant petals do not hide from the wind. They survive to die and break ground again. Even within one life, we shred and re-root. We break, bleed, and rearrange into yet another beautiful thing that learns how to reach. Resisting this process doubles our pain. Singing our way through, it is the source of wisdom and beauty.

~ from the BOOK OF AWAKENING by Mark Nepo
Mark Nepo The Book Of Awakening death Buy on Amazon

You cannot step twice into the same rivers, for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you.

~ Heraclitus of Ephesus
Heraclitus of Ephesus death Buy on Amazon

Change is a fundamental element of consciousness. It is what calls our attention, awakens it, stimulates our questions. We see the red coat in contrast to the white snow... Without change, our minds become dull and unaware.

~ Anodea Judith in WHEELS OF LIFE
Anodea Judith Wheels Of Life death Buy on Amazon

After the loss of so many of my loved ones, and coming so close to death myself on several occasions, I now see death as a new beginning to learning and to loving rather than a waste, a destruction, or a suffering hardly to be endured. So often we forget that life is a gift and loved ones are special gifts lent to us from on High, for a time. We unite with the spirit of our loved ones through prayer and silence. If we reach out to the Author of love and ask for help to live without selfishness and to deepen our awareness and our compassion towards all others, then we can emerge from a sea of grief, from the inevitability of tragedy and the losing of love. It is essential to learn to laugh and love again.

~ from THE VOICE OF SILENCE by Oonagh Shanley-Toffolo
Oonagh Shanley-Toffolo The Voice Of Silence death Buy on Amazon

There's a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn't change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it you can't get lost. Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die; and you suffer and get old. Nothing you do can stop time's unfolding. You don't ever let go of the thread.

~ William Stafford
William Stafford death Buy on Amazon
Life and death,
a twisted vine sharing a single root
A water bright green
stretching to top a twisted yellow
only to wither itself
as another green unfolds overheard.
One leaf atop another
yet under the next,
a vibrant tapestry of arcs and falls
all in the act of becoming.
Death is the passing of life.
And life
is the stringing together of so many
little passings.
~ Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro
Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro death Buy on Amazon

Nothing is inherently and invincibly young except spirit. And spirit can enter a human being perhaps better in the quiet of old age and dwell there more undisturbed than in the turmoil of adventure...

~ George Santayana
George Santayana death Buy on Amazon

Like a river flows life, strong and deep and filled with fast little eddies. Letting go is part of life's definition, and receiving is part of letting go. We could, in security or comfort, cling to each bend in the river, hold on to each boulder along the way. We could shackle ourselves with old conflicts, or bind ourselves with past loves, wanting always to linger in familiar scenes along the way. But the river flows on. And the God of the river sweeps into our view new mysteries and holy places to hold us for a moment, then to see us safely on our way.

~ Melvin Woodworth, thanks to Carl Ritz
Melvin Woodworth death

Enjoy the seasons of life... Each season of life is wonderful if you have learned the lessons of the season before. It is only when you go on with lessons unlearned that you wish for a return...

~ Peace Pilgrim
Peace Pilgrim death Buy on Amazon

Our life has not been an ascent
up one side of a mountain and down the other.
We did not reach a peak,
only to decline and die.
We have been as drops of water,
born in the ocean and sprinkled on the earth
in a gentle rain.
We became a spring,
and then a stream,
and finally a river flowing deeper and stronger,
nourishing all it touches
as it nears its home once again.

~ from THE SAGE'S TAO TE CHING by William Martin
William Martin The Sage's Tao Te Ching death Buy on Amazon

Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.

~ Eskimo proverb
Eskimo proverb death

All aspects of the universe are subject to constant change, continually moving in the direction of enlightenment. Change but provides the doorways through which all must travel to find true peace.

~ Meredith Lady Young in AGARTHA
Meredith Lady Young Agartha death Buy on Amazon

September 2014 (Vol. XXVII, No. 8)

In the aftermath of Robin Williams' death, I read a piece by a Buddhist practitioner* who pondered whether it might sometimes help to perceive depression as one of many layers of co-mingling life-states that ebb and flow within us. Not in any way meaning to negate the inexplicable, heart-wrenching reality of mental illness or medical and mental health workers' avenues of support toward healing, might there sometimes be another way to frame the experience of depression within a context that could offer insight and hope? Jesus faced Gethsemane, the psalmist cries out from the soul's depths, and poets and spiritual leaders draw from desert and wilderness times to understand themselves and the world. Given that many wisdom paths speak of the "dark night of the soul" or befriending the dark or learning what our shadow side has to teach, what insights and hope can our faith traditions offer?

Looking at me in the gentlest manner, the hermit said, "You are afraid, aren't you? You don't need to be afraid." His power lay in that he had no power. He merely looked deeply into my soul.

A tension broke within me, and much to my horror I began to weep. The tears quietly drained the hurt and terror from me and replaced it with peace.

"We are all deaf. The way of emptiness teaches us to hear...One day you will know that the emptiness is your friend."

~ from STRANGERS AND SOJOURNERS by Michael D. O'Brien
Michael D. O'Brien Strangers And Sojourners darkness Buy on Amazon

The emptiness of the dark night is a yielding emptiness that gives way to the fullness of all possibility... If all your spiritual activities have grown empty and you are compelled to walk away, tie yourself to one practice only: contemplative silence. Abandon discursive prayer if it has become mechanical and meaningless. Let go of holy images if they no longer evoke the sacred. Refrain from spiritual discourse if it tastes like idle gossip in your mouth. But do not turn away from the silence.

~ from DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL by Mirabai Starr, translated by Fr. Iain Matthew
Marabai Starr Dark Night Of The Soul darkness Buy on Amazon

(In my sleep I dreamed this poem)

Someone I loved once gave me
a box full of darkness.

It took me years to understand
that this, too, was a gift.

~ Mary Oliver
Mary Oliver darkness Buy on Amazon

The rooting (of trees, of our selves) is as important and as necessary as the rising. We have the opportunity to sink roots into soul and rise up with branches in heaven...

Our spiritual growth is meant to go in both directions, toward the fertile darkness and the glorious light, each of us having the opportunity to bridge earth and heaven—the underworld and the upperworld—through the trunks of our middleworld lives....

There's no conflict between spirit-centered being and soulful doing, between transcendence and inscendence. Each supports and enhances the other. Like Rilke, we discover we can have both:

You see, I want a lot
Maybe I want it all;
The darkness of each endless fall,
The shimmering light of each ascent.

~ from SOULCRAFT by Bill Plotkin
Bill Plotkin Soul Craft darkness Buy on Amazon

"Sit quietly and contemplate," said the Lama. "Get to know your anger, your fear, all your emotions. Dissect them and speak with them. Accept yourself and know every part of your own being. To understand oneself is to have compassion for everything."

~ from TRIBE OF WOMEN by Connie Bickman
Connie Bickman Tribe Of Women darkness Buy on Amazon

Trust yourself in the deep, unchartered waters. When there is a storm, it is safer on the open sea.

~ Howard Thurman
Howard Thurman darkness Buy on Amazon

The dark night of the soul refers to an extended period of acute purification that a spiritual practitioner undergoes immediately before making the final transition to deep spiritual awakening. It emphasizes purification and the act of letting go of what no longer serves after many lesser trials have been navigated.

~ from "Stepping into the Fire" by Chris Bache in IONS REVIEW, Mar-May 2002
Chris Bache Ions Review darkness

"Will you abandon me forever, and
leave me comfortless in my distress?
Where is your steadfast Love that
made my soul to sing?
Are your promises empty,
that I feel so alone?"

The Power of your Love seems
too much for us;
Your Light unveils the secrets
hidden in our heart;
Can You wonder that we tremble?

Yet, You stand beside us as we walk
through our fears to
the path of wholeness and love,
though our footsteps are unsure.

~ excerpt from Psalm 77 in PSALMS FOR PRAYING, Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill Psalms For Praying darkness Buy on Amazon

The spiritual function of fierce terrain (in the apophatic tradition) is to bring us to the end of ourselves, to the abandonment of language and the relinquishment of ego. A vast expanse of jagged stone, desert sand, and towering thunderheads has a way of challenging all the mental constructs in which we are tempted to take comfort and pride, thinking we have captured the divine. The things that ignore us save us in the end.

Belden Lane The Solace Of Fierce Landscapes darkness Buy on Amazon

The ancient mystery of the "sun at midnight," symbolizes the spiritual light that lies hidden within the dark. The Celts knew that light emerges out of darkness and so their days began at dusk, as if the sun was seeded in the black earth of night.

~ "Tir na Sorcha" by Mara Freeman in Parabola, May 2001
Mara Freeman Tir Na Sorcha darkness

I had done everything I knew how to do to draw as near to the heart of God as I could only to find myself out of gas on a lonely road, filled with bitterness and self-pity. To suppose that I had ended up in such a place by the grace of God required a significant leap of faith. If I could open my hands, then all that fell from them might flower on the way down. If I could let myself fall, then I too might land in a fertile place.

~ Barbara Brown Taylor
Barbara Brown Taylor darkness Buy on Amazon

Don't surrender your loneliness
So quickly.
Let it cut more deep.

Let it ferment and season you
As few human
Or even divine ingredients can.

Something missing in my heart tonight
Has made my eyes so soft,
My voice
So tender,

My need of God

~ Hafiz
Hafiz darkness Buy on Amazon

I am the one whose praise
echoes on high...
I call forth tears,
the aroma of holy work.
I am the yearning for the good.

~ Hildegarde of Bingen
Hildegarde of Bingen darkness Buy on Amazon

I saw that there was an ocean
of darkness and death,
But an infinite ocean of light
and love flowed over the ocean
of darkness.

~ George Fox
George Fox darkness Buy on Amazon

If you are in the dark, it does not mean that you have failed and that you have taken some terrible misstep. For many years I thought my questions and my doubt and my sense of God's absence were all signs of my lack of faith, but now I know this is the way the life of the spirit goes.

~ Barbara Brown Taylor
Barbara Brown Taylor darkness Buy on Amazon

July-August 2014 (Vol. XXVII, No. 7)

Happy summer, dear friends! The philosopher Martin Buber spoke of two ways to engage with the world. He said that modern society emphasizes and values the "I-it" way where every creature, including other humans and even the earth itself, is an object or collection of qualities and quantities to be experienced, sought, known, and put to some purpose. To frame relationships instead in terms of I and thou means to move from experience to encounter. Beyond language, beyond theology or science, beyond answers is the sacred space where I and thou might meet. Perhaps it is in shaping our relationships into encounters with mystery rather than understanding them as something tangible for us to grasp, that we may discover ourselves in the presence of the eternal Thou.

We imagine the Divine as distant and inaccessible, whereas in fact we live steeped in its burning layers.
~ Teilhard de Chardin
Teilhard de Chardin mystery Buy on Amazon

Just as we cannot leave contemplation to contemplatives, we cannot leave mysticism to mystics. It would mean cutting off the roots of human life. By putting mystics on a pedestal in our mind, high, out of reach, we don’t do justice to them, nor to ourselves either. Paraphrasing what Ruskin said about being an artist, we could say: A mystic is not a special kind of human being; rather, every human being is a special kind of mystic. I might just as well rise to this challenge and become that unique, irreplaceable mystic that only I can become. There never was and never will be anyone exactly like me. If I fail to experience God in my own unique way, that experience will forever remain in the shadow of possibility. But if I do, I will know life by the divine life within me.

~ from GRATEFULNESS, THE HEART OF PRAYER by Br. David Steindl-Rast
David Steindl-Rast Gratefulness: The Heart Of Prayer mystery Buy on Amazon

...real Wisdom can be given and received only in a state of presence...Presence is the straight and narrow gate through which one passes to Wisdom.

~ ~ from WISDOM WAY OF KNOWING by Cynthia Bourgeault
Cynthia Bourgeault Wisdom Way Of Knowing mystery Buy on Amazon

Seekers are people of faith even if they do not belong to a particular religion. Faith in this sense is deeper than one’s belief system. Belief systems belong to the level of pluralism; faith to the level of unity. Faith is constitutive of human nature itself. It is openness to Ultimate Mystery before it is broken down into various belief systems. It is the acceptance of authentic living with all its creativity and the acceptance of dying with its potential for a greater fullness of life.

~ from SEEKERS OF ULTIMATE MYSTERY by Thomas Keating
Thomas Keating Seekers Of Ultimate Mystery mystery Buy on Amazon

Sometimes, when a bird cries out,
Or the wind sweeps through a tree,
Or a dog howls in a far off farm,
I hold still and listen a long time.

My soul turns and goes back to the place
Where, a thousand forgotten years ago,
The bird and the blowing wind
Were like me, were my brothers and sisters.

My soul turns into a tree...

~ Herman Hesse
Herman Hesse mystery Buy on Amazon

Faith is not about understanding the ways of God. It is not about maneuvering God into a position of human subjugation, making a God who is a benign deity who exists to see life as we do. Faith, in fact, is not about understanding at all. It is about awe in the face of the God of all. And it is awe that inspires an alleluia to the human soul.

Faith is about reverencing precisely what we do not understand—the mystery of the Life Force that generates life for us all. It is about grounding ourselves in a universe so intelligent, so logical, so clearly loving that only a God in love with life could possibly account for it completely.

~ from UNCOMMON GRATITUDE by Joan Chittister
Joan Chittister Uncommon Gratitude mystery Buy on Amazon

The Infinite Voice speaks out in many voices—or It isn’t Infinite.

~ Arthur Waskow
Arthur Waskow mystery Buy on Amazon

Where is God in this picture? God is all over the place. God is up there, down here, inside my skin and out. God is the web, the energy, the space, the light—not captured in them, as if those concepts were more real than what unites them—but revealed in that singular, vast net of relationship that animates everything there is.

~ from THE LUMINOUS WEB by Barbara Brown Taylor
Barbara Brown Taylor The Luminous Web mystery Buy on Amazon

Within us and around us there is an invisible world; this is where each of us comes from... When you cross over from the invisible into this physical world, you bring with you a sense of belonging to the invisible that you can never lose or finally cancel... When you enter the world, you come to live on the threshold between the visible and the invisible... Because the invisible cannot be seen or glimpsed with the human eye, it belongs largely to the unknown. Still there are occasional moments when the invisible seems to become faintly perceptible... Now you belong fully neither to the visible nor to the invisible. This is precisely what kindles and rekindles all your longing and your hunger to belong. You are both artist and pilgrim of the threshold.

~ from ETERNAL ECHOES by John O'Donohue
John O'Donohue Eternal Echoes mystery Buy on Amazon

Not WHAT I am but THAT I am,
not WHAT God is but THAT God is.

~ from THE CLOUD OF UNKNOWING, anonymous
Anonymous The Cloud Of Unknown mystery Buy on Amazon

Speaking of spirituality, a Sufi master once said, "A river passes through many countries, and each claims it for its own. But there is only one river."

David N. Elkins Beyond Religion mystery Buy on Amazon

June 2014 (Vol. XXVII, No. 6)

Greetings, dear friends! When pollen bursts forth into the air, it is the asthma sufferers who know to count each breath a blessing. Most of us take breathing for granted; yet that rhythmic exchange means life. If we allow the gentle ebb and flow to seep back into our consciousness, it can become an awakening to the inner self, a nudge toward soul work. The Latin word spiritus, meaning "breath of life," is the root of the word spirituality. Just as breathing in and out connects us with the world around us, so too does it connect us with the source of our being and draw us toward the life within. May the giver of that sustaining light breathe new life in each of us.

Breathe deeply amidst the beauties of nature;
absorb vibrations unsullied by
pollution and cosmopolitan ways...
As you breathe in silence,
your ear attunes to Spirit.
You will understand the eagle.
Breathe deeply! Breathe life!

~ from LUMEN CHRISTI...HOLY WISDOM by Nan Merrill
Nan Merrill Lumen Christi . . . Holy Wisdom breath Buy on Amazon

God is dynamically present in every breath and heartbeat. In each breath we draw, the Spirit gives life. Learning to reclaim the deep, nourishing breaths of infancy is part of basic training not only in health and movement classes, but in prayer and meditation practices around the world. The deep, full breathing required to sing may well have similar importance in praying well: nothing reminds us more literally than inbreathing and outbreathing that we continually receive life and must continually release what we have received in order to receive again.

~ Marilyn Chandler McEntyre in Weavings Jan/Feb, '03.
Marilyn Chandler McEntyre Weavings breath

Regards to the day, the great long day
That can't be hoarded, good or ill.
What breathes in us likely means us well.
We rise up from an earthly root
To seek the blossom of the heart.
What breathes in us likely means us well.
We are a voice impelled to tell
Where the joining of sound and silence is.
We are the tides and their witnesses.
What breathes in us likely means us well.

~ from WHAT BREATHES IN US by Kimberly Snow
Kimberly Snow What Breathes In Us breath

The first thing we did when we incarnated was inhale the breath of life. Enlightenment is that gap between inhale and exhale where we become so aware. Be where you have nothing to do…in the inner silence that takes us into deep inner wisdom. When we focus deep within, we allow our inner power to come forth — the great wisdom we carry at our depths and the knowledge of what is our own unique contribution to humanity. Then, being mindful of our breath takes us into the outer world with more awareness.

H. H. Sai Maa Grandmothers Counsel The World breath Buy on Amazon

Breath animates the clay of our being. It is the lusty cry of the newborn, and the essence of wind, spirit, muse, sound...Everything "breathes." Think of the woods on a spring day, the sussuration of leaves, the rippling grasses, the trembling of dappled light.

~ from THE BOOK OF SYMBOLS, Ami Ronnberg & Kathleen Martin, eds
Ami Ronnberg, Kathleen Martin The Book Of Symbols breath Buy on Amazon

All is contained in the Divine Breath
Like the day in the morning's dawn.

~ Ibn al-Arabi
Ibn al-Arabi breath Buy on Amazon

Every breath is a sacrament, an affirmation of our connection with all other living things, a renewal of our link with our ancestors and a contribution to generations yet to come. Our breath is a part of life's breath, the ocean of air that envelopes the earth.

David Suzuki The Sacred Balance breath Buy on Amazon

Breath is crucial for life. Physical respiration goes on as a largely unconscious process as the body exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide to power the activities of every cell in our bodies. Deliberate deep breathing will ensure that we take in enough oxygen and can calm feelings of breathlessness or fear. Conscious breathing used as part of a spiritual practice focuses the mind's attention and helps relieve stress on our bodies.

~ from NAVIGATING THE TIDES OF CHANGE by David La Chapelle
David La Chapelle Navigating The Tides Of Change breath Buy on Amazon

Meditation is when it is clear to you that God is closer to you than your own breath.

~ Reb Shlomo Carlebach
Reb Shlomo Carlebach breath Buy on Amazon

Every breath we draw is a gift…every moment of existence is a grace.

~ Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton breath Buy on Amazon

I am the Breath inside the breath.

~ Kabir
Kabir breath Buy on Amazon

O Beloved,
your way of knowing is amazing!
The way you recognize every creature
even before it appears.
The way you gaze into the face
of every human being
and see all your works gazing back at you.
O what a miracle
to be awake inside your breathing.

~ from SYMPHONIA by Hildegard of Bingen
Hildegard of Bingen Symphonia breath Buy on Amazon

Sow in me your living breath,
As you sow a seed in the earth.

~ Kadya Molodowsky
Kadya Molodowsky breath Buy on Amazon

Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.

~ Arundhati Roy
Arundhati Roy breath Buy on Amazon

April 2014 (Vol. XXVII, No. 4)

Greetings, dear friends! As creatures emerge from dens and frozen ponds and seedlings poke up toward the light from deep layers of earth so we, too, emerge from winter grateful for life and breath and the gift of movement. Is it joy that makes us dance or dancing that brings us in touch with joy? Sufi whirlers recognize that all life is turnings and revolutions—electrons spinning around nuclei, blood cycling round from heart to limb and back again, planets orbiting, wind and wave whirling. They dance the narrative of spiritual journey, reaching beyond ego toward divine love and channeling that love out into the world. Children naturally live out their feelings and thoughts and explorations of the world through their bodies. Many spiritual traditions connect meditation with movement, posture with prayer, and body with mind and heart. However you express gratitude for being alive, embrace it with your whole being.

Dance is meditation in movement, a walking into silence where every movement becomes prayer.

~ Bernhard Wosien
Bernhard Wosien dance Buy on Amazon

Joy, love and compassion are essential ingredients in spiritual growth. We are enriched by their nurturing, and our world is enriched by their actualization. Profound joy is a celebration of our vision of connectedness, a vision that dissolves division and the myth of separation. We must let our hearts dance and rejoice with love and compassion and yearn wholeheartedly for oneness and wholeness.

~ Christina Feldman
Christina Feldman dance Buy on Amazon

I see dance being used as communication between body and soul to express what is too deep to find words.

~ Ruth St. Denis
Ruth St. Denis dance Buy on Amazon

Our life is shorter than flowers.
Then shall we mourn?
No, we shall dance
Plant gardens
Dress in colors
And teach our children
To make the world more beautiful.
Because our life
Is shorter than flowers.

~ from the Toltec Culture
Toltec Culture dance

One sound seldom heard on a prison yard is the sound of someone singing. Yet, unmistakably, I heard the joyful voice of my inmate friend, Ed, singing in the dormitory shower. It was positively liberating to hear him sing, totally immersed in the music.

Having no material goods, no family, and serious health problems, Ed confided that he has no reason whatsoever to be happy and sing like that. He said, "I have a happy spirit and it's just natural to sing and dance."

Nothing is more commendable than to live lyrically, to make our lives a continuous song of experience...To let go into the music, to dance, to spin and sway as the sounds resound in your bones, to feel your feet grow lighthearted as they sweep you along to the rhythm of the music, is to touch into the harmonies of the soul.

~ Charles "Tom" Brown
Charles dance

Dance is the hidden language of the soul.

~ Martha Graham
Martha Graham dance Buy on Amazon

The first thing that must change is that in me which insists upon the smaller view of myself and tries to make that permanent... I watch my personality from the reality behind it. In that moment I am no longer identified with ego. Spirit begins to emerge and know itself. The dance changes! I no longer dance to become worthy or prove my value. I do not dance to measure up or earn that which has belonged to me all along. I dance because I dance.

~ from A NEW SET OF EYES by Paula D'Arcy
Paula D'Arcy A New Set Of Eyes dance Buy on Amazon

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

~ Vivian Greene
Vivian Greene dance Buy on Amazon

We laugh together like we never have before. Her face radiates pure joy. She's a good little dancer, music in her blood...maybe a word from God. She's so happy and strong , despite her world crumbling around her, that I can only gaze in awe. She leaps into the air, giving shape to the music that reposes in all matter, just waiting to be released. She liberates the music and, in her innocence, cannot know what she has done and thereby is all the stronger. Is God speaking to this tired old heart? Is God saying, "Look — don't you get it? She's as marvelous as a galaxy. You have nothing to fear. If I can call her into being, there's nothing I can't do. Now dance. Dance!"

~ from PLAGUE JOURNAL by Michael D. O'Brien
Michael D. O'Brien Plague Journal dance Buy on Amazon

Do you have a body? Don't sit on the porch! Go out and walk in the rain!

~ Kabir
Kabir dance Buy on Amazon

All my life through, the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child. And children know what we adults often forget, that is—our bodies are made to move, to "embody" our joy, to keep us in touch with our own breath and pulse, and to make us feel alive.

~ Marie Curie
Marie Curie dance Buy on Amazon

To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.

~ Hopi Indian Saying
Hopi Indian Saying dance

I carve cathedrals
with the sweep of my arms
I turn whirlwinds of change
I center and ground
deep bend to the earth
recenter and move
scooping sorrow like birds
each motion rebalancing somehow
earth and sky
self and divine
sacred love and sacred growth
temple dancer's work
spinning the world into balance
exhausted heap I fall

~ Hilary Heartisan
Hilary Heartisan dance

And Joy is Everywhere;
It is in the Earth's green covering of grass,
In the blue serenity of the sky.

~ Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore dance Buy on Amazon

I said to my soul, be still, and wait... In the darkness shall be the light And the stillness the dancing.

~ T. S. Eliot
T. S. Eliot dance Buy on Amazon
