\GREETINGS and BLESSINGS be with you, friends, in this season of seed-sowing! ... a reminder to ask ourselves how we are cultivating the inner soil of our hearts to prepare for renewal and new growth.
SPRING GREETINGS, friends. May blessings of life and love, healing and beauty, grace you lives ... may harmony flow that flowers may unfold and blossom within your inner beings! For "the currents of life in humanity and nature are always in accord unless humanity disturbs the harmony." (C. Heline)

MAY JOY BE WITH YOU, friends, as we move from the dark days of winter toward the spring-light! Even in joy, we know that:

BLESSINGS BE WITH YOU, dear friends! And may all your visions be of and through Love ...
Greetings and blessings, friends! May PEACE BE WITH YOU in this season of quiet dormancy, this season of awaiting new growth in a new year. For, as we:

BLESSINGS and ALL GOOD WISHES, dear friends! May each one of us radiate from the silence the gifts of wisdom, love, goodness, light and joy. May we recognize that in this, the busiest and noisiest of seasons, we are invited to ever deepening times of silence and solitude to ponder the Mystery of Love born anew in our hearts.

GREETINGS, friends ... May the blessings of inner peace, quiet joy, wonder and gratitude abound in each of your lives! And let us pray that these blessings radiate out to wherever they are most needed.

GREETINGS and BLESSINGS be yours, friends! As leave fall to the earth and surrender to the soil, may we, too, move our attention from the outer world to the Inner Being. As we move toward a season of stillness, may our path be straight, returning to the Source. Listen. The stillness calls to you.

May the blessings of inner peace and quiet joy be with each of you as we move toward the autumn season!

GREETINGS AND BLESSINGS be with you all!  Summer: may each one of us find plenty of time and space for leisure and recreation.

BLESSINGS, friends! May the bird song of Spring awaken melodies of soul song within your hearts.
May, the BLESSINGS OF PEACE be with you, friends!

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

May BLESSINGS and NEW LIFE come to you as the light begins to penetrate the dark days of winter ... hints of spring can be seen, heard and felt throughout the land ... promise of renewal and rebirth are with us.
BLESSINGS BE WITH YOU in the words of Mechtild of Magdeburg:
GREETINGS and BLESSINGS to you in this new year ... a good time to reflect on where we have been in our hearts and the road we would aim to travel in these coming months ... and, perhaps, the time for a new prayer of the heart.

BLESSINGS of joy and peace! May the Promise of this season find a home in your heart!

GREETINGS, dear friends, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Yes, next month will celebrate five years of this little newsletter being sent out to an ever-growing number of Friends of Silence: from one small contemplative community in the inner city of Detroit to many around the world ... from a few issues being distributed to almost 2700 sent out each month, including a number of Braille copies now available thanks to a friend of silence in prison with a ministry to the blind. Continued gratitude to each one of you who take time in the silence to become a radiation of peace, joy and love for the world!
AUTUMN GREETINGS! Now is the time of the harvest. As the trees burst forth in glory, as the earth yields the fruits of spring promise and summer growth, we are reminded to reflect on the changes that occur in our lives in due season. Wise are those who, like Meister Eckhart, acknowledge and reverence the need for silence and solitude. For,

May the BLESSINGS of inner peace and quiet joy be with you! And may times of silence and solitude invite you to smell the roses ... to listen to the breeze-sound ... to really see the changing seasons. And, as you slow down long enough to quiet the inner voices, you may begin to sense the great beauty of all that has been given for you to share.

BLESSINGS TO ALL! Gentle days of summer lend themselves to basking in the Presence, to taking quiet moments of just being and listening. For,
BLESSINGS and PEACE be with you all! And an invitation to pause in your day and listen to the melodies your heart sings. For,
GREETINGS and BLESSINGS be with you, friends! Is your soul awakening to new life as you listen and attend the greening, budding and birthing of a new season? O, that we might slow down for moments each day to attune ourselves and listen! For,
Ah, friends, Spring has come once again! BLESSINGS and PEACE be with you! As our thoughts begin to turn toward gardening and enjoying the new life coming to birth around us, we are invited to spend time in our own cloister garden of the heart. For,
BLESSINGS be with you, friends, in this season that calls us to look within as we take time in silence and solitude.

Love be with you, friends!

BLESSINGS, dear friends, as we begin the fifth year of this monthly offering. Friends of Silence started as an inner-city contemplative community of individuals committed to pray in the Silence. Linked to a growing number of groups and individuals around the globe, we open our hearts to radiate love as one response to the violence, injustice and confusion in the world today. The outward, visible results of our silence are often difficult to discern or define. Yet, by faith, we continue to meet together in the solitude of our homes to pray in the Silence -- and, to experience the inward fruits of the Spirit at work in us ... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, gratitude ... May your own Silence of the inner being offer blessing, harmony and balance to Love's Creation in this new year!

BLESSINGS to all Friends of Silence this holyday season! ... a time for re-connecting to the Child within that leads us to our gifts ... our creativity ... our inner being where innocence, compassion and spontaneity dwell.

BLESSINGS of peace, joy and gratitude be with you! How do we return to the Giver of Life the abundance of blessing we receive? Only in the Silence, where the Beloved abides, will the deep response be given. And so, we give thanks as we befriend the Silence, that out of the Silence the words we speak will reveal the Word.
BLESSINGS and Peace be with you!
